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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I honestly didn't enjoy much of this film, the family of the girl always seem to use the fact James family are rich against them despite James family being nothing but courteous towards them, James and the girl I've honestly forgotten her name, have no chemistry at all and her behaviour does not warrant a happy ending, he would've been better off with his long term friend Bea.there were humorous moments mainly with the drinking session and the grandads but they were few and far between, I had hoped this would be one I'd rewatch every Christmas but I can honestly say it's also going to stop me watching the first film again too, unnecessarily made sequel in my eyes.
  • This is a paint-by-numbers sitcom mega-episode, but it's an entertaining sequel nonetheless. The story is based on a muddle of fortunes between stereotypical class groups that often feels awkward, yet is sometimes unabashedly honest. It has many cringeworthy moments, and there are some genuine laughs too. Some characters are massively underwritten, but it really doesn't matter. Take it for what it is, which is light entertainment at its most enthusiastic, and much better than most of the crap the American studios are passing off as comedy these days. If only the Krampus guy (from The Counterfeiters) had more screen time!
  • Good, solid, warm, family Christmas entertainment. Enjoyed the first one, saw they made a sequel and enjoyed it just as much.

    Asa Butterfield, Cora Kirk and Daniel Mays were excellent.

    Read some of the one star reviews which is a bit of a shame because it is just a bit of Christmas fun which doesn't take itself too seriously. I see many people calling it formulaic but let's be honest, we all (or many of us) like the standard RomCom formula.

    Highly recommend if you fancy a new Christmas film. Ok, it's not Home Alone or the Griswalds but it's pretty decent, great locations and good solid fun. Here's to a third installment.
  • This is a real family Christmas film and has a comedy heart. It is formulaic but there are notable comedic performances by Daniel Mays and Jane Krakowski and the locations are fantastic. Having been to the Tyrolean region, the production team really captured the ethos of the place and it felt authentic. Asa Butterfield's performance however is slightly lacking and overshadowed, I found the pacing of the film to be odd too. It is set over 2 days predominately and yet so much happens. It would have benefitted from being a week for example to show more realistic development. It is up there with other ski themed films like chalet girl so if you're reminiscing of the alps it may be the film for you.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Everything about this film is great except for the script.

    The movie was way too predictable it was painful. The good old ring switch up, the good old getting interrupted just before the main character needs to say something important, the good old getting caught in a compromising position when you are totally innocent.

    The jokes were not frequent or funny enough. Is this not a comedy?

    And let's be honest when James ran into his old 'friend' growing up, it seems like they had better chemistry then with his girlfriend. Like James, what's wrong with your old friend LOL. At least she is friendly and doesn't rush to conclusions.

    And yea as others have said the stereotyping is obnoxious. Both in terms of the poor and rich family. With a better script and dialogue this film could have been a real gem.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Imagine the movie tagline... "Two families, forced together; one group are elitist snobs who believe they're better and more virtuous than anyone else, the other group welcome their makeshift family into their lives without reservation, judgement or animosity for the holidays, but together they'll learn the true value of Christmas together."

    From that, you would expect the old "rich snobs Vs down-to-earth hard-working/poor family" trope, but in this case they've flipped how the families act. That itself could have been an interesting concept, but in the usual examples, the 'rich' family learn the error of their ways, and learn to enjoy Christmas with the normal/everyday/poor family. In this version, the everyday family act like spoilt brats and elitist snobs, and we're still expected to side with them and like them.

    The first film wasn't great, but it was a bit of silly festive fun. This sequel is, honestly, quite awful. There are a few relatively amusing scenes that could have aided toward a better movie, which is why I'm not giving it one star, but they are few and far between. It's also reasonably acted and produced (for this kind of movie).

    James (Asa Butterfield) and Hayley (Cora Kirk), are the archetypal "rich lad from, aristocratic family" and "poor girl from peasant stock", who's families collide in a mishmash of preconceptions and stereotypes. It kind of worked in the first film, but it was aided by the two leads spending the film apart, because you didn't get the chance to feel the lack of chemistry that comes over in this lacklustre sequel.

    But... On to the 'good' stuff... The main story revolves around Hayley getting the wrong end of the stick, and thinking James is going to propose. During this initial setup, she and her family enjoy a luxurious stay in a five star hotel, taking advantage of the clothes and food, whilst James' family end up in a hovel that that was meant for Hayley's family (all because they were unwilling to accept the generosity of James' family - in addition, the location is too absurd even for the 'rich/poor' contrast of the story). Bear in mind, though, Hayley's family are more than willing to take FULL advantage of the luxury during the accidental switch.

    Later, when James discovers Hayley's mistaken assumption, he decides (albeit drunkenly) to propose anyway, because he had wanted to and only held back by her earlier request. In typical "oh no! I can see what's coming!" fashion, he practices his sincere proposal with an old friend. Hayley of course witnesses this for the sake of drama, then acts like the most spoilt brat possible...

    For starters, James had not seen his friend in years, so would not have been making a genuine proposal to her at this point, and Hayley knew that. In addition, she has also discovered James has an incredible opportunity to go to film school abroad and she acts all put-out, as if he had not been willing to tell her, and acting as if it was a personal slight against her, because, despite his offer to take her with him, she's "not a charity case and can't afford to be in his world." Bear in mind, at this point James had only learnt about his opportunity the day before, and had clearly been trying to find a chance to tell her about it during the day... So he gets his good fortune thrown back in his face and expected to feel guilty, as if it's a personal insult to Hayley. She moans about how she would always be the odd-one-out in his world, despite being welcomed into his family with open arms. So, who is the one with the issues there?

    Simultaneously, Hayley's family throw James' family's generosity back in their faces and act all insulted by it, as if they had been dragged kicking and screaming to this glorious holiday in the snowy Alps, when they REALLY just wanted to be home for Christmas (in Macclesfield). Remember, they had been perfectly willing to revel in every moment of luxury till this point... At the other family's expense, who had welcomed them with open arms and were totally willing to pay for everything. The worst they could be accused of is the father's American girlfriend being a little egotistical. She wasn't even nasty or horrible to them! Quite the opposite, she welcomed them and spent time with them and eventually had fun with them, despite their boorish behaviour.

    Then, after many protestations to make the "rich" family feel guilty, Hayley's family decide to fly home (on Christmas day, no less...). James does the expected thing of stopping the plane to apologise for doing nothing wrong, and then the families all spend a 'happy' Christmas together again. Hayley's family are willing to accept the generosity of James's family once more, of course (because it's convenient), despite still moaning that "Christmas should be at home."

    James' father's American girlfriend is even expected to apologise for implying the ungrateful, elitist snobs should have shown a little gratitude earlier, after acting like spoilt brats!

    Overall, it ends up being an unsatisfying tale, because you feel James almost made a lucky escape from the snobs who looked down their noses at he and his family but, instead, the fool chases after the ungrateful girl anyway, who then condescends to give him a 'second chance'...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I didn't know this was a sequel until a few minutes into it when I did a quick rewind. Then I saw the '2' tagged on to the title. Since I was in holiday watching mode with my wife, we decided to stay the course and view the entire thing. I can't say it was all that bad, but the story didn't do anything for me other than bring back to mind an Alpine vacation taken back in 1977 right after getting married. Our tour took us within visual distance of the massive ski jump at Innsbruck, Austria during the 1964 Olympic games. I was looking for it here but it didn't show up. The story has two disparate families taking a holiday vacation, one rich and one of moderate means, while getting their hotel destinations mixed up with each arriving at the other's accommodations. If it sounds like a TV sitcom, that's about the way it played out. You could say both families had their embarrassing members, with each of the main characters involved in a relationship that gets challenged during the story. Of course it all gets worked out for the desired and expected happy ending, even though I didn't really see any real chemistry between James (Asa Butterfield) and Hayley (Cora Kirk). Not to spoil things for potential viewers, this was an OK film but there are much better Christmas movies out there. If you tune in, you might spend the whole movie trying to figure out if the Hughes grandfather is Willie Nelson or not.
  • Despite the mixed reviews for the first 'Your Place or Mine' film, I actually quite enjoyed it. A little corny, and a little cliché at times, but that's what Christmas films are for. I also managed to find the first one funny and emotional at times.

    This sequel, however, has ruined any fondness of the first film that I previously had.

    The likeable female lead character, Hayley, from the first film becomes insufferable in this film, boiled down to a naïve character who does nothing but complain throughout the film, jumping to conclusions and offering not much else.

    Asa Butterfield's character doesn't offer much else, although a weak script and lack of real storyline may be at fault here.

    Character arcs from the first film, like the one with James' father, are also completely negated in this film.

    The family of Hayley also come across as exceptionally ungrateful in this film, and frankly rude. A likeable family and the "hero's" of the first film become the villains of this film, with Daniel May's character leading the charge as possibly one of the most unlikeable character's I've had on my screen this year.

    Not a sequel we needed, I'd urge anyone who watched and enjoyed the first film to not bother watching this one.
  • r96sk17 December 2023
    It has an issue or two, but for the majority: a good watch.

    'Your Christmas or Mine 2' doesn't improve upon its predecessor, it is compartively much weaker, but there are still some amusing moments in there, as well as a solid amount of festive vibes. The change of scenary concerned me early on in terms of how the film would turn out, but turn out well it does in fairness.

    Cast-wise it's pleasant, those onscreen are the movie's best feature in my opinion. Asa Butterfield and Cora Kirk are a suitable pairing, I mentioned in my review of the original that they didn't appear much together due to the plot but that isn't the case for the most part here.

    Those in support are swell, including Daniel Mays, Angela Griffin and David Bradley. Ram John Holder doesn't have much to do, though does have a very nice scene with Kirk late on. Jane Krakowski, meanwhile, is a positive addition.

    One, somewhat minor, issue I did have is the overdramatized plot device near the end. It goes from an overally happy story to all of a sudden becoming a soap opera, as the characters of Butterfield and Kirk hit major drama. It's so over the top, the film doesn't earn the sort of emotional beat that it was trying to portray. It didn't hit, but thankfully wraps up sharpish-ish.

    That aside, it's a film I'd recommend - especially if you like the first flick, obvs.
  • antide-4237616 December 2023
    I didn't care much for the first 'Your Christmas Or Mine?' so was surprised to see there was a follow up. This is quite poor with dodgy acting and a stupid, and I do mean stupid, storyline. As if Geoff would have booked them in to somewhere so awful in the first place. Oh wait, the posh family has gone there by mistake. Lazy, lazy writing and not convincing at all. It is at this stage that I have admit that I bailed out on this about half way through as it was doing my head in.

    I know it's a feelgood Christmas movie but this feels contrived, desperate and in the end it's just plain annoying. Give it a wide berth.
  • I really enjoyed the first movie and this sequel is even more fun. A young British couple and their very different families spend Christmas in a ski ressort in the Austrian Alps and chaos ensues. The mountain setting in Tyrol is beautiful and it´s a hilarious feel-good movie that doesn´t take itself too seriously. And neither should you if you decide to watch it, it´s not an Odcar contender, just a good-natured Christmas movie for the whole family. I think it doesn´t deserve the 1-star ratings and I had a blast watching it, that´s why I´m writing this review. I liked that they also cast some Austrian actors instead of Brits or Americans imitating the accent or pretending to speak German, which they do in many other movies. I admit I´m a bit biased as an Austrian and because the movie features one of my favourite local actors from "The Counterfeiters", Karl Markovics. But I think you will also enjoy this culture- and class-clash comedy with some laugh-out-loud scenes. It will leave you with a smile on your face.
  • ant890019 December 2023
    Absolute boondoggle! Don't get me wrong, if you grabbed me and a bunch of my friends and told me we could have an all expenses paid ski vacation with just a little bit of work plus inviting Jane Kracowski(sp) along for the ride I'd be all over it. I know these things are formulaic but how many misunderstandings can you fit in one roof? Also, out of curiosity, we gwon go to Jamaica? Asa has seemingly avoided the curse of child actor and fits the bill of genuine person who happens to be of station. The actress who plays Haley is also genuine and beautiful. Pretty good but the mishaps are too many.
  • oddalpinewolf9 December 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    The attempt was to make the characters endearing but it fails, you just end up really disliking certain characters, when conflict arises Hayley and her entire family come across as annoying morons with massive chips on their shoulder about how the other half have it. They attempt to create this narrative that family are good ol' salt of the earth characters that just want to live a simple life by playing on crude stereotypes about people from the north of England, reminiscing about there simple yet wonderful life in Macclesfield whilst holidaying in the Austrian Alps for a couple of days. Hayley and her mum just across as judgemental and ungrateful, it makes it really difficult to watch.
  • Your Christmas or mine surrounded the loneliness of the holidays with two different family archetypes - the feuding British upper crust and the working class pub warmth. Despite occasionally playing to stereotypes, the film did a deep dive into both families, while fleshing out each of the characters. The final 20 minutes created Christmas magic when both came together.

    The sequel has a bigger budget but less heart. It played with every single obnoxious stereotype imaginable with the loud lower class family. Occasionally, it also conflated race with class. Existing characters like the grandfathers on both sides and the sassy aunt received even less acknowledgment and maybe had five lines each in the film. There were newer characters added that did absolutely nothing for the plot including Jane Krakowski's American authoress.

    This was such an absolute waste of talent. The original cast had so much chemistry I wanted to see the grandfathers playing off of each other, more honest intimacy between the young couple and the parents fleshing out their own relationships.

    Whenever the script quieted down we got the magic intimate moments from the original. There were even times when the script let the characters grow and we learn that everyone in the working class family can ski rather than playing to stereotypes.

    However, the strength of the original script surrounded the feelings of the family members and the honest communication.

    But this felt more like let's take two different British family archetypes and put them into a big budget Hollywood movie and see what happens ... Sadly,none of the original magic ....
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The plot line made no sense, several attempts to recreate situations from the first movie, the drama between characters was overly dramatic given what the actual situations were... the only good thing about this sequel was that it had Jaqueline from kimmy Schmit! By the end I couldn't care less about any of the characters. It's not that anything in particular was awful, it was just an unnecessary film - they could've done so much more with the switching places idea... this felt lazy and like a prolonged advert for a luxury skiing hotel! Disappointing considering I watched this straight after the first movie.
  • drew_hopkins14 December 2023
    I quite enjoyed the first film, but unfortunately this sequel is just incredibly rubbish. I did not laugh at any point, and could barely raise a smile at the corners of my mouth. Films that are completely unrealistic and ridiculous (e.g. A plane being stopped by a pet goat placed deliberately on the runway having been transported there by snow plough... to stop one's true love leaving....yes, that is the level here...) need to be REALLY funny or just utterly crazy to pull that off. The only film I can think of that gets near it is Liar Liar when Jim Carrey drives the stairs alongside the plane. Ha ha ha... a funny moment in a funny film... this is not, and has none.
  • I don't get the bad reviews. It's a Christmas movie...what the heck do people expect??? Its like Hallmark movie but British, with great acting, and with no fake snow. If you don't want a formulaic movie, stay away from almost ever Christmas movie ever made including this one. But, if by chance, you want a good Christmas movie please give it a shot. But make sure you watch the first movie before this one.

    The reason I watch Christmas movies is for the warm fuzzies and to "learn" the true meaning of Christmas again. This fits the bill. It also has enough laughs to keep you entertained until the end. Not the best movie ever made, but well worth your time and hopefully a smile at the end.

    Merry Christmas.
  • Ok where do I start with this dull sequel to a movie which is lacking any decent story telling in the process?

    Right the two main love characters have zero chemistry in terms of connection. They both looked bored in terms of the awful dialogue they are given but there is just no spark between them for the whole movie length.

    The other side characters are just wasted in terms of development.

    It was an lacksture affair with a script from the 1970's comedy genre of that time.

    Personally I am at a lost why they made a sequel as the original wasn't much to write home about in truth.

    If your at a loose end watch something else on a Xmas movie list as this movie is just a pile of Donkey dung!
  • Mediocre Christmas Brit-com "Your Christmas Or Mine" should NOT have spawned a sequel, but sadly it did, and predictably enough "Your Christmas Or Mine 2" is DIRE. This time young couple Asa Butterfield & Cora Kirk go on an Austrian Crimbo ski break with their respective familes (again inc Daniel Mays, Angela Griffin, Alex Jennings, David Bradley & this time Jane Krakowski) where mix-ups & class culture clashes ensue to cringe-worthy, caricature levels. Director Jim O'Hanlon & writer Tom Parry didn't shine in the original, and the sequel is WAY worse, with the performances (especially Butterfield & Mays) being particularly poor. It's a stinking Christmas turd. Flush.
  • martinjwolfenden8 December 2023
    You often see people on here complaining that something is badly written or acted when they know nothing about either. This film was well acted and the dialogue was reasonably good. However the plotting was incredibly lazy. People simply don't behave in the way written. It is more like the plotting of a farce rather than a 'comedy' drama. The best things in it are David Bradley and Jane Krakowski who are woefully underused and their characters wholly under developed. Other characters are either stereotypes of cyphers. In short this may be a good film if you're drunk but I wouldn't go out of my way to watch it.
  • The sequel has arrived just one year after the original. As the first movie was feeble my hopes were not raised for the sequel.

    James (Asa Butterfield) and Hayley (Cora Kirk) and their respective families are about to go on a skiing holiday for Christmas in the Austrian alps.

    Although James wealthy father Humphrey has offered to pay for the trip. Hayley's dad Geoff Taylor wants to make his own arrangements. Only there is a mix up.

    The Taylors end up in a posh retreat. Humphrey and his new American girlfriend have to rough it up in a hovel.

    While James plans to propose to Hayley but he never finds the right time or the right words.

    Your Christmas or Mine 2 is another lame dull rom com. It is basically James trying to propose to his girlfriend, gets interrupted, leads to a misunderstanding and it takes him almost two hours to finally get there.
  • charlotte_4789 December 2023
    Really enjoyed watching this. Didn't realise they were making a second one but enjoyed watching the first one last Christmas. Sometimes sequels can be rubbish, but this was just a really nice Christmas film carrying on the story from film one. There were some predictable jokes and that but still enjoyed it. Think if anyone's looking to watch an easy going Christmas film then this is perfect. I wouldn't even say you definitely needed to have seen the first one. But it's a good film so you may as well give it a watch. Don't know if this is the end of the story or if there will be another but I'd watch it.
  • I quite enjoyed Your Christmas or Mine. It was cheesy but it was charming and had some good laughs. This second film however is utterly annoying and frustrating.

    I appreciate it is a farce and confusion and misunderstanding are the lifeblood of a film like this, but did they have to make every character so insufferably annoying?

    Cora Kirk's Hayley goes from being an endearing and likeable character in the first film to incredibly off putting in this film. Asa Butterfield's James feels weak and boring. The chemistry between them is somehow better in the first film despite the fact they barely shared any screen time.

    As well as the two leads, every other character is incredibly annoying and will constantly have you rolling your eyes. Does nobody think that communicating would perhaps be a good idea? Again I appreciate that films like this rely on a certain lack of communication for the plot to work, but this needs to be much more cleverly worked. So as not to create an utterly frustrating film.

    Despite all this, there are a couple of half decent laughs and if you surrender to the annoying plot there's some good Christmassy vibes to soak up. Ultimately though this is a very weak follow up to a pretty decent first film.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    We remember the first movie not being too bad, so sat down to watch the sequel as we fancied a Christmas movie. I don't know where to start really but it was incredibly cringey throughout and there isn't a single part that was funny or entertaining. The main failure is that the characters you are meant to like are actually rather horrible, and the ones you are meant to hate really didn't do much wrong. The main mother is meant to be the hero but she's really just a jealous cow to be honest. Just because they are rich they must be evil and vice versa, terribly lazy scripting. Avoid like the plague!
  • d_bitter23 December 2023
    It stood out to me that several of the scenes implied political connotations. Hayley was waving her blue post-Brexit passport at the airport. Then, on the way back, on the plane the boys were chanting "leave means leave" as a part of a very flat joke. Finally, it seemed to push the traditionalist narrative that urges brits to stay home for Christmas in their small towns, not spending their hard-earned pounds on expensive lodging in Europe. Basically, this film works wonders for polarization. Apparently you are either staying in the moldy barn or exclusive luxury resort, no other options. Comedy is grotesque, I know, but this was a bit too far(right) for me.

    The next big issue in question is complete absence of chemistry of James (Asa Butterfield) with female characters. It just seems like every kissing/make out scene is forced and awkward to the maximum. It could be a very interesting and inclusive representation of inexperienced young adults - however, it is not the character's quality, but rather actor's vibe. James and Geoff are both unbearable to watch and not solely because of their plot lines. It is just madly basic acting. In an attempt to show anxiety, Asa makes grimaces of fear and disgust, and in moments where a loving look and a slight smile is expected, he ends up with puppy eyes and a pirate grin. I did not enjoy his acting outside of the role of Otis.

    The only thing I liked was the way Alex Jennings delivered his lines during the father-son conversation. This scene was the most heartfelt and kind. Two stars for that scene, one for Klaus, and another star goes for the ending - it was definitely surprising.

    Unfortunately, the feeling of being cozy and charmed after watching a Christmas movie is becoming a commodity. Where did all the magic go?
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