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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Strike the blood is about boy Kojō Akatsuki who suddenly wakes up to be the Fourth Progenitor - Worlds strongest vampire. Akatsuki was prior to his transformation only a simple high school student before his predecessor put her spirit inside of him giving him the ultimate power of being a 4th Progenitor. Only 3 other vampires in the world have such a power, the power is so great that Akatsuki threatens the balance of the world.

    I love this anime not only duo to the fact that they put vampires into a totally new and incredible light giving Progenitor's magical "beasts" to control who could easily destroy a city. But also cause their many more supernatural beings roaming the earth from Angels, Homoculus Mages, Warlocks, you name it! However the anime does fit the genre Harem a little similar to High School DXD but then more innocent, Visuals are great, characters are great and action is amazing. Just the lacking storyline prevents me from giving it a 9/10
  • Does this show have complex and interesting characters? No. Does it have groundbreaking new plot lines never before seen? No. Is it still really enjoyable? To me, it was. I had a lot of fun with this show, even if it was only enjoyable on the surface. Sometimes I just want to watch something with pretty colors, fan service, and fun action scenes. This show fits those 3 things pretty well. Not everyone will like it, and I completely understand why. I really liked this show and I still have some problems with it. At the beginning, the main character ,Koujou, can't remember why he was turned into a vampire, and it was never explained. That drove me nuts. Doesn't help that I'm fairly sure there were other things like this in the show. Also the structure of the plot does start to test your patience with its repetitiveness, as it does not change the entire show. Thankfully, I don't feel like it dragged it out too long though. So, is the show great? Absolutely not. It's just enjoyable and if you need something mindless, then this isn't a bad choice.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Outwardly protagonist Kojou Akatsuki seems just like any other sixteen year old boy; indeed that is what he was until he became the 'Fourth Progenitor'; the most powerful vampire! Others are understandably wary of his powers so 'sword shaman' Yukina Himeragi is sent to observe him and, should he show signs of becoming dangerous, kill him. The vampires in this series aren't quite like others; they have the power to summon familiars; huge supernatural beasts, although initially Kojou can't as he has yet to drink human blood. Kojou may not be that interested in his status but that doesn't prevent him getting into numerous dangerous situations… or from gradually building up a harem! The series is broken up into several arcs; each featuring a different menace but Kojou and his friends should be able to defeat them if they stick together.

    I must admit I was a bit disappointed by this series; it felt like there was something I wasn't quite getting… there was plenty of action, not too much fan service, decent characters, some amusing moments and a reasonable story so I should have enjoyed it more… for that reason I'd still recommend people who like this sort of series give it a go; watching it without a week's break between episodes is likely to improve matters! The animation and character designs are up to the standard one would expect from such a series; especially during the impressive fight scenes.

    These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.
  • sa-6365018 October 2019
    This series has complex love romance, and action and other things are pretty awesome . you can watch it seriously. i like this show.
  • sandro-082471 November 2021
    It has been a while since I've seen it. But here is what I think.

    The Anime itself isn't too bad the first two seasons at least. Sure they go a bit over the top with the fan-service but oh well. What I didn't like and couldn't tolerate anymore was the third season. It kind of immediately made me drop this. Sure it is a bit generic but I think there are a lot of Anime which are worse than this.
  • One of my most favorite animes..i love this anime very much..hope the anime series will never end and continue producing..waiting for next seasons
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I think this anime was entertaining with magic and fighting scenes involved but I felt as well that it was unoriginal at the same time. I think i felt it was copied with the likes of Sword Art Online, Chivalry of a Failed Knight, Angel Beats, Vampire Knight and anything related as magical fantasy action romance stuff that you'd normally see.

    Speaking of the romance part of this anime, it reminded me of Twlight with Kojou as the heroic vampire and Asagi as the swordsman human. Also with having their daughter Moegi involved as their half vampire half human child. I bet Bella and Edward are quaking right now haha!

    Yeah this anime is really a hit and miss for me, it really would've had the potential to be better if it did have better writers or any team that would help them make it the best. However I think it was just bad luck that it did seem like it was copied from other animators work and of course, other writers story instead of their own!

    I was going to give this a 7/10 but I think 6/10 would be a better rating...
  • meonlyme-1611 March 2016
    the anime series is very good its a harem series so you know what happens in those well not to mention it has some slight nude scenes in the uncensored version other than that light series with romance comedy action power best for guys who want romance with harem but not to extreme like high school Dxd.....its a good series with a different plot but the issue is the ending this series is very good has 24 episodes and 2 ova's but it leaves so many unanswered question that you will wish that the maker dies well i wish the make a second season or 2 or 1 ova to answer those well it would be great than one of the great romance and action really you will love it
  • Go into this expecting a B- series w just cheesy cringey dialogue and sub par animation. But very easy to consume anime.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    If anyone who reads this has ever seen most people's public feelings about the Trueblood TV series and/or the Twilight movies, then they may already know why I dislike this series with a burning passion. But to those who don't, allow me to elaborate:

    Here's what I liked:

    The concept of the series was somewhat interesting to me at first, before I ever actually watched it: A high schooler (because when you're in an average Dengeki Bunko anime, that's just what you do for main characters) named Akatsuki Kojou lives on a completely man made island known as Itogami Island. But (surprise surprise) he has a secret he has to hide from even his closest friends: He's a vampire. Not just any regular vampire, either, he is what's known as the Fourth Progenitor, which apparently makes him one of the most, if not THE most powerful vampire(s) of all time.

    As a result, a secret, shady, religious organization known as The Lion King Organization assigns a young girl named Yukina Himeragi to be Kojou's Observer, which in a nutshell, means she has to make sure he doesn't do anything out of line, and if he does do anything out of line, her mission is to kill him.

    Kojou also starts out with no control over almost all of his vampire abilities, especially in the case of his Familiars. In order to master his control over his dormant abilities, he has to suck people's blood after getting aroused. This idea would be pretty cool if it weren't for the whole arousal part of the deal. I guess there were only three things I admittedly liked in the entire show.

    The first thing I liked was the story arc known as The Empire Of The Dawn. In this story arc, we got a character who went back in time to prevent some sort of evil force from destroying her future. The catch? Turns out this girl just so happens to be from a future in which Kojou and Himeragi finally dropped the act and had a kid... and this girl was that same kid, as it turns out at the dead end of the story arc. I thought it was a nice touch.

    The second thing I liked was Kojou and Himeragi's double-act-catchphrase at the near end of literally every single story arc. While it was too overused for my tastes, I will admit, it was a pretty hardcore line delivery:

    Akatsuki Kojou: "From now on, this is my fight!" Yukina Himeragi: "No, senpai. This is OUR fight!"

    The third and final thing I liked was the first opening theme song, oh-so-creatively titled: Strike The Blood! While the song's title might sound like nothing original, at the very least, it temporarily distracted me from the parts I disliked throughout the rest of this show.

    Here's what I didn't like:

    The plot itself is...... well... It sucks, there's no better way for me to put it. Not only does it suck because it is a vampire show (HUHUHU... PUN!), but also because it feels only mildly different from other vampire media that don't involve Dracula. To sum it up, the story becomes your standard vampire story (of course with anime tropes and elements mixed in) after the 1st episode, in that the secondary main character, Yukina Himeragi, winds up falling in love with the main character as the series progresses, Akatsuki Kojou. More importantly, as the story progresses, more characters get introduced just about every story arc, which normally I wouldn't mind. However, nearly every new character introduced who is "important" to the main plot of each story arc is a female, and as previously mentioned, since Kojou needs to be aroused to awaken his abilities, he winds up getting a bunch of other women to fall in love with him (unintentionally) as the show progresses. Because of that, the show becomes more of a vampire harem anime (that being where the main character has romantic affairs with multiple characters) than an action/drama anime.

    Something else I didn't like was how the endings of nearly every single story arc felt almost exactly the same to me. They even went as far as to make Kojou and Himeragi do their double-act catchphrase I quoted earlier at the near end of every single fight scene at the end of literally every story arc. And these fight scenes almost always involved Kojou fighting some big monster or something while Himeragi fought a primary villain usually controlling said monster in some form or another.

    Another thing I didn't like was just how far they were willing to show Kojou and the other female's "sexy vampire" scenes... They went on for a bit longer than I feel they should have. I honestly felt really uncomfortable watching them.

    Strike The Blood was a series that was so sexually explicit (especially after it started getting released direct-to-video) it made me want to take an axe, break into the residences of everyone and anyone who still possesses a copy of this series, smash a hole through the middle of the disc, and say, "HERE'S IAN!!!" to the owners. All just to spare them from this abomination of a series known as Strike The Blood.
  • magarsumit21 August 2020
    It's an enjoyable series. Although I couldn't understand some logics, I did enjoy the series. It's a good series to watch if you wanna spend some time.
  • Man, I've searched ALL my Streaming sites, and I have a BUNCH, and I can't find this ANYWHERE, and I'm dying to watch it! Can anyone tell me where I can watch this?

  • Demon Angle and the Vampire (may be vampire included in the Demon Definition). The Episode is interesting and also full of Vampire fantasy but orgin did not clear at here.

    Vampire live in mask which is vampire king kind of thing and the vampire hero need more blood and this vampire live to drink different blood for sake for unlock different power he have and sometime they are not usual drinking stuff. But still he is very much beginner to controlling his power and lust for blood kind off.

    Hero have a stalker but that doesn't think how to do that. And many girl around him that able to do some kind blood donate stuff and hero gain popularity with girls. Unusual love story also kind of crazy but very twisted good to watch.
  • I dont know why people hate this series so much.yeah you can say that there are few things which are not fully described yet like how kojou turned into vampire that is a little bit disappointing.well the last season is ongoing let's see what happens. There are a few dialogues which are repeated throughout the series. But i can ignore that coz it is pretty much enjoyable. If you are interested in vampire,harem,action, romance go for this guy's you will definitely not regret it. I know all have different tastes but i seriously liked it.this series atleast deserve 7.5.if anyone here is fan of harem then definitely go for it and incase of ecchy there is a little bit of nudes starting from season 2 but not that extreme as high school dxd. Go For it👍
  • If anyone interested in romance,vampire,harem,action go for it without any doubt. I dont know other preferences but i definitely liked it.i can watch this series whole day without boaring. Thanks author and editors for this enjoyable series.