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  • Riverdale is somewhat of a guilty pleasure for me, I am aware it is a pretty appalling show. However, at times it is so ridiculous, so far fetched at times that it's enjoyable. But unfortunately the last two seasons have steered away from the regular story and it's nearing in unwatchable. Especially this season. The last thing I'd ever expect to say about riverdale is that it's boring, poorly written and acted yes, but boring? No. This season nothing actually happens apart from surface level exploration of social issues in the 50's and the most jarring use of 50's "terminology." I'll touch on that a bit more I can't help but recoil every time a character says "jazzed" or "hot diggity" arbitrarily in sentences despite the rest of their dialogue being mostly contemporary. I'm really not interested in these characters being re-fleshed out either in the 50's, they aren't interesting enough. A lot of these characters were killed off or insignificant anyway why are we suddenly now exploring them in the 7th season? Ethel, Midge Jason to name a few. It's just outright dull which is a shame.
  • Took me by surprise but I believe this might be one of Riverdale's best episodes. Season 6 was entertaining but not to be taken seriously, and once S7 started I wasn't on board with the 50s. There have been good episodes but overall a more boring season.

    This, however, is what they should've done from episode 1 if they insist on staying in 1955 the entire time. Every emotional beat worked, every joke worked (and not in a "this is so ridiculous way" like Riverdale usually makes you laugh). The pacing was great and unlike most episodes of the show, this one flows so nicely throughout its course.

    Riverdale always has unnecessary scenes and weird cuts that disrupt the balance of an episode. They tend to go down random routes and abandon plotlines to pick new ones up mid-episode, but this one didn't. It had a beginning, middle and end that made for a great conclusion of every storyline they tackled.

    And lastly, I wouldn't say it single-handedly "fixed" a few of their characters... but it's the most development I've seen some of them get in a single episode so far.

    Very enjoyable episode and for the first time this season I was intrigued by the story. Rather than just waiting for a sign of them getting back to the present like I was for every other episode, this one allowed me to get on board with the 50s... 15 episodes in! They should've done something like this from the beginning.