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  • the_doofy27 December 2023
    Dancing actually being done by the actors, a rarity now days. Black Swan you say??? Did you actually SEEE Portman doing a single dance step, the answer is no. Every 'dance' scene with her shows her upper body, or someones legs, but NEVER a full on complex ballet manoeuvre.

    This movie has good acting, it has a variety of 'sets', the actors are actually dancing (more than once) in various settings. The manner and reason in which they hook up is realistic. When she 'auditions' it is a no pressure situating in which she believes she is just enjoying dancing, which is what the 'scout' is on the look out for.

    I would have liked more actual dance training scenes with less drama in them. At the end of the day there was too much drama

    The ending dance was nice

    My favorite dance movie is the original 'shall we dance' (1996) with subtitles.

    That being said, this is worth a watch.
  • 12101968kaw18 December 2023
    I liked a Paris Christmas Waltz. I'm not usually a fan of the dancing or singing movies but this one I liked. It was nice to see Matthew Morrison play a part that didn't involve Royalty or an accent. I love Jen Lilly. These 2 were perfectly paired in this movie. I didn't think there was a lot of chemistry between them but I loved watching them dance. They filmed this movie in Paris and in Romania (I think). The Paris scenes were beautiful. They way the danced in front of the Eiffel Tower was beautiful. GAC did good with this movie. It was fun, playful, and a beautiful location. There wasn't a "dramatic" misunderstanding. Watch it for the fun dancing.
  • So many Christmas movies to watch. Many so so, others not to bad. This one was fun and I enjoyed the dancing. I like Jen Lilly ! She usually very upbeat and sweet. The scenes were so beautiful. I recommend this one. It is kinda like 2022 Paris Waltz with Lacy Chabert. But still different. Matthew Morrison has always been a good actor in musical productions. He played a really good part. Their chemistry was good too! I'm planning on watching it again. There have been some good Christmas movies this year. Maybe better writers. So I gave this one a 8...I need more words to post! Dancing 💃 ball room! Christmas 🎄 more dancing🕺 lol 😂
  • itsallblatome23 November 2023
    There was a lot said when this movie was announced . Social media was 100% convinced it was for hallmark after all they made The Christmas Waltz and since this is a sequel it is for Hallmark. When Great American Family announced it was for them the fans of hallmark trashed the movie without even seeing it. This movie is the best Christmas movie out of all the networks. Jen and Matthew were perfect together, their singing, their dancing and especially their chemistry was off the charts. Great American Family has step up their game this year every Christmas movie is better than the week before. If you are not watching you are kissing out.
  • So why review it, you say?

    Well, mostly because this is clearly where GAC put a disproportionate amount of their budget, and they've been promoting it accordingly.

    Meg Lilley is a good-hearted accountant who attends a dance competition. She is so impressed, her best friend buys her dancing lessons for Christmas.

    Her company announces a layoff, and she sacrifices herself to save the job of a co-worker with a family.

    One day, she just happens to run into the dancer who inspired her on the street, and he is in need of a new partner for a new contest in Paris.

    Guess who is chosen.

    The mini tour of Paris is nice, and you really do get a pretty good feel for the city. From there, we meet the legendary dancing coach, and the unscrupulous and vengeful ex-partner who is also in the competition.

    There is much dancing, of course, and Matthew Morrison and Lilley even break into song in the streets of Paris at one point.

    Morrison was an amiable sort, and Lilley was her usual self, if a little whiny.

    Look for an inside joke about her big eyes.

    This was fine. Just not something I'd watch again. Maybe someday.
  • The bar for this series was set at what I thought was an impossibly high level with 'A Christmas Waltz' in 2020 - remember the searing-hot chemistry between Lacey Chabert and Will Kemp? - but 'Paris Christmas Waltz' has at least equalled and perhaps bettered the original. Not often you write that about a sequel.

    Jen Lilley and Matthew Morrison are perfectly cast, and their chemistry reminds me of Chabert and Kemp three years ago on a different channel. The Paris setting is amazing - these movies are always better when shot on location, rather than in some North American town or city masquerading as a more exotic location - the music is perfect and, although I am not really a ballroom dancing person, the choreography was spectacular, and actually, some of the best scenes in the film were dancing ones. Not sure how much dancing Lilley did, but Morrison appears to be in most of those scenes.

    10/10. Everything with the fingerprints of Janeen and Michael Damian on it is solid gold. Might be the best GAC Family movie ever. Here's hoping we will be Christmas waltzing again in a year's time!
  • PeterMovie6123 November 2023
    Talented actors could not save this cringe on steroids flop. Dull script, awkward lip syncing and gratuitous dance scenes do not make for an interesting storyline.

    There was little chemistry nor even realistic elements within the plot of the movie. Giving up her job was, maybe, the highlight of the film and great American family has done well for 2023, but this proved to be a let down. There was no Christmas magic, no great moral lessons, no kids in need of a kindly grandparent or even a mother or father. Just corny dancing and a cliche looking dance choreographer in a silly scarf. This is not one we'll watch next year.
  • Love me some dancing shows like SYTYCD which Morrison was a judge plus the Paris and the Eiffel Tower dancing scenes were so fun to watch. Storyline was a little weak, but hey, dancing and Paris, what can go wrong? One thing that annoyed me was the final dance at the big competition was sung to "O Night Divine" and GAC chose to have the singer sing, "oh night, when he was born." Really?? I even went back and listened again, and I think they actually didn't sing the song as it was written "...when Christ was born." So strange. Why? Would Jesus' name really offend GAC viewers? It's a classic, beautiful song that is about Christ's birth! Anyway, aside from that, I enjoyed the movie.
  • Dancing, scenery, acting & storyline are 10/10. The directing must be top notch when it all comes together with this realism. Well done everyone! I never write reviews but this movie has prompted me to give a well deserved ovation. Jen Lilly is one of my favorites as we followed her in Days of Our Lives for 10 years. I was so impressed with Paul Freeman and had to look quite a while before realizing he stared in the classic "Raiders of the Lost Ark". Matthew Morrison was new to me but really brought some incredible dance moves. Jen & Matthew worked so well together I had no trouble believing they were professional quality dancers.
  • It's impossible not to compare this to the Hallmark Christmas waltz a few years back, which was better. Firstly I have enjoyed JEN AND Matthew enough in other things but didn't think Matthew was in his element so much here.

    Firstly I also may not be the target audience. I've been to Paris several times and never felt the romance others seem to.

    My reason for posting this is more that firstly I laughed out loud in the street scene when a band was set up for unknown reason and they broke into a spontaneous dance number which didn't fit. At least this movie wasn't drowned out by an ineptly mixed background music track which drowned out the actors voices ( as has so often happened)

    I was also stunned that the dance steps seemed to be a complete rip out of the Hallmark movie. I know the Hallmark one saluted classic movies. However Will. Kemp ( who had more charm I'm afraid than Matthew, which was excellent in Glee) in the Hallmark one had come up with a spontaneous dance piece, which seemed to be identical in parts to this one. The Kemp in fitted the flow in the plot better than having a band suddenly appear too.

    So GAC for all their aim at starting a new purer Hallmark or something, have tried by poaching Hallmark actors and then appropriating the concept of this movie.. another Christmas Waltz... and Kemps dance routine. Not cool GAC.
  • Last year was a mess for Christmas movies. What with GAC raiding the Hallmark cupboard in 2022, everyone was down last year. This year it's finally settling down and GAC and Hallmark are both doing some decent work this season's Christmas rom coms.

    That's what this is, a Christmas Rom Com. It isn't meant to be an academy award winning film. These never are. Hallmark or GAC doesn't produce these films. Look at the names of the production companies, the names of the screen writers, the names of the casting directors, the names of the producers and executive producers. They are interchangeable. They all do movies for both. Does anyone really think the production staff gives these movies the same amount of time that goes into a feature film or a TV movie? Of course not. Each production company is doing maybe 10 of these each year.

    One viewer's trash is another viewer's treasure. I love Jen Lilly. I though she was good in this movie. She dances extremely well. She sings well. It's somewhat of a musical but not really. Matthew Morrison is good in his role. Yes, both are not song and dance actors but the dances are extremely well done. Especially more so considering the time restraints they had in doing the movies. Yes Jen Lilly whines. All the female leads do a bit of that in these movies when they don't think the romance is going to work out. Or they get angry and stomp off. Again, it's a formulaic rom com. Two thirds through the movie is when every one of these movies has the romance fall apart.

    SO give them all a break, it's a feel good Christmas movie.
  • I did not enjoy this movie. However, people that love Paris and think it is the romance capital of the world might. Story is about a kind woman who gives up her job for the sake of another when the "happenstance" moment occurs and she is swept away for a Christmas in Paris with the man of her "wish come true" from the previous Christmas. He dances like Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins around the streets of Paris which is supposed to captivate the viewer-It didn't for me. The typical deceptions occur and the woman falls prey, and in the end, comes out on top. I am confident that others will enjoy the talent in this movie and the beauty as the acting is good and the sets are well-done. Movie didn't do a thing for me to put me in the Christmas mood. Only one rewarding moment in the entire movie for me. All the glitz and glamour does not cut it for me but like I wrote, others will enjoy.
  • Jackbv12328 November 2023
    I have always been hot and cold on Jen Lilley, but I was very impressed with her performance in this one. Matthew Morrison puts on a sparkling show dancing, but Lilley surprised me since I have only ever seen her as an actor. In one number they both sing nicely.

    As to character, Lilley fits the personality of Emma. Early in the movie she oozed wonder and awe first when she saw and experienced Leo's dancing. When she needed to show a hint of lovestruck, more wonder and awe. Then they get to Paris and you almost expect her to swoon. When the big rival, Giselle, shows up, Lilley is perfect as the nervous woman slightly lacking in confidence. Morrison plays off all that to have a little awe of his own at Emma's spontaneity and joie de vivre. Yes there is plenty of chemistry between these two.

    I was disappointed in Emma that she let Giselle play her mind games even though she had been duly warned. I really expected Emma to be smarter than that. Giselle gives us something GAF sometimes (usually) lacks and that's some real tension with a good villain but not quite evil.

    Outside the story there is plenty of scenery as they tour Paris. Paris is even better at Christmas. There is even more dancing, although the qualifying round of the dance competition was somewhat boring, but necessary for the story.

    The movie was a feast worthy of the Christmas season.
  • This movie is wonderfully done and it ranks up there with the classics Singin' in the Rain and White Christmas. It takes you back to an era when movie making was an art and actors had talent.

    The story, the costumes and sets are all magnificent. The chemistry between the two leads is captivating. And the dancing and singing. Wow. Think Fred and Ginger. This is the first movie that I have watched this year that I did not want to end. It's that good. The final dance scene left me wanting more. This movie with take you away and leave you feeling happy. The way entertainment should.

    Thank you to the entire cast and crew. You hit this one out of the park.
  • lorid-7382822 November 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    I was beyond thrilled as I started watching this movie, it immediately piqued my interest and it only intensified as the movie progressed. There wasn't anything I did not enjoy.....the music, the cinematography was breathtaking, the dancing, the love story... everything!! I enjoyed the character of Henry, I found him to be endearing, I was crying at the conclusion of the movie because his dancers made his wish come true - to inspire each other, to follow your heart, to stop playing it safe, to let your guard down and basically wear your heart on your sleeve. Jen Lilley was so lovely here, she looked totally in her element, I also loved Matthew Morrison, in my opinion, they had great chemistry and worked well together and it translated so nicely in their performances as actors. THANK YOU TO GREAT AMERICAN FAMILY for not being afraid to mention religion, the true meaning of Christmas with the birth of Jesus, it's truly such a breath of fresh air. All year I look forward to watching Christmas movies as it takes my mind off of the things in this world but more times than not, I'm utterly disappointed - well not tonight... tonight was a very special two hours and I'm so very happy I sat down to watch. A job well done to all on this project, you made me smile almost as much as the beautiful Jen Lilley!
  • MickyG33313 December 2023
    8.7 stars.

    There are few Hallmark movies that receive as venerable a description as "par excellence", but I've saved it for 'Paris Christmas Waltz'. This story towers above the majority, just as the Eiffel looms atop the Parisian cityscape.

    Emma is a mere accountant hoping for an adventure. Her impossible dream is to one day dance like a professional, but she knows this is an illusion. She is a simple woman with an unattainable ambition; more a hope than a goal. She meets Leo on an icy Manhattan street, and they share a special moment.

    Leo is a Broadway dancer who needs a dance partner for an upcoming Pro-Am competition. Can this charming amateur named Emma, a simple accountant by day, aspiring dancer by night, possibly fill those shoes?

    What I love about 'Paris Christmas Waltz' is the tactile involvement we share with Jen Lilley and Matthew Morrison as they partake in a subtly seductive odyssey. This journey sweeps us through the landscape of competitive dance in Paris...full of excitement, adventure, anxiety, and fulfillment. This film is successful in transporting us into a magical place, surrounded by visions of bells, and ribbons, accompanied by grace and beauty, threatened by superiority, encumbered by inadequacy. We are engulfed in the ambience of this other world of dance. This is no ordinary Hallmark production, and I'm staggered at how notably 'Paris Christmas Waltz' transcends the watermark.

    Lilley's emotional presentation far exceeds anything I've ever seen from her, and I attribute it to Morrison's ability to invoke a marked enthusiasm. World class!
  • Matthew Morrison has a long history on the stage in musicals, and it shows here, particularly in his "Singin' in the Snow" number. He really does a nice job of both dancing and singing. So does Jen Lilley, but she's on a bit of a lower level than Matthew.

    Interestingly, Morrison is often asked if he's John Wayne's grandson. He's not, but the question doesn't disturb him. LOL

    The movie has the normal number of Hallmark romance ups and downs between the couple, who both start out dedicated to "just be friends". Cracks start to appear in the promise early on, but they're forestalled, of course, by the previous girlfriend/dancing partner.

    Overall, this is an enjoyable and quite different Hallmark Christmas romance, and one we're very likely to watch again.
  • amarnold-5245315 January 2024
    Warning: Spoilers
    I have been looking forward to this movie. I am a fan of Jen Lilley for a while and didn't think she would had any dancing ability at all but I was wrong. She is a fabulous dancer and she done well dancing the Cha Cha. Matthew Morrison is one of the most handsome and talented men on Broadway but he has zero personality. He may have a sense of humor but it does not come across on the screen. He is very dry. Great dancer though. I enjoyed this movie and my favorite scene is when she went to her boss' office to give up her job for her co-worker. That made me feel something. It was a great movie and I am glad I watched it.