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  • "Apaches" (2013 release from France; 84 min.) brings the story of a group of teenagers in Corsica. As the movie opens, we see an older guy and his son taking care of a beautiful house owned by a French family that is about to arrive for the summer. Later that evening, the son, Aziz, returns with 4 other friends and they hold an impromptu pool party while along the way trashing some of the house and stealing some things. In the days after, questions are raised and Aziz returns the stolen stuff. What he didn't know is that his friends also stole an expensive rifle... To tell you more would spoil your viewing experience, you'll just have to see for yourself how it all plays out.

    Couple of comments: first, the movie is set on the French island of Corsica, a rarely used setting in the movies. We later learn from the director that for him this was the point of the movie, to essentially showcase Corsica. Goal accomplished. Second, many in the group of the teenagers are of Moroccan descent, and the movie creates the impression that lots of Muslims live in Corsica (I have no idea whether this is an accurate reflection of reality). Third, the movie records what the teenagers do without making any judgment on their actions (similar to, say, Sofia Coppola's The Bling Ring). Contrary to the impression created by the DVD's front jacket ("Parties Booze Sex Murder."), the movie is much more than a "party movie". Yes, there is some of that, but the second half of the movie becomes a much more compelling psychological study of the youngsters.

    "Apaches" was the November, 2014 release of Film Movement's DVD-of-the-month Club. As always, the DVD comes with a bonus shortie, and this time we get "Margerita" (2013 release from Italy; 15 min.), in which a burglar with an appreciation for classical music, finds that the house he is robbing is owned by a famous classical violinist. What will the burglar do? Just watch! Back to the main attraction: "Apaches" is a worthy addition to Film Movement's ever-growing catalog of foreign and indie movies.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A little film that may not stay very long on the screen. Such a shame. Especially if you compare the queuing for the Hollywood blockbusters right in front of the theatres. I am disgusted by the people tastes. Because of their foolishness, such little movies are very hard to make. Producers and directors have many difficulties to set em up.

    But, in France, we have many courageous and determined film makers.

    This story takes place in Corsica island, the french equivalent of Sicily, where many metropolitan french citizens - and not only - are owners of fancy villas and estates on the coast. While they are not here, they ask for the natives to watch over their properties. For instance cleaning gardens and other swimming pools.

    One day, the housekeeper's son brings his teenage friends inside on of these beautiful houses and you can guess the following...

    So when the owners arrive and see what occurred in their villa, they argue to the local folks, not the police, or Gendarmerie. A sort of "local" mafia, who takes care of EVERY THING in the vicinity...

    And the young hoods who were responsible of the damages in the villa get scared when they find out that the caretaker's son - who allowed them to get into the house - may also talk a little too much about the whole affair.

    So, as you can guess, they decide to get rid of him...

    A powerful movie about human behaviour, and racism in Corsica. But I think it could have been taken place everywhere.

    A real must see that leaves you a ash taste in the mouth.
  • mf-099346 September 2016
    Honestly, this was the worst movie I have ever seen. It was absolutely pointless, and when the subtitles in the end showed up, for a moment I actually felt like wanting to kill my self, from all this pointlessness. The only racism topic in the movie is pretty much insulting and hating on random native french people on street, while the boys drive trough the city. This movie only proves the point that these people from middle east come as immigrants and act like own the whole place, lacking any kind of gratitude, or humility towards the nation who accepted them in their midst. I wish the movie ended with all of them dying, that would at least be satisfying, after their completely retarded and !unrealistic decisions trough out the entire movie they would deserve exactly such outcome.