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  • Warning: Spoilers
    With 17 years on the job, Vicky is a model prison guard till a new convict throws some compliments her way. Casey gives Vicky something to look forward to, and relief from her routine.

    And Vicky buys into it, full bore: "I finally found someone who sees me the way I want to be seen, and he's in for life." Oy vey!

    Soon our beauty of the bars is breaking protocol, and one day busts the sweet talker out of jail. Suddenly we're witness to the oddest of couples -- officer of the law and bad boy extraordinaire -- playing house, with the cops in hot pursuit.

    It's compelling TV, while we scratch our heads as to how a bored and lonely 56-year-old could go so rogue.

    We get good performances here from Wendi McClendon-Covey and Rossif Sutherland, one of Donald's children.

    Of similar interest and well-worth viewing is "Mrs. Soffel" of 1984, the based-on-real-life film about a prison warden's wife who helps a couple of outlaws escape the gallows.
  • This movie followed what we saw in the media. The lead actress was really good and emotionless. I believe she showed the true spirit that Vicky White had going on - she was sad and lonely. Too bad these two had to meet this way. She made him a better person and vice versa but it couldn't be meant to be. It was just sad that people go through life going through the motions. I really hope he truly loved her and wasn't just using her because she didn't deserve that. Would be nice to see the lead actress nominated for a TV award for her performance. I hated watching with commercials though. Needs to be commercial free.
  • deedrala14 June 2024
    Warning: Spoilers
    Bad Romance: The Vicky White Story

    I'll say it again for the umpteenth time: Lifetime makes stellar, great, riveting true crime flicks - but usually only mediocre-bordering-on-juvenile fiction. You'd never know it was the same production company making these movies. They're spot-on with everything in true crime, but they're like 4th graders making classroom videos with most of the fictional stories.

    I followed this news-story closely when it happened, so it was interesting to see the movie and wonder/speculate about how alike the characters portrayed here were to the real "Mr. And Mrs. White". It always ends with me dwelling on the sadness of Vicky making the split decision to take her own life and being sure it was the right and only thing to do. Such a shame and a waste that a good, decent person and star employee of many years suddenly "broke bad" - ending in her doom.

    BTW, the part where she was talking to her mom outside while holding her dog, and she accidentally cuffed his nose while motioning back at her house - it was an obvious goof that they decided to leave in and not shoot the scene over. I love how she ad-libbed a quick, sincere apology to the dog. The only other goof I noticed: when Casey and Vicky were in the convenience store and the cashier kept scanning each item on the counter over and over while fixedly staring at Vicky, when their photos appeared on the TV screen above.

    My ONLY small complaint: it was sometimes difficult to understand what Casey said, due to him running his words together. But no other actor could have played the guy as well as he did.

    I make sure to watch this every time I can catch it on TV. I usually only write complaining reviews here, pointing out the bad acting, dialogue, plotholes, mistakes, etc., of most of the LMN fictional stuff, so this is a rare glowing-with-praise gushing review of a Lifetime creation from me because it deserves recognition. The acting - especially of the two leads - was excellent; they both deserve Emmys. And the depiction and filming of their lives and environments so very real/authentic.

    Definitely recommended to those who appreciate well-done true crime re-enactions - this is just sooooo good, whether you followed the news story when it happened or not.

    Grade A / 9 out of 10.