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  • I've got a lot of constructive feedback, but they bring to light not well known cases. It's like hearing the stories that didn't receive the attention deserved. This sets it apar from alot of the other crime shows who seem to focus on the headlines. I want to be in the know.

    I watch alot of crime stories, shows, documentaries and I have never seen why it takes so many folks to tell a story!

    Watching the episode on 10/16/2023 and there are two psychotherapists, a couple of journalists, and a few others. And none of them are speaking to their actual areas of expertise. You have these folks saying lines basically.

    I still watch and will continue to do so...
  • ajsully28 April 2022
    I have always wandered why series like this always use media people. They just take away from the police who are doing ll the hard work, and just try to make themselves look good. Most of them would not have a clue and would not have been involved with the actual investigation. Time to do without them.
  • It's amazing how they reenact all of these is about murder. And how they go about catching the killer and putting them in prison.i love this show about the crime and how the investigators go about solving the mystery of who killed the person..I searched all over and they don't have these 13 seasons available on dvd but if they did I would buy them. I can watch these over and over and it's just very well put together. I am amazed at how they put so much work into reinacting the crime and how they go about solving it. There's interviews with family members and experts and psychotherapists and all kinds of people who help tell the story. Where do they find these stories? It's amazing work to put together a show like this. It deserves awards. There is a new fatal attraction show every Monday on TV one. Please put these out on DVD! My favorite show is Snapped but this show is alot like it. It's my #2 favorite show. How do they find the actors and actresses that look so similar to the actual people? Amazing work and it just deserves more recognition.
  • The stories are real and the actor portrayals are close to reality! Each episode draws you in to watch to the very end! Keep up the great work TV One! Great actor selections!
  • They always say that in every episode. "She didn't pick up the phone. I knew something was wrong."..."She didn't text back after 5 minutes I knew something was wrong"..."She arrived 5 min late for work. You know, something has to be wrong."

    This show is about people murdering their spouse/gf/bf/mistress/third wheel.

    Its a good show to watch when bored out of your mind. Other than that you cringe at the foolishness that these people go through. Most of the problems could have easily been avoided.

    Youtube comments ignore the pink elephant in the room. They always show sympathy for the deceased. That means lessons were not learned.

    Sometimes or most of the time the families look like they are reading from a board. Their dialogs seem very unauthentic.

    I knew something was wrong because I didn't write a verdict for this review.
  • This was the worst show ever. I hate how it shows the deaths of many people as well as other true crime stuff. This show is a lot more depressing than an episode of "The Dr. Phil Show". This show is so sad that a person who dealt with something horrible would feel worse after watching it. 😞
  • asiakyron6 May 2022
    I'm so sick of seeing the same damn episodes!! It's starting to get under my skin!! If they show "Road To Death" one more time I'll scream!! Same episodes every day and and has gotten on my last nerves!!!!!