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  • mvzhtzv22 October 2023
    It started out strong and I'm hoping it will get better as it continues. For me, there is too much focus on the mom. I feel like Namsoon is almost a side character by episode 6. I like the main actress, she is endearing as Nam Soon and I feel like there can be a good storyline with her and the cop, but they just get pushed aside for the mom. I'll watch it til the end but I hope the writing improves. If you are a fan of the original series, you may be disappointed. I feel like the original had a lot more humor and focus on Park Boyoung. There is a cameo that is fast but so enjoyable. I think this show is worth watching but I could change my mind by the end.
  • Let's get the obvious thing out of the way. The superpower is exactly the same as in the earlier series. Women in a given family are genetically wired to be immeasurably strong unless they do something bad. Only here it's dialed up a few notches.

    They even have Bong-Soon's cameo in one episode, which I thought was a nice touch. They're shamelessly capitalizing on the earlier success and I'm all for it.

    You can expect similar slapstick humor, "comical" fights, charming characters, and so on. It's refreshing to see that the mother here isn't a constantly yelling banshee like in the 2017 series (her annoying, judgmental screaming still rings in my ears 6 years later), and overall they have less of those unbearably stupid "comic relief" characters like the ever-complaining neighborhood ladies and the inept thugs who bump into one another in absurd ways and shriek.

    I am at Episode 4 (latest released as of today) and I find the series enjoyable in an escapist, mindless sort of way.

    I hope they continue in this style and the series doesn't switch genres midway as the Korean shows do sometimes.

    The protagonist has the potential to become annoying with her cutesy/childish antics, but for now it's all good fun.

    Can't wait for the next episode! Well done, team (so far)!

    Update - as the show goes on, the humor becomes repetitive. A small childish young woman beats up huge angry men in "comical ways" or shocks them with her superpowers into a "comical" open-mouthed stupor. Still, this version is much easier to watch than the over-the-top, unbearable 2017 version.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Strong Girl Nam Soon does its best to create its own unique storyline, despite sharing its universe with Strong Girl Bong Soon Do. Unfortunately, it's a cheap imitation that tries way too hard to be funny, intriguing, and insightful, and comes up short in all three.

    The original series with Bo Young Park was a series that always remained focused on its protagonist and also had a very intriguing thriller aspect where a serial kidnapper is on the loose.

    This series attempts (and fails) to utilize three protagonists (from grandmother to granddaughter) and can never captivate the viewer because it's spread out too much. While all three are interesting characters, it's simply not enough. Half the time, I wanted them to shift back to Nam Soon. While the grandmother and Hwang Geum Joo (the mother) had some good scenes, it would have served the plot much better had they been relegated to secondary characters.

    There also are some serious differences between the powers of Bong Soon Do and Nam Soon Do, which are never fully explained. Bong Soon had superstrength, and some invulnerability, but that was pretty much it. Here Nam Soon has superstrength, speed, enhanced vision, and immunity to some drugs, etc. In short, she's nearly as powerful as Superman, which makes her character less interesting. Superheroes who are all but unbeatable are boring, which is why Superman's powers have always changed throughout the course of the character. There are also many inconsistencies in Nam Soon's use of her abilities, especially her vision. It seems she can see things from miles away, but that's only great if you know where to look and what to look for!

    Series like this one also tend to live or die by how good the villain is. In Strong Girl Bong Soon, the creepy guy targeting women was very well done, and he showed his ability to often outsmart Bong Soon. Here, we have a very "vanilla" villain in Ryu Shi Oh, who's a part of the Russian mafia and using a new drug that is targeted at the rich in order to get them to buy the antidote. Of course, the writers decided to use this as a method for Ryu Shi Oh to use the drug to give himself enhanced strength. Ryu Shi Oh isn't a very smart villain, and because of this, he's largely uninteresting.

    The last two episodes are so ridiculous and anticlimactic, that you just can't wait for the series to end. We don't get the showdown that we'd hoped for, and we get Nam Soon being completely gullible and stupid by taking the drug and trusting Ryu Shi Oh.

    However, the performances in the series are generally very good. For some reason, they decided to make almost all of the men in Nam Soon's family fat, lazy, or completely inept. I realize that this was done largely for comedic effect, but it just ends up being silly and tedious after the first few episodes.

    While Lee You Mi is a decent actress (always wearing the same, goofy grin), she's no Bo Young Park who is vastly superior in just about every way.

    Also, the little "superpower" song used in this series is a joke, especially compared with the vastly superior "Super Power Girl" from the original series that always managed to get the viewer pumped up for Bong Soon Do! The song used in this series is about as inspirational as watching Nam Soon's fat brother stuff himself.

    The series left the door open for another series. Frankly, I'll pass. I'd much rather watch Strong Girl Bong Soon Do again. And Bo Young Park's guest appearance in the second episode was easily the high-point of this series!
  • This show is a mixture of funny and brilliant... and parts that could be left out without affecting the main plot.

    The main actress really pulls off the part. She is cute, lovable, and the more I watched the show the more I liked her in the part.

    The villain was brilliantly portrayed. He was evil, heartless, cruel, but the actor made the audience somewhat sympathize with his situation and what made him that way. That is not easy to do... and is a high point all the way through the series. The heroine and the villain work really well together to make the show. If not for those actors and the way they were directed and their characters portrayed, I'm not sure the show would have been near as enjoyable.

    Other parts are somewhat repetitive and even unnecessary. They spend about three episodes in a dull warehouse that does little to advance the plot. The side-plots (and there are several of them) are not all that entertaining or impressive. The super-weak uncle was silly and became obnoxious after several whining sessions. The glutinous brother really brought nothing to the show. (Yes, I know he was for comedic effect, but the role just wasn't funny.) And while she's one of my favorite actresses, the December romance never came off as convincing or necessary to the plot. It was just kind of thrown in there, and the male barista part was unconvincing.

    Basically this is a two-pony show. One actor is funny and cute, the other charismatic and dangerous. They work very well off each other. The show holds up all the way through, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. But I do think it would have worked better as a 6-episode mini-series by leaving out the plodding and unnecessary side-plots. Still, a series worth watching.
  • Different approach with the original Bong Soon, pretty good for a light watch, funny but a bit boring at the same time. This drama belong to fantasy comedy and a bit exaggerated i guess? If you are not a fan of unrealistic/silly drama you better skip this one.

    I dont get why people are saying the female lead is a bad actress who cant act (Lee Yoo Mi) i think she really suit the character and deliver it really well, innocent Mongolian nomad girl with an accent, kinda childish, cute, innocent, and bubbly. The villain actor also doing a really great job with his acting skill and expression, you can really feel he is a total psycho.

    Whats surprising is only a few people mentioning how bad the lead protagonist actor Ong Seong Woo is, from the very first episode i cant help but notice that his dialog, expression and body language is so stiff and unnatural (not a hater okay) this is my first time seeing his acting so im not sure how he did in other drama, i dont think he is a main lead level yet.
  • A bit too long, but entertaining for what it is. Lee Yoo Mi does a good job as a fish out of water in the beginning of the series, but when the series transform into more and more of a Korean character and less and less of a Mongolian character I feel like she loses some of her charm. There's no reason she has to cut her hair. A tragic loss. The rest of the cast which plays her family does a remarkable job, with the best possible combination of gravitas and over the top ridiculousness. One character who is always played deadly seriously is that o Ryu Shi-oh who is played brilliantly by Byeon Woo-seok. The villain story is really well written even if his demise is laughably bloodless. Not the best k-drama it's quite good.
  • First off, if you're a fan of Kang Nam Soon, get ready for disappointment. It feels like the show should be renamed "Strong Mother Hwang Geumja" because, seriously, it's ALL about her. Poor Nam Soon gets less screen time than her mom's old stories. Not exactly the follow-up we were hoping for.

    The main lead? Some say he's spineless to the point of confusion. Is he too trusting, or just plain weird? Your guess is as good as mine. And the villain? Well, if you've been around the K-drama block, you won't find anything groundbreaking here - it's your typical bad guy playbook.

    If you loved the original "Strong Woman," brace yourself. The humor, chemistry, and plotline that made the first one a hit are MIA. The lead actress seems to be trying too hard to be cute, making it more cringe than endearing. Park Bo Young didn't need to break a sweat in the original - she just naturally rocked it.

    Some reviewers are calling out the show for shamelessly copying the OG drama. They say it's like the actors and plotlines are making you want to hurl. The addition of ridiculous characters and cheesy storylines doesn't help, and folks are pretty convinced the cast is just going through the motions.

    And let's talk about the pace - it's slower than a snail's stroll. Emotional scenes? Forced and cringeworthy. The effort is there, but the material just isn't cutting it. The chemistry between the leads? Zilch. People are claiming they've seen more sparks between two rocks.

    In a nutshell, "Strong Girl Namsoon" is like that sequel you watch and wish you hadn't. It's not terrible, but it's definitely not living up to the hype of the original. Save yourself some time and skip this one. Your K-drama night deserves better.
  • snply21 October 2023
    Some people seemed to dislike this show and judged it to be " very bad and unworthy of anyone's time. I respect the different opinions. However, this show blew me, it showcases an amazing plot and funny and exciting scenes that push me to look forward. The chemistry and cuteness of the couples is indeed very addictive and the mysteries that hide behind the curtains are actually really deep which thrills me to watch more. It gets more nostalgic s in certain episodes the main couple of strong woman bong soon appear and that made me cry! Another comment i have is on the villain. He's mind blowing, perfect for his role! An amazing love triangle will certainly happen between nam soon, the police officer and the drug dealer... I AM VERY EXCITED FOR THE NEXT EPISODES! Despite people's opinions, i highly recommend this drama.
  • This is an action comedy.

    It is another installment from writer of a famous kdrama 'Strong girl Bong-soon'.

    But this time it's inferior to former.

    Mostly because main character Nam-soon is so stupid, dumb and acting is very loud, irritating and not likable like Bong-soon. Her superpowers are inconsistent.

    Focus is not just on NamSoon but also her mother & grandmother.

    All are perfect and has superpowers, there is no character arch or development. Family's men are inept. Antagonist is all vanilla not so strong as previous drama.

    Male lead is sweet n cute.

    I watched it in FF so able to finish quickly for good. Everything happens quickly in last two episode.

    In a nutshell, "Strong Girl Namsoon" is like that sequel you watch and wish you hadn't. It's not terrible, but it's definitely not living up to the hype of the original.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The main female lead's acting is so bad that you won't even want to watch the series. The first season was good and enjoyable but this one is not worth it.

    The main female lead's acting is really weird and it makes the main character look so stupid. Her acting is just so irritating. She is supposed to portray a strong girl but she keeps making such weird facial expressions like she has brain damage or something, the character looks so dumb because of her acting, not to mention the weird power they added for the character, now she can jump and has supervision too!

    The only exciting thing about this series was the original couple's cameo.
  • cuteclaw3 December 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    I thought it was funny and a good light watch. 😊

    I liked the main characters. I thought that they worked well together and I liked their scenes!

    The grandma's character was great to me, she really made me laugh. I liked her new fella too and the scenes that they had together. 😀

    I liked the brother too and the uncle. They both made me laugh. 😂

    I liked the two homeless people too but I wish their story ended better. I didn't like what turn theirs took. 😔

    There was some good eye candy in it! Kang Hee Sik, Bread Song and Ryu Si-O! Lovely! 😍

    I liked the comedy aspects and the string women aspects of it. It cheered me up. I'm surprised a lot of the reviews are so negative about it. I guess we all have different tastes. I thought it was a nice easy watch. 😊
  • amitaryansaini26 November 2023
    Strong girl nam-soon is a decent show with good plot. This show gives you chills when the girls uses there power

    But every shows have there problems

    Main problem is the story feels like they stretch it They can complete the story in 10 episode but K-Drama always comes with 16 episode

    The main protagonist acting is not good as other actors.

    But the comedy is good.

    Action is not good compared to the show name

    This show available in Netflix in Hindi dub. Dub is decent, you will enjoy it very much

    They show have post credit scene. This scenes shows that they planned to build the universe for the shows.
  • barrytookas11 November 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    As much as there are parts in the script of the original "Strong Girl" that I dislike, it was a bit of a comic masterpiece and it was hard not to fall in love with Bong Soon. Nam Soon is all over the place. The story is unbelievable even in accepting the fantasy of the premise. Nam Soon is a cross between Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo, (who's character was perfect for that drama), and someone on drugs. The time wasted on displaying the opulence of the grandmother and the mother are annoying and unnecessary. This is even worse that the Batman series that was deliberately cheesy and camped up. Nam Soon becoming involved in undercover work is totally unbelievable as she makes no attempt to be discrete or hide her super natural strength as Bing Soon did. When Bong Soon loses her power due to an act that saves the life of an innocent victim, because an innocent person gets injured in the process, it did not add up with the so called rules of conduct for the family power, yet in this story where the same rules apply, the grandmother can throw her husband across the floor in a busy airport, putting him in hospital and nothing happens to her power. Everything about this drama is annoying, the writing is abysmal, that acting is second rate and the story not entertaining on any level. I also find it hard to watch Kim Jung Eun, who's looks are way too artificial and fake. The over the top clothes that the mother and grandmother wear is nauseating to say the least.

    And speaking of nauseating, what is the purpose of Nam Soon's brother consuming huge amounts of food in every scene, as if he is part of an Olympic eating team that he is training for. Is that supposed to be funny or entertaining in some universe. The only things that gets me through an episode is the fast forward button. Please Korea, get someone who can write a story!!!!!!!!!!!

    Update! After completing this series, I am amazed at how much worse each episode was able to be. Surely someone on the production team is competing to produce the worst sequel to ever be made. It would seem the main priority was product placement and over acting. (Check!) The ending had no resolve and I know I could never stomach another episode, so please, no series 2!

    All I can say about Strong Girl Nam-soon is, it is like a house that once completed needs to be immediately condemned and demolished!!!
  • It's kind of...something. In the light category, action comedy series, a bit fantastic, with the inevitable love story. It wants to be a sequel to Strong Womans Do Bong Soon, and it even has a small cameo in ep.3's far from the first series. Lee Yoo-Mi is cute, especially when she plays with a Mongolian accent, and the image quality is much better than in the first series. This can also be from the alternative source, because the geniuses at Netflix removed the original from the European grid.

    However, as a scenario, comic moments, even special effects, it is much more diluted than the original.

    Until now, the "geniuses" at Netflix have only released the first 5 episodes, but if the screenwriter continues with the inspiration hangover, it will not compare to the one in 2017.
  • alaningle728 November 2023
    Reading some of the reviews you would think this was a really terrible series, which it is not. I think too many people are comparing it to "Strong Girl Bong-soon" which I will agree was a superior series as I awarded that 9 stars as opposed to 7 for this. This series concentrates on the females of a family line who all have immense strength and will lose it if they abuse the power they have been given. The grandmother is starting a new relationship after her husband has gone missing. The mother is incredibly rich and uses her immense wealth to bring justice to the world. The daughter who was lost in Mongolia as a child is reunited with her family and through circumstances becomes involved with a police officer and then helps him combat a Russian gangster organisation using a new drug in Korea. There is also a murderous villain who somehow as the series goes on has you feeling sympathy for him. An easy watch and some enjoyable lighthearted moments.
  • eijigary27 November 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    People are on villains side cuz of his look :/ Please remember what he did! To be honest I think Namson could change his life but I think it's too late oh well. I hope in season two we will see more of him like maybe his backstory. It also has good ending but not for villain. (I low key feel bad for the villain cuz he do deserve better) I only watched the show cuz my favorite actress Lee Yoo-mi is in it and I'm glad her character got good ending because most of her characters always end up dying or have bad ending like her character from Squid Game, All of us are dead, or Adult life matters. So yup!
  • This review was posted after watching 14 of 14 released episodes, the ending has not yet released.

    One could kind of tell that there wasn't a lot of story to this. The show went so fast through the first five episodes that you had to wonder how much more content they could make. Well, they did indeed add a lot of filler to it. It feels like watching Naruto... all of a sudden, the next 5 episodes are a side story about another character, except Naruto is a hundreds episodes long series, and this series is less than 20 episodes long. The filler comes disguised as concurrent development of the other characters as time passes. It will jump between different characters' stories over one "arc", and then take a frog leap to the next major plot event. I did enjoy Naruto, and so, I also enjoyed Nam-Soon, but it's not for everyone.
  • I can't believe this drama was written by the same person that wrote 'Strong Girl Do Bong-Soon' because it is soooo bad. And I mean, really bad... If you like 'Strong Girl Do Bong-Soon' just skip this, trust me!

    To summarize my pov here are the things I dislike:

    • Nam-Soon, she is so dumb that it starts to annoy me every time I see her on the screen. It's not funny if a character is just dumb and acts like a child.

    She simply does things.. there's no character arch at all.. and she is so perfect and has all the superpowers imaginable... and these things stop making me CARE about her.

    • her mother, for real, the drama should've been called 'Strong girl Geum-ju', I don't think I have to say more here...
    • the plot, there are a lot of scenes where things happen because the writer wanted them to happen, not because there's any logic behind or because the characters are defined to do that kind of stuff or something else... they HAPPEN just to move the story forward...
    • the story, I dislike it because there's not a story at all... except obviously, the drug-related story... no one in this drama changes, the mother is perfect, Nam Soon is perfect, her grandma is perfect, her father is doing well, Hee-Sik is the perfect cop... there's NO CHANGE when it comes to characters...
    • the editing, imagine jumping from scene to scene with almost no connections at all, almost all the time, it's like watching a series of individual montages. And imagine being the main character in this drama, but 90% of the screen time goes to anyone else just not you...

    So yeah, these are the things I dislike so far about this drama.. I may update this review if I, somehow, continue watching this..

    The one thing I liked:
    • the cameo, that's all

  • Strong girl namasoon is good drama I really like villian and her mom they hold character strongly for them it is worth Actually namsoon character is not worth I don't like {dumb and overacting character} It is not I m pointing female lead her acting is good thus we also see in all of us dead ,squid game and other dramas.. But this Drama writer should given her strong + intelligent girl character...... And main lead character is fine not so good Kdrama writers should give ryu shio main lead role he is soo good I actually watching him first time but I m very impress b/c of him due to him drama I m watching from the starting.
  • rbex-9347926 November 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    Didn't find this show captivating like it's predecessor. Sometimes it was cringy to watch at times with certain characters. I know with some kdramas they bring the serious element to the show with a touch of humour which works well for some shows. However, with this show it was hard to take it seriously. The love connection between Nam Soon and the police officer also felt forced and rushed. I would have liked to see the development of the family relationships more on screen. My only favourite character was the villain, I think the actor played the character still. Looks like their possibly might be a season 2, hopefully it is better.
  • I know a few of these actors and thought this would be a fun show to watch. I found myself fast forwarding through many scenes, especially the very stupid and cringy romantic ones. Just too cheesy and predictable.

    The show started off well enough to want to see the next episode. As the episodes progressed, they became just way too stupid and so fast forwarding was the common thing to do for me. The only character that was interesting and very well played was Ryu Shi-oh by Byeon Woo-seok.

    This is a good actor and convincing in his antagonist role. That character's history was much more interesting and believable than all the rest.

    I think a Season 2 would be a mistake for these actors. Too silly and campy.
  • Very entertaining, where the villain stole the show, he did the best job and is easy on the eye's too! Almost seemed like a cartoon in some aspects, the first one did not seem as cartoonish. FL lead was really cute and all but way over the top with it and childish to boot! No growth in the whole thing, should have learned more in her home country. Wish they had made her a little smarter and less naive!

    ML is better and adorable, to much time on her mother, guess they had to show why the women are so strong. The only sane person was her father and we did not get to see much of him...I gave it a 9, just a little disappointed! Still fun and entertaining, probably won't watch it again...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The first few episodes were really intriguing, I was really curious what they'd do with these new powers of a Strong Girl. Gang Nam-Soon was a pretty interesting character at first too. But after about half a season, they showcased her powers less and less until this show lost its purpose, its idea. Also, the special effects were pretty disappointing. Nothing stood out in this show. Nam-Soon didn't do anything that special with her powers. At least Bong-Soon had that well-choreographed fight against that mob. And it seems they're hinting to another spin-off / sequel (maybe a season 2?). But I'd really want to see more of the OG Bong-Soon, maybe a team-up or something.
  • It started off well, but the plot is so bad that I have seen many about 10 episodes on forward waiting for the villain. He does his part quite well.

    The FL is supposed to have grown up in Mongolia and plot where she investigates is so ridiculous to the point it annoys you. And how stupid can one get to not realized a big freaking watch/camera shoved in your face.

    Even as a comedy serial it fails miserable. It's pathetic. Catch the scenes with the villain on YT .. especially yourKdramachingu - she has done a good job on the edits.thats the only screen time he's got , so you can probably save your self from an absolute torture.

    This isnt even 10% as good as Strong Girl Bong Son. The story line itself is so terrible and senseless. So terribly disappointed. I can't blame the actors cos the plot itself expects them to act stupid.

    I hope the Villian gets more roles as ML. I enjoyed his work in 21st Century. Hope to see more of him in different roles. This was a refresher alas in a dud of a Kdrama.

    I would like to give this a negative star to the drama, however, 1 star is the least that I can give here.
  • This series was not about Nam-Soon but the mother. The casting was picked properly for the most part except for 2 male actors. The villain should have been the police officer and the police officer should have been the villain as each of them had the looks of the other characters. The other thing that I don't like as this was obviously made for people who were born in the late 90's and later is the borrowed Ideas from other movies and programs. The mother and her leather outfit and motorcycle were borrowed from the Michelle Yeoh movie Silver Fox. The sound effects when Nam Soon was using the strength were taken from the six million dollar man and the bionic woman and in one scene the background movie was from the exorcist. The expectation here was when the villain took the drug and had the same super strength as Nam Soon that they would duel it out one on one with her loosing and then all of the females helping her to victory but that didn't happen either what a wasted opportunity. Park Bo Youngs cameo didn't make sense. Was she contractually obligated to show her face to promote this or was she just looking for extra cash? This had all of the potential of being something good but failed. I almost forgot the last borrowed part was from a Bruce Lee movie. They made Nam Soon look like a dumb woman in order to go undercover, just like Bruce did when he went to the Japanese office dressed as a dorky telephone repair man. Oh well I guess I wasted 16 plus hours on this. The original one was way better.
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