User Reviews (27)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Just too many stories and too many left untold. The movie caught my attention and had a good starting plot, but just didn't deliver. The movie did a good job making me feel for the main actors but left me wanting to understand more. What really happened with Josh's father? Why didn't they dive into this further?! The ending was a little hokie. Definitely worth watching.
  • Cute unique story. Could have been more powerful if they connected the music more with overcoming grief.
  • This movie was unique and I have no idea why so many people don't like it. Often movies with good reviews suck. And vise verse mostly.

    This movie made me laugh, cry and feel for the characters. It's not suppose to be real, it's a fiction, and an entertaining one too. It would get a higher score from me if the ending was better then it was. But overall it was a good and entertaining movie, and the reviewers are not giving this movie justice.

    I don't type reviews often, but I'm just so tired of people giving good movies bad reviews, and you know why, because of their personal opinion, if they didn't like it or got offended so be it, but don't let your opinion give a good movie a bad rep.

    I enjoyed this movie and the story was good, sure it could have been filled up but that is what books are for, not movies.

    You should go and watch this movie right now, it's worth your time and more.
  • Well its the bad kid coming to town,and he has a chip on his shoulder.The high school has a problem also they haven't won the cheer-leading competition in 7 years!Oh mix in hometown fallen heroes theme from the war you have 2 movies in 1. Its the movie (footloose 1984)but not in a good way.Biggest problem every scene the main characters are upset,angry and painfully predictable.The movie couldn't finish quick enough.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movie is a little blund with some great scenes but mostly it is a bit forgettable, mostly due to the personality of the main character. However the music is great with some good tracks.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Greetings again from the darkness. It's a coming of age film. Nope, it's small town Americana film. Wait … it's a high school dance film. Hold on, it's an anti-war film. Sorry about that, it's a film about families struggling with grief. Not that a film has to be any one type – the best rarely are – but writer Oscar Orlando Torres and first time director Daniel Duron are all over the place with this one.

    Josh (Lucas Til, Havoc from the X-Men films) is a troubled young man with dazzling DJ skills beloved in the NYC club scene. An unfortunate turn leads to his mother (Maria Bello) and a Judge banishing him to live with his long lost father (Tom Everett Scott) in a small, idyllic place that could be AnyTown USA … or more appropriately, NoPlace USA. Josh is required to go to regular counseling for one year, and of course his therapist (Josh Duhamel) is as unstable as most any patient (as noted by his passion for soccer).

    As with any new high school student, Josh is quickly befriended by Tony the nerdy little brother of the beautiful dance team captain Mary (Kherington Payne, Fame 2009). Tony is played by Jae Head, who you will remember as the sharp-but-still-goofy little brother in The Blind Side. It's pretty obvious where this is headed when we first see the lame dance routines. In the blink of an eye, Josh's music has elevated the dance team to elite status while he also stumbles into a romantic situation with Mary.

    We soon learn that this town is hiding something. No, it's not like The Stepford Wives, but in case we can't figure it out on our own, Mary illuminates the War Memorial Tree – filled with military medals awarded to those the town has lost to war. See, the whole town has been touched war casualties, but no one will deal. Laura Dern plays mom to Tony and Mary, but she is so disoriented by grief, that she often thinks her oldest son is still returning home someday.

    With elements of Footloose and Step Up, the story is continually brought crashing back around us with clips from Platoon – a film Josh so loves that it plays a central role in the film's climax and redemption for all involved. The best parts of the film revolve around grief and pain, but those elements are constantly chopped up with the abbreviated dance contests. Some script doctoring would have helped rescue a film that seems to have too much to say, yet underserves a solid cast (though Til and Payne are too old to play high schoolers).
  • I went into this because I like Lucas Till. I have put off watching it for several weeks because I thought I would be wasting my time. I have so many movies and TV shows to watch and I just can't spend time on bad ones. This is not rated very highly on IMDb and that put me off.

    Well I was wrong! And any reviewer that says this is not a worthwhile movie failed to watch it. It is a little hard to watch because of the strong emotion but well worth your time. This is a movie with heart overflowing.

    It is a huge plot with lots and lots of character arcs. A whole town full of them. At first, you might think all of the townies are nutz but it comes out why and there is a good reason. Hundreds of them.

    I don't want to spoil the ride but this is one I might see multiple times and that's unusual. There is so much to it. The plot is tight. There are parallels in individual story lines of the characters that you might catch. They are not obvious but just watch this carefully, not while playing poker as I was at the start but really watch it. It will make a big impression on you. I guarantee it! Mike
  • You have to be VERY brave to sit through this horse-crap of a movie,.I feel AWFUL,.How the "really good" cast could try to "act" their way through it is commendable,.I guess actors need money,.But wow,.I think a DJ movie about Zombies with athletic aspirations to become Junkies would have been a better premise,.Ouch,.Worst movie I can remember,.I have a GREAT memory : )

    Do yourself a favor and RUN from this movie,.I guess the one positive is that there are a slew of actors in this flick that can look back and say that THIS is the worst movie they were ever in,.

    Please guys,.Never write a script about post-war trauma and dance competitions ever again,.How it was done ONCE is incredible
  • It'S cool, Music is fun, make me think of All these contest show The story is family friendly it's simple, the actor are good simple and effective.

    So STOP believing all these so call EXPECT that come tons and tons of word to justify there genius brain lol

    WATCH THIS is you like music, Dance and don't want to think about other film alike, it's ENTERTAINING is that the ideas of movie ?

    or do you prefer all these sic movie with " cliché " that we see over and over These movie that show so many hidden msg, THIS BRAVETOWN Movie is nice Not the movie of the yrs but decent regarding all the crap movie we see.

    It'S young, entertaining and it's simple The young boy struggle with normal teens problem

    PS: I'm 55 years old I can imagine what problem teen may have these day how they need to adapt so I find to be a good representation struggle

    So pls enough with all these EXPERT comment this movie is worth watching if you like dancing and music and specially talent show as I do :)
  • rdg4531 October 2018
    The slow start with a story of any kind, then it got worse. It is not worth your time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Prior to viewing this, my favorite bad movie was Showgirls. Well Joe Eszterhas, move over because there's a new sheriff in (Brave)town and his name is Oscar Torres. Oscar has taken elements of Footloose, Flashdance, Step Up and every maudlin family drama from the Lifetime and the Hallmark Channel and clumsily mixed them into this rotting carcass of a script.

    Josh, a 17 year old Electronica DJ at a club in the big city by night, is sullen and unhappy because daddy left, and his single and working mom doesn't keep milk in the fridge. Meanwhile he spends his nights partying like a boss at the club, scoring with a hot groupie and getting millions of views on line while popping pills left and right until he overdoses. In an unintentionally hilarious scene, Josh appears before a judge, who reads a long list of priors and then sentences him to spend a year in North Dakota with his estranged dad. Sure, that would happen.

    Before you know it, Josh is the toast of little town America with his dance grooves. There are plenty of tear filled side plots about people who have lost family and friends in various wars and can't get past their grief. Until our own little Pollyanna, that's Josh folks, comes into their lives and starts to heal them while he himself is healed. And it's all done so simply and quickly through bad movie magic!

    But the real capper is the big dance finale. In a small town that has lost many citizens to various wars, Josh decides to get the dance team, who have made it to the state finals (is this really a thing? I mean, I thought Bring It On was just a fever dream), to dance to his electronica take on the score of Platoon. When my jaw hit the floor, I picked it up so I could stifle the laughter. Honestly, I felt like I had popped one of the pills that sent Josh to North Dakota. It is so cynical and wrong headed of the makers of the film that it would leave a bad taste in your mouth if the whole enterprise wasn't so moronically stupid and ridiculous.

    Bravetown works better as a comedy than drama, but really fails even at that. I'm giving it 2 stars rather than zero because it made me laugh really hard at certain scenes throughout.
  • I went into this film feeling fairly neutral about it. Given my expectations, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Lucas Till gave a wonderful performance as the lead. He was vulnerable, yet open enough to let someone else in. His struggle to make this happen becomes the heart and soul of the movie. Some reviewers said the script was unoriginal. I disagree. It explored love, trust, and betrayal in an intimate way. These are timeless themes. The dance routines were quite good. Josh Duhamel likewise gave a brilliantly understated performance as the therapist helping the lead.

    The movie definitely honors the veterans, especially their families. Yes, the soldiers are brave and make sacrifices, but so do their families. The film explores the heavy toll service and sacrifice has on the family. It also ties in neatly with the pain felt by the lead actor.

    I recommend this indie movie. It's a lot better than some of the stinkers I've seen these days.
  • I won't give it an awful outright. The premise is misdirected. There aren't any surprises. The writing is very sophomoric. The character development is nonexistent on the whole. There are a few glimmers of hope which fade quickly.

    That being said there are actually some very good moments in this film. Those are because of the actors. Lucas Till is an underrated actor. The guy does the best he can with the character he was given. Josh Duhamel gives a pretty good performance as well considering the script, yet again. Laura Dern, is a very underrated actress. She has a subtlety that is wasted in this film.

    If you watch it because of certain actors, as did I, you probably won't think it is just completely terrible. It's not a complete waste of time, but dang near it.
  • If you're looking for the opportunity to just watch something that will immerse you so deeply that you'll forget about your troubles or problems for the span that this movie runs for, then barge right with some popcorn.

    Overall, I'd give this movie a 10, if not for the hype train around the end that went down the drain, but simply a treat to watch.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    My rating 5/10 is for some minor scenes throughout and mainly a technical rating.

    This was not a good movie. I felt like I was watching a Hallmark film with Step Up thrown in. Okay, this teenage boy who is a DJ 99% of the time and a 17 year old 1% of the time. He comes from a dysfunctional family. A mother who never wanted him (apparently) but quit drugs to take care of him but apparently she couldn't do that right because the guy takes care of himself yet he's a drug addict (since 12) and gets into a lot of trouble. So, he has a drug overdose and is sent to live with his father who actually comes off as this good guy but who left him and his mom after he was born, and you never really learn why.

    So the kid has to go to a counselor per court orders who is more screwed up than he is, and he meets a girl from a screwed up family because her older brother died in Iraq (we never learn anything about her own father, and where he is) but that's the norm in this highly diverse small town in North Dakota that everyone has lost everyone but they don't deal with the loss they just bury it.

    I'm sorry but I live in a small town of almost 7,000 people. So small that the nearest movie theater is in the next state up. We honor our dead. Whether they fought in a war, or not. I'm not saying that it's not possible for an entire town to all hold in their baggage collectively...well, maybe I am. It just seems so fictionalized for this film because of all the happy dancing going on! There was more dancing in this film than I thought there would be. It was more of a character in of itself than all the other things combined.

    Okay, the kid has parental issues which never seem to be resolved. He's the main character, and it felt like he was a third character in this film. His girlfriend, her family, her dead brother and his best friend (the counselor) actually seem to be the main focus of the film. Well, that and all the "dancing".

    There was just so many arcs in this film that only one of them gets resolved: the girlfriend's baggage (and by-way the counselor's), and cheesily I might add. What about the main character?!?!

    The kid gets beat up a couple of times by this jock and his friends but it's okay because the kid lost his own parents when he was little. That story: not resolved.

    Other cheesy things like: you can't watch a war film because people from this tiny town have lost people in a war and it's just too emotional. Well, if that's the message then don't watch this movie, that's all they talk about.

    This movie went nowhere.

    So bad.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    Proving Hollywood is will to sell out war vets for ticket sales.

    I don't really know how to classify this film under any one particular genre. I guess it's more or less a teen-romance, but it has elements of other emotion based films. Anti-war stance, coming of age, bad boy turns good, dance off, and the classic redemption tale are all part of this jumbled mess. It's not great... yeah... it's just not very good either.

    Outside of the thematic issues, the characters are pretty awful. The main couple aren't really to be admired in this film. I found the young heart-throb to be a pretty awful person. I get that he has had a rough life, but a 18 year old NY DJ with drug issues and a whiny personality isn't someone who I felt any apathy for. His girlfriend isn't much better, and her acting skills were pretty off. She couldn't look a single person in the eye the whole film, which really throws off any of the argumentative scenes she's involved with. There is a scene where they are both hurling "WHO'S GOT THE HARDER LIFE," moments which is really just painful to watch. Josh Duhamel isn't half bad, as the PTSD recovering soldier returned home to council underprivileged kids. He's the only believable character.

    There is a massive problem with this film, as anyone who watched it through till the end will know. It has possibly the most redundant ending of any film I've seen.


    Outside of the relationship that is formed between the two main characters, they may have changed (SLIGHTLY) as individuals, but what about their real problems? You might think they have come to accept the death of a loved one, but what about the boy's relationship with his father and mother? The daughter's mentally ill mother, and her deepening depression? His drug addiction? It leaves all of these huge problems still hanging at the end. I know... movies don't have to summarize all the problems and should leave some questions at the end, but those are for IDEA films, and this is most definitely not one of those.

    Anyways, I rated it pretty low for it's use of war vets in a dance off, for WAY MORE BEATS HEADPHONES SHOTS THAN ARE NECESSARY (I don't know a single DJ who uses those, buy some freaking marshals man), and the constant references to Platoon. Which is a much better film. You're better off watching that.

  • This is an excellent movie. Yes, it has dance, a DJ, music, electronica, etc. It has the teenage element, the bullying element, the young romance element, and the chip on the shoulder element, BUT it is a very good story. Well acted, directed, produced, etc., each element in the movie has a message, a meaning, and a feeling provoked. I highly suggest this movie and it is now permanently in our library, to be watched time and again...
  • There is NO SUCH THING as a "talented DJ". Learn to sing or play an instrument well... or get off the stage CHUMP.
  • It's a heartfelt story about a kid who feels lost and unwanted learning how to cope with his issues and give to others what he never received. While I thought that some of the details along the way were unnecessary to the plot, they were kind of necessary for the character development. The casting was good, the storyline was good, the acting was pretty good, and all in all I'd rate the movie about 8/10, but because it was scored so low I felt the need to boost it with a 10/10. I'd say it's worth a watch. If anything, I enjoyed it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    We watched this because of the "talented musician and dancing" tagline.

    Perhaps that tagline oversells the movie a bit.

    The acting is fine. The cast is fine. The intent of the story is poignant.

    But the actual plot is, in a word, unbelievable.

    There is an entire town in North Dakota that regularly sends its best and brightest off to war, and they return broken--or not at all.

    And the entire town is traumatized, generation after generation, by their deaths.

    But the boys go off to war, friends and family stay behind, and the cycle continues

    BUT ALSO this tiny town in Western North Dakota somehow becomes the host of the statewide high school cheer dance off which is filled with cheer teams from across the state all dancing in the most suggestive poses and steps and outfits possible, something that notoriously conservative North Dakota is known for.

    These two threads are maybe connected.

    But how they are connected is a thread too fine to see.

    None of these people *for generations* will talk about their grief.

    And yet they are completely accepting of Las Vegas showgirls as cheer squad. Because that's how small towns are in America's heartland.

    It's not a terrible movie. The actors are fine, and the production values are good.

    But ultimately this film just doesn't land.

    3/10 stars.
  • I'm a fan of Lucas Till and I'm from Germany. At first I bought and watched the movie because of Lucas Till but the movie has a lot more to offer the great music, the great dance scenes and the action are very captivating at least for me. In my view, the film is absolutely great. The actors are fabulous and make the movie very interesting and you can not stop watching it. That's why I give you the full 10 points. Thank you and a greeting from Germany
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Bravetown is a coming of age tale centering around Josh, a gifted DJ from NYC who's trying to find his own space in the world and not quit managing. He's angry about his life, his mother, no real connections, he acts out and does drugs to cope.

    When one act goes too far, and he's pushed the limits of the justice system, a judge orders him to be remanded to his dead-beat dad who lives in a small midwestern town.

    There, Josh tries to find his place again and does so by using his DJ skills to help the local dance team and maybe, make connections he's never been able to find.

    Okay. like a lot of reviewers have already stated: the movie has everything as well as the kitchen sink-- 1) Coming of age story 2) City boy dumped in a small town 3) War town 4) Dance-a-thosn 5) Teenage romance 6) Grief, pain, trauma, avoidance, etc

    And much more!

    When you have too many themes and subplots, you can't remotely address any of them very well. Or at all. A few were touched upon and then jerked away.

    This movie had some surprising actors in it--Laura Dern, Tom Everett Scott, Josh Duhamel, and Maria Bello--but they were woefully underutilized but did elevate the story and helped out the overall movie.

    The main premise is that Josh is closed off due to his mom resenting him being born and not appreciating all that she had to do/give up for him when his own father abandoned them. That was one theme that is the backbone to the film but NEVER gets explored or explained at all. Then we have that whole dance angle that took up 75% of the movie...which, ok, fine, but why did it have to take up so much of the film? The dance/music/DJ element wasn't really well incorporated into the overall plot even though it's the vehicle in which Josh learns to open up, be vulnerable, and talk about the really crappy things that have happened to him. It's just not handled very smoothly or fleshed out enough and came off very disjointed.

    There are several scenes of Mary's mother that suffers from depression due to losing her eldest son to war and drowning in the past. That was supposed to be a message about something but it was almost like its own story line that never truly fully connected to the rest of the story, the character Mary, or anything at all.

    It's just all these hints at all these random themes shoved into one, short movie. There is little resolution to anything of the open-ended everything. Was there 'some' character growth. Yes, but we don't really get to see how that growth progressed in a coherent way. It just happens, you see it, but there's no explanation. Everything is just kinda vaguely told to you.

    What makes this movie more than a few stars is that the acting of the male lead. While his character's limited, the actor did what he could to give some depth but it would have been nice to know more about Josh, not just random scenes of him doing random things.

    The touch and go introductions of grief and pain that the female lead, Mary, feels as well as Josh's mandated shrink, Alex, were the most poignant but again, loosely tied to the plot and the indirect effect it has on Josh.

    Ultimately, it's a generic, Hallmark type movie that's meant to uplift you but because of all the staggering issues with the plot/script/directing, it's hard to really to come away with 'yeah, that was a tearjerker drama to remember', it's more like, 'what a mess, had potential, but seriously, what a mess!'

    I don't regret it. I did like the performances of the most of the cast and when it succeeded, it did well enough. Because there were so many elements at play, could watching it again help me see through the clutter? Me thinks not.
  • There are many good, original themes in this movie. They aren't deeply processed. On one side some of the details aren't necessary to the plot, on the other way don't explain them makes us feel like to watch half a movie. It's a fiction (many details are obviously unreal). Good as entertainment that make you think about. I don't like dance scenes anyway it's only my taste. Good, must to watch.
  • It starts with a waitress who can't and never hold a glass, a DJ who's not DJ-ing... it's bad!
  • maigen_obx13 July 2020
    One of the most insensitive things I have ever watched. Whoever is responsible for this owes numerous cultures and all veterans an apology. Tacky.
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