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  • The acting wasn't that great and the homes as everyone else keeps mentioning are well kept for poor people during the depression. The home that the Kamps lived in was very nice and large for a poor family with 5 kids. However, the story line was the true meaning of Christmas. I am one that doesn't look for perfection in movies. I look at the meaning. I am very sappy.

    My son is a literary agent and every since he went to Film School, I have learned more about what goes into rating films than I ever wanted to know. He would have not liked the poor quality or the acting of the film. I liked the film because of the substance. I look at all the Christmas movies on Hallmark and UP every year (over and over) and all the others I can catch on other channels and I like them because I am a sappy person. I gave it an 8 because of it's substance. Had the quality been better it would have rated a 10. That is just my sappy take on it.
  • Way better than I was expecting. At first, I was thinking "these are some pretty modern hairstyles for a bunch of people living in the depression", and "look at all these well kept homes that these look more like This is the Place state park than the dust bowl". But it didn't take long for the story to suck me in and even bring me close to tears a couple of times, and I'm a stoic dude. I knew it wasn't just me when my 9-year old had to leave the room because he couldn't bear to watch the developing conflict in the story line. Obviously, this isn't a high budget production, but if you can suspend your disbelief for a bit, you and your family will be entertained while learning some valuable lessons in the process.
  • Watchable Christmas movie. These movies are supposed to be uplifting. But nothing seems to go right for these kids in a family struggling without their mother in the depression. So it's more serious than the usual Hallmark movie.

    There is an injured horse and a missing dog and a bunch of bullies and an outspoken cute girl and a older nurse wannabe and a budding romance and a mean old horse owning woman. It's okay if you want a change from Hallmark fluff.
  • During the Great Depression, the Kamp family struggles to get by after Mrs. Kamp passes away. The children expect another Christmas without presents until their father brings home one dollar for them to spend on gifts.

    The film is very enjoyable. It is one of those films you don't want to end. It reminds me on "Little House on the Prairie" and "The Waltons". If you like family safe films then please watch this film. Its so well made.

    The film was made for "UP" cable channel. If you don't get that channel then buy it on DVD. After you are done loan it to friends.
  • This may not be a high budget movie with lots of top named actors but it is good story and fine actors. Great story and well played. Our family thoroughly enjoyed this show. Good, family based, clean cut, meaningful, touching. Actors all did a fine job. If you're wanting a good movie to watch with your family this is it. Takes you back to the simpler time of life. There is no sex, car crashes, violence, computer generated anything or foul language! Just a good clean, enjoyable film. You will feel good about sharing this with everybody in your family, kids, grand-kids, grandparents! In our opinion you will not be disappointed. The world needs less trashy movies and more like this one!
  • "Christmas for a Dollar" is a good family Christmas film set during the Great Depression. It was filmed in Utah. The IMDb film page with writers credits lists Gale Sears and Bon Sowards, as based on their book. The DVD case has it a little different, saying the film is "Inspired by a true story."

    Gale Sears wrote the 2009 novel of the same title, and Ben Sowards illustrated it. It's a story about the Kamp family that lived in Bakersfield, California. It takes place in 1931, the year after William Kamp's wife died at age 37. In the film, William has five children. The oldest daughter and son, Verna and Warren, help with the chores, the cooking and raising the three younger children. But, Norman, who has polio, and Ruthie with their pet dog, have the biggest roles.

    It's a good family film for the Christmas holidays. As some others have noted, it has a little touch of the Waltons in the 1971 TV Film, "The Homecoming: A Christmas Story." The film setting is much more rural than the Bakersfield of 1930 that had a population over 26,000. Here the Kamp children are all in the same one-room schoolhouse.

    The movie has a very noticeable continuity gap at the end. Mrs. Rathbone has brought her horse over for Norman to ride, and says she will see them all later in church. The family is outside their home as Verna leads the horse around the yard with Norman riding it. There's no sign of snow on the ground or buildings all around. The next scene opens with trees, a wooden fence, the ground and the church in the background all covered with a couple inches of snow.

    This is a slower moving film, but one about a family enduring hard times, caring for others and sharing, and getting along.
  • I had the pleasure of watching this tonight for the first time. I decided I wanted to review it and as I came to the page, I read one from someone who said the cast was awful. OMG, the first thought that came to mind was just how amazing the entire cast was. You might find a movie here and there with a great young child actor; maybe one with even two; but this movie had at least 5; probably 8-10 when you think about all of the children in the movie. The grownups were great too. Some have criticized the direction but hey, this was a movie that takes place during the depression. I thought they did a wonderful job bringing that time period to life. I found the movie looking for films with Danielle C. Ryan (Danielle Chuchran) who may be one of the most beautiful young actresses I have ever seen. She is also very talented and always brings her characters to life. I would and will highly recommend this movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    One Of The Best Movies To Demonstrate The True Meaning Of Christmas. It Is Very Family Oriented And Did Not Have To Worry About Covering My Childs Eyes At All. The Actors All Seemed As Humble As The characters They Were Playing I Would Recommend It To Everyone. It Proves That No Matter What Honesty Always Wins In The End. No Matter How HardHearted Some One Is Kindness Can Always Touch SomeOnes Tough Heart. Little Norman Is The Bravest Of All The Characters But Ruthie Is The Heart Of The Movie. This Movie Did Make Me Cry Because Of The True Meaning Of Christmas That Was Shared By Each Of The Children The Movie. There Is Not A Better Christmas Movie Out This Year It Is A Must See.
  • bkoganbing5 December 2016
    Although done on a low budget with a mostly unknown cast Christmas On A Dollar set in the Depression years has a Walton kind of appeal to it. It also has a bit of O Henry's Gift Of The Magi in the story.

    The plot concerns the Kamp family in rural America of the Thirties. There's Brian Krause and his six children trying to cope with both hard times and the recent loss of Mom. Oldest daughter Danielle Chuchran is playing the role Mom for the others. A situation that can be cruel. I know from my own family my grandmother lost her mother at a much younger and she got to raise her two younger brothers, one of whom died as a child. It scarred her for life and she was one mean and bitter woman by the time I came on the scene.

    But mostly this concerns Jacob Buster one of the younger kids who has polio and of course with no health insurance and that's what's really crippling the family finances as well. Anti-Vaxxers ought to take a real good look at this film and what that can do. I also remember from my childhood the lineup at my school for the polio vaccine in the 50s.

    Buster has a lot of day dreams about being a cowboy hero fueled by a horse that neighbor Nancy Stafford owns. But riding is difficult when you are in a leg brace.

    This film was done under Christian auspices and believers will go away hearts aglow with this family's faith and the love and support they have for each other. I looked at this film and see how could these things happen in a modern age. Ironically this film is set during the 30s a most reforming age.

    Now we Americans are in the hands of people who want no safety net either economic or medically for people just like the Kamps. That fact truly makes me weep.

    Watch Christmas On A Dollar and see how it effects you.
  • This movie will probably never get two thumbs up or great reviews from critics. It has no big name stars, no eye dazzling special effects, no twisted, convoluted plot and no violence or nudity, What it does have is a story of a family that works together under bad circumstances to have a Christmas of love and caring for each other. Yes the plot is a little predictable and much can be guessed ahead of time but don't let that stop you from enjoying this unsung gem. If you want to sit the family down for a couple of hours of popcorn and hot chocolate with everyone from 4 to 94 having a good time without being insulted by foul language or risqué scenes then by all means watch Christmas For A Dollar. it will be worth the time you take and will boost your holiday spirit!
  • While the idea for a Christmas movie was good, I actually blame low budgets, bad casting, (which is usually tied to low budgets) and awful directing. There were several scenes not lasting more than 30 to 45 seconds or less then just abruptly ending. Very strange. The actress playing the school teacher, Heather Beers was terrible. She cannot act and sincerely needs to learn the craft or move on to something else. The young boy stole the show along with the little girl that played his sister Ruthie. Even with a low budget, this film could have been so much better with better directing. Some lines were delivered too late, making a conversation between two actors awkward. That's a bad director.
  • mat3216428 October 2019
    A Christmas Dollar conveys a much needed message in today's society. Truly a significantly poignant point on moral importance. Not sure why everyone is criticizing the cast, they all did a wonderful job telling a story that every school should show their students before the holiday break. Loved Brian Krauss from Charmed. Always a great performance by Nancy Stafford. I've loved all of the roles she's been cast in through the years. Danielle C. Ryan and Heather Beers were lovely! And yes, Jacob Buster & Ruby Jones stood out with their performances. This movie brought all the feels of hope, love and blessings, which is Christmas is supposed to be about.
  • The kids didn't notice the prop, costuming, set, acting and other faults in this movie. The values that it enforces make it worth the watch, and the kids liked it. After a full day of shopping, lines, traffic, and decision-making this movie was a good ending to a "consumer" day. Nice way to wind down after "Elf" and "Rudolph".
  • denmanholly1 January 2021
    I'm a cancer patient which feela a bit like being a hardened criminal. I've watched 23 Christmas movies this year and this is the only one that caught me off guard and made my eyes leak. Maybe it was the horse. Maybe it was the redemption in the end on so many levels but I'll keep it for next year.
  • Everything about this movies is bad. The children's dialog is not what children would say. The actors/actresses dialog is unbelievably simple-minded. The depression era setting is perfectly clean and un-lived in. Houses are perfect - with the best drywall (drywall didn't exist in the depression) anyone could create, neat furnishing and perfectly painted houses - I think I saw one with aluminum siding. Nobody looks poor. The "horrible" old "mean" woman is totally unrealistic and is just "acting" mean to follow a well worn script that has been done better a thousand times before. The school teacher is a horrible actress, even the bad kid is badly scripted and badly acted. Don't believe the 10 star review - it must have been written by the production company. Saw this on the "Up" channel - supposed to be "up-lifting", but just too simple-minded to be believable. Will make you angry you wasted your time.
  • NOTE! This movie on Amazon Prime is entitled "A Christmas Wish". Such a heartwarming movie which help us reflect that Christmas is a time for kindness towards our family and friends and,not about HOW much money we feel obliged to spend on gifts to impress each other. Even in times of austerity,it's so important for us to remember gifts come from the heart and soul and,not from our pockets. Reviews from those who blasted this movie should look within themselves and,really think "Am I truly happy with my lot?"Riches are within us and,not in our bank accounts! This one is on my list of all time favourite Christmas movies!!! Plus,it was great seeing Leo from "Charmed". It was like watching him in an alternative Whitelighter role.
  • Let me begin by saying that I think I'm being too generous in my assessment as it is.

    I'm not familiar with the book of the same name that this is based on, but if Sally Meyers' adapted screenplay is any indication, it's the exact sort of light, ham-handed fare that would have been in my grade school curriculum for its treatment of this or that. I don't know that 'Christmas for a dollar' has any such specific value, but it was definitely cut from the same cloth. Dialogue, scene writing, and the narrative at large are very direct. From start to finish it's filled with varying soft touches of forced drama, artificial charm, mildly refreshing warmth - and gaudy, unnecessary Christian moralizing. It's the sort of simple, unsophisticated storytelling about finding courage, bringing others joy, good deeds as their own reward, and so on and so on, that is designed to impart gentle lessons to impressionable youth. I don't think the movie is an absolute loss, but it's a very mixed bag.

    Two thoughts immediately leap out to me about the film. The first is that this is, like too many others, the type of feature that only really exists because its characters bear intelligence that comes and goes as the story incredulously demands. At times one individual may demonstrate blithering ignorance, yet at another illustrate astounding and unlikely knowledge, or vice versa. Only with the most basic and scarcely considered writing is such a roundly blunt flaw possibly as prevalent as it is here.

    My second immediate thought is that while at least some of the chief cast (Melanie Stone, Danielle C. Ryan, Brian Krause) are known to me, and have surely shown their abilities elsewhere, they are reduced to performances here that are all but stripped of meaningful depth or personality. That goes for the rest of the cast, too. I don't know if it's John Lyde's direction, Meyers' screenplay, or the source material, but the characters are written with an astoundingly even, blasé waxy sheen, a pretense of unfailing good will and predictable happy endings. With such frankly smarmy roles to fill, the actors mostly seem to coast by without truly feeling anything, let alone conveying it; moments of presumable import pass with nary a blip. It's like these accomplished players have been replaced with pod people who, instead of blank expressions, wear unwavering smiles. It's... kind of disconcerting, actually.

    And with that: to the extent that these two immediate thoughts can be applied, in their own ways, to the rest of the film, this is indeed the best description of 'Christmas for a dollar' that I can give. It's noncommittal in its approach to storytelling, and there's little or nothing here that doesn't feel wholly contrived and artificial. For another example: in some instances I enjoy the attention to aspects like costume design, vehicles, and set design and decoration that look good in the first place, and furthermore tend to help cement the setting of the Great Depression. Yet at other times, even these elements seem plainly fake, manufactured on a soulless, automated assembly. Consider, too, the music, which to these ears seems to consist entirely of the same indifferent theme for the full runtime.

    What it really comes down to is that as much as this wants to be a family friendly, feel-good slice of wholesome Americana, it's so unflinchingly unyielding in its would-be charm that as a result, there's almost none to be had. It tries so hard, within that slant, to produce value, that as a result there is almost none to be had. The only especial worth that I see is that despite the extraordinary, curious constraints placed on the actors, the adults (Stone, Ryan, Krause, Heather Beers, and others) do somehow manage to be endearing in the hamstrung portrayals they turn in. Which, if you think about it, is all the greater credit to their abilities.

    There is an admiring audience for this picture, and I'm not it. I get it. Still, even among the countless holiday-themed features that share many of this one's general traits, 'Christmas for a dollar' strikes me as an especially self-important, self-involved mess. On the one hand I want to like this more than I do; on the other hand, I'm probably being much too lenient.

    Recommendable, possibly, only to audiences who adore everything Christmas, or for whom the tawdrily superfluous Christian messaging is held as a bonus. For most anyone else, even if you're a particular fan of someone in the cast or crew, you don't need to watch this.
  • Such a beautiful heartwarming film. The children were amazing actors and the story precious and uplifting. I highly recommend this movie.
  • Life lessons to learn and the importance of being honest and how cheating and lying and the consequences that come with those bad choices are negative and eventually you lose all or any integrity.
  • I feel sorry for people who wrote negative reviews. They totally missed the theme of the movie, that good does triumph over evil! It is a very heartwarming movie that the whole family can enjoy, which seems to be getting rarer these days. Will definitely watch this movie again, and recommend it to others.
  • Poor acting: Ruthie the youngest daughter and Miss Mayfield the teacher were the worst actors. I knew this could not be a family from the Depression Era when the first scene shows food being fed to the dog, and actors leaving plates with food on the table. Also, the children were whiny and rude in school. One character who was dubbed as a "good boy" trespassed, not once, but twice. Overall, not the great, inspirational film many say it is. To correct their judgment, they need to watch The Waltons Homecoming.
  • The clothes were obviously brand new, completely unrealistic of the 1930's.

    Perfect hair, perfect skin. The actors were so beautiful and perfect and clean! Yeah, very believable! /s

    They had a lot of food on their plates and yet they left the table anyway, barely eating any. Not to mention feeding some to the dog. You'd never see that in the 30's, especially within a family whose father is struggling to make ends meet.

    I couldn't finish this movie, it was so bad. The acting was terrible and the entire movie was unrealistic.