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  • Warning: Spoilers
    As the episode opens we are still seven years in the past; Nessa is still captive in Gaza and her brother is coming under pressure from Israeli Intelligence to go ahead with the project to install fibre-optic cables in the West Bank… with an extra, highly secret, modification to the original plan. This he does and Nessa and Atika are freed, along with Nessa's newly born baby; although he is carried out by Atika and everybody is left to assume he is hers. Back in the present Nessa is shown evidence proving that Shlomo wasn't involved with Hezbollah but shortly after she apologises to him she is informed that what he actually did was far worse. Seeking proof she sends somebody to inspect the cable Shlomo's company laid into the West Bank and it becomes apparent that things aren't as they should be. Another problem arises when a lecturer, at a university sponsored by the Stein Group learns that Arab-Israeli students are being denied places in favour or inferior students who are ex-Israeli military; contrary to the spoken aims of the Stein Group.

    After all the questions raised in the opening episodes it is nice to be getting some explanations. These explanations are interesting and not overly convoluted. The story continues to move at a relatively slow pace but that is a good thing; I'd far rather have that than having things rushed. While much of the time is given to the various revelations there are still moments of tension and some not unexpected violence. Not all questions are answered; we still don't know what the kidnappers will ask Nessa to do but with only three episodes remaining I'm sure we will find out soon. As in previous episodes the cast does as great job. Overall another gripping episode; my only slight complaint is that the subtitles used in the non-English scenes were rather small and hard to read.