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  • Return to Return to Nuke 'em High aka Vol 2 is a film that was literally half a decade in the making. With a large portion of the filming taking place during the course of filming Volume 1, Lloyd Kaufman, at the suggestion of Quentin Tarantino, chose to split Volume 1 into 2 entries (à la Kill Bill) when the runtime for the first Volume was pushing 3 hours with the amount of footage already completed.

    When money became scarce when filming extra scenes for Volume 2, Mr Kaufman turned to crowdfunding to help raise finances. And with the Tromaniacs all over the world pitching in, there was more than enough money to get the film completed.

    After having the World Premiere at the 70th Cannes Film Festival in 2017 (amid constant run ins with law enforcement - which is explained both via a video on the Troma Movies YouTube channel and on the Special Features on the Blu-Ray), and a US debut with an L.A Premiere on March 8, 2018 at the Ahrya Fine Arts Theater in Beverly Hills, California, Volume 2 was officially released on Blu-Ray on November 12, 2019.

    As a badly aging, slowly heading towards middle age Troma fan, I had the pleasure of attending the World Premiere of the film (and bore witness to what was mentioned in said video on the YouTube video and Blu-Ray special features), I can honestly say it was worth the wait. The movie was everything one can both expect and hope for in a Troma movie. There is gore, violence, nudity (all of which were overly excessive and, in the case of one nude scene, literally in your face). The movie was funny where it counted, bloody (literally) where it belonged (and in some places it didn't), gross yet also sympathetic. The film is a treasure trove of Troma goodness, a little bit of everything. And that includes nods to previous Troma movies via scene inclusion like Sgt Kabukiman NYPD, with the famed car flip that has since appeared in countless other Troma films since (plus a cameo by both Kabuki and Toxie), Tromeo & Juliet, Troma's War, and the first Class of Nuke 'em High.

    There are cameo appearances throughout from Troma alumni in Mark (Melvin from The Toxic Avenger) Torgl, Ron Jeremy, Stan Lee, Lemmy and Joe Fleishaker (the last 3 having since passed on), along with other familiar faces within the Troma family in Monique Dupree, Heather Cahill, Ophelia Rain, Brandy Mason, Ron Mackay, Bjarni Gauter and Dylan Mars Greenberg.

    Troma being so loved by fans all over the world even had music supplied by bands down under with heavy metal band MYSTERY, and dread wave band Dedderz.

    I strongly suggest everyone buy a copy of Return to Return to Nuke 'em High AKA Vol 2 on Blu-Ray, as it is everything you can expect and hope for in a Troma movie, as well as going over and subscribing to Troma Now to view their other, out of this world catalogue. You won't regret it.

    And in saying all that, my only complaint is the lack of the legend that is Debbie Rochon. She was so great in Volume 1 (as with everything else she does), that her missing from Volume 2 is something I found very disappointing.
  • This movie was atrocious, with no real plot line nor a coherent story. I was bored most of the movie, expecting some old school Toxie violence! Instead I was left with talking talking talking talking... no real awesome schlock.

    Poor filming - no interesting shots. Seemed like it came out in 1999 - and was lame back then. No real cool violence, lame Adobe Premier effects that are outdated. Boring. Did not feel like a Troma movie - more like a cheap-bad Full Moon movie. Waited years for this release, only to get this piece of garbage.

    I had pledged $60+ and was insulted at credits not being in alphabetical order and stretched small. Don't waste my time with amateur quality. You've been around for a long time in the business to know better.

    This is coming from a long time Troma fan - it saddens me with such honesty.

    Still, "Never give up the fight for truly independent cinema!"
  • Return to Return to Nuke 'Em High Aka Vol. 2 (2017) is a movie that I recently watched on Tubi. The storyline focuses on toxic tacos that spread the nuclear infection in Tromaville. Our heroes from the last film, Lauren and Chrissy, will need to take a break from their love story to save the city again.

    This movie is directed by stars Lloyd Kaufman (The Toxic Avenger) and also stars Asta Paredes (Sociopathia), Catherine Corcoran (Terrifier), Babette Bombshell (Model Hunger) and Clay von Carlowitz (Herw Comes Your Man).

    This movie captures absolutely zero of the magic of the original trilogy. This film seems to get lost in the nudity and hijinks and fails to focus on the culture of the school, graffiti, power plant and character dynamics. There is plenty of nudity, especially at the opening and closing. The way the backstory is told was more entertaining than the previous movie. The Stan Lee narration is probably the best part of the film. There is some good gore here and there, but a toxic duck vs a toxic monster? Pass. The overall premise and execution is pretty painful.

    Overall, this movie didn't need to be made and was the perfect place to stop the series. I would score this a 3.5/10 and recommend still seeing it once.
  • bmartin6399 December 2021
    When do heard they were doing another nuke em high I was confused. How can you improve upon the perfection that the originals were. But was very pleasantly surprised. The budget on this must have been enormous. The acting and special effects could have been any blockbuster allowed to play at your local theaters. The cameos of superstars. Every minute of this film is an explosion of awesomeness for the senses. Where was it going. The mystery and suspense is heart pounding. If there was any justice in the world this director would have statues dedicated to him and whole classes teaching the kids how to do it right. If the story and satire is too much for you please understand that it is completely your fault. For you folks go watch the latest movie thats only millionaire's making extravagant and tacky films that they've been making for years which will help justify there millionaire lifestyle push their millionaire politics and maybe convince you that those millionaires are really just like you and would be your friend. For everyone else that loves true art see this film. Buy this film. And spread the disease of this film to all your friends.