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  • This "movie" would be great for psych students looking to study narcissism. The main character, played by the writer, who clearly has issues with his daughter in real life, displays a complete lack of self aware behavior and narcissism leading into a messiah complex where he literally dies for his family in an imitation of Christ. All he's missing is a cross.

    It would be very sad, but this man's hurtful ideology has very real world implications that have extended to his own family and he still can't see it.
  • At one point in this movie, a mother threatens to starve her child to death if he doesn't go to church. She describes in grotesque detail who else will eat his food until her son is hungry enough to go. It is an indictment of the violence and danger of evangelicalism.
  • Writer/Actor/Director Donald James Parker once again convinces his fellow church members to praise him on film for his health, gumption, generosity, religious zealotry, and...youth. I don't know what he pays these people to pretend he's tolerable, but it can't be enough.

    The tiny gaps between these conceited segments are sprinkled with his unhinged ramblings on smoking cigarettes, Harry Potter, and general altruism.

    The mastermind behind this work, who once wrote and paid an actor to say the line, "some would say he's handsome," clearly believes himself a misunderstood ubermensch. If only people would give up their prideful, sinful lifestyles and live more like a spry, hard-working, incisive, wise, ruggedly-handsome, martyr such as Donald James Parker, their problems would all wash away and their lives would be simple and righteous.
  • Heard about this movie via the god-awful-movies podcast - a highly entertaining discussion that has left me with a smile on my face and absolutely no desire to ever watch this movie :) Recommend this approach.
  • Excellent movie. Great for the whole family. Very entertaining yet had a lot of real life situations that mimic most of our lives with a deeper understanding and explanation of what is really going on from a biblical standpoint with wisdom, wit and all done very well in one movie. Exemplified many good traits in the grandfather such as good health, not smoking, exercising, praying for a daughter he had not seen for 20 years but still willing to see her and even help her in many ways including financially. True fatherly love. The daughter also was open minded enough to renew the father - daughter relationship and wanted to really help her son and daughter. Her daughters attitude was exemplary. The son had many challenges but eventually came around to become much more mature than when he started. His girlfriend and her father were a great example. There is a lot more of great scenes in this movie which you will have to see for yourself! Greg