User Reviews (5)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    The producers wrote the other review. There are no redeeming qualities. Amazing the guy from Last OG was in this though. (He isnt good in this either).
  • Don't bother with this abomination. A tired plot, predictable characters (Evil University President, Slacker Hero with the heart of Gold, stereotype foreign exchange student) and even worse acting. The funniest lines were the ones stolen from classic baseball movies.

    A mix of Animal House meets PCU meets Major League, but without the Oscar caliber writing or acting.

    I am sorry I spent the $6 bucks to watch this, and if I could figure out a way to get my money back I would. The director, writer and producer of this disaster should be legally banned from ever making another movie ever. I hope they didn't quit their day jobs at Dairy Queen.
  • Animal House meets Major league with a delightful cast. You can really tell that these actors all were in a labor of love and having a great time. You will have a great time watching it. The director was inventive and enjoying the process of working with all these actors of varying experience. The great Bruce Davison doing his usual seasoned relaxed deep seated character work, Kate Verson deliciously indulging in her evil as the evil descendant of Dean Wormer from Animal House (the actress's father in real life)and Erin Cahill as Caitlin can only be called a confection as she grabs our hearts as the heroin you can't help falling for. Add to this a great group of pranksters and ne'er-do- wells headed wonderfully by Ryan Carlberg as Frank and you have a load of fun.
  • From about 10 minutes into the movie, I started laughing out loud, and at points, I was trying to hit a pause button I didn't have so that I would stop missing the next hysterical line! The movie was extremely well done, and the casting was perfect for the movie and for the writing!! Think Seinfeld, Friends, Cheers for the perfect scripting, cast, and writing combinations!! I wish it didn't end!! The movie made me wish I had been on the set! Now I know what people saw in ME as a pitcher!!! For any baseball fan, or fan of "cult classic comedies (Caddyshack, Stripes, Naked Gun, Major League, etc), it's one that you can watch over and over - I am sure there are things I will see the next time around that I missed - I still occasionally watch Caddyshack - "Hey Rocco, help the Judge find his wallet"! The music was perfect, and it almost seemed like ad lib comedy, because sometimes, you just can't write things that come out at the perfect time!!! I now have to get the DVD to see what lines I missed while I was bothering everyone around me by laughing so loudly!!!
  • monkeymonk1234 April 2015
    This is a fun baseball comedy that offers a look into the realm of the true college baseball experience while following the path of a REALLY bad team. It's never going to win any Oscars, but I don't think that was the intention. The acting is good and features a lot of recognizable faces: Bruce Davison (Golden Globe winner), Larry "Soup Nazi" Thomas, Erin Cahill (Pink Power Ranger), Kate Vernon (Battlestar Galactica), Allen Maldonado (Blackish), Dat Phan and Josh Blue (Last Comic Standing winners).

    There are some very good one liners (some hit better than others), but it reminds me of a slightly more tame Major League with a slight 80s feel and pace to it. The romantic storyline between the two leads was well done and it's not too dirty or gross. I assume the Rated R was for some language, but it wasn't too bad or overly graphic. It's probably OK for a PG 13 audience since I'm sure they have heard the language before.

    Although at times it feels slow, overall, it's definitely work a look and makes for a fun time, especially for the references it makes to other baseball movies in the past. The Roger Clemens "anything to win" cameo was fun.