User Reviews (78)

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  • From the twisted mind of director The Soska Sisters comes a disappointing sequel that lost all the cheesy bloody fun of the first film. See No Evil 2 is such a typically mediocre horror film where victims get killed off one by one with not much of a surprise and coming from such potentially imaginative director (seeing from their previous works in American Mary and T segment from ABCs Of Death 2), it's quite a huge disappointment here. The GORES here are also really let down comparing to how much more gleefully bloody and nastier the first film was, but it's still moderately bloody nonetheless. The SCARE here is mostly jumpy one as our Jacob Goodnight here lacks the personality that can deliver the suspense and just looks pathetic instead. However, thanks to a cheesily tempting performance from Katharine Isabelle (American Mary) that's at least FUN to watch throughout the film. Other than that, See No Evil 2 has nothing new or surprising to be added to the genre and not enough gores or violence to even surpass the cheesy fun of the first film. >>C<<
  • nebk21 October 2014
    Warning: Spoilers
    See No Evil 2 is a below average slasher film starting right where the first one ended. The killer Jacob Goodnight (Glen "Kane" Jacobs) is supposedly dead and transferred to the city morgue. At the same time there is a group of friends and co-workers throwing a birthday party for one of the morgue medical examiners called Amy (Danielle Harris). She, her friends and colleagues are soon being hunted in the building by the resurrected killer. Mayhem and bloodshed ensue.

    While this film shows promise in the beginning it soon slows down and gets boring after awhile. There is some attempt at character development in the beginning but it is clichéd and doesn't go beyond the main characters. There is the co-worker Seth (Kaj Erik Eriksen) who Is secretly in love with Amy. There is her brother Will (Greyston Holt) who is critical of her job and over protective. There are her friends who you know are there only to increase the body count. Whilst this is usual fare In slashers, here you can almost predict who is going to be killed off next, so it takes away a lot of the suspense out of the film.

    In the first film the killer was chasing his victims in a abandoned hotel which was his turf and the same thing happens here only in a different setting. So it is repetitive only less plausible as you wouldn't expect the killer who knows nothing about his surroundings to find and barricade all the exits. The characters are then obviously unable to escape and are picked off one by one. Again, most slashers have this sort of pattern but there is no excitement or suspense in this movie.

    Overall this sequel is nothing special. The acting is decent enough but the story is unoriginal and lacking. There is an unexpected twist near the end of the film but it doesn't rescue it from being just average. Basically it's not worth bothering with. The first See No Evil was much better.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    i liked the first part better of see no evil released in 2006 i saw that years back and its quite one of the best film ever made that started Wrestling Legend Kane aka Glenn Jacobs my favorite wrestler of all time.

    this is a sequel to it Kane returns as Jacob Goodnight he died in the first part but somehow returns to life and starts doing what he does best killing people.

    main problem with this film is it is set inside a morgue now why didn't these guys disposed the body plus it would be a better intro if he came from outside and these people were trapped inside he is slow here gives them a chance to escape but don't worry they all die in the end with a twist.

    the movie is filmed in red totally the use of red lights is overdone camera work is terrible hardly any focus on actors and action scenes talking about action it is mess yes the blood was nice but the kills are not impressive at all this sequel was not needed at all it is basically the same thing we all have seen before many times.

    talk about the performances Kane is as usual doing his WWE style acting the rest cast members are nice but one lady steals the show her name is Katherine Isabelle she is so hilarious here & damn lucky to kiss Kane but gets killed soon in a very limited screen time Katherine gives her best here specially in the scene when she is explaining to her friends how Jacobo goodnight is alive & attacking everyone the whole sequence looks so funny loud & over the top but she nailed the role perfectly without ruining the serious tone & atmosphere.

    Overall See No Evil 2014 is a wasted effort if you are a fan of Kane or Katherine Isabelle then this is the film for you worth checking out my rating is 4/10.
  • ...even alternative lifestyle, fetish obsessed identical twins, apparently. The Soska Twins return for their first feature since their cult rape/revenge film American Mary. Why they were tapped to do a sequel to the WWE's franchise non-starter See No Evil, why they accepted, and why the movie is even being made 8 years after the original is anybody's guess. But it exists and I was actually psyched to see it, considering American Mary was interesting and unusual enough to be memorable, I actually kind of liked the first movie, and this one stars two of the great Scream Queens of our time, Danielle Harris (Halloween franchise, Hatchet franchise) and Katharine Isabelle (Ginger Snaps franchise, Freddy vs. Jason, Hannibal the series), Suffice to say, I was sorely disappointed.

    This is a lousy, slapped together sequel with nothing distinguishable about it. It occurs the night after the original movie's massacre as a pretty, young morgue attendant (Danielle Harris) is forced to work through her birthday to clean up all the bodies fanatically religious serial killer Jacob Goodnight (Kane) left in his wake before apparently being killed himself. She has his body, too. And when her friends decide to bring the party her to her, sneaking into the morgue after hours, one party goer (Katharine Isabelle), a drunken slut with a death fetish, sneaks off to check out Jacob's body.

    Unfortunately, Jacob is apparently just as hard to kill as Jason Voorhees and equally good at playing possum. He wakes up, and he kills people. And that's it.

    There's nothing much to See No Evil 2, the characters are poorly written, the acting is just okay, and the kills are generic, and not all that gory, nowhere near the level of the original. Danielle Harris has a fair amount of screen time, a nice switch from the glorified cameos she's been getting lately. Katharine Isabelle, on the other hand, only has a supporting role after playing the lead in American Mary and she does the sort of cheesy overacting she usually does when she knows the material she's been given is terrible.

    See No Evil 2 makes a lot of mistakes. One of the more interesting part the first movie was that Kane looked like a troll made flesh, a towering, monster of a man killing people, usually by turning their own sins against them. Not so here. He wears a mask now, poor move that makes the movie more clichéd, and the kills are interchangeable and unimaginative. It's difficult predicting who will die and when, but that hardly matters because none of the characters are remotely interesting.

    See No Evil 2 is so bad it not only kills the hopes for a See No Evil franchise but also seriously hurts anyone's hope that the Soska Twins will be horror's next big thing. This cheap looking, weak horror sequel is bad and was made by people that either didn't care or didn't know how to make a good movie.
  • jadediamond17 July 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    Never watched the first movie. Check this out because it had Scream Queen Danielle Harris playing Amy, a mortician, who decided to cancel her birthday plans with her friends to assist her coworker with the influx of bodies from Jacob Goodnight's killing spree including the supposed corpse of Jacob who's not really dead. Her friends decide to bring the party to her, sneak in the morgue, and the killing spree begins. The positives of this movie is good dialogue and chemistry amongst the cast. Katherine Isabelle, Danielle Harris,Kaj-Erik Eriksen, & Michael Eklund. The rest are just standard. The jump scares throughout the movie and the first two acts were good but the movie lost its steam in the final act.

    The negatives are the protagonists seemed weak and helpless against the villian when trapped in a morgue with plenty of weapons to cut open bodies. Likable characters are murdered for shock value. Instead of fighting back. It's more like hiding from the bad guy.When a moment arrives to insure the death of Jacob, the protagonist doesn't take advantage of it. The viewer is left with no one to root for. The only thing the creators of this movie forgot is horror movies are about survivalism in being placed in a horrific situation. The audience wants a final girl/guy character to root for whether it's Jamie Strode in Halloween or Nancy Thompson in Nightmare on Elm Street. They want a compelling victim. The only scene which somewhat made Jacob interesting was the bathroom scene when he felt conflicted in murdering yet it was undermined by the victim dying any way from her injuries. I guess his character is motivated by a mix of Friday the 13th's Jason Voorhees and Pyscho's Norman Bates. Both influenced by a pyschotic deceased mother. The brother's death was cruel and mean spirited yet symbolic of the hopelessness of this movie. Harris' Laurie Strode Halloween: H20 moment made her seem small and puny compared to Jacob. Seth was an interesting character but he had two opportunities to kill Jacob and he didn't do it. The final shock scene was annoying. Everyone dies and the villian wins. It's a hopeless movie where evil triumphs over good.

    Finding a decent horror movie is like trying to find a needle in the haystack. So I have very low expectations for these movies. All I ask is good, creative plot, good writing and storyline, interesting characters played by actors who can act, an interesting villian and hero/heroine I want to root for and survive, some well-timed jump scares, and a movie that's scary but not gory and unnecessary sex scenes fillers. Enjoyed the first two acts but after Will's death, the only character who actually really stood up to Jacob and wounded him, the movie went downhill.

    Another insulting thing is Will sarcificed his life to save his sister's life. This movie rewarded his sarcfice by killing off his sister making his death pointless. Good attempt at horror by WWE. From the flashbacks, I will probably never watch the original but this movie seems like an improvement from the original. However, the creators of this movie needs to focus on creating a more compelling villian and a stronger ending with a sympathetic hero/heroine to root for, which they had with Amy. Yes, I was annoyed with Amy being murdered on her birthday after witnessing the death of her friends, her brother, her coworkers and finding love too. But I was extremely annoyed that the character of Seth, a beta male compared to Amy's alpha male brother Will who died fighting the villian to give his sister and Seth a chance to escape, was killed also. The movie missed a perfect opportunity to carry on the franchise with Amy or Seth with Amy being the stronger character.

    So not the greatest with a final act that drags on but an improvement compared to other horror films with a good cast doing the best with the material given. It's worth a watch.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    After the tragedy at the Blackwell Hotel, the bodies of Jacob Goodnight (Glenn 'Kane' Jacobs) and nine of his victims are transported late night to the city morgue. The EMTs try unsuccessfully to revive Jacob. The crippled Holden (Michael Eklund), Seth (Kaj-Erik Eriksen) and Amy (Danielle Harris) are working in the graveyard shift and Seth and Amy bring Jacob's corpse to the scale room. But Amy's brother Will (Greyston Holt) and her friends Kayla (Chelan Simmons), Tamara (Katharine Isabelle) and her boyfriend Carter (Lee Majdoub) come to the morgue to celebrate her birthday. The weird Tamara goes with Carter to the scale room where Jacob is to have sex with her boyfriend. Out of the blue, the serial-killer awakes in the beginning of a night of terror.

    "See no Evil 2" is an awful slash movie with a story full of clichés, silly situations and moronic characters. Jacob provokes a blackout in the morgue, but it seems that there is axe but no fire alarm in a city morgue with flammable liquids. The greatest question in this flick is who the most stupid character is. In the beginning, it seems to be the awful Tamara but actually Amy is. Her dreadful attitude exposing the hideout of Will and she, or her decision of facing the notorious serial- killer with an ax are laughable. In the end, this slasher is a forgettable garbage. My vote is two.

    Title (Brazil): "Noite de Terror 2" ("Night of Terror 2")
  • Lounge-Act26 October 2014
    The movie is boring. There is tension in the entire film, but this is more of a sci-fi genre than horror. I was disappointed by the first part of the film in 2006, but after all these years I thought that we are waiting for something better. I was wrong.Throughout the film the main character succeeds in something that is impossible to time. The whole time he seemed to read the thoughts of others, because he knows exactly which doors should be closed, in which the room to wait. Better knowledge of the entire building and all the rooms in it than the workers who work there. I am disappointed.If you want to see the horrible details I assume that you will be satisfied, but it is all that is interesting in this movie.
  • After the first movie came out in 2006, I took a liking to it. It was a great source of mindless violence to get lost in for 2 hours or so, which is OK, sometimes you feel like watching something mindless. Thus, I was expecting great things from this movie, or at the very least, of it to live up to it's predecessor.

    However, this movie flat out disappoints in every way possible.

    The predictability is crushing, the facepalm moments are plenty, and I found myself shaking my head for the majority of the movie. It is the typical 'killer knows where everybody is, all the time- and manages to beat everybody to every destination- meanwhile the characters make stupid and convenient decisions for him" scenario.

    But wasn't it the same for the first movie in 06? Yes, and no. This one is orders of magnitude worse.

    This movie was on my top "to watch" list, and I am sad that it did not do better than anticipated, and by the looks of the other reviews, and the rating, it didn't live up to anybody else's expectations.
  • See No Evil 2 (2014)

    *** (out of 4)

    Surprisenly good sequel to the 2008 film has a group of friend's celebrating a birthday when one of them (Danielle Harris) can't leave work. What they don't realize is that the dead body of Jacob Goodnight (Kane) has come back to life and he's seeking more victims.

    SEE NO EVIL was a decent, run-of-the-mill slasher film that was pretty much entertaining due to its incredibly graphic and over-the-top gore/murders. Outside of the murders the film really wasn't all that memorable so I was shocked when a sequel followed so many years later. I was even more shocked when I learned Jen and Sylvia Soska was directing it. SEE NO EVIL 2 isn't going to be mistaken for a masterpiece but I was pleasantly surprised to see how well it turned out thanks to a rather good screenplay and the very good direction.

    Whereas the first film relied on gore and violence, this one here really doesn't contain too much of that and in fact some of the death's are off camera. Instead the Soska sister tried to add some tension and suspense and I think for the most part they succeed. There are some extremely good scenes including one where the Harris character is stuck in an elevator with the "dead" body. Another highlight includes a scene where two characters are in total darkness and keep striking a match to see where they are. There's an extended chase sequence through the basement, which also manages to build up some good suspense. The atmosphere created by the Soska sisters is another major plus and stuck inside such a small location the directors are also able to build up a claustrophobic nature.

    The performances are pretty much what you'd expect to see in a film like this. Harris is always fun to watch and she manages to bring you into her character and make you care for her. Kaj-Erik Eriksen also gives a good performance. Katharine Isabelle plays her typical slut character but man is she terrific here. She clearly steals the film in a rather over-the-top "kiss" that I won't spoil. Kane doesn't give what one would consider a great performance but there's no doubt that frame of his makes for an impressive killing machine. The film also manages to have some nice cinematography and a very effective music score.

    The screenplay contains moments where the characters do stupid things but this is a horror movie after all. I really can't think of too many horror films where the characters are doing smart things because if they were the movies would be over fairly quickly with them all getting away and surviving. I really liked what the writers did here including a couple twists that happen in the final ten-minutes including one that even the most jaded horror fans won't see coming. SEE NO EVIL 2 isn't going down in history as one of the greatest films ever made but it's certainly an entertaining slasher.
  • The first one is not really a milestone of the horror or slasher genre but its good fun, its a very decent movie and does what its supose to do. This direct to dvd/video sequel start right where the first one left off, even if in real time it was 6 years later (not that you can notice by looking at Kane at least) and you would expect it to be similar to the first one. In a way it is, but not really. The main problem the movie has for me is that Kane is let loose in an unknown place to him yet simingly knows everything and every corridors and manage to trap the cast at every turn, despite some of them working there for a long while and should be knowing the location much better than him.

    When finally someone ousmart him a bit, no worry, he will burst right trough it even if its kinda unrealistic even for a man his size.

    Its really one of those movies where you have to turn your brain off to enjoy but i know peoples will say "but dude its a slasher, does it really matter, its not what we care about". Alright. How is the movie if you let that slip?

    Well its ..."alright". I mean its a decent slasher but its nothing more. Kills are not that originals, location is basic and as i said above at times have its problem, but the cast is mostly likable enough to make you care about them. You have 2 recognizable scream queens in Danielle Harris and Katharine Isabelle so its thats... and they both do a good job.

    I had a decent time so thats why im giving him a 6, using the "Angry Joe scale" of "slightly above average" . I had a decent time, i was not bored, but i probably ain't gonna rewatch it because unlike classic slashers there is no reasons to me.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie I do believe is a sad sequel. There are so many painfully obvious horror movie clichés, main example being the overly horny couple who decide to have sex in a morgue, that's right a bloody morgue. What kind of twisted individual is like " hey babe lets have a quickie right here next to this dead serial killer". And knowing that this is indeed a horror movie you automatically know what is going to happen next, and indeed what you expected does happen. The movie as a whole has many flaws but the one that I just cant accept is how in the movie during the opening thirty minutes Kane(Jacob Goodnight) has a bandage over his left eye where he was stabbed or is it pipped?, in the first movie. at exactly 31 minutes and 32 seconds into the movie he proceeds to remove the bandage from his RIGHT EYE, to reveal a gruesome wound. ANd then after this the bandage is back on his left eye. Well at least they tried. Oh and is Kane now like Jacob Vorhees or something? This guy survives a gunshot to the head, falls like 4 stories and gets piped such that there is now a giant hole in his head and he gets up like nothing has happened. TF man, TF...
  • OK I liked the first movie for what it was but it wasn't something that I'd watch very often.This sequel though I enjoyed quite a bit more then the first one and in the few days that I've had it,I've already watched it almost as many times as I've watched the original movie.

    I loved seeing Danielle Harris and Katherine Isabelle in the movie being a fan of both of them.I thought Glen "Kane" Jacobs did a very good job as Jacob Goodnight and I found him more menacing in this movie and thought some of the kills in this movie were pretty cool.

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the Soska Sisters will return with a 3rd installment.If they do,I'll be watching.
  • 'SEE NO EVIL 2': Three Stars (Out of Five)

    'SEE NO EVIL 2' is the sequel to the 2006 cult classic slasher flick 'SEE NO EVIL', which starred professional wrestler Glenn Jacobs (also known by his popular character name 'Kane') as a maniacal psychopath named Jacob Goodnight. This time Goodnight is loose, on a killing spree, at a city morgue. It costars Danielle Harris, Katharine Isabelle, Chelan Simmons, Kaj-Erik Erikson, Greyston Holt and Michael Eklund. The movie was written by first time film writers Nathan Brookes and Bobby Lee Darby and directed by the Soska sisters (twin sister film writers, producers, directors and actors that specialize in twisted slasher flicks). I think it's good to see Jacob Goodnight in a movie again, and it's beautifully shot, but it's also extremely slow- paced, in places.

    The movie takes place immediately following the events of the first film, with the dead victims of that story being transported to a morgue; including Jacob Goodnight (Jacobs). One of the graveyard shift workers there (Harris) is celebrating her birthday with her friends, who surprised her at work. When it turns out that Goodnight isn't really dead, their party is quickly interrupted. Another killing spree follows.

    I remember enjoying the first film; although not thinking it was a great horror flick, by any means. I did really like the killer though, Jacob Goodnight, and thought it would be cool to see him in future installments. I'm surprised it took eight years but I'd say this movie mostly met my expectations. I don't think it's better or worse than the original and I do think it's nicely directed, by the Soska sisters. It would have been nice if they had a better script to work with though; this film is so slow-paced, at times, it does feel like it's a 60 minute movie stretched to 90 minutes. It is a treat to see 'scream queen' Danielle Harris starring in the movie, as well though, and there are some nice twists, at the end.

    Watch our movie review show 'MOVIE TALK' at:
  • adamz399827 October 2014
    See No Evil 2 (2014) - as campy as See No Evil 1, if not more, the sequel is yet further proof that being a successful wrestler doesn't mean that you will be a successful actor (as if Hulk Hogan's abysmal movie career wasn't testament enough).

    To that end, Kane (Glenn Jacobs) is no Kane Hodder, nor he is any other kind of actor. Whoever the director is, and I don't actually care enough to google it, made a critical mistake in letting the talentless Jacobs have any speaking lines in the film. Wrestlers are perfect candidates for slashers -- they're big, they look intimidating, and brief flashes of their bulbous physique is enough to inspire fear. But to expect any kind of acting from these steroid-abusing freaks is like expecting real verse from rappers. Predictably, Jacobs is terrible as the film's boogeyman, and the backstory of his abuse-as-a-child-that-made-him-the-killerr-he-is-today is beyond trite.

    There's a good way to do horror films in 2014, and there's a bad way. Then there's the WWE Studios way, which is to use the mentally challenged as directors and screen writers while trying to rip off better movies. See No Evil 2 is a fine example of why WWE Studios will never be anything more than a mediocre producer of bottom-rung dreck, on par with Asylum pictures. It's a shame, too, because wrestlers like Jacobs have a lot of potential as possible slashers -- provided they keep their mouths shut. Is it any surprise that this movie sucks as bad as it does?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A group of friends pays a visit to the city morgue to surprise their friend Amy on her birthday.

    But the party turns into a nightmare, when the one-eyed corpse of psychopath Jacob Goodnight unexpectedly rises from a cold sub-basement slab.

    Their party quickly turns into a terrifying ordeal as the killer resumes his spree....

    The first movie wasn't that great. In fact, it was a very poor slasher movie. But fair dues, a lot can be achieved in eight years, and they had lots of time to improve on the story and the character of Goodnight.

    and with the inclusion of Danielle Harris, this had to be a no brainer in the horror department.

    But, unfortunately, its more of the same stalk n' slash material that graces our DVD shelves every single week of the year, and knowing that this will make a killing in the rental and retail market, you can be sure that there will be more.

    It's as if the film is situated on one floor, and for the majority of the film, just one corridor, and apart from Harris, who can do this sort of film in her sleep, the characters are very unlikable, and the acting is just as bad.

    Goodnight spends the film in his Phantom Of The Opera mask, maundering slowly toward his next victim, as they go and hide in the most silliest places one can imagine.

    Devoid of any scares, or genuine thrills, See No Evil 2 is just a cash in on a mildly successful film. And no doubt, it's not the last we will see of Goodnight.

    Nevermind, the next one should be better?
  • The only possible 'good' thing that I can attribute to this train-wreck of a film is that it almost makes me want to retroactively change my rating for the similarly atrocious first movie in this franchise and give it another star just so I can rate this one lower.

    Anyways, Jacob Goodnight (WWE's Kane),comes back to life to kill incredibly dumb teenagers in a morgue, while contending with flashbacks to his overbearing religious nut of a mom The film's haphazard, illogical and doesn't have a scary bone in it's body. Not recommended except for perhaps the most lenient of slasher fans.

    My Grade: D-
  • See No Evil 2 follows directly on from the first film, which, by WWE Studios standards was an average film. The story sees the seemingly dead Jocab Goodnight and his victims being taken to the morgue where the birthday girl Amy is about to finish work and spend her birthday with friends, but she decides to stay and help out with the amount of bodies about to arrive. Instead, her friends bring the party to Amy and her co-workers.

    Long story short, alcohol is consumed, sex is had and Goodnight returns from the dead to wreak havoc on the hapless morgue workers and the party people.

    The real strong point is the direction by Jen and Sylvia Soska. If you're familiar with their work and a genre buff then you know what they are capable of. Their first film, Dead Hooker in a Trunk, had flashes of genius and the body horror film American Mary was one of the most original and important movies to hit the horror genre for a good 10 years.

    Although the script was written by Nathan Brookes and Bobby Lee Darby and the only real weak point, it was the Soska's vision that brought to life the entire film. Danielle Harris, who has had a very up and down career performance wise, produced her best acting to date under the twins' guidance. As modern day scream queens, casting both Danielle Harris and Katharine Isabelle in the same film was a stroke of genius. Isabelle very nearly steals the whole show. Even Glenn Jacobs as the killing machine upped his game and gave a better performance.

    WWE Studios made the best possible move in hiring Jen and Sylvia to direct. The film provides a lot of fun, some cool kill scenes and solid SFX with only a touch of CGI which makes this a great addition to the slasher sub-genre and a sequel that outweighs it's predecessor in every way.

    To read my full review, head over to my blog - Maven's Movie Vault of Horror.
  • WWE Studios is on a roll with creating and following up franchises with films nobody wants to see. Not even a month ago, I wrote a scathing review of the abysmal Leprechaun: Origins, a film which served as the origins story for the Leprechaun killer, who can now put on his resume that he has lasted over three decades in films. Did we really need another film about the famous killer leprechaun, much less an origins story that strips the series right down to about the blandest reworking possible? Now we have See No Evil 2, a sequel to the 2006 film, which became the first feature-film by WWE Studios not to feature Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in any way, shape, or form. Instead, they took the beefy, hulking wrestler Glenn "Kane" Jacobs as a serial killer hunting a plethora of delinquents assigned to clean up an abandoned hotel as part of their community service. The film did middling numbers at the box office and I assumed that was the last I was ever going to see of Kane's character Jacob Goodnight.

    On the contrary, in fact, as See No Evil 2 now exists, serving as a trashy and redundant follow-up to an already-trashy and barely tolerable horror film. See No Evil's novelty, at the time, was the creation of a new character played by a physically intimidating professional wrestler, making for a mildly intriguing combination. The flaw with the film was its blatant indifference and its routine line of mutilation and scare tactics that held little ground for the film's runtime. Those who condemn the original Saw film for its graphic depictions of torture and mutilation often never acknowledge the film's twisty storytelling ability or use of audience-deception in order to provide an outcome, but See No Evil almost felt like Saw without the artistry to it, as if it had all been robbed in order for cheap shock value.

    This sequel concerns a trio of employees working the graveyard shift at a morgue, Amy (Danielle Harris), Seth (Kaj-Erik Eriksen), and their handicapped boss Holden (Michael Eklund). We get innocuous but mildly-entertaining character development as we see Seth clearly wants to date Amy, but can't muster the courage to ask her out. Amy plans on going out with friends to celebrate her birthday, but her plans are put on hold when a call comes in about nine bodies coming in from the local abandoned hotel after a murderer went on a bloody killing spree a few hours prior. The bodies, along with the body of the presumed-dead killer, Jacob Goodnight (Kane), are in the mix of being trafficked over when Amy's friends decide to bring the party to the morgue.

    After two intelligent friends of Amy's decide to fondle and have sex near the corpse of Goodnight, Goodnight proves to still be alive and well (in an anomaly of a coincidence being that we heard the paramedics pronounce him dead just a few minutes prior) and ready to unleash hell by killing every last living thing in the morgue he was brought to. We watch an endless array of vicious brutality captured in the dingy, lowlit halls of the morgue that makes an already indistinguishable slasher in story and approach further indistinguishable with its poor visual scheme.

    One of the worst things that can happen to a horror film, worse than predictability, monotony, jump scares, an incoherent storyline, or poor acting, is when the visual scheme becomes too dark and indecipherable. When this happens, it is the most miserable experience because the most important aspect of a film, being able to watch it, has been lost and comes and goes against your will. While See No Evil 2 isn't the most indistinguishable horror film I have yet to see, it does have a frustrating lack of clarity at times, and because the hallways of its setting are so poorly lit, being the film takes place at night, make an already disorienting environment even more-so disorienting in the dark.

    On top of that, for all the killing and running around taking place, See No Evil 2 just never becomes very interesting, relentlessly relying on convention and foreseeable torture to the point where both it and its predecessor could become viable examples for the bare basics of slasher filmmaking. Even Jacob Goodnight has desperately little personality, as we see his neglectful and abusive childhood through disjointed flashbacks, which feel like nothing but narrative reiterations in case we forgot the original See No Evil (which, in that regard, the more I think about it, the more that inclusion seems like a good choice).

    Nonetheless, after an opening that admirably relies on slowburn techniques, allowing the characters to converse casually before things take a lethal turn, See No Evil 2 becomes derivative and repetitive, and merits a watch only if you haven't properly got into the season through decorating or watching better horror films.

    Starring: Glenn "Kane" Jacobs, Danielle Harris, Katharine Isabelle, Chelan Simmons, Kaj-Erik Erikson, and Greyston Holt. Directed by: Jen and Sylvia Soska.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    See No Evil 2...such an apt title because this film should be just that...not seen.

    This film is truly awful in every sense of the word, from the story (and I use the term very loosely) right through to the directing. Even the usual slasher film clichés are used much more than normal. See No Evil was a below average but bearable & watchable slasher horror with some nice atmosphere. See No Evil 2, however, is a completely different story.

    I described the first film as a "trip back to the good ol' fashioned no brainer slasher genre" and "a modern day Friday the 13th type of film". Well, this sequel is still along those lines, but throw some Wrong Turn 4, 5, & 6 into the mix too, because this film is not much better than any of those disasters.

    What made the prequel better than this pile of trash was mainly the atmosphere and the imposing figure of Glenn Jacobs as Jacob Goodnight. His lines were kept to an absolute minimum the first time around which was the right thing because his sheer size & presence was enough. This time we see his acting ability when he is given lines, and let me tell you it's not good. All the good things I mentioned above go right out the window as soon as he starts his WWE acting & line delivery. And as for the face mask Goodnight wears (sometimes)? A definite no no in my opinion.

    The rest of the cast isn't much better either, especially considering who some of them are.

    The cinematography & direction is just as bad also, especially when you notice things like Goodnight's bad eye switching from his left one (the correct one) to his right (and no, it's not the mirror scene), so I guess bad editing & continuity can be added to the list too.

    There is honestly nothing really going for this film at all and it comes as no surprise that this garbage was shot in only 15 days. I actually find it very amusing reading reviews that praise this film, but hey-ho...each to their own.

    Don't say you weren't warned.
  • Whilst you don't need to have watched the first See No Evil film recently (or at all, actually as the second films gives you a wonderful catch up on the previous instalment) See No Evil 2 works wonderfully as a double bill of horror alongside the first film. So what has changed since 2006?

    Well, Glenn 'Kane' Jacobs is back as Jacob Goodnight, the psychotic abuse victim who stands (or lies as the start of See No Evil 2) at 323 lbs and 7ft in height. But he is dead…..or is he? Well, more than likely not. The main change from the first film to this second film (or second half as you can also choose to think of it) is the introduction of Jen and Sylvia Soska into the directing chairs for this installment.

    Fresh from films such as The ABCs of Death 2 (where they directed the 'T for Torture Porn' segment) and the wonderful body modification film American Mary, The Soska twins have most definitely put their stamp on See No Evil 2 whilst still managing to avoid making any major changes to the look and feel of this world of Jacob Goodnight.

    But they have brought their own immensely talented filmmaking skills and touches to this world and given the film a beautiful look.

    The film screams 'Soska', with its cinematography, with its body horror elements and with the unnerving tension in many scenes that in other directors hands, could and would come off as cheesy. More than likely a large percentage of people who watch See No Evil 2 will have seen a whole host of 'slasher thrillers' over the years. As have it, but I found some great 'tweeks' within See No Evil 2 that weren't a retread of days gone by.

    Within minutes of the opening, I was left expecting things, that in other horror films would be obvious plot points, yet here and on several occasions I was left second guessing myself as to what I thought might happen. On many (and most) occasions I was wrong which gave me a sense of being unsure about the 'rules' of See No Evil 2. Love it. More films need to do this.

    Its Amy's (played by Danielle Harris) birthday and so her supervisor arranges for a bunch of her friends to show up at the hospital and have a party of sorts. This is of course a great reason to have a bunch of slasher fodder all in the same place but hey. This is a horror film after all. The rest of the cast are all varied and work brilliantly together. From the rampant boy and girl Tamara (Katherine Isabelle) & Carter (Lee Majdoub) to the protective brother, Will (played by Greyston Holt) I love it when I see a cast of characters who don't appear to have been written by the same scriptwriter. I genuinely cared about many of the characters in this film which as we all know is a risky and silly thing to do when they are faced with a 7ft tall sword wielding psychopath in a horror flick. But I genuinely worried about the dangers these guys and girls were in.

    Some comments I have seen claim the film isn't 'Soska' enough, not creeping up to the gore levels of say American Mary and such like. I say WRONG on that. The film has some terrific moments and some brilliant tense sequences. Plus do remember this is a sequel and a follow on from another film, to change the motives of the killer too much would damage a perfectly good film from 2006. Jen and Sylvia have done a great job continuing the Jacob Goodnight story and added another wonderful addition to a fantastic filmography. I was first introduced to the world of Jen and Sylvia Soska last year when the film American Mary was recommended to me by my podcast co hosts Lauren Rebecca Reid and Stuart Miller on my own horror show. I took their recommendation and within minutes knew that The Soska Twins were a breath of fresh air to the horror genre and had entered that elite list of names who are pretty much guaranteed to deliver a quality, or at least something different to the films we watch. Whilst there filmography is shorter than some, (but longer than others) its a lot of fun working your way back from the debut (Dead Hooker In A Trunk) through to The ABCs of Death 2. Cant wait to see their future.

    Bring on Painkiller Jane! and Vendetta, both projects that are highly anticipated by myself, but also from the legions of fans of Jen and Sylvia.

    Do check out See No Evil 2, I found the film a lot of fun and so far have seen it twice. I also checked out the special features on the Blu Ray which give you a fun insight into how Jen and Sylvia work, but also glimpses into what it was like on the set of See No Evil 2. Definitely worth a purchase!
  • The sequel can't hold the level of the first one. Cinematography, settings are simply better and the gore level is a lot higher - the best scenes of See No Evil 2 are those flashbacks to the first one. Anyway, to watch See No Evil 2 won't kill you by boredom, I promise, but won't pleasure you too much: what you get is an okay slasher movie. Last note: if you don't like the 1st movie, I wouldn't bother with the 2nd one. First I rated 6, this one's rate is somewhat around a 4.
  • teresarparker23 October 2014
    I sat there at Screamfest not knowing what to expect having been the only one alive to not see, See No Evil. Not only was the acting top notch the story had me guessing. As someone who loves to unravel the mystery before the plot I could not. Well done all the way around. I gave it 8 out of 10 because I reserve 9, or 10 for no film. So first you have a film to live up to and as I said I didn't see the first. But the fact that this film didn't require seeing the first one, I felt in luck. Then as the story unfolds you start to realize you're not only in for a foreboding ride but you're going to be treated to some damn fine acting. Those who might criticize this aspect might want to try acting before doing so. It had subtlety and nuance with an understanding of character study. Lastly the directing tag team (couldn't help myself there) was brilliant, really top notch. Well done!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I used to adore slasher flicks. I fell in love with Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street and other like-minded 80's slasher clones. My bread and true horror love was John Carpenter's Halloween series. Horror has not been the same for a very, very, very long time. I've almost given up hope on slasher flicks and then comes something that catches me totally off guard. The first See No Evil was a surprise for me. It represented itself far too much as a "WWE" film rather than just a well made slasher flick but it was good old fashion, gory, in your face, run upstairs instead of out of the door slasher. Why it took them so long to do a second I have no idea!! Is it as good as the first? No. But it is a worthy successor. The very best thing about See No Evil 2 is that it feels exactly like a terrific 80's slasher film and actually has a distinctive Halloween vibe and I'm not sure I've ever said that about a slasher flick. That's a great compliment!! The whole time I was watching the movie I was thinking what a great starting script this would have made for an original Halloween instalment (not the Rob Zombie abomination that ruined it.) The biggest problem with See No Evil 2 is that it doesn't add anything to the Jacob Goodnight lore. Its rehashing the same information we learnt in the first. He's on another killing spree with no rhyme or reason and they need to build the legend that is Jacob Goodnight. Still they make it work and it works pretty darn well.

    The cast is what they should be. They aren't amazing by any means and no stand out performances but they are a group of mostly no-name B-Movie actors whose purpose is to party and then die screaming. The cast is led by Danielle Harris. Now I admit, I have a ridiculous soft spot for this girl. I've had a crush on her since I was 11 and the first time I saw Halloween 4/5. She is a scream queen in her own right and sadly usually ends up in TERRIBLE D-Horror movies. This is actually pretty good for her. She makes the scene look appropriately intense and makes a solid heroine. I think I would have liked to have seen her fight back more, have some sort of connection to Jacob Goodnight and maybe get a little more of a backbone but she serves her purpose. Kaj-Erik Eriksen is also very good as our guy hero. He's a soft spoken mortician in love with Harris' character. He ends up being a solid bad-ass good guy who takes a beating and keeps on running. He's very down to earth and the chemistry with Harris is good enough without being great. Glenn Jacobs returns as our killer Jacob Goodnight. I literally ache to see them build on this character. They have the basics but nobody seems to want to expand that at all. Jacobs is massive (7 feet tall) and he's an imposing force and insanely fun to watch as a horror villain. But I want more from him and the character!! The rest of the cast are literally fodder for Goodnight and no one stands out really at all. Katherine Isabelle (who is a well known Canadian actress for horror classic Ginger Snaps) is excruciatingly irritating as twisted Tamara and the rest of the cast really have no development at all. They try to create this sub-story of sibling rivalry between Harris and Greyston Holt but that falls flat.

    See No Evil 2 is about one thing...a rampaging monster. It could have been more but they left it at this and it was very entertaining. I am absolutely certain that Halloween 1/2 (against the John Carpenter ones not the Zombie ones) were inspirations for this. There were actually some very cleverly shot horror scenes in this and I give directors Jen and Sylvia Soskas kudos because they pay homage to a long forgotten form of horror film that I sincerely missed. Even scenes that I felt were carbon copied from earlier slasher films were still fun to watch. The scene with Isabelle and Lee Majdoub in the dark cooler with nothing but a match was very predictable and yet still downright creepy and well done. I'm not suggesting this is a classic or brilliant. I'm simply saying that I went in with mediocre expectations and had a great time watching it. It made me nostalgic for Halloween and bravo to them for that. I think they need to stop advertising this as a WWE film and Glen "Kane" Jacobs (you don't have as many fans as you think you do WWE and you're driving a wedge in a big demographic) get working on part 3 and bring on a really great writer who can kick-start a terrific background, legend, lore and tie it all together. I'm anxiously awaiting future instalments but enjoyed this one!! 7.5/10
  • view_and_review23 February 2016
    What's not to like about frolicking, fornicating, partying young adults being brutally murdered one by one? "See No Evil 2" liberally borrows from "Friday the 13th". If you've watched "See No Evil" and you're reading this review then you know that Jacob (Kane) wasn't killed. I know, absurd huh? Well, there's your "Friday the 13th" mimic. A giant of a man that's nearly impossible to kill--slaughtering young adults. Oh yeah, and he wears a mask.

    This movie was a kick back light weight slasher. There was blood, of course, but it was fairly tame. They gave us the obvious favorites to live and the clear favorites to die. Just like all slasher films; dumb decisions will be made, the laws of physics don't always apply and the killer is omnipresent. If you're not bothered by these oft-repeated truisms then you'll enjoy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    When Jacob was laying on the floor after the embalming fluid was put in him. I was like dude take that knife and cut his head off.

    They killed everyone and made no sense how Jacob survived. All of his blood was drained out of him.

    The Hospital didn't make sense. Hospitals still have security or Dr.s or Nurses around at night and everyone else whose at the hospital. So it made no sense to choose a hospital for this.

    Really stupid moments in this film. When a Dude is chasing you it is not the time to have a break down or a falling in love moment. Get out of there. I was hoping the big dude would have had a bit of a fight in him. Like Knock Jacob down or win a struggle or two. He just simply killed everyone. And in that killed the story. No hero at the end nothing.

    I did love how the nerdy hero dude threw those shelves when he first encountered Jacob. He just pushes it over in front of him. That must've stopped him. LOL

    This movie just sucked all the characters were stupid. You're in a hospital. You're smart. Like used the stuff Amy used to colorize the guy's wound. And use it to burn Jacob with. And she needs to learn how to swing a hammer.

    And the girl's name is Katie and she's riding Kane thinking he's dead.

    For you's who don't know. Their was a story line back in like 2003 I think, where it was revealed that Kane had a girlfriend named Katie Vick who died in a car accident. And the story revealed that Kane had sex with Katie's dead body. So it's interesting to me as a fan that they have a character named Katie assuming to flirt with a dead Kane. Show less REPLY
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