User Reviews (4)

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  • Totally watchable movie with good effects and a plot that keeps you interested. It's worth a look.
  • This movie has a HUGE hurdle in gaining acceptance from a broader spectrum of viewers, least here in the States, on account the subtitles and no English audio overdub. Unfortunate, but that alone keeps viewers away from films they'd enjoy if they took the time to give it a chance. Anyway, this is VERY far removed from typical Hollywood movies that work in the same genre and aim films at the same age groups. If "Michael Bay-standard Hollywood blow em ups" is your thing, this you'll despise. Trust me. If you despise "Michael Bay-standard Hollywood blow em ups" you'll certainly not leave this movie feeling as though your time has been wasted. Enjoy if you should choose to do so.
  • Another one of those "overlooked" gems ... it is well worth the 80 minutes! Tho not quite "Oscar" material, and it WAS made on a shoestring budget (so NO, the special effects are not anything to write home about), but, it IS an entertaining little movie (if you can find a copy that has someone who can keep up with the caption translation !!!). The version I saw on Amazon Prime missed a full third of the dialog! But, otherwise, once it got going about 20 - 25 minutes in, it didn't let up until the end. Entertaining and interesting ... a pretty good way for an insomniac to spend an hour and a half of the early morning hours. I'd even sit my family down on "movie night", and I know they'd all thank me after it was over.
  • It was not too bad. I have seen a lot worse that had better ratings.

    Worth the one-hour and 20 minutes.