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  • I wanted to like this show but it seems like the casting was executed by the plastic surgeon that did everyone's face lift.
  • Ashley Scott plays an executive for a company that produces pet supplies. Just after getting into a fight with her boyfriend about their relationship status, she takes up with the company's mascot and the company president's son on a road trip across America at Christmastime in an effort to get home for the holiday season.

    Susan Olson, Donna Pescow, and Mindy Cohn also played roles in this film, which, when I stumbled across the names, piqued my interest, so when I found out it was on TV, I hunkered down for the evening with the movie. It's not bad, but a bit clichéd. If you have a couple of hours during the holiday season and it airs in your area, go for it! But don't break up any holiday plans to sit down for'll be disappointed.
  • I've watched a bunch of Christmas movies with Patrick Muldoon. I was trying to understand what's happened to him. Has he always been a mediocre actor? His roles often are so cringy to the degree that it's not funny anymore. All the magic that you expect from cinema is gone. You feel exhausted after watching those low-budget, zero talent works. Probably he keeps doing it for money.

    Anyway, "Holiday Road Trip" while it looks exactly like one of the other typical TV movies with Patrick Muldoon, it's not that bad as the vast majority of them. I enjoyed Ashley Scott's acting abilities. She was surprisingly good, she made me believe her character. She was not afraid to show insecurities. It was a refreshing break from the trending "weak man and strong businesswoman" cliche. It's still there, but it's dosed and is not the driving force for the story.

    Speaking of. Story may seem as unoriginal, predictable, unrealistic, far from good, but it gets the job done for me. It still delivers that sense of romance when you find someone to join you on your journey through life. There is a scene in the movie:

    • I've tried to escape my boring predictable life, and see what happened.

    • For a minute you were pretty cool".

    It's exactly what I want to wish to those involved in making predictable, dull, awkward movies. Please take a risk. It may happen that the result will surprise you.

    Overall it's better than the other one I've watched with Patrick, where everyone farts, or burps. I've faith in him, he can do better than average...
  • I really couldn't get into this one. I stopped and started several times. Just to finish it. Love Shelly long but what is going on with the dry lips smacking and t.a.l.k.i.n.g so drawn out. Can hardly listen. And the Ashley Scott's eyebrows and eyes are so drawn up in the air I just can't stop focusing it just not natural looking. Also it's like they are trying to make her character a bit younger than she is it's weird. Patrick Muldoon is about the only thing decently acted in this movie. He delivers his normal holiday movie acting which is fine that's what I'm looking for. I really would not waste my time if I had it to do again.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Fun film. I found the film is really nice. It is warm and keeps you engaged. There are a lot of great scenes that make you laugh out loud. There are some quirks I caught. What happened to Mya's eyebrows? They look bizarre. How can she not afford a plane ticket when she lives in a nice D. C. apartment. On IMDB the waitresse's name is Artie. She is a girl. Her name is not mentioned in the movie. The b&b owner is Margaret. Her name is never mentioned. Fun film though.
  • I wanted to watch this movie so bad. And I really tried. But that woman's hair, good grief. Sorry, I can't help it, but it's way too distracting for me. And the producers and directors should've known such an extreme style would be distracting.
  • sharding1411 February 2021
    It's obviously one of those cheesy romantic Christmas movies that are so bad they are fun to watch. That is exactly what this movie is, terribly cheesy with familiar faces from the past. This movie had one thing that those other cookie cutter formulaic movies don't have... Scoots!!! The dog was the main character and this puppy shined. If you love hallmark cheese, and adorable puppies, this movie is for you!
  • Holiday Road Trip is primarily geared for those who are 16 and older and like romantic movies. Holiday Road Trip takes place around Christmastime, hence the name Holiday Road Trip. It is a romance which could take place at any time. A dog is in the mix, gee whiz, trying to add a bit of dog love too. It is a good movie to watch on a rainy or snowy afternoon with your BFF or significant other. Discover your heart with this movie. The pace of the movie could move just a hair faster. It is as much a road trip as a trip to find one's heart's desire. So, the title has a double meaning. A good movie to snuggle together with a cup of cocoa and some popcorn. There is just a tiny bit of violence in the movie. There is a little bit of humor also. The movie provides an adequate way to spend 2 hours for entertainment. Enjoy.
  • judyharl14 August 2022
    He is only good actor in this lame movie Patrick Is awful actor and female lead Ashley bland.

    Streaming tv will not last long with such awful movies.

    Even this 9 yr old movie is bad.
  • This is a fun movie with lots of humor. And it's enjoyable to watch the female lead's transformation as a character.
  • The idea of "road trip" conjures up thoughts of weird and wild antics. And that is certainly this movie. The story was all over the map (pun intended). Basically is was several disjointed episodes strung together to move two adversarial coworkers across the country and give them the chance to fall in love. There were also a couple of wild scenes for Maya's ex. None of the story could be considered serious, so any attempt to look for reality or things that make sense would be wasted. The actions of the characters didn't make sense. The situations they found themselves in didn't make sense. But all that was intentional. Road trip.

    If you compare this to your average romance movie, the story is not at all like any I can remember.

    Like the story, trying to analyze the acting or characters makes no sense either. At the beginning of the movie I was certain there was no way I could ever like Patrick much less want him to hook up with Maya. Then I discovered that Maya wasn't likely to be much fun either. Yet you can guess what happened. The ex was just plain lame.

    There were a few small laughs and sometimes it felt like it was so sad that it was funny. In some ways, it was a horrible movie, but that's just it. Some of it was so bad it was good and there wee a few nice moments.
  • The incredibly unrealistic portrayal of Maya was offputting. REAL poor kids survived on Vienna Sausages and Spam, know how to navigate BBQ joints, and would NEVER SNEER DOWN ON THE WORKING CLASS. EVER. It would have been far better to have her be an insufferable spoiled brat rich kid with the attitude she displayed and how far she sneered down at the people. I don't care how she was later or if she changed, her entire persona from the start is wrong to the point it ruins the movie. Likewise, it's almost impossible to remotely beleive the male lead would be at all familiar with middle class and lower road trips, road trip culture, etc. The writers clearly live in an isolated upper class world out of touch with the scenario and characters they created.
  • christa-pelc24 November 2020
    What's not to love - Christmas, dogs, a road trip, family - not perfect, but so much Christmas fun!
  • rfedukovich17 November 2020
    I watch a lot of Hallmark Christmas movies every year, although this is not one of them, it is a refreshing break from the predictable script. It even has a stripping Santa but don't worry it is a PG movie. Funny with a lot of well known actors and actresses.