User Reviews (11)

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  • uberdonkey64 April 2016
    A short (30min) sci-fi film doesn't give much time for plot or character development but fundamentally it is like a great short story. The acting is fine and the characters interesting. Basically draws up some questions about the feelings of a border force policeman who is about to retire - guilt, value of his life etc. There is a 'new earth' that many hope to go to (and he hopes to retire to) where everything is expected to be great, but meanwhile people are struggling to survive on the original earth in a post industrial setting. Obviously nobody likes this border force because they kill lots of people hoping to make it to new earth.

    Effects are excellent, especially considering it is only a 30 min film. Could easily be made into a full length film, and would probably be better in that format, allowing greater character development, especially between the two main protagonists. However, there aren't really loose ends, everything ties well together, and although there is a 'twist' it is pretty predictable, though doesn't take away from the general sentiment of the story: even in a rough world people aren't all bad.

    P.S. there is some blood and guns, so for an adult audience, but it is not gratuitous (I hate overly violent films, and this isn't one)
  • 'The leap' wastes no time informing us exactly what it is about, narratively and thematically. The opening title card speaks to blunt commentary on the inhumane horror of immigration enforcement before an immediate, violent depiction of that "rule of law."

    The short further imparts the glaring cognitive dissonance that law enforcement officers maintain to pretend they're ordinary good people while continuing to actively kill and oppress. Only by stepping back from the beliefs of such strict codes can one actually find moral clarity, and 'The leap' ensures we get that message, too.

    For as little as they are given to work with in these 28 minutes, stars Simon Merrells and Alix Wilton Regan nonetheless perform admirably, making their characters feel believably real and human. Jacob's (Merrells) characterization, as an immigration officer, perhaps confers upon him a greater conscience than matches contemporary reality, while Jade (Regan) is barely even second fiddle. Yet the actors do what they can with what is written, and to that end, I commend them.

    Maybe it's not fair to point out this short specifically, but nonetheless, it shares a fault all too common to the sci-fi genre. Women in the future are rarely depicted as anything other than a sex worker, a damsel in distress, or both, especially when they are written by men. Writer-director Karel van Bellingen sadly shares that lack of imagination. The reliance on these tropes is at best tiresome; can no one do better?

    Still, while imperfect, 'The leap' is sufficiently entertaining. Consumer technology on display in the film is believable, and in some ways doesn't seem far off from where we are in 2021. Broader depictions of the fictional future, including the 2084 skyline of London and exterior shots of a space-faring vessel, look pretty good to these eyes. And for as quick as the picture runs, it's duly thrilling in the story it tells.

    It could have benefited from a bit more imagination, but that's an issue one can claim for many a tale of any genre - and if that's the greatest criticism I can actively make, then I suppose we're in reasonably good hands. 'The leap' isn't bad; not at all. It effectively tells a capably engaging story, and is very plainspoken about its core messages.

    Worth 30 minutes of your time? Sure, why not.
  • Excellent writing, acting, casting, cinematography, effects makes this short SF film an excellent calling card for writer/director Karel van Bellingen. Script cleanup by Sheridan Thomas may have contributed to a very tight result. Better than most of what comes out of Hollywood, the writing reminds me a bit of some of the best SF short story authors such as Heinlein who could create highly descriptive worlds and backstories with just a word or two. For example, "clubs" run by criminal syndicates offer services that include prostitution. The very lean dialogue manages to explain this in a couple brief sentences. Other plot devices are very tidy and efficient, but then they need to be in a 30 minute piece.

    It's definitely a dystopian future for the left-behinds on Earth, with a murderously-repressive yet at the same time ineffectual central government.

    Casting also stood out with just the right looks and screen personalities for the roles. The bland and ineffective bureaucrat spouting broad platitudes on the telly had the right look, accent and delivery for the role.

    A clever twist and lots of morality play makes this a thoughtful and fun short. It's superbly well done.
  • An excellent short, better than most movies I've seen of late. The lead, Simon Merrells. He puts me in mind of Andrew Lincoln 'Rick'TWD, Jurgen Prochnow, Cillian Murphy, and Matt King (Superhans).The story I won't reveal., I found the whole thing reminded me of of 'Moon'. I've seen a few shorts recently, most better than the big films. Production quality was 10/10. Backdrops exceed Bladerunner. Acting was spot on. I'm afraid Hollywood has just become a messy CGI mess.

    I'm not sure, but the story line mirrors the plight of North African refugees to Europe, but in no way preachy; Guilt, repentance, and doing the right thing. All in all an enjoyable SF film.
  • Great short story. Music was awesome and fit to the core. Acting was superb, the whole story and production just top notch. They need to do a kick starter, I would donate to see this get developed more !!!!
  • abirkhantnt15 January 2019
    Great movie too short but ok .. I liked the movie so much... a good movie everyone can enjoy....
  • A well crafted short Sci. Fi. But the virtue, the basic virtue of it is to give rich exploration of delicate themes, from the relation with past, illusion, second chance, duty, form of parenthood, love, sacrifice, new worlds as refuges and temptations and target. The acting is admirable, the story- more than beautiful. A superb film for the wise manner of making detail by detail.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "The Leap" is a futuristic science fiction short film from 2 years ago (2015) that was directed and co-written by Belgian filmmaker (most of the time editor, actually) Karel van Bellingen. It runs for half an hour and plays almost 70 years in the future, actually the year when I would have my 100th birthday. Anyway, this one here is the story of a fateful encounter between a cop and a prostitute that results in a great deal of action and drama as well, and bloodshed. Science fiction is generally not too much of my genre, so a film would have to be really good to make a lasting impression on me. this one here doesn't, neither in terms of the action (with that I mean plot, I don't care about effects) nor in terms of the acting sadly. So yeah if you love the genre more than I do, then maybe you can check it out. It is not a failure by any means and there is a decent moment here and there. Also thumbs up for the attempt at emotion the filmmaker goes for here. Still I must say I am not too curious about any of van Bellingen's other works and I am also not yet sold that he can make an impact in terms of full feature films soon. But who knows, he is still young and can step his game up possibly. This one here, one of his most known works, gets a thumbs-down from me. Not recommended.
  • dariush7517 April 2022
    Nice movie.

    It would be great to make a feature film with the same actors.

    Beautiful story and good actors and good director.

    A movie you can watch more than once.
  • I stumbled over this one on the DUST Youtube channel.

    I relly enjoyed it! Shame that DUST did not in any way mention who was behind this short, but luckily I found it here!

    Keep up the good work!
  • In terms of stuff that you find on the DUST YouTube channel, it's outstanding. But that doesn't change the fact that it's only possibly directed, full of people chewing the scenery, and clearly the product of someone with too much production budget and not enough directorial ability. Various issues:

    • There are 3 time jumps
    • the film begins with an over long beginning sequence that acts as a prologue, but could've been a much better served later in the film as a flashback or even cut
    • We hear -- not in graphic detail, but in far more detail than any reasonable director would include -- a woman doing her business. In the bathroom. We see her on the toilet. I do not need to hear someone tinkle.

    The film is the better of the bunch in terms of science fiction on YouTube. But it still suffers from overwroughtness; the product of people who don't know any better thinking they've made some genius script. It's not an essential piece of work.