User Reviews (14)

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  • sherilcarey24 May 2020
    I just used the word "soulless" for a show a couple of days ago. Weird. If I could figure out some clues this and and that other had in common in the clues I saw before I watched them to know what to be in the look out for to avoid another with this very flat, no values, no beliefs, no interest or humanity feel some shows have nowadays! Some just seem to have no entertainment value and no redeeming qualities to balance with that. Although this one was less terrible than the other. I was trying to decide between 4 and 5 stars and decided I could go up to 5 in comparison even if that did seem to high.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Maybe that something missing is continuity. I love movies from the late 1930's through the 1960's. The movies told a story. This movie gets the point across but in weird scenes without much continuity. It doesn't really tell the story well but relies on short scenes without any depth but a lot of shouting. I like some warmth and not so many bizarre characters. The main characters utter a bunch of four letter words. A very dysfunctional family. I can curse with the best of them but dropping the F bomb multiple times adds nothing to the story. We know the family is angry about their situation. There are some comedic touches that are dumb and detract from the main theme. This would be a great drama without the goofy comedy. Being in debt is no laughing matter. I remember being low on funds when I was younger and rolling pennies for enough money to buy food. Fortunately I was able to find work.
  • amylizpaul8 October 2019
    This movie was a fart. Everyone except the dad was a horrible actor, the characters reactions to things didn't make sense half the time, and it was honestly just boring
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Interesting take on the different perspectives of how debt and stress affects people-horrible teen just wants to be loved, stressed out mom just wants to be appreciated, nasty mother in law doesn't know how to show her love and disillusioned young man bill collector only knows one side of the world and is shocked by the reality of life. I really liked a discussion with older lady side character where she explains why she stayed with serial cheater husband for 50 years...he was a good father and provider, they had many good years ...and she didn't want to be punished for something that wasn't her fault...REALLY made me look at infidelity and relationship problems in a different light. We are a throw away society and we have given up on trying to do things better vs just starting over. We need to work hard for the good things in life!!! Give this movie a try. Good acting and interesting perspectives
  • The production is fine but the general film itself is lacking any kind of personality. This one will age really badly all things considering, skip this even if you're a casual viewer as you'll find nothing.
  • windsorenquirer29 September 2019
    Overall it was an ok movie, not bad and not good either, just ok. But it could have been so much better, like lots of other American movies it couldn't decide if it wanted to be a comedy or a drama. Too bad because it was so boring at times. And then this debt collector character, so unrealistic, so soft.
  • The movie is about a big family full of Everybody are just screaming and yelling at each others from beginning to end. Who makes this kind of crap? Are they even human? Terrible acting. High score rating is obviously from friends of the cast and crew. Absolute rubbish try another career honestly because this isn't for you.
  • I was moved by this indie about a family fighting to find their way back to one another when debt splits them apart. You'll likely find the humanity reflected between the people who owe money and those going after them as interesting as I did. I found the mother daughter relationship especially touching and was particularly impressed by the teen daughter's acting skills. A good watch, I recommend it.
  • tawriqua19 November 2019
    This is a terrible movie. I cant for the life of me understand why it has any positive reviews. The wife was just generally a terrible human being, she run away from her family and knocked down her husband with a car. Another thing how is spousal abuse supposed to be funny?i dont get it
  • As a fan of real issues portrayed in movies, where families experience the highs and lows of modern life and its challenges, I found Love & Debt very engaging.

    The script is well written and the actors do a fine job of drawing you into their world and their emotional journey. It is indeed true that we all now live far beyond our means, swimming in debt, and ready to dismiss or abuse those trying to collect. The most important things in life are family and happiness. Be satisfied with where you are and what you have, but keep working at it because every day presents a new possibility to ruin or success... this story shows it well.

    If you are a fan of The Story of Us, Parenthood and other similar takes on the struggles of raising a family, then you should enjoy this film. Not sure why the low rating. I couldn't fault the movie (and I watch hundreds each year)! Sit back with your partner, after the kids are asleep and enjoy the emotional rollercoaster of Love & Debt.
  • This is a move about a family coping with household debt, a subject that is rarely dealt with honestly in cinema in spite of the central role financial stress plays in most modern lives. The themes are heavy but the film has a light hand, 'Love and Debt' makes some very timely points in the way that films should, not by telling us all about them but by showing us real, flawed characters in action as they try to cope with what life brings them and struggle to rediscover their true priorities. The cast is outstanding and full of familiar faces. The entire cast delivers complete and compelling characters that never strain or reach to hit an emotional moment. The excellent cast benefits from the well crafted script and the confident directorial hand provided by Valerie Landsburg. Her cast is as honest and unpretentious as her own directorial style Supporting characters are fully drawn and given moments to shine. I especially enjoyed the understated acoustic score which softly supports the narrative and helps move the story forward without intruding on the moments, the actors or the audience's own process. This is a well realized gem of a movie, every aspect of the film making is top quality, sound and photography, editing and design. I strongly recommend 'Love and Debt' to anyone whose ever balanced a checkbook.
  • Love and Debt tackles a lot of familiar issues with humor and heart. The central issue of debt expands out to the lies/half truths it breeds, intimacy issues necessarily follow and a family trying to negotiate the "normal" growing pains of time and age ruptures at the seams. But we get to see the other side of the coin through the debt collectors eyes (wow, collections callers are people too? Who knew???) which adds a lovely surreal absurdist kind of take on this whole bizarre system of money and "success." Filled with engaging performances, the film strikes the perfect balance of laughter and sincere depth.
  • hibaalghol21 April 2020
    At first I was a little hesitant about watching the film when I learned that Valerie Landsburg (I know her as Doris Schwartz) directed this film but I was not disappointed! She is just as good a director as she is an actor!! This movie gave me chills at certain points and made me jump in my seat many times!!! Valerie, if you are reading this, keep making films like this!! They are amazing!!!
  • This movie is about struggling with situations, personal limits and issues avoided or ignored within the family. It's also an opportunity to see things from an insider perspective, without passing thru all of it. For those who's looking for a fun movie, this is not the one. It's a fiction movie, where real life situations are represented in an unhappy way, like it actually is: the family suffers, broken people go wrong ways, kids suffers and are forced to grow. The plot happens inside a family. If you're still reading this, this movie can be entertaining and inspiring. An invitation to hope in this broken world we live in. It's a fiction movie with real life lessons learnt.