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  • For zombie film junkies only. The title of this film should be "Yawning of the Dead." The "Dawning of the Dead" is one big "been there, done that." Totally uninspired.
  • No. Just no!

    This is another one of those generic zombie movies that cash in on an establish movie in terms of its title, and has nothing to do with that aforementioned movie.

    "Dawning of the Dead" was generic in every sense, the storyline was so predictable that you saw it coming a mile away. And since the directors opted to throw no curveballs or put in any twists or surprises, then it was just a straightforward, albeit very generic ride.

    The zombie make-up was nothing extravagant, but at least they didn't succumb to the horrible B-movie mistake of just painting the faces gray and forgetting about the rest of the body.

    Personally I find running zombies a major no-go in the zombie genre, and guess what? Yeah! There were running zombies here in "Dawning of the Dead" (aka "Apocalypse").

    The characters in the movie were fairly generic too, although the did differ from one another. But it was ultimately just characters that you didn't bond with or felt empathy for. So when they died, you just shrug and move on.

    I managed to finish this movie but can honestly say that I will not return to this zombie movie a second time.
  • vacanttekno4 June 2018
    In response to adam pikes review, i also was an extra in this and the scene he refers to was for a different movie.
  • Tailgunner194431 December 2017
    I know it's a low budget movie, but I've watched low-budget movies that were amazing to watch. Sitting through the entire 1 hr 43 mins of this movie is one of the greatest tests of endurance I have have ever engaged in. I spent $3.99 to rent this movie and will I miss that money forever. The movie is unbelievable and makes no sense whatever. The characters have guns but don't use them when they need to for some unexplained reason. Please save yourself. There is absolutely nothing you will gain by watching this nonsense, unless perhaps you are a filmmaker who wants to learn about how not to make a bad movie.
  • ant36au23 December 2017
    I don't want to write a review,this offering really isn't worth it,but I'm compelled to warn people.This one is a real stinker from beginning to end.There is no character development and not a single likeable character in the movie,in fact I detested them all so much I was rooting for the zombies,the acting was just plain atrocious with the zombies being the best actors,cinematogrophy was very low grade and when effects are better in a syfy channel movie than they are in this offering you know you are in a bad place.Be afraid,very afraid,that someone will make you watch this trash.
  • nogodnomasters4 November 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    This film has nothing to do with "Dawn of the Dead." A frozen virus was uncovered and became experimental as a means to keep soldiers fighting after they are dead. Anarchists steal the virus and release it around the world, shades of "12 Monkeys." This film centers on journalist Katya Nevin who lives in a nation that drives on the wrong side of the road and not enough guns to protect them from the inevitable zombie apocalypse.

    Her boyfriend tries to reunite with her while his brother has a "dad always liked you best" issue that hampers the reunification.

    Okay for a zombie film.

    Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity. Note to self: stabbing in the neck only works on humans.
  • I find it incredibly sad to see sexist, amateur writers creating dross like this - eating up good budgets whilst some talented writers get nary a penny to produce their stuff.

    Some things that really get to me about British productions at the moment. Sexism (including misogyny and misandry) and racism. Many directors especially on the BBC productions of things like Doctor Who get caught up trying to give a nod to the British equivalent of the US "token black guy" and that is a "token Asian or Middle-Eastern female". The fact that she appears to be over-praised and rude are about the only two authentic aspects of this kind of stereotypical person in the UK. In fact, every stereotype is there. The leering older man who is accused of "using the same line word-for-word on me when I wouldn't give him a blowjob", the cheerful trolley woman who is used to lure the zombies away from the group, the scared and life-endangering young man who panics and lets the zombies in, and the nervous yet competent female assistant.

    The main issue with this whole film is clearly a lack of directorship. One of the jobs of a director is to steer the "direction" of a film to give a realistic and accurate illusion that the people we are watching are actually really there and in their life-and-death situation. I can suspend disbelief with the best and worst of people, but when the opening scene shows a pixelated animation for bloody special effects, I should have known what was coming. Dialogue confusingly juxtaposes between contrasting emotions in a some of schizophrenic conversation that rarely matches the scene, the actor's persona, or the whole narrative.

    Then there is the acting itself. You see people who are either first-time actors, or have struggled to get work and have not been vetted properly by the casting crew. They even appear to laugh at some moments. I suspect that the fact that the film had no less than 5 people appearing as directors suggests a failure to agree on artistic vision.

    The only good actor I could find who seemed believable was ironically the most extreme character - Agent Proteus - played by the talented Leo Gregory who must have had a bad patch when he accepted this script. I've seen him in some other movies and he can turn a turd of a script into a diamond.

    Which underlines another important point - there are a lot of damn good British actors out there so why are we stuck with this bunch? Whose fault is it for this film being so lame?

    Until we start setting the bar a bit higher and being more critical of our work, we're never going to see the likes of Trainspotting come out again. The time of the Millenials is upon us. Sadly we seem to have given them too much credit and they've given us apathy and a lack of interest in anything challenging. Is it that we are so scared of being accused of bullying because of the politically correct brigade that we've ended up not daring to point out absurdness or badly created media?

    We can do so much better than this. It's one I suggest any readers stay very well clear of. (Innit' fam?!)
  • adampike4 June 2018
    I was a zombie extra in this film, Filmed near Dunchurch, UK. With thanks, a jeep exploding, Running across 1 field past barrels and all other obstacles into another field whilst being shot with blanks, then towards a helicopter where the actor runs into an flys off. Spent an entire day on the set with makeup and re doing the takes didn't finish until late. That entire scene is not even in this movie i'm completely shocked all that time on that day was all for nothing when they couldn't even be bothered to include it in the actual film.

    Also the special effects in this film are shockingly bad considering the filming was done in 2014 and 2015. I was during the 2015 scenes as i still have photographs of the set on my instagram!

    Do not worth. It will be a waste of your time!
  • Bad, just really, really, really, really bad. Unbelievably, 3 reviewers rated this movie 10 stars. But then again, they believe the 2020 election was stolen too.
  • This movie is terrible! It's a plodding, directionless mess full of bad effects, cringey non acting and corny dialogue and cardboard characters. It also has practically every cliche you've seen in other zombie flicks including characters acting stupid for no reason so they can get killed. I found myself scratching my head and laughing than being entertained or scared because of how awful it was. Do a hard pass on this. Watch the first 4 Romero Dead flicks, the Dawn Of The Dead remake, Return Of The Living Dead , Train To Busan or Shaun Of The Dead before even considering this piece of garbage. I'd even recommend Return Of The Living Dead Part 2, Diary Of The Dead and other weak zombie movies before this stinker. What a waste of money and film stock to pump out such worthless garbage! Could've been put toward a better zombie film.
  • Hungry for something me ass kicking hungry Zombies. It has been a long time since I have seen a worthy Zombie movie. Well writer/Director Tony Jopia does a great job with Dawning of the Dead! This one has a cool approach to the outbreak and is unique with its explanation of the outbreak. This time it is started by a scientist trying to help mankind. But when the bugs go wrong and the epidemic spreads world wide he reveals all to anchorwoman Katya Nevin. Excellently portrayed by Ruth Galliers. But hot on her trail in the building is an assassin stopping at nothing to silence her. So Katya has the assassins and the growing numbers of zombies to fight off! Katya and her fellow workers are trapped in there News studio and get to see the proportions of the virus through newsfeed and the under siege building. Katya boyfriend and brother are trying to fight his way though the infested streets with his brother to save her and sees the destruction. I really love the different approach and even though it's a low budget movie the FX and idea of showing the destruction throughout the news feed Around the world is clever. Also this is not just a few zombies lumbering around but hordes and these suckers move fast. The eating scenes are fun and a welcome surprise. This is an all out homage to zombie flicks done rite. They are Updated version of Romero's Zombies. Katya boyfriend (Kristofer Dwayne)and brother (Fabian Muller)steal the movie and very enjoyable to watch. There zany approach on getting through this and continuous bickering is a welcoming relief from the horrors everyone else is dealing with. I hope Tony Jopia and crew venture back in the world of the dead blood, guts and fun and a cool story thanks guys. No disappointments here! Available down on Amazon or to Buy! A great addition to your collection!

    Dawning of the Dead Writers: Tony Jopia, Stuart Jopia, Andy Davie, Stuart Bedford Director: Tony Jopia Starring: Ruth Galliers, Leo Gregory, Fabien Muller, Kristofer Dayne, Kimberly Jaraj, Sean Cronin, Paul Lavers, Ian Saynor, Andrew Mchale, Marc Asante, Aaron Sharp, Stu Jopia, Rafael I. Molina and Sarah Dee
  • In a coordinated attack, an unknown and unnamed faction releases a virus that reanimates the dead. This takes place primarily in the UK, but there are some scenes in various other countries. A news reporter for a major network is brought a video detailing how the virus came to be by one of her sources. Once streaming the video live is complete, she and her coworkers fight to survive in the new world.

    This is a low budget movie and should be watched through that lens. If you are a fan of other British produces zombie movies like Shaun Of The Dead or the 28 movies, then do not try to go into this thinking there will be any similarities. They relied a bit too heavily on bad CGI, from fires to smoke to impact wounds to people being torn apart, there are very few practical effects here. The actors are not bad, though the gentleman that play the lead news anchor plays his part way over the top. This movie did keep me watching to the end and I enjoyed the fact that the ending was ambiguous as well.

    Overall, I would say this is a decent enough entry into the genre, but there is nothing ground breaking or Earth shattering here.
  • redtiago4 October 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    It is mediocre but has some well succeeded moments being my favorites the moments of the zombie apocalypse in several cities worldwide. It's evident the low production. In the effects and in some performances of the actors. The story is not at all innovative but meets the minimum for this kind of movie. I recommend it only to those who, like me, love zombie movies. All the others don't waste your time ...
  • nickoleterrible30 April 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Bad acting and the worst scenario i've seen. They happened to be a TV news network and they have no clue of what's going on outside. Character Protheus is killing everyone to find a USB that explain the origin of the virus, but who cares ? It's the end of the world. Zombies are sometimes running, other times walking. FX are from 80ies. I don't mind watching low budget or old fashion zombie movies but this one is by far the worst i've seen.
  • The characters are pretty bad and I guess there was an attempt at having a strong female lead but since both the writing and acting is so bad you just end up rooting for the zombies to eat them all but it does take a few minutes to hate them that much so I guess its better then most movies these days.
  • Great story, great special effects, unexpected ending and yes, its low budget but its bloody good!! Yes, the main tv guy is a cock but apart from him it's a belting film! Enjoy
  • Warning: Spoilers
    So this movie isnt going to wow anybody with it's anything. It is in reality a by the numbers zombie movie with a bleak ending and a cast of people you don't mind dying and a plot that teases a deeper story but the exact point where its time to reveal the why.....the "villain" just refuses and then gets killed. The gore is decent but nothing special or innovative. If they were aiming for serious B movie they hit it spot on(not the spoof B movies like sharknado that turn everything up to 10) because thats what this feels like, a B movie script with a bigger budget.
  • nerevar592 August 2018
    This was a refreshing foray into the zombie universe. It has action, suspense, terror, horror, gore, and good cinematography. I highly recommend this movie.
  • yps6914 May 2021
    A zombie movie is a zombie movie. But MAN! Such BAD ACTING!!!!

    Surely even with a shoestring budget you can get better talent than these yokels!!!!

    It's like they just YANKED OFF any passers by and held them at gunpoint to pose as actors!

    You know what? SHOOT THE DIRECTOR and the PRODUCERS!

    . Even the zombies can't save this film!!! HORRIBLE!!!!
