User Reviews (6)

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  • Saying that this film is brilliant is over the top. It's not brilliant because it doesn't contain any heart or soul into the story. I think the filmmakers were trying to make a funny yet sympathetic plot so we can feel sorry for the characters but it didn't go anywhere and it couldn't decide between the two out of being humerous or sad. I haven't seen the so called first z-lister but this one works without it so for me it's a stand-alone film. I did enjoy this film overall though. I really enjoyed Craig Whyte's role of Chris. The chick was appalling, so I'll have to give it an average rating of 6. It was going somewhere but didn't lead to anything in the end.
  • It is said the comedy is only funny if the character doesn't "know" he's in a comedy, and Baker is taking his life really seriously. Utterly desperate for attention, of any kind, he's getting through from day to day, actually broke but pretending to be well off. His "fame" is far in the past, he's out of work, nobody really wants anything to do with him, but he doesn't give up. He's trying to present himself as an important celebrity, or a successful womanizer, but his constructs fail comically.

    The way it's shot as a fly-on-the-wall documentary, works really well. The scripts are very well-written, so everything flows perfectly, which means it's never anything less than gripping. The celebrity guest appearances are a great idea, with the Johnny Depp's scenes being particularly enjoyable.
  • Craig Whyte as Chris Baker is certainly one of my favourite comedic characters in a long time. So well timed and well performed as the selfish arrogant z-list celebrity. His own spin off film certainly packs a punch instead of its predecessor back in 2012 starring Martin Ballantyne. Whyte certainly delivers and steals the whole show, just like he did in the first one. Had me in stitches till the very end. He's also supported by a great fellow cast like Aaron Sharp as the loan shark, Darren Potter as Jack Sparrow and Jill Greenacre as the BBC executive. Great cast and great soundtrack to the whole thing - excellent film!
  • First of, I don't understand why people aren't making stories like this. This is very original, but there's a Ricky Gervais feel to it like 'Life's Too Short' and 'Extras' which I am a fan of. And you can tell it's low-budget so it's not like it's anything difficult to do - sorry filmmakers - however this film in general is somewhat very special to audiences of all ages.

    The reason I like 'Z-Listers' is because it's somewhat a "mockumentary" sort of genre, starring fictional Z-list celebrity Christopher Baker, best known for his work in the Doctor Who franchise as a child star in a couple of unnamed episodes. Things get worse and worse as he owes money to the BBC for copyright infringement, due to selling the images at his conventions, and ends up borrowing money off a loan shark as he's in a dark place. It's a hole that gets deeper and deeper basically.

    The joke of the series is Baker's ego is big as all outdoors despite his being unknown to the public at large. What gets me is when Baker always wears shades and a baseball cap to hide from his so-called fans. Actor Sid White obviously has the courage and great humour to portray Z-list celebrities this way, and it works well, with his entire life falling apart around him while he continues to brag about his exploring new frontiers in his acting and agency "empire".

    The supporting cast around him do the film justice also, and they're very lovable people too. We have Ellie (the bimbo stripper), Dave (the lack of faith manager) and Finn (the lovable rogue). But the one who's truly spectacular is the loan shark known as Edward the B****** (played by wrestler Aaron Sharp) as his performance was superb and well written. Comedy is at it's best when it's not thrown in your face and Sharp does this well, with subtlety and well- timed expressions. A great character that I would watch over and over again.

    The film is very funny but more importantly it has heart and that's usually the occasion you would watch a film - to care about the characters as well as laugh at/with them. The best low- budget film I've seen in a long time.
  • sam-cj-133-96690115 October 2014
    Aboslutey incredible low budget film. Starring a team of actors who know how to captivate their audience. Director Kris Smith brings a whole new outlook on the 'z-lister' name, creating a masterpiece. The hand held camera work makes the perspective personal, making you feel as though you're in the film. Darren potter plays a convincing role as johnny depp, pulling the ladies as one would with the appearance as jack sparrow. For a sequel to 'z-lister', it definitely beats all expectation and defines the reality of a struggling ex actor. Sex, violence and comedy rolled into one. If there's one Norwich based film you watch this year, make it this one!
  • billionbites14 November 2023
    I watched Z-listers after watching the short film starring Martin Ballantyne. I was a big fan of the original short film, Z-listers takes it more into a gritty comedy. The concept is great and relatable. This film takes it more to another level. Both contain their own story very well. The casting choice is top notch and it felt like it could've been 20mins or so longer. I will definitely watch more from the same director. It amazes me how much he has pulled off with what he had at his disposal. The cinematography was great, I liked the handheld feel, that made you feel quite close to the situation.