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  • Well, something goes, something doesn't ! Who act better were Nick Merico, Kendall RYAN Sanders and Paula. Others (adult characters included) were less than mediocre actors ! As Italian user (not Latin then), I noticed the huge difference between Southamerican soaps and North ones a few Years ago. US series are always WIDELY better than the first ones. I think i have to blame Latin producers for that difference. Talking about each single person I prefer Kendall Sanders because of his deference and his rational behavior in the show like other American actors. I also appreciate the fairness of Emma character, even though I've never heard about the actress till now. However not bad nor good review !
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The character Andi has poor acting. Being one of main characters and playing an important role in the series it is not a high standards. As for actresses and actors playing the following:Jax,Tony, Principal Torres and Miss Information(Gigi) their acting is impressive as is Maddie's along with Katie's. Some of the listed names have bigger parts than others but all are really believable. Like when I watched Tony I cringed at the right moments and such. Emma's,Daniel's, Nurse Lily's,Diego's,Sophie's and so on were fairly mild. Daniel's and Diego's certainly improved as the season continued.

    The episodes were sometimes amusing other times boring or predictable. Most of season 1 was predictable in all honesty. Though season 2 was extremely better.

    They did however make some things predictable by 'borrowing' some ideas off other shows. Like the literal butterflies thing happened with Sabrina but instead with cold feet. Love triangle is so Hannah Montanna Daniel(good boy) vs Jax(bad boy) is the same as Jake vs Jessie. Mistaken chosen one and power stealing is very House Of Anubis. Witches Council and magic book is so Sabrina. When there is 5 of her running about, it is like when Sabrina splits into 4 different people. The witch and human break up things is like when Alex gives up the wizard competition and can't date a werewolf.

    Season 2 is actually quite amusing for the second half but season 1 isn't. Give a shot, but I am not pleased. It just reminds me of Sabrina with witches and such and that set the bar pretty high. I might take a better interest in it if a character more intriguing and funny like Salem was introduced but I doubt it will happen. It does however seem to be improving. It's either your thing or not, it is mediocre acting and bland plot but like everything has it ups like it has it's downs.
  • Were the producers and creators high when they made this show? Seriously, where do I begin? The lighting is horrible, the jokes are forced, the plot is really boring, repetitive and cliché, and the actors are just plain dumb. This show just CONFIRMS how much Nickelodeon is hitting rock bottom. Blonde preppy mean girl? CHECK. Main girl who is oh-so nice? CHECK. Love interest of main girl who used to be the mean girl's boyfriend? CHECK. If I could give this show zero stars, believe me, I would. Because, honestly, I don't even think that this show deserves one star. I mean, I get that I'm not really the target audience(I'm 13), but I still think it's horrible. If you are ages 6-12 you will probably like this show. If you're any older, don't waste your time and energy. Seriously, this show makes me wanna gouge my own eyeballs out.
  • Well this is possibly the worst show I have ever seen and I've been forced to watch international soap operas. The acting is possibly the worst i have ever experienced and its obvious that the actors have little to no previous experience. The plot-line is predictable and dramatically over exaggerated. The fake accent of the lead actor is just irritating and honestly insulting. The camera work is shaky and looks like it was filmed by a twelve year old with a camcorder. Its all bad angles and fake lighting. A middle school video project would be much better. Don't waste your time. Sesame Street entertains me more than this.
  • Every Witch Way started off horrible. I'll admit, Season 1 was absolute GARBAGE! Season 2 got better, Season 3 was amazing, and Season 4 was GROUNDBREAKING. Season 4 of Every Witch Way and Degrassi are TIED. Just get through Season 1, and after that it gets good. I decided even though Season 1 was horrible to give Season 2 a try and it was good. So I kept watching and beginning of Season 3 I was HOOKED. Season 4 was the best thing Ive seen on tv in a while. The spin-off "WITS Academy" had only one season and wasnt as good as Season 3 & 4 but it still had a good plot. I recommend this show. Just get through Season 1, and Season 2 is when the show really grows up. Just give it some time to become what it became. It's really a good show if you excuse the bad writing and mediocre acting.
  • Honestly...the first few seconds I watched of this show were so horrible, and the acting was so mediocre...I couldn't stand it. Don't waste your time watching. I would rather watch reruns of Barney, than watch this show. I'm not sure what's been going on with Nickelodeon lately, but the shows they've been producing haven't been good. Honestly...the acting is worse than Hannah Montana...well...maybe I should just say,they're TIED. And some of the special effects, in my opinion, are very, amateur. All together, aside from the bad acting, the show just seems VERY low budget and I can't see it making many more episodes. DON'T BOTHER WATCHING! IT'S NOT WORTH YOUR TIME!!!
  • kieraluv1315 July 2018
    Its been years since the show ended and it still warms my heart not the best acting but still an amazing story
  • I love this show because is beautiful see magic in a normal high school
  • Some shows are so bad they are funny. Some are so bad they wind up being somehow kind of good and some are so bad they are just BAD. This one is just BAD. The acting is TERRIBLE. The premise is stupid. It is as if this is a really bad high school project at some backwater school.

    It came on after something else and I actually took notice because it was SOOOOO bad.

    This is not even a "don't waste your time", this is a "OMG, don't even think about unless you want to cringe"

    What was Nickelodeon thinking!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!
  • AnnaPagrati27 August 2021
    This show is so nostalgic to me! It's beautiful, I adore it!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I actually thought that this show would be the stupidest thing ever when I saw the promos and I wasn't planning on watching it. But when I started to watch a few episodes, I was hooked. Of course, the acting isn't brilliant, but I've seen the actors in other stuff and they weren't bad (Ken Sanders, Cinnamon). The plot is amazing and I've been obsessed with seeing if there's a new episode.After you watch a few episodes , I bet you guys'll be hooked too.(You might like it better if you are a teen girl. Not saying that this is a girl show) So check it out! Favorite Episode: Witches Flu

    Favorite Character(s): Mac Davis or Sophie Johnson ( I think that they would be totally adorable together! I think that you guys would love the show.

    I wish I went to Iridium High
  • cinthia234512 July 2014
    I saw the show way back in January where it was a full month of new episodes of Every Witch Way. I wasn't impressed, it had horrible acting and it's something I would never watch, I watched bits and pieces of it, but still I'm not impressed. I'm guessing all of Disney and Nickelodeon shows are by far gone down hill. No shows appeal to me, I'm pretty much going to say that Nickelodeon and Disney are dead dropped and have no ideas. Every Witch Way is just based on Wizards of Waverly Place, that is the magic though, not the whole show concept. Hopefully good shows will come back on. I really wish the old Nickelodeon and Disney shows would come back.
  • In my opinion, this show is just an awful copy of Wizards of Waverly Place. The acting is horrible, the special effects are so obviously fake, and the whole plot is unoriginal.

    I have seen a lot of bad shows before, but this is literally the worst show I have ever seen. Everything about it is horrible.

    I have only seen one or two episodes of Every Witch Way, and I felt like if it were not so quiet throughout the show, then maybe I might like it a little, but it was super annoying to even just sit there and watch the show.

    So, overall, I would recommend you not watch this show unless you are a really young kid.. it is just not entertaining to me at all but it might be to a small child.
  • missrugby14 July 2014
    This show is awful. It looks cheap and the acting is terrible. It looks like it was filmed on a very low budget. I don't think it would be a bad show if the film quality were better as well as the actors. It almost seems as if the show was thrown together to fill an open slot. I would love to see this show in better quality. It's a shame to see this type of show on Nickelodeon while great shows with great acting are being canceled for ridiculous reasons. I hope that Nickelodeon plans on stepping it up before they lose viewers to other networks. I don't normally write reviews on TV shows, especially negative reviews, but I felt strongly that this warrants one.
  • I am aware of the many terrible ratings this show has received, but some of these reviewers just expect too much from a kids show. This show is targeted to young children, not adults who can only think to criticize the acting and the plot. To a nine year old girl, this show is enchanting and entertaining. Every bad review is thinking too much like an adult to see the fun in this show. You need to think like a young girl to see how this show can really awe that type of audience. Every adult watching this show, if you expect top-notch acting, an intriguing plot and an all around great show, that is not what you get. But if you were to show this show to a ten year old girl, she would most likely find it magical.
  • I was looking forward to this show because I wanted to see what it's all about. I googled it and apparently it's supposed to be an English version of the Latin-American show "Grachi" which premiers in the Latin America region. The theme song was super catchy so I was curious to see how the show itself is. As soon as the first episode started I could not stand it. The acting is so terrible, I would rather watch an hour of grass growing. The camera is so weird, I don't know if it's a new thing or whatever it is. It just feels so weird, you need to see it yourself. The dramatic reactions make me cringe so much. It's not worth your time. 1/10.
  • When I first saw this show I thought it was bad. Then I kept watching and it just got better. Though the quality is okay and same with the acting, I still love it. I look forward to it everyday. It is very cheesy but sometimes you need a little cheese in your life. I think I love it because it is so cheesy, I do love the plot line too. Some of the acting is really bad but there are some good actors too. The show is very funny and my favorite character is Jax. The first season was okay but the second was even better. I am always sad when it ends. I hope it continues for a while. Some may hate it but it is one of the best shows in my opinion. Watch it, try it, it may take a couple of shows to really get into it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I've always loved this show ever since it aired and I still watch it to this day.

    Season one was good. The acting of the supporting characters wasn't great but good enough for a nickelodeon show. Loved the plot.

    Season two was better because of Jax. He added so much suspense and the way they portrayed him as a "bad boy who wanted to take over the world" was great and the plot twist of it being his fathers plan made it better. Andi was selfish in my opinion. She promised Emma that she could send him back after they found him. Then she went back on her word and got mad at Emma when she sent him back after he tried to attack multiple people.

    Season three was a little rusty. After a while the love triangle and swapping back and forth got a little old. Emma got way too reckless in my opinion. She defied the council way too many times and even turned Phillip human to prevent another fight. By the way Emma made the right choice picking Jax Season four went downhill quickly. Emma got even more selfish as time went on. She forced Daniel to remember his old life when he clearly was happy where he was while Jax was forced to watch her try to make his girlfriends ex boyfriend to remind their entire relationship. Then because Jax's mother and sister came back it made Emma miss her mom and she was selfish enough to potentially destroy the whole world just to have her back even if it meant she get sick and die all over again. She selfishly took everyone's powers except Jax and bring back to dangerous witches just to have enough power to bring her back mom back and not go through with it. I loved the plot with Jax's family. All along we thought his dad was evil and his mom was in hiding with Jax's sister Jessie when truthfully the mom was evil and wanted to rule the world and make Jax and Jessie the most powerful beings and Jax's father has been searching for Jessie and rescue her.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It is was terrible. I'm just sitting here like when is this show going off air. Me and my friends were discussing it in a conversation and they ALL agreed it was horrific. The acting. The quality. And I'm sorry but damn what going on with the camera man. Then I realized its just another Wizards Of Waverly Place. But that show at least they good. I'm 14, and if this show is younger kids, that's terrible too. Boyfriends and kissing and stuff. Like seriously, we already have enough teen parents in the world we don't need more. Everybody was trying too hard, even the adults were terrible. The lighting. I could go on. I feel like nick is doing worse and worse. I am literally obsessed with TV for years. And this is literally the worst show ever.
  • bfurno11 February 2014
    Yes. To older adults this show may not be viewed as great to their perception. Though to a teen girl this show is quite normal and drama like. I'm a teen girl and obviously I like this show a lot. If your opinion is bad and is going to affect others decisions then please don't reply because your "simply wasting your time" like you said. Hannah Montana was the best to, it wasn't bad acting and it got better through the years. In your opinion it was bad but then again it was back in 2007 it started and filming has improved since then. This show may not be good but it fits the criteria of a show to be enjoyed by younger children. If you do watch more than one episode you get hooked. I couldn't wait till the next day and on Friday to Monday for the next episode to come on. I loved it. They should make a season two. It's a good teen sitcom since Icarly ,yes iCarly was better but that was 7 seasons and it was a totally different story line. Maybe you should give nick a chance and not judge them by the first episode. And calm down it was a one month event so you got your wish you don't have to watch it anymore. But I think it was a good show !! GREAT JOB NICKELODEON
  • This is actually the worst television show I have ever watched, and trust me I have seen some bad ones. But, this one takes the cake. Let's just take the show to it's very core: the idea behind it. The idea of the show being that there are all these witches in a school, one of them the stereotypical "popular" brat and the other one your "normal relatable girl". All they do in the show is fight and do absolute crazy things that make no sense whatsoever. It is just a bunch of poor actors whining on a screen. The writing might just be the most atrocious writing in the history of awful writers. The dialogue is very choppy and often times makes no sense to what the actors (if you can even call them that) are doing on screen. Not to mention bad writing is the possibly most awful part of "Every Witch Way"- the NUMEROUS clichés. As I stated earlier we have the cliché popular, mean, blonde girl and her loyal possy of mindless morons doing whatever she says because she is popular. To summarize "Every Witch Way" I would have to say is an awful remake of "Mean Girls" but with magic.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It not the acting more so it the writing. They set up a way to move the storyline but don't follow thru. in the third season They introduce Mia the brain trust and the crystal calibarno

    The way i would have wrote it. They claim Emma is the chosen1 the crystal steals the power of all witches. now Emma and Maddie were join by a crack crystal. When the crystal was connected with the 3rd piece and became Mia protection against witches The power of the chosen one should have been split into 3 Mia + Maddie + Emma. The crystal now work as merging the kanay(Mia) with Maddie + Emma. Could this be season4? In season 3 last episode why did Mia go back and help Emma when she want to see Emma destroyed. Now they set up hexy he now has witch-like powers hexa history the book was part and created by the brain trust that the father was a part of. Is the brain trust part of the magic realm. Does the father really know about magic and he should he married the mother who is a know witch. Also diego being the last of the kanay. GIGI should also be a kanay as well as the parents/cousins h2o. Also how does the restaurant with the name 7 can tie with the kanay. Also no answer to how or why Maddy mom lost her power. They is also a reason to make amon a power hungry wizard who want full control is he working with jax dad. I wish they let me tweak season 4 but i expect it to be as bad as always
  • aidenevalt20 January 2014
    Warning: Spoilers
    Everybody by now should know that nickelodeon is pretty much going down

    the drain. This show isn't as bad as the other new shows but it still definitely has its issues. For one it has really poor video filming

    quality. So you could probably guess this show is very cheaply made.

    Because of this the shows special affects are really bad and cheesy. But the worst part of the show is its actors, First off they are

    way over dramatic so they are not very likable characters but they are also just bad in general if you want a cheaply made

    over dramatic show that's mildly entertaining this is your show. In my opinion this show is just plain out fake making it not very likable.
  • mischievouslyradiant7 October 2015
    Warning: Spoilers
    I love this show! My favorite season was the third.

    I see that a lot of people call this "the worst" and "so bad," but not to me. Wizards of Waverly Place will always be the best for me, but I really like this show too. I think that if the look was like that of WOWP, people wouldn't be complaining as much; the acting is not bad. If it was bad, the portrayal wouldn't be different than how the actors and actresses really are. Do you really think the way Emma behaves is how the actress behaves in real-life? Or the youngsters who portray The T3s? I think it's all just the look, and therefore the feel of EWW, that makes the difference.

    I feel disappointed about Daniel and Mia not remembering anymore, after Emma gives Daniel his wish. Why couldn't Emma use the spell she put on Andi and Diego, which let them remember Daniel in their life? I hope one or both make an appearance on Wits Academy.

    I love Maddie; she's like Sharpay from HSM. Her relationship with Diego changes her, and that's one of the best parts in the show.

    I love Daniel, and that's not just because he's cute. I hated Mia at first, as her attitude was cold and careless. But when Jax came along, I saw him as a better choice for Emma. When Mia stopped plotting revenge, I wanted Daniel to be with her.

    But why no memories for anyone but Emma and Andi? It's not an alternate reality anymore, was it? Couldn't Emma have granted Daniel's wish without removing everyone's (witches, wizards, kanays) memories?

    Other than that, this is one of my favorite shows.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I really don't know what to say. :( I mean it's just a shitty show CONTAINS SPOILERS AHEAD - - - - - First of all the horrible quality Second of all this show is so stupid! It's just like any other story The new girl comes in the boyfriend of the Villain likes her the boyfriend leaves the Villain she tries to get him back by hating the new girl and the new girl is oh so nice and pretty and not cool and shy and thinks she's not pretty but she does think so and the boy keeps liking her but in reality the girl is... And that blonde girl is working way to hard she's so annoying! I could punch her if I want to FINAL REVIEW STUPIDEST SHOW EVVER
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