• Moderate
  • The game has less blood than other halo games however the assainations are extremely violent and brutal.
  • "Supernova" (legendary) - the assasin sticks a plasma grenade on the victim and grabs then by their leg and spins them 180 degrees, letting them go and the plasma grenade explodes.
  • This game has t levels of blood but the violence especially assainations are really over the top.
  • The assassinations are brutal! Some contain blood when stabbed and breaking/snapping bones.
  • There are a few particularly violent assassinations that are surprisingly graphic, especially for a T rated game. Most the extremely brutal ones are unlocked via the req system. Noteworthy ones are.
  • "Shove it" (uncommon) - your Spartan takes the enemy Spartans knife and stabs it into their eye, you then proceed to shove your knee into the knife.
  • "Oh Snap" (rare) - your Spartan breaks the enemy Spartans arm, and proceeds to stab them.
  • "Back Breaker" (ultra rare) - your Spartan picks up the enemy Spartan and smashes them onto your knee.
  • "Terminal Velocity" (ultra rare) - your Spartan charges at the ground with a knife and brutally takes them out. A large amount of blood comes from the head when you preform this assassination.
  • "Knee-dful Things" (legendary) - probably the most violent one in the game. You pick an enemy Spartan up and proceed to bash their head with your knee about 5 times before they die. This is very graphic.
  • You shoot/slash/punch aliens in the campaign with guns and lasers, they will bleed out from minimal to large amounts, there is no gore, however.
  • You shoot/slash/punch other humans in the multiplayer. there is no blood splatter on surfaces but the spartans themselves bleed out.
  • In the first mission in the game, you jump off a cliff and immidiatly engage in intense combat with elite enemy's, this is intense but each violent act is quick and the camera turns away every few second.
  • Some weapons can disintegrate enemies, turning them into ash, which may be disturbing to some.
  • A super-soldier kills an Elite by stabbing in the neck with a knife with blue blood spurts, which is quite graphic but with no injury detail.
  • Intense, large-scope battles may be frightening to some.
  • The violence, although fantastical and with little blood, is very frequent and almost non-stop as it is the main thing you do in the game.
  • Two fully-armored super-soldiers fight in a hand-to-hand combat scene. The scene is intense because one of the soldiers is a beloved character and he gets his helmet cracked after being beaten. However, he wins the fight by force of strength and locks the other soldier's armor. This scene is PG in terms of violence as there is no blood/injury or show of pain whatsoever as their faces are concealed along with the rest of their body with thick armor.