User Reviews (3)

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  • cekadah18 August 2019
    A rather rambling plot of five perfectly beautiful people (3 men & 2 women) living on a Hawaiian Island. Only one seems to have a job. The rest spend their days playing without any focus or direction. And then there is a recluse living in a castle deep in the tropical forest.

    Their paths eventually cross and comes to no good. Then the movie is over.

    But the actors are all eye candy!!!
  • After suffering through this insipid and boring film, I can only wonder why I bothered. The movie features five people living their totally useless and pointless lives. The three men are shirtless most of the time, but who cares? Only one of them is even halfway attractive. WHy did the makers of this fluff waste their money?
  • Not as bad as I expected from the YouTube comments and reviews here. It's not a great movie and it's not plot driven, for sure, but if you want a movie that you don't have to think too much in order to understand what's happening and is pretty to watch, this is it. I didn't find it as annoying as another reviewer seems to have, I just think that listing it as gay themed, as YouTube did seems a bit of a stretch. Otherwise it's a not unpleasant way to pass an hour and a half on a rainy Sunday afternoon, as I just have.