User Reviews (3)

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  • This one gets my award for THE worst movie of 2017 in every category,script,cinematography,special FX,acting and plot,I deserve a bravery award for just managing to watch it until the end credits,which,by the way is the best part of the entire thing.It is honestly so bad I can't describe it and I've been watching horror for 45 years and seen some awful movies.Avoid this one at any cost!
  • This movie is about a wrong pathed teenager who is obsessed with celeberity life and wants to gain fame by any means. Unfortunately she finds a documentary narrating about evil spirit and she tries to use those black powers for her own good. But as we all know no one has succeeded with the power of Satan.

    The plot is not a bad one for horror movie but the making of the movie is what lacks many qualities. It has some average horror scenes which are scary enough to draw fear in children's but not adult horror movie audiences.

    I don't know how this type of movie is called thriller as there was no thrill in it. You will find some cheap , common and ordinary ghost like creatures...Nothing more than that. Let's see whether they can entertain you or not.......I am sure it will be negative....

    I know Horror movies are more or less common in their entire course...but at least there must be some X factor in it to say it a good one..I am afraid this movie has nothing to offer
  • Good performances here and great set design. Hard to make a movie like this with a shoestring budget but the director here pulled it off big time. The thing I liked about it most was that it defied genre, something it has in common with another underrated film I like called The Guest. Stream this bad boy on Amazon if you're looking for something fun to watch tonight.