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  • paulstarnpt15 November 2020
    Neve Campbell does an excellent job, the rest of the cast does the best they can with the script given. Predictable story that takes waaaay too long to wade through.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I've lived life so the moment Ana asked Henry for $40, I was like "This is a horror Story if this guy doesn't completely and utterly cut this woman out of his life. He takes a hard fall and embraces drugs to deal with the pain...pushing people and healthy social structures out of his life.

    Despite the movie having some excellent intense scenes and a shockingly realistic look at what it is to be around drugs and addicts, complicated with a deal that went bad, it never really went anywhere but down.

    When Henry starts coming off hard to people he doesn't know in the addiction world? (I'm sorry...even a skinny, sheltered kid would know better than that.) It just looks weird and out of place. Imogen Poots did an amazing job of portraying an addict. The "Favors" that "Should" be reciprocated with cash (for drugs). The long stories where not so much is needed. The absolute anything for-a-fix desperation. The presuming too much and manipulating people by their conscience. This movie should be required watching at schools. Imogen's excellent performance makes this sad movie worth watching...but just barely.

    It would have been nice if Henry realized who he didn't want to be at some point...but that just never happened. It's not really a plot twist if there is no plot. Yet, fine...I'll put on "Spoilers" just in case someone gets upset that I gave away the "Ending".
  • Had potential but fell way short. No point and no ending and I wanted my time back.
  • Young actors tried their best to make this film relevant and inviting. The subject matter of pain medicine addiction was important. But the script was just too tedious to warrant my connection to the storyline or the characters. Cullen's performance was the bright spot near the end of the film which justified my determination to watch to the ending.
  • ks-605005 June 2020
    Boring story for mediocre acting make the movie more boring. End
  • I have 0 doubt in my mind the '10 star reviews' are from people involved with this movie in some way. There is no way any person on earth enjoyed this movie; let alone thought it was a 10 star film. Terrible Awful Crap One of the worst films I have ever seen. Completely embarrassing for all involved Maybe it's time to stop now
  • If your looking for Hollywood,bright lights, glorified dope fiend flik, go elsewhere.. This film is the real deal, story rings true for millions of families ravaged & ruined by Opioid addiction. I've lived the life, and "know" every character in it, good & bad. Hopefully this movie can open eyes to the truth surrounding them. Just 1 shoutout, Thanks $o much ßig Pharma!!
  • gab-6759930 July 2021
    This movie was so hard to keep up with. The shots between his g/f and his mother were so awful, it was almost like he was sleeping with his mother! They could not do the cut back's right at all. That being said, you can imagine how the rest of the movie was. It was like they tried to make this an artistic movie about drug abuse and the effects it can have on some ppl but failed miserably! This movie was slow and boring and the things that did happen were not interesting enough to keep my attention. The main guy was a tool, to say the least, and he allowed his neighbor to walk all over him it was pathetic. No one in their right mind would stick around and tolerate how she was treating him. This movie was horrible and I would not recommend it to anyone who actually wanted to see a good movie. This movie was not even half good and to accomplish that is hard. What an awful mess, save your time and watch anything else but this. Suggestions are in my rating lists under 10 and 9 rated movies. Any of those are better worth your time!
  • A silence filled the room after viewing this film. A silence that could only be coming from that of a recovered addict. A recovered addict like myself. I say recovered because no one deep into drug use would find themselves sitting down for a nice 107 minute long movie about drugs. Nor any movie for that matter. This is a film for those of us who know this story all too well. Who have lived it. This is a powerful contribution from actor/director Joey Klein but thats where it ends. This movie seems to have all the parts to make up a great indie drama. The thing is, though, is that it's amateurishly directed which is a big let down. I really like Joey Klein as an actor. I loved him in "Painless" and weirdly he was my favorite character in " What Keeps You Alive". He is a great actor who needs more screen time. However, as a director, err, well, he isnt proving himself all that well. I feel like this film should have had the feeling of despair and the atmosphere of "Painless". I have been sober for almost 8 years and it is usually quite the experience watching movies of this nature. I usually have to bravely triumph through the movie but here i find myself slightly bored and tired of seeing the same nothingness the whole movie. This film has very dark lighting. It has a kind of dingy and half lit type of look to it. Its not gritty, its just...dark. Alex Wolff is a phenomenal actor with such a bright future as we saw with his most recent "The Cat and the Moon" which will go on to be one of my favorite movies of all time. Alex Wolff creates a VERY real world there in both directing and acting. This was the next thing of his to be released and I was so excited to see him acting but for some reason this movie didn't cure the itch. This film must be personal for Klein one way or another because i feel movies of this nature arent just made randomly. I feel he was trying to say something. Make a statement with what he hoped would be a powerful movie.. For some it will resonate very well. Some people stayed with the pills while for others, pills wasn't enough anymore. This is where some will be lost. All of these movies always seem to only chronicle the hardships of doing pills but never heroin like it's too scary of a journey to trek even in fictional film. Also, this movie is maybe a liittle bit too late. The opiod crisis started in what, 08? 09? And this movie is just coming out now towards the end of 2020? Ummm ok. At this point it all seems very dated... Still, though, I love Alex Wolff as an actor AND director and I also love Joey an actor lol.
  • Did you enjoy Requiem for a Dream? Do you appreciate films that don't glamorize drug use, and show you the disgusting underbelly of opioid addiction and recreational drug use? Do you want to see Neve Campbell acting like her life depends on it? Well, then, is this the movie for you! Everything about it was so well done, you will ask yourself if the people involved actually decided to become real life drug addicts just to make this film. It left me shaken, it made me depressed and angry unlike any film in recent memory, and it actually kept my interest for its entire duration, a very rare feat these days. Just an excellent film that deserves all of your attention.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Henry (Alex Wolff) is a good Jewish boy caring for his often in pain stage 4 mother. He promises to go to school after she dies. Instead upon her death, he becomes friends with Ana (Imogen Poots). Ana is hooked on pain killers and can not get a prescription anymore. Henry has some pills from his mother, which he has taken and has gotten hooked. They spend their time on a dead-end road that is not the stairway to heaven.

    Good drama. Slow at times. I ended up having more empathy for Ana than Henry who knew better.

    Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    To make a film about the drug abuse in america. this film comes in the line of many others issued lately, with the only difference that youll leave the caracters on the initial stage.

    its about a young man who cares for his fatally ill mother, hes handling mostly anything for her and has left school for the chore of just being there. he administrates her medicine( in a very dangerous way) which consists of oxycodone tablets 80 mg and fentanyl patches,and picks up new deliveries at the apotheque. when all of a sudden the mum dies, sorrow and pain comes and the search for relief starts. he tries some solutions but soon he turns his attention to his deceased mums medicinal depot. its crazy to say , but i guess 30% of all addiction cases starts this way, and remember that the products used in this flick are actually lethal poison, so if youre teased to try do not!!!

    if you are using this film as an instructual flick be aware of many dangerous spots here. if you use it as prescribed by a doctor, you should know to never crush oxycodone tablets and mix with strawberry jam. it may paralyse your tongue and throat and the high of 80 mg hits you like a bolt and lasts for just an hour, if swallowed in one piece the effect last for 12 hours because its a depot medication. so if swallowings the problem there are mixture. if you re going to abuse your mums or friends pills for recreation purposes, never chew or snort it,80 mg may kill in an instant if your young and novise, and if you find a used patch of fentanyl, for gods sake do not lick or swallow it. its 1000 times stronger than a morfin shot so let it the moral of what ive written is not even consider to try.if prescribed, have a good treatment plan with your doctor and do reduce to a lower level of painkillers when the need help from proffesionals if your depressed like the instance didnt in this film.

    its a gros film to watch, it should be seen in the darkness of night , because the filmography are very dark , bluish and grey, its like playing with silhuettes, and its overly use of a blurry camerafocus makes it all so sad and agonising.

    the acting are at an average, its believe it or not made with a small cast, the score is not good but used cleverly to give a sting of bad aftertaste. so the grumpy old mans advice is, seek help before you get into the initial phase, and if your medicated with this drugs, use them cautiously and safely stored, also used patches, its easy to return to your chemist for destruction.

    the film is a recommend
  • There are some movies that just destroy your will to live (in a good way - sort of). 'Castle in the Ground' is one of those films. It is so bleak and ominous and hopeless. The whole film you find yourself asking, what is there to live for? Of course there is plenty to live for for an ordinary person, but the film does such a good job of putting you in these character's shoes that you find yourself as depressed as they are. These aren't the types of films you want to find yourself watching all the time, but when a good one does come along it can be a rare treat.

    Alex Wolff is becoming synonymous with really dark films. I see his face on the poster now for anything and think, that's not going to be an easy watch. He is really good in the films too. He never over-acts or steals a scene. He simply gives intense and realistic performances that add immensely to the quality of the film. Imogen Poots had a big 2019. Four films she managed to star in and I have now seen them all. She is terrific in 'Castle in the Ground'. It is the best performance I have seen from her yet. I've known some people similar to her character and what she was going through and I can confirm she nailed it.

    The film is very dark. Almost the entire runtime takes place both at night, and in dimly lit venues. It doesn't ruin the film, however you do need to do a fair bit of squinting to work out exactly what is going on at times. Otherwise though, I really enjoyed this film. As I said, prepare yourself because it is not the easiest of watches. It is however a rewarding one if you are willing to stick with it. Give this one a look.
  • oldgreggism23 May 2020
    Ladies and gentlemen; welcome to the truth. It's no "Requiem For A Dream", but close. This dark film explores the opioid addiction and breakdown. Good acting and sad to see (in a good movie way).
  • This is a realistic portrayal of how it all happens. What a great movie. Drug use in case you're triggered. Otherwise highly recommended. Neve Campbell. Alex Wolff. Imogen Poots. WOWWWW.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Every few years, a movie comes along that attempts to tackle the revolving drug epidemic from the perspective of the user; with varying degrees of success. Be it Requiem for a Dream, Spun, or something more expansive like Traffic or Sicario, the really great movies on the subject are less about the drugs and more about the people. Castle in the Ground is a decidedly smaller budget entry into this already well-treaded territory.

    Alex Wolff stars as Henry, a responsible young man who has put off going to college to care for his ailing mother. When his mother passes away, Henry is angry and lonely and rather than turning to family, he finds comfort in his mother's unused drugs and the company of his new neighbour Ana (Imogen Poots), a drug addict camped out in her aunt's apartment in a feeble attempt to get clean.

    Rather than getting clean, Ana and some of her companions have hatched a plan to steal a bag of drugs but as with any plan that involves stealing from drug dealers, things quickly get out of hand.

    Set in Sudbury, Canada at the height of the city's opioid epidemic, writer,director Joey Klein's sophomore effort captures the high and low points of drug use without glamorizing it. Klein and cinematographer Bobby Shore (The Invitation, Closet Monster, Goon), revel in the unsavoury surroundings that often come with drug addiction but there's also a subtle beauty to the way Shore catches the light, especially in Henry's lowest moments, that suggest escape is possible.

    Castle in the Ground also benefits from a trio of fantastic performances from Wolff, Poots and Neve Campbell who plays a small but crucial role as Henry's mother.

    While the final act could be swapped out for any number of other thrillers, Castle in the Ground manages to emerge from the fray as an insightful character study. Klein keeps the story intimate and grounded in reality and while it's sometimes difficult to watch, it's a heartbreaking look at how one individual loses himself to grief and drugs and his struggle to recover.

    By Marina Antunes
  • I enjoyed this. showcased a small town canadian experience and the reality of the opioid crisis here. all the acting was great, no one fell short. Keir plays a character you don't expect, but once you get to know him a little more it all makes perfect sense.

    i love the way this was shot. beautiful visually and fully captures the emotion in every scene. the cinematographer is truly brilliant.

    writer/director said he was inspired by James White, so that should show anyone how much i enjoyed this movie. since James White is one of my absolute favourites of all time.

    i have a few little slight critiques (not even really critiques but just things i didn't like lol) but there's so much going on in every scene and so many emotions present that sometimes it all felt too rushed? like i didn't have time to sit in what i was feeling? and maybe that's the intention, just not my vibe. i like movies with room to breathe more. but that ending, oooof. now that gives so much room.

    Review by oliveigha

    tiff day one