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  • From the Hallmark look-alike studio called PixL which you probably didn't know about because they never release a trailer on YouTube, comes a surprisingly good movie about a fireman and the singer he saves from a burning building. If that sounds too trite, it's not. Really. Alona Tal's professional singing and Ethan Peck's deep listening gazes invites us on a love-struck journey of two very different people who share very much the same likable attitudes. Love story? Heck yeah! But what's not to love? Seriously, I know it's like from the same studio and all, but this was way better writing than most of the stuff Hallmark puts out...
  • The trials of a celebrity trying to date an unknown. It's been done, a few times. Throw in rival former celebrity beau. That's been done also.

    I enjoyed the two leads. Perhaps some of that is because I was previously unfamiliar with Alona Tal.

    His sister was great. I loved the deer-in-the-headlights scene.

    The manager is truly hate-worthy.
  • I liked the actress who played the young pop-star on the comeback trail. I also liked her character. She was strong and not a doormat to her bully of a manager. Ethan Peck was too oddly handsome and I didn't detect any chemistry with his co-lead. He was notably lacking in personality which as strange because his back story was well developed and his family in the show was charming. The cast and the plot were great. it was something a little off the beaten Hallmark track, which I have found is to be expected with Pixl shows. Some of the plot lines could have been developed a little more with an extra 15 minutes.
  • sjappe23 January 2019
    The movie deserves a solid 6, but I would have rated it higher with a different male lead. He is way to passive / boring compared to female lead. Besides this, the plot is very good!
  • There are better versions of this movie out there. She's a singer with a comeback and yet does absolutely no work. Granted she was in a near death situation, but that only canceled her show. She doesn't write music ever. She doesn't play any instruments ever...she's a non working singer who wants a life. Who would believe she wanted her career? The problem with this movie is that everyone else around her works to make her dreams happen. Including the fireman. And she comes off pretty ungrateful. IDK, I also didn't find her to be that engaging so I really quit about halfway through. Also in 2021, the idol worship of "famous people" is just really cringe.

    I ended up FF to the end. Better movies with this storyline of famous person wanting to be with a "regular person" are: Summer of My Dreams and Wedding of My Dreams, Catch a Christmas Star, Guess Who's Coming to Christmas, or Beyond the Lights. Or Sweet Mountain Christmas with the amazing Megan Hilty. These movies actually showed the conflict between life and career.
  • I liked the story - while predictable it was still good and just different enough from the rest of the hallmark movies. ethan peck did a good job but I was disappointed by alona tal. I've seen her and enjoyed her in other things but felt she didn't really connect with this character. and we were disappointed because the version we saw did not show her singing.
  • Alona Tal made the movie better than it would have been. I'm big fan of hers from Supernatural. Wish H I could see more of her, but doubt it will be on Hallmark.
  • Sure, maybe this has the familiar trope of famous celebrity girl meets a normal guy and sparks fly. But romance movies are more about the characters and the chemistry, and Alona and Ethan Peck have it. Alona just lights up the screen with her smile. Her portrayal of the pop star seems effortless. Madison's manager is a little one dimensional (nothing much to like a about this guy), but he's not the focus of the story. I do agree with another reviewer who suggested that the movie could have been a bit longer to provide a little more character development - we learn a little about her fears about him, but it would be interesting to have our firefighter John get into some concerns he might have about a serious relationship with a famous singer who is about to embark on a comeback tour. But all in all, this is a very satisfying romance movie, void of some of the goofy, gooey stuff that seems to be, dare I say, the hallmark of a lot of current romance movies.
  • thebiggestjoe10 September 2019
    Do some research on fire fighting.He didnt have one those alarms EMTs wouldnt yank off his mask. A joke! I hate poorly researched material. Damn watch a Chicago Fire, or an old Emergency 51.
  • Loved the whole story and have been back watching over and over. I thought casting was wonderful and very believable and just a well done job by the stars
  • vickyjon19 April 2022
    Whilst watching it seems just like Britney spears story. Mum pushy stage mom, her life and what it's like. Throw a Justin in there. Read Britney life then watch.
  • Very well done and entertaining. I wish it was a full two hour movie as a lot more could have been done in developing the interaction between the two main characters.