User Reviews (11)

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  • Really enjoyed it. Watched the 2 episodes on Netflix 2hrs each back to back.

    Good characters and enough twists and turns to keep your attention throughout.
  • This show is so suspenseful that I had to watch all the episodes in one day. I love it and can't wait for more!!!! The characters are engaging and I liked the plot. I still don't have an idea who is behind the crime! I look forward to trying to put the pieces together. I am not even a fan of mystery and suspense, but this show got me hooked I am knew to Crackle and did not know it was by Sony. I am going to start watching other shows. I hope that they are as good as this one. I was disappointed when the season ended. Crackle is a great app. I don't have a lot of time, but I stayed up late to watch this show. I don't feel like changing the channel like when I watch a lot of other shows. This show made me put my cell phone down and actually watch TV again!
  • I gave it 10 stars because it deserves it. I have never seen a series with more twists and turns. You won't get it until the end so enjoy the ride. Kudos to Crackle/Sony for this great series. It was great to see Patrick Warburton in a serious role.
  • Scenario not believable at times, bad acting. Basic decor and costumes. Too many clichés to keep track. And 4 hours are really too long for a series Z movie.
  • nitinpansari25 November 2018
    The show was so gripping that I had to see through the entire season in one go.
  • supermalwina26 December 2021
    It's silly, predicatble and goes on and on and on. On top of that the acting is oit of some kind of low level tv channel. Another one of those netflix oieces of junk that people will go for because it's "trending now". Seriously, don't bother!
  • Just laughably awful. Think made for TV movie. I only watched it all as had Covid and was bored.

    Terrible acting, script and direction.

    Seriously don't waste your time.
  • Watched it all through to see how it ended but the acting was really awful so much so that the characters weren't believable and the story didn't flow.
  • Please don't bother wasting your time. This could have had So much potential, but 'actors' like Summer Glau just made it impossible to look past the sheer patheticness! Where are her face expressions? Lol. The script writers need sacking and these 'actors' need to never be hired ever again by anyone! I just couldn't deal with the amount of them in one series! Too long, too cringey. But if you are looking for a laugh, then give it a go. Lol.
  • Better than anything BBC or ITV can offer but still only one star. Second rate in all aspects - plot and acting beyond ridiculous. Four hours, seriously, as a ninety minute TV film it would be eighty nine minutes too long.
  • theo006 August 2021
    Terrible acting and directing.

    Promising start but turns to a mess.