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  • Maybe I don't have a sense of humour but I did not find this film remotely funny, let alone laugh out loud funny.

    I found it totally irritating, annoying and depressing.

    Maybe it is because I am British and truly believe that generally people are loving and nice to one another. God help Americans if most of them are as cold and unemotional as the film suggests they are.

    I get that if someone travels 600 years in the past, they would struggle to fit in and understand everything about their surroundings but surely as an historian, they would know about things like keys, even if they did not use them in their time.

    I usually love films about time travel, wondering about how things would be affected back in the future but sorry, this film did nothing for me.
  • Tomorrow Ever After had me unexpectedly laughing, which I didn't expect going into the film. I laughed at the peculiar ways we separate ourselves from each other, to create distance instead of connection. I was touched by the interactions between the main character and the other characters and how her presence in their lives affected them. It's definitely an important film for our times that will make you question what else is possible for the human species.
  • What a VISIONARY movie!!! I hope there is a part 2, 3, 4, 5.... I LOVE the idea of a world where humans get their S$&@% together! Thank you for letting me dream while awake!! This movie is as DEEP as they come, but surprisingly FUNNY as well! It's RARE I say that I LOVE a movie! The last time I loved a movie was The Matrix (Part 1). Hollywood, you should wake up and smell the consciousness! My only wish is that this was playing at all the Multiplex theaters. But then again, that is the point of the movie -- Our society isn't currently set up for what is best for humanity...
  • cnmellen10 May 2017
    Inspiring and uplifting. Do yourself a favor and go see this film. Hope it gets to be widely distributed. It reminded me of John Sayles wonderful "Brother from Another Planet" in that it shows terrible alienation but also the power of human beings connecting with one another. I also enjoyed seeing the New York City locales.
  • What an inspiring movie, both as a fellow independent artist (Thier is an independent filmmaker) and the movie itself which suggests that a better world is not only possible, but the destiny of humankind. I was thoroughly captivated throughout, and appreciated both the humor and the message. Highly recommend!
  • LoriShulamisLeifer14 October 2023
    This movie needs more attention from the world! The scenes will stay with you like quotes from your favorite book. Total diamond in the rough of garbage that's out these days.

    For reference, this is my taste: JoJo Rabbit, Little Miss Sunshine, Fried Green Tomatoes, Muriel's Wedding, Hunt for the Wilderpeople.

    Ok, I know, I see the themes, Toni Collette, Taika Waititi, etc. But there are many other movies I've loved (like Beetlejuice). But the point I'm trying to make is that this movie is one that will make you think about the meaning of life, what will come of the human species and tackles big, existential questions in a light, hilarious, clever, thoughtful and thought provoking way. Don't see Barbie again, see this.
  • cleo-453764 December 2023
    At the 1 hour point it felt like I'd been watching this for 2 hours. And I was no further along in finding out if it was actually heading somewhere. There is SO MUCH DULL TALKING from the protagonist, & people staring, looking weirded out. Not one of the strangers the protagonist encounters would react in real life like they do in this movie. It's like watching a play on a TV. A dull play you just sit there squirming, praying for the intermission so you can jump ship.

    After the first hour I couldn't watch any more, even though there was only 30 minutes left to go.

    The only way I would recommend this movie is if you need something quiet and dull on in the background to fall asleep to.
  • i-143968 May 2017
    We learned about the movie online, and were intrigued by the summary and reviews. The first minutes already captivated me. A main character to identify with, finally! The being from the future, Shaina (played by director and writer Ela Their), finds herself in an environment (NY) where people seem to care more about money than people. I do not want to reveal too much but the sense of awe enacted by the main character is wonderful. The portrayal of "NYers" Shaina meets seem accurate of how people act in the urban environment, for instance feeling alienated, ignoring and anxious. The experience of the movie makes it look more aligned with a harmonious social dynamic the way Shaina encounters people. The experience of the movie (and its creation) is a beautiful testimony to humanity and humble modes of being. Wouldn't it be nice to encounter curious, kind and nonjudgmental beings? I cannot remember when I was able to watch a movie that was not animated where a child-like curiosity felt so logical and natural. This is a movie I can watch again and again, just to become inspired to keep being curious and kind to create this world. Please go watch it!
  • This movie was one of the best I've ever seen and I'm a stickler for movie quality. Tomorrow Ever After is far from a cliché movie about time travel, but instead a laugh-out- loud sensation about the underlying issues with human society as we know it. Their's portrayal of the character Shaina brings a realness to the screen that most films lack. If you watch movies for their quality and craft, YOU NEED TO SEE THIS MOVIE!
  • "I keep making mistakes. I don't know how to live here."

    The main character says in one scene when she keeps being met with hardship & resistance, simply by being herself (which was perfectly fine where she is from). We all have felt like we don't belong at some point. Or that we aren't enough or questioned ourselves, our gifts and superpowers (aka flaws) and often times adjust ourselves to fit in, to get by, to make our lives (or relationships) seemingly easier.

    This film was definitely refreshing, leaving you reflecting on your life, your choices, how you interact with yourself, others, and the words…. The impact of it all. It was just so rich in simply being human. Connection is what really makes the world go round, up and down, and even wobble at times!! And this film shows our connection and disconnection in a way that really leaves you with yourself.

    Thank YOU Ela!!!