User Reviews (12)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Okay guys. Here we go. This POS was about as bad as it gets. Beyond cheap, beyond boring, and way beyond entertaining, "Demon Tongue" is grade Z movie making. And it is so bad, it might develop a cult following.

    From what I could gather, it seems a housewife that's had a very bad day chops up her two children, puts an ax through hubby's head, then blows herself up real good because she heard a lot of mumbling. Cut to some 30 year old's trying to pass as college students which, when you think about it, really isn't that much of a stretch these days. But I digress. Four "paranormal research" students are off to find the evil spirit(s) that have now inhabited a volleyball court. I kid thee not.

    Awful does not come close to describing this mess. The movie suffers from every cliché a horror movie might have. These effects certainly weren't very special, and it has one "sex scene" that has to be seen to appreciate its complete laughability.

    Not rated and NOT watchable, nobody needs to throw away money on this big old turd.
  • scythertitus10 July 2018
    It's hard to recommend this movie. While you can argue that simply releasing a movie is enough to get credit this is bottom of the barrel low quality horror. The story is generic, the acting is terrible and the lighting/sound/editing all don't really come up to scratch.

    I'm really not sure why this film was made since it doesn't have much to say or a sense of fun, if it was the entry for a film competition or school project I wouldn't be surprised. Bottom line is there just isn't much of value for a viewer to take away, so it's probably best to avoid.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The film opens with a mom who hears backwards whispers and copies fake symbols out of the THE NECRONOMICON on to her wall and notepad. She then axes her children to go to bed, calls the cops, and misuses gasoline and a lighter. Years later college paranormal investigators are on the site build over the house. One hears the whispers and they all have issues.

    The plot is by no means original. The rubber demon mask was so bad, they would have been better off holding up a drawing on a stick. Fortunately they didn't use it often. The whispers were annoying, perhaps by design. The acting and dialogue was bad, most likely not by design. Low budget. No connection was ever made to Gene Simmons.

    Guide: F-word. Brief sex and nudity (Debbie College)
  • paul_haakonsen28 November 2016
    I was lured in by the impressive movie cover for "Demon Tongue", so I was expecting to be in for at least a fairly entertaining horror movie.

    However, just as with books, movie covers can be deceiving.

    "Demon Tongue" was, and pardon me for being so direct, downright boring. It became clear right from the very beginning of the movie that this was going to be a stinker. And it was! I managed to just get through the flashback scene, or whatever it was supposed to be. The first part of the movie which was edited with a laughable layer to make it look like an old recording. It was just such an eyesore to bear witness to.

    And when that scene was over and it went on to a college room or something, the scene with two young women, then I just turned it off and found something else to watch. I had seen enough, and there was no way that this movie would find its way back on course and actually lift itself up from the abysmal grave it had dug itself into.

    The effects in the movie, at least from the about 15-20 minutes that I managed to suffer through were not particularly good. They were functional, sure, and they served their purpose well enough. But they just weren't memorable or particularly impressive.

    As for the acting, well from what I saw it was as to be expected from a movie such as this turned out to be. Whether that was a result of the limitations of the script and director Gavin Rapp, or because they just had cast amateur actors, I do not know.

    There is no chance of me returning to "Demon Tongue" to finish it, because it was just not interesting at all. And from what I saw and witnessed, and given the lack of entertainment here, then "Demon Tongue" scores a one out of ten stars rating from me.

    Stay well clear of this one...
  • & an interesting persective to start with to keep you hanging on. Don't do it. FYI: The cool demon pic is just click bait.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The most interesting part of DEMON TONGUE are the early scenes involving the psycho mother who wanders around her house drenched in her family's blood. These moments are surprisingly intense and quite shocking, really throwing the viewer into the deep end where the plot is concerned. Unfortunately after around 20 minutes the film changes direction entirely and becomes quite horrible.

    From this point in we get the usual quartet of dimwits who wander around a supposedly haunted location doing a spot of ghost hunting. The dialogue is vapid, the attempts at acting are lamentable, and the whole thing could have been so much better if more effort had been made with it. And don't get me started on the silly demon mask...
  • I enjoy indie movies with an original idea, no matter the budget.

    This movie fails miserably in engaging the viewer due to: exaggerated use of cheap effects found in editing software, repetitive audio effects such as whispers with echo, poor acting performance (actually, the people in this movie are probably not even actors), dialog volume not normalized, and stereotypical characters.
  • Now I may be a bit one- sided here, as I've been a Music Industry Exec for 25 years, and Rob Zombie just happens to be a friend of the framily, but this piece of utter RUBBISH came out the same year as 31, and while there's some VERY BIZARRE differences, like the Mom killing her family, which doesn't seem to have anything to do with anything, the whole IDEA of putting these people in a locked down battle royale on a timer, SCREAMS "Ok, 31's coming out, so we have to make a carbon copy film on a budget, so we can confuse people into buying tickets, but it's got to be just different ENOUGH so we DON'T GET SUED!" That's my take on it anyhow. The movie was BIZARRE, CONFUSING, I still don't get what they smashed into their foreheads, they APPARENTLY want to look like three guy from Stargate... or Sea Quest, I can never remember which... but it's ridiculous! And it's stupid they all kill each other instead of banding together... power in numbers... this movie is a stinker, BAD!!!
  • an early appearance of the antagonist or the third person's antagonist was not really an accurate move since it would not let the viewer experience the recognition moment when everything makes sense. I think it belongs to the routinous other movies except from this abrupt rush to show some of the antagonists. Horror movies should have a next move to a different era of horror movies since the same dynamics have been used since a long time and a new paradigm should be deployed. In other words, it doesn't seem to be a canonical horror movie genre even the characters seem to be robotically talking making lose the feel for the natural talk. The movie is for first timers who want to get to know horror movies twists.
  • Coppola, Scorsese these are film makers. Then there's Gavin Rapp. Mr. Rapp, the world needs ditch diggers too. Clearly film making is not your forte, in fact you have an innate ability to completely and utterly fail in every production your in any way involved in. From your film (and I use that term loosely) with Corbin Bernsen to your passion project about your dead mother (we wish she had died before your birth) you display an impressive ability to write and direct absolute unwatchable garbage.

    I personally think you should work for the US Government in their torture squad, as you have caused people to want to gnaw off a limb, or gouge their eyes out rather than witness another moment of your "art" and when I use the word "art" what I really mean is excrement coated in vomit topped off with entrails.
  • +1 Star for the Boardgame, Sorry , being on the table in the opening scene.

    +1 Star for the explosive opening!

    -1 Star for the horrible acting

    +1 Star for Gratuitous sex scene including actual partial nudity!

    -1 Star for 1 act of Story stupidity!

    -1 Star for a Pretty much Who Cares? ending

    Okay so add up the scores and you end up with a pretty average final score. 5/10

    But really most of that score is for bonus points. So really what you have here is not going to score very high on the average reviewers list. But average is about as generous of a review / description this one is going to get!
  • nicholis-block10 September 2020
    You guys it's so bad that it's enjoyable. With no good acting in sight and a script so terrible, this is The Room-esque level of an experience. Also, it admits it takes place in a room below a haunted volleyball court. Truly delightfully terrible