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  • 'Stranded in Paradise' (2014)

    Opening thoughts: Was very mixed on 'Stranded in Paradise'. It is not an awful film and has a number of good things, but it also has a number of big flaws that made it very hard for me to properly connect with it. As far as the 2014 Hallmark films go (which as said has been very variable, which has been true of all the succeeding years too), it is one of the middling ones and when it comes to either extremes of relatable and moving and too sentimental, melodramatic or unrealistic both extremes can be seen here.

    Good things: Am going to begin with the good things. Actually thought that the acting was well above average, with both Vanessa Marcil and James Denton giving very natural committed performances. Denton, as the far more likeable characters, is subtly charismatic, sympathetic and easy going, and while her character is frustrating Marcil is very heartfelt. Their chemistry is low key but didn't seem stiff or ring false. The supporting cast are more than competent.

    Puerto Rico itself is the star here, it looks absolutely stunning and is complemented beautifully by the photography. There are cute, movingly sincere and subtly amusing moments here and there.

    Bad things: However, there are things that don't work. Marcil's character is truly frustrating, too erratic, whiny and constantly makes idiotic decisions that make no sense. This is especially apparent with the too unrealistically neat ending, where the final decision felt too sudden and went against what was shown before. The characters are too underdeveloped to make one connect properly with them. The direction is undistinguished and while the music isn't unpleasant it is repetitive.

    Did find the script unnatural sounding and overdone on the corn and sentimentality. The story can be very dully paced and soapy and the idiotic decision making and numerous continuity errors make it unrealistic at times too. Despite Puerto Rico looking stunning, the film doesn't do a good job representing it elsewhere and it feels very inauthentic and it could have been set anywhere-like.

    Concluding thoughts: Concluding, watchable but didn't come together.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    I love when Hallmark films on location, it's an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of another pocket of the world.

    That said, I found myself raising an eyebrow more than a few times at inconsistencies and some things that were just a bit hard to believe. A high-powered exec who's portrayed early on as very thorough and organized ... and she leaves her phone in a cab? Then she seems surprised that her hotel room reservation and conference registration were canceled. Hello? You were just let go from your company, do you think they wouldn't have cancelled those? My guess is those little realities were skipped over to emphasize what a bad day Tess was having, but it got a little silly when amid everything else going wrong, the hotel catches fire and suddenly it's only she and Carter who are without a hotel to go to.

    I give it a five. The chemistry between Vanessa Marcil and James Denton is good but a bit rushed. The story was predictable (but then what Hallmark movie isn't?) But as others reviewers have said, it's a good escape.
  • 6.4 stars.

    There is little to say about this film that hasn't been stated in every other romance of its kind. Two people meet on a plane to Puerto Rico, the man is from USA the woman is from USA, the man is a vagabond, the woman is a corporate pawn with no spontaneity. The formula for "Stranded in Paradise" seems to fit within the general era from whence it spawned, which in this case is 2014. Back then Hallmark was still morphing their blueprint. 2014 seems like yesterday for a guy my age, but is a lifetime for someone in their 30's or younger. Hallmark films were more reckless in their presentation back then, making all sorts of gaffs and really obvious mistakes in the productions. The story itself is mundane, and the theme is not communicated effectively, which is probably meant to be something like: find your purpose in life, nobody can find it for you. The romance is virtually absent until the last minute where we are ensconced in a veritable passion fiesta. Too little, too late.
  • My husband and I watched this last night as it seemed a harmless bit of fluff and there was nothing else on. Ended up really enjoying it...not for the movie itself, which is barely average, but because once we started noticing the continuity errors (such as setting off for a destination in the middle of the night and arriving in broad daylight...We are talking Puerto Rico here!)we spent the rest of the movie cracking up over them. Especially during the "hurricane" segment where they were boarding up windows in preparation, but sitting next to a window with open shutters during the height of the storm. The more you start looking, the more things are just all sorts of wrong, to the point that that alone is worth the watch.

    Also, the hotel manager was an almost perfect amalgam of Basil Fawlty and the waiter Manuel, which had to be purposeful casting.
  • Oh if only we all could just leave our jobs and go to an island. It sounds great and was fun to watch! It simply just isn't that easy.
  • moraima_r200123 February 2019
    Did they seriously have her call her mom for a passport? I mean if you filmed in Puerto Rico you should know better.
  • A good escapism romance, a virtual vacation where you just sit back, turn off the brain and watch a woman with good hair and nice power suits have the worst day ever. You don't have to think too hard here (and shouldn't) as the plot takes you to sunny Puerto Rico with a cute story, a few laughs and a charming male lead.

    The story follows a suddenly unemployed executive who tries to land a new job at an HR convention in Puerto Rico. After several smaller disasters a hurricane shuts down the island and a fire puts her out of her hotel, all into the orbit of a handsome fellow traveller.

    I liked both of the leads here; decent acting and nice chemistry from James Denton and Vanessa Marcil. I also have to admit to getting a certain amount of pleasure watching Tess have the worst day ever, whatever could go wrong did for her. There were some entertaining secondary characters here too; the Basil Fawlty-ish hotel concierge and I also liked the old lady with her bits of life wisdom. The storm scene was poorly done but I was still satisfied. 4/5/15 *Vancouver B.C as Denver

    FYI- This has been based on a Christian fiction book. The source is irrelevant though as the movie bears no religious undertones except that it is very clean, with just one kiss towards the end.
  • How is it Tess has sunburned feet but she can go sightseeing and dancing without any pain? I don't think so....
  • docm-3230417 December 2020
    This is how a rom/com should be done, with none of the sophomoric nonsense, just good writing, good acting and the right amount of humor. Excellent setting as well
  • melissa-6171617 August 2023
    The storyline has a typical Hallmark vibe but with the kind of luck no one would want. The actions of the main character has more to desire. Her acting is not believable. I think she is trying too much and forcing which should easy flowing conversations between characters. I have also noticed the eye glasses are her trademark through out some of her films. And they seem to be a prop. As being an eyeglass wearer myself, not realistic. The movie had potential if the acting from the main characters were more believable. I continued to watch the whole movie to pass time waiting the next Hallmark movie to begin.
  • James Denton and Vanessa Marcil were a good fit.Puerto Rico beautiful.I did nit know about dances being wrong culture.just enjoyed music setting
  • susannovosel24 October 2020
    I liked the movie a lot. What is the name of the song that keeps playing.
  • HR executive Tess Nelson (Vanessa Marcil) is blindsided when she gets downsized by the son of her former boss who has taken over. As her final act, she takes the company-paid trip to a business conference in Puerto Rico in order to drum up employment opportunities. She does meet fellow traveler Carter McConnell (James Denton). Both are missing their luggage and staying at the same hotel. The job search goes badly and a hurricane is bearing down on the island.

    At least, this has some colors of Puerto Rico. I had feared that the movie would only take place in that dull hotel. It's always great to see waves lapping on a sunny beach. The couple is fine for this type of movies. The story isn't much. The romance is fine but there are no hurdles to overcome. There is no drama. It's a vacation from thinking.
  • hmcsrpapo30 July 2017
    Your Hollywood directors do not know the difference between cultures, like Puertoricans and Mexicans. The music, food, sayings and most of all the dances are all wrong. Hint, for you so call directs. Before you direct a Spanish movie next time you might want to do your home work on the culture. Every movie I watch that has to do with Spanish people you so call directors get it all mixed up.
  • karika199917 April 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    I thought the idea behind this script was great. I was let down a bit by the actual final product however. I didn't feel romantic chemistry with the leads. The female lead is tiny and attractive, she played her role very believably. I was impressed by her. I liked the character of Stella also, but it felt a bit scripted when the dialogue took place. I would like to see this movie reworked and with different actors, but I am just a housewife not a producer lol. All in all a cute story for a love movie fix if you need one. Spoiler Alert: At the end I wondered why Luis appeared to be hailing a cab to leave the airport (when he sees Tess arriving), then appear to be in line to get on a plane a few moments later. When he is asked why he is at the airport he responds he is going on vacation. But then, he is in the end scene (very prominently) dancing with Stella?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Literally half the movie was one disaster after another for Tess. I don't watch these movies to spend half of the time being depressed. What made it more depressing is that the disasters were not the usual overdone parody of bad luck, but you could actually see them happening. Except for the cellphone. This is a common plot device, but leaving your cellphone on a taxi seat seems idiotic to me, especially for a woman who is supposed to be so detail oriented and organized. That's just it. I couldn't buy it that this woman was supposedly so successful and suddenly became completely inept. She whined, albeit briefly each time a new one hit her. She was so uptight, nervous, and overly fearful, especially about the hurricane. She was a totally unlikable leading lady. And don't even start about mom. Why would either one of them fall for the other? Except for the Bambo dance and a walk though the island, there was no connection. She was a basket-case and he was just a boring vagabond. Both actors were stiff. I was shocked when they started dancing in the square because it just didn't fit either one of them. Through the entire movie there were only a few short minutes of any kind of joy.
  • Uptight HR executive looses her job when they "restructure", Tess. Thinking that she could network and potentially get a new job she attends a convention in Puerto Rico. On her trip everything that could go wrong does. First she looses her phone, then her shoes, then her luggage, then her hope of getting a new job, and then a hurricane comes.

    She ends up seeking shelter from the hurricane with Stella, a woman she met walking a cat on a leash. Stela has a great back story. She is a widow who had a brief touch with Hollywood.

    Both Stella and Carter, a gentleman she meets on the plane, seemed to be doing their best to help Tess loosen up and live a little.

    Once she looses the suit...

    "Don't live someone else's dream. You have to find your own."-Carter

    "Ask yourself are you happy? And if you aren't, is there something you could do to make you happy?"-Carter.

    "You're too sweet to be a vagabond forever."-Stella.

    Beautiful island, gorgeous Vanessa Marcel, and James Denton...this was a sweet romantic film about pursuing something that will make you happy instead of pleasing others.
  • After having to fire an employee the head of Human Resources Department named "Tess Nelson" (Vanessa Marcil) walks into a meeting with her boss--and gets laid off as well. So she then takes a flight to Puerto Rico where she was previously scheduled to have a business meeting in the hope of marketing herself for a new position in another company. Unfortunately, on the flight there everything seems to go wrong and the business meeting turns out to be a disaster as well. So there she is, stranded in a tropical paradise with no idea of what to do with herself. It's then she gets to know a fellow traveler named "Carter McConnell" (James Denton) who manages to convince her to have some fun and enjoy life for a change-and then things get much worse. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was an okay rom-com which was diminished to a certain degree by its made-for-television format. That said, while Vanessa Marcil performed well enough for the most part I don't believe she was able to carry the film all by herself and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Slightly below average.
  • lydiajp29 September 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    Everything that could go wrong went wrong. I enjoyed seeing some of Puerto Rico. Yes they end up in the end but that's not a spoiler for a hallmark movie. It just seemed like a waste of time and watching it was not pleasant. This movie is not worth watching.
  • I absolutely love this movie!!! I watch it at least 2-3 times a year. Your heart breaks for Tess as she constantly hits road blocks that should send her into a tizzy but she keeps plowing through. You just keep rooting for her!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I really think this is an awful movie. It could have been a blockbuster but with that main actress and that direction it is a total failure. All through the movie I kept thinking that this should have probably been much better with Sandra Bullocks or someone else who has the feeling for timing and that kind of stuff that they do when they act. But it's not only about the actress, it also have to be about the direction or the cut of the movie - they totally miss the timing of all the emotional punches, if you get what I mean. I'm really disappointed, since I think that James Denton is a good actor, but with Vanessa Marcil and director Bert Kish it is a total disaster.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    So she gets everything she wanted in her career. But being a successful woman doesn't make her happy. She throws everything she's worked for away, because the thing that fulfills her is a man?? Really?? You can keep this misogynistic drivel Hallmark.
  • After the lead female loses her job - and her faith in the system - she struggles to adapt to a new direction in life. The new characters she meets show there's a much to enjoy after heart break and outside cut-throat business.
  • It may be that there are some MINOR story inconstancies, like dancing in the street with apparently sunburned feet, HOWEVER, that is such a small and insignificant thing it borders on nitpicking a delightful movie. The story lines are well done and characters are enjoyable. The development of the characters into their new environment is nicely done. One character is free spritz'd the other a corporate stiff and soon discovers letting go and taking chances to enjoy life is not so bad. Some advice we can all do a little more of in our lives! Beautiful location and nice clean movie! Enjoy it EVERY-TIME it is showing on our "Hallmark" channel...
  • edwagreen15 September 2014
    Warning: Spoilers
    Familiar themes of the work ethic, happiness and a trip with disasters are the major themes in this Hallmark production.

    A victim of restructuring in the firm causes a dedicated professional to lose her job as the boss's son doesn't realize her importance to the firm. On her trip she keeps meeting a care-free guy who has dedicated himself to humanity. Of course, we meet the wise older woman and her hard-driven mother, the latter being like this because her husband walked out on her years before. We even see the ferocity of a hurricane hitting the land.

    Of course, happiness over employment wins out in the end in this nicely done film.