User Reviews (179)

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  • One of my favourites on television from 2015, that's for well as being one of the best mini-series of this genre in recent years. To see top-notch production values, an absorbing story-line and great acting, 'The Missing' is essentially a must watch.

    Seven eighths of 'The Missing' is simply phenomenal, with the only fault being that it was difficult to find anything to fault it. 'The Missing' does stumble in the last episode somewhat, which is a shame. The production values, music, script and acting are without complaint, but the episode does drag a bit and does get bogged down by being overstuffed and occasionally over-complicated, also with an ending too ambiguous and abrupt. Maybe it does leave room for a series 2, but considering how the rest of the series unfolded and was told one can't help feeling that a possible second series would focus on a different story.

    Production values here are simply exquisite. There is such a brooding moodiness and at the same time a gleaming beauty to how everything is shot, and the dark mood seen in the lighting and how the scenery is like a character of its own are furthermore striking. The music score is not overused or intrusive, yet with enough to make it atmospherically haunting and distinctively memorable. The script is intelligent and thought-provoking, with a lot of insight into sensitive adult issues explored with astute sensitivity and intelligence, with enough tightness to stop it from rambling.

    Despite the last episode not being as great as the rest, the story is incredibly absorbing even as a slow-burner, and like with this year's 'One of Us' (not as good, but was also gripped on the whole), it does have to be commended for trying to be different from other mystery dramas, focusing enough on the mystery but focusing also on the aftermath and repercussions for the families and also presenting a moral edge. There is a huge amount of atmosphere too, the production values help as well as the skillful direction, but it is high in tension and conflict with plenty of twists and turns that all feel relevant and stop the storytelling from dragging. Much of it is suspenseful and poignant, and everything makes logical sense.

    Also loved what was done with the characters, so vividly drawn and presented as characters that are both vulnerable and deeply flawed, one gets to know them so well and really care about their main situation, as well as any other situation they face. The acting is of high quality all round, Frances O'Connor fares the weakest of the main characters but that doesn't mean in any way that she's bad, just that everybody else impressed even more. James Nesbitt's performance in 'The Missing' ranks among his best, while Ken Stott is chillingly loathsome and Titus De Voogdt is very believable as a sympathetic monster (this may sound oxymoronic, but definitely possible).

    Outshining them all is the simply sublime performance of Tchéky Karyo, a performance worthy of award recognition and manages to make what could easily have been a stereotype into one of the most complex and most fascinating characters of any show of this genre in recent years.

    In conclusion, exceptional drama and would have been even better with a last episode that lived up to the rest. 9/10 Bethany Cox
  • I enjoyed Season 1 a good deal, but this new season is off the hook. The suspense, the tension, the unknowns (the answers to which are doled out at an agonizingly wonderful pace), the twists, the dialog, the acting. All of it has me on the edge of my seat each episode. Tremendous.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    While sick I had time to binge both seasons, which is the best way to address episodic cliff-hangers. The series reminds me of The Killing, at least the first 'good' season which aired in the US. No huge actors, but great acting by all.

    As a parent it underscores a fear all parents have, and helps reinforce our mild paranoia where our kids are involved.

    I had one question nagging me from season 2, when Julian is looking at tapes to try and find out how Sophie had spent the unaccounted 3 hours when she went missing from 'home'. She went and bought petrol, and she went and bought flowers to put on the Henry Reed's grave. But no explanation of why she would expend time putting flowers on the grave of someone she met briefly one evening when she was feverishly ill, who quickly diagnosed a burst appendix but then did not further help or cure her. And it doesn't make sense that Adam Gettrick wanted to place flowers on Henry Reed's grave or he would have done it himself, which would have been much safer. Seems like a loose end...

    I loved the final scene of season 2, when Julian is counting backwards waiting to fall asleep for surgery, and the doctors note his strong constitution, and he stops counting at '3'. Is this a hint that a season 3 is a possibility? One hopes so...
  • First review, but just finished watching Season 2.

    Season 1 had me rating this as a 9 out of 10, but Season 2 leaves me no choice but to bump that up to a 10 out of 10.

    I couldn't stop watching, episode after episode, in two sittings. 8 hours of suspense, intrigue, great acting, and a well chosen mix of languages and actors from different countries.

    It felt authentic and real, sadly too believable. No spoilers here, I would hate that anyone spoiled it for me. But it didn't fail to keep me glued to my TV screen.

    The locations were well chosen and beautifully filmed.

    There were some tuff moments, and I can't deny the fact that I shed a tear or two.

    A subject well treated and not Hollywood glam'd up.
  • Hels25 February 2015
    Some of the best acting I have seen in a long time. Very suspenseful, very disturbing, very brilliant. The filming style helps create this dark and well put together, well acted storyline. A must watch. The twist and turns of the story will keep you on edge through all the episodes. The feeling of a parents devastation for a child who is missing is woven through the whole series and will draw you in deep. The direction and production of this series is incredibly good. The frustration at the attitude of some authorities and police responses is felt deeply. The writing is superb. I can't praise this series enough. Gripping and suspenseful and Highly recommended viewing.
  • daniele_defranceschi18 January 2015
    Somebody among the reviews said that the positive ones are paid for. Well, I'm not paid by anybody to review this show and I feel like giving it 10 stars because once I watched the pilot episode, I could not stop watching the rest of the show. Somebody might find the pace too slow, some others won't enjoy the acting, or the editing... whatever, I found it interesting, nicely done, realistic, dramatic, catching... I feel like recommending The Missing to anybody, although I respect the fact that it might not be for anybody. The whole show is characters' driven and it's about a couple losing their 5 year old child while on vacation in France. There's a lot of drama in it. If you're a parent you'll understand and "enjoy" the show even more, clearly. Again, it might not be your kind of entertainment, but I objectively think it's a well-done show worth to watch it. Can't wait for next season. PS: The show is 100% European, whether you like it.
  • I never feel compelled to write a review on a drama or film, but over over the course of four days I have just sat through some of the best acting, script writing, plot, direction and production that I have ever seen on tv.

    The Missing - Season One was a solid 9/10. The Missing - Season Two is 'Pure Perfection' 10/10.

    Tchéky Karyo's performance as Detective Baptiste is an outstanding display of acting.

    Just wish I had seen this drama the first time around and not waited until now - incredible!
  • vivnista25 November 2014
    This is a very slow, drawn out drama. I emphasise that because so many people give the thought provoking long drama negative reviews. Just not enough fast paced explosions for people. If that is what you like go to channel five or Hollywood. The BBC make gritty, real life dramas for the intelligent person who do not need fuel filled, jaw dropping moments to keep them interested. This programme is about people, relationships, how a moment can change your life forever. How people react so differently to situations and how it affects them. The actors take you on a journey, tony, so blinded by guilt and rage that at times you have no empathy for him whatsoever until you reflect on his loss and wonder how you yourself would react. I find the acting brilliant and i like the time skips, if at times, if you have blinked it gets a little confusing as to what era you are looking at particularly when the young french man goes to the UK. I was confused as to what era I was watching at one point. Besides that i am avidly waiting for the next episode, particularly after the 'jaw dropping' twist of the last episode with the boat incident (you see what i did there)?! Watch and enjoy and if you cannot sit still for a drawn out programme, go watch x factor!
  • People go on about US drama but whilst some is very good some is utter dross.

    That is how TV is you will never be satisfied with it all but as I type this the UK is waiting to see what happened to Alice (this is no spoiler) and the nation wants to know.

    That is not only top drama but drama which will last the years.

    In both series 1 & 2 the story stands alone and all the actors are on opt form but it is Julien Baptiste that becomes the moral and physical centre of the story. A man who knows the truth is never easy but is determined to bury his daemons.

    I have no idea what will happen, I will just go with the flow and like series 1 the ending will be the talking point.
  • THE MISSING is a timely intervention, as its plot has strong echoes of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, the four-year-old who disappeared from a holiday apartment in Praia de Luz, a resort in the Algarve in 2007. Madeleine has still not been found, even after an extensive police search; but hitherto the search has led to speculation about the role of Madeleine"s parents in the affair, and whether or not they were involved in abducting her.

    In Harry and Jack Williams' drama, set in France in 2006 and 2014, Tony and Emily Hughes (James Nesbitt, Frances O"Connor) are on holiday when their five-year-old son Oliver (Oliver Hunt) is mysteriously abducted on the night of the World Cup Final in 2006 between France and Brazil. No one appears to know where he is; and the incident goes cold until 2014, when Tony discovers new evidence in a Facebook photograph as to where Oliver might be. He enlists the help of retired detective Julien Baptiste (Tchéky Karyo), and embarks on a quest that is mostly frustrating, but sometimes enlightening.

    Tom Shankland's production vividly communicates the experience of trying to deal with institutions such as the police and/or the justice system in a foreign country; in Tony's eyes at least, they seem inefficient and dedicated to obstructing rather than facilitating the task of finding Oliver. On the other hand, there are equally corrupt forces at work among the British community, most notably centering round the mysterious philanthropist Ian Garrett (Ken Stott). What seems like a routine disappearance of an infant turns into something much more sinister.

    Filmed mostly in Belgium, the production makes great play of the contrast between the chocolate-box settings of the village (where Oliver disappears) and the nefarious goings-on taking place inside the buildings. The atmosphere is well summed up through an astute of symbols - a fly crawling up a net curtain suggesting corruption, a hand-held camera behind Emily's head indicating uncertainty.

    Nesbitt offers a convincing portrayal of an outwardly ordinary British citizen with a questionable past, that leads the Inspector to suspect that Tony might not quite be the whiter-than-white victim he pretends to be.

    The production unfolds slowly, with considerable emphasis placed on atmospherics, but each episode ends on a convincing cliff-hanger encouraging viewers to watch even more.
  • Just watched the first 2 episodes of this amazing show & it blew me away. Brilliantly written, acted & executed, handled with great thought to the characters & keeping the suspense on going, 10 out of 10 in my book. The characters are believable & you can feel their pain & heartache. I also love the way the scenes skip back & forth too show you the past events & what has led up too the present ones.Can't wait until the end of the show too find out how it pans out.The ending of the first episode gave me goosebumps. I was on the edge of my seat with expectation. British crime drama at its best.This show is not too be missed, the viewer will not be disappointed.
  • It also became a bit annoying with the constant change in timelines in season 2, which it did in season 1 but much more so in season 2. All in all it was entertaining and worth watching, if not a bit far-fetched and convoluted.
  • I loved the core story of this tale. That said , I did NOT enjoy trying to keep up with this Jiffy Pop timeline. I stuck with it for 4 episodes and on the 5th episode started having timeframes out of order WITHIN JUST the 2014 flashbacks. Dear editors... that's too much!! We shouldn't have to work so hard for your vision.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm not a fan of dramatic family stories, whether or not based on true events, and definitely not when they are stretched to a long- running mini-series instead of a normal-length film feature. But when my wife said that she really wanted to follow this series when it aired on television, I didn't object at all and this initially because of (a) the involvement of some of the names in cast and crew and (b) because apparently the vast majority of the series – even though set in France – was filmed and produced in my native country Belgium. "The Missing" is directed by the Brit Tom Shankland, who made a couple of intriguing and semi-successful horror flicks ("The Children", "W Delta Z"), and stars a number of talented actors and actresses, like Tchéky Karyo ("Bad Boys") and Jason Flemyng ("Snatch."). It rarely ever happens that such an interesting bunch lands in Belgium, and it's even rarer that local TV-actors from this country (like Titus De Voogdt or Hilde Heijnen) receive the opportunity to co-star in such a prestigious and international production. The fantastic Belgian band Amatorski even had the chance to deliver the fantastic title song that'll remain stuck in your head and heart after each and every single episode (oh my love, I pray each day that you come home and be okay…)

    So, I started watching for the cast & crew and the Belgian filming locations, but it didn't even took half an episode before I got completely absorbed by the identifiable and heart-wrenching story. In the summer of 2006, during the World Cup Football, The Hughes family (Tony and Emily and their 5-year-old son Oliver) are on their way to a vacation in the South of France when their car breaks down in the Northern part of the country. Since it'll take a few days to fix the engine, they book a room in a cheap little hotel in a sleepy little village. Father and son go swimming in the evening, but when Tony tries to order drinks at the crowded cafeteria bar, Oliver lets go of his hand. Only seconds later, it seems as if the little boy has vanished off the face of the planet. The authorities immediately take the case seriously and abduction seems the most logical scenario. The French super-inspector Julien Baptiste is in charge of the investigation, along with his British colleague Mark Walsh, and the case promptly gets international media attention. Experts in the field of children disappearances claim that the first month is crucial to find the missing child; otherwise the case is likely never to get solved. And yet, the series isn't mainly set in 2006 but in 2013. Seven years after that dreadful summer, Oliver – or Olly – is still missing and Tony Hughes never gave up his obsessive private investigation. In 2013, Tony claims to have found new and breakthrough evidence when he stumbles upon a photograph of a random tourist kid wearing the personalized scarf that Oliver was wearing on the day of his disappearance. After quite a bit of political and administrative interference, the case is re-opened and more suspicious details surrounding Oliver's disappearance are brought to the surface, although very slowly and often with severe difficulties. Many things have changed between the summer of 2006 and the new 2013 investigation, but they are all gradually clarified during flashbacks back and forth in time. Tony and Emily are separated and she's about to get re-married to inspector Walsh, Julien Baptiste comes out of retirement and suffers from a permanent leg injury, a French policeman is serving a sentence in jail, a seemingly gentle British businessman that offered financial support went missing as well and old witnesses are finally willing to collaborate in exchange for a compensation.

    When you are a parent yourself – like I am – it's extremely difficult to watch realistic and emotionally agonizing TV-series like "The Missing", especially because you know that at some point the script will have to tackle taboo subjects like pedophilia and child murderers (at least if the series is courageous enough). I have a five-year- old son myself and I can assure you that my wife and I often saw our worst parental nightmares come to life because in our minds we replaced the image of Oliver Hughes with that of our own son. It is assumed that "The Missing" is loosely inspired by the case of Madeleine McCann. There are indeed a lot of similarities between this fictional tale and the real-life McCann case, like the circumstances of the disappearances, the painful accusation (one of) the parents, wealthy financial sponsors and the many dead-end investigation theories. Based on what I've seen in "The Missing", I can only express my deepest respect and sympathies for the McCann family as well as for any other parent who ever had to struggle through this nightmarish ordeal. With regards to the pedophilia aspects, I must say the screenplay handles this matter professionally, with different profiles of culprits. The facts in the case of Oliver Hughes are often extremely complex, far-fetched and hard to believe, but everything somehow gets properly explained in the end… except for one thing. Director Tom Shankland and his entire cast & crew manage to maintain a very high tension level throughout eight episodes of nearly a full hour running time, and each and every single episode ends with a downright astounding cliffhanger that makes you hold your breath until the next one. One last comment about the ending, though. There are a lot of people (on internet forums, for example) complaining about the ending and the lack of closure. Well, guess what, a lot of people – like the protagonists in "The Missing" – go through dramatic and life- altering ordeals and never get any closure, neither. Contemplate about this for a second, and you'll realize it's the most powerful ending imaginable.
  • pk187322 November 2014
    The Missing isn't going to be to everyone's taste, but if you like suspenseful character driven crime drama then i suggest you give it a try. The premise is simple.. a child is abducted surrounded by mystery, we see the aftermath and we see the obsession of a father who desperately needs closure, the timeline cuts back and forth from the time of the abduction to the present day.. something which is used to great effect to explain how each character got to the point they are now at. Some reviewers have suggested the pacing to be slow, but having watched the first 4 episodes now the pacing for me is well timed, we get some background information, we think we are getting a handle on some of the facts surrounding the case then as the tension builds we are knocked back from the edge of our seats with one swift body blow and our perceptions immediately change. The acting writing and direction for me have been very good. Nesbitt is always watchable. but he portrays Tony's pain and anguish very well indeed it is at times quite literally etched on his face, the supporting cast equally earn their dues. If you want a story that is wrapped up in 40 mins this isn't for you it's all about the journey and the final reveal i am sure will be well worth it.
  • I found the first season painfully slow at times but I found the second season excellent. Season 2 is perfectly cast and fast paced with twists and turns. Actors Laura Fraser, Keeley Hawes, David Morrissey and Roger Allam shine in this well written thriller filmed in beautiful European locations. First season 7/10 and second season 9/10.
  • First of all let me say that mystery crime are my favorite series. I like it when you have to try to figure out what's going on or who's the villain. And this show is a really good one in his genre. Every episode ends with a cliffhanger and makes you wanting to see the rest as soon as possible. I saw the whole eight episodes in two days, that's how much I loved it. The actors are all very good even though they might not be well known by a lot of people. Being from Belgium, to me it was even more interesting when I discovered places I knew because they filmed a lot of the scenes only like 20 kilometers from where I live. Also the mix of French and English worked really well for me because it are two of the three languages that I speak daily. To me The Missing is on the same level as The Killing. Every episode you think you figured it out or at least you think you know who did it or what happened and then it goes in a complete other direction. I figured out one part of the mystery but the other part I didn't see coming and that's what I love about this kind of show. Top show to watch!
  • Slow paced suspense drama based mostly around the time in days and years after the abduction of a young English boy in France, the parents are faced with the terror of the abduction and a police system which is different from their own in a language which is not their own. Lines can be drawn in a small way to a famous real life kidnapping of an English child overseas. I think that is where the similarity ends though. Elements of the drama seem a little far fetched but not beyond belief. I found its pace to be generally just enough to keep me engaged, yes is it slow and drawn out, like True Detective and The Fall and Top of the Lake. It doesn't make for a bad drama, I'm quite content that the grit of the story was more important than a fast paced US style drama. Unfortunately the ending was a bit clumsy and I think they left the door open for a 2nd series. This is probably a poor choice as the series sits better as a stand alone production. It is hard to see how a 2nd season could add realism.

    Nesbit was gritty and at times annoying and perhaps occasionally overreached but overall a solid performance

    Engaging and gritty
  • mc9682222 February 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    A good movie the first 3-4 episodes. But the story dragged that made you wonder ifvthenpolicemen in Europe are really not that smart. A lot of unnnecessary scene/fillers just to make it an 8 episode season. Last episode in season 1, the Russian scene was so unnecessary.

    In season 2, I almost stopped watching entirely after episode 5. But hubby wanted to finish it. Season 2 turns into a cruel and sadistic movie. I have no feeling toward it at all. It is so hard to empathize with the characters because they keep on doing stupid things. I thought anyone who is intelligent and expert in their field, like a police, a famous detective, a military man, a sergeant, should do better. Join conveniently went to the killer's house without informing anyone. I lost it at the scene when the little child saw a murdering scene. I started to wonder if I actually watch a horror movie. The Middle East scene is totally unnecessary. Psychologically, things don't make sense with the characters. And this makes some viewers a lot less care...
  • This review is for Season 1.

    What in the world?

    How in the world did this get 8.2?

    I love British and foreign shows (Broadchurch, Luther, Sherlock, Bron/Broen are some of my favorites), so I knew (or so I thought) exactly what to expect: dark, gloomy, with fantastic acting, great story, and plenty of suspense. (Well, Sherlock isn't all so dark and gloomy, but it's a beautiful kooky mess that doesn't fit into any one box.)

    This was dark and gloomy, the acting is really good, but the story development is just bad. I was barely getting through episodes 1-7, then episode 8 caught me by surprise, it was great.

    Almost nothing really relevant happens until the end. The way the story bounces around makes most of the show pointless, and they're not making it interesting enough for us to care how we get to the end.

    So many things just didn't make sense or were just plain irritating. For example, continuing to question someone after they've asked for an attorney, twice (and the conversation that follows) - that's when I knew I was in trouble.

    Even more irritating, all the different languages without actual translation. Now, before you start, I understand all about "making us feel the way the outsider character with a language barrier feels", but what's the point of not translating the dialogue when every person on screen speaks the same language? The viewer is the only one who doesn't understand. They may be trying to keep some mystery, but they're doing a terrible job and they're just irritating me. It would be different if they're speaking a made up language, so no one understood it, but people who speak French or other languages spoken in the show will understand it, so that rules out the mystery aspect of it. (Where "The Missing" fails, "A Prayer Before Dawn" did a great job portraying this "outsider with a language barrier" feeling.)

    The only reason I'm giving this a 6 and not any lower is because I think the acting is great, I really like Baptiste, Tony and Mark (who is so much more than the great Lock, Stock..), and the last episode was great.

    P.S. Am I the only one who thinks Emily has kind of a Joker-y mouth?
  • I just finished watching The Missing as a free viewing for Starz. Nesbit (lead role as the father) and all cast are on their game. These directors also really have taken time with their craft. It's an edge of your seat suspense. There is something about people from the UK that just get good drama. It's so believable and emotional. I'm signing up for Starz today just for this show. The thing I liked about this premiere the most was that it had no inkling of Hollywood around it. I consider myself a movie snob and this one makes my cut.

    See, I didn't even have to spoil it for you. This father (Nesbit) embodies the meaning of a gritty dad that will go to no end until he finds the people who stole his son. Enjoy everyone!!!!!!
  • NyNNyXX6912 December 2014
    Warning: Spoilers
    It seems that in most cases 8 episodes of any thriller (True Detective and danish Killing were exceptions) is just too much, 6 episodes seems to perfect. First four episodes were good and interesting, but after that the story started dragging.

    I understand that balancing between a thriller and drama is difficult but in this case the pacing was poor, particularly when the drama was just basic seen-this-thousand-times-before. Shifting the time-periods were handled clumsy compared to True Detecive, there were no great mysteries between 2006 and present day witch lead in a situation that i already had filled the blanks in my head, 2009 was completely unnecessary (almost). Too many subplots (thriller and drama) to fool the viewer to think that there is something out of the ordinary coming, but till the end, this had just a basic kidnapping/pedophilia -plot.

    Tcheky Karyo was great and technically everything was made well, but after all this could have been much better with only 5 or 6 episodes. A decent watch, but i would rather recommend the Red riding trilogy.
  • brian-milligan20 May 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    But S2 Has two huge plot holes and I cannot believe it got past whoever. 1- there is no way in hell a DNA test wouldn't be absolutely compulsory in the event of a child stumbling into a town after 11 years missing. No way it would be up to the parents to refuse it. Its laughable. It would have happened immediately.

    And 2- in what world would they not only arrest a man but convict him for kidnapping based on literally no evidence besides an obviously crazy girl who was in a hole for 11 years picking him out of a photo array? I'll tell you. No world. Its such a huge thing to skip over.

    Plus all the unnecessary twists that do not lend themselves to the story in any way. Ohhh shes a surrogate!!
  • gillbutler-692747 August 2016
    Warning: Spoilers
    I had heard nothing of this series. So gave it a go. I like Frances O'Connor so she drew me to it. It is a great series. Loved the character of Baptiste played so well by Tchéky Karyo. The attractive old man cop who is calm and intelligent. Just loved when he was on screen. Felt like when things went wrong, you'd shout 'tell Baptiste'.

    It will leave you guessing and guessing. There is a horrible backdrop of child kidnap rings and paedophiles. Which of course they lead you down that road. When you learn that Ollie was simply hit by a car chasing what he loves, a fox. It seems all so simple. Yet you think yeah, it probably is always the more simple explanation not always where our imagination leads us.

    At times it felt too long and over egged. But James Nesbitt and Frances O'Connor do well with a very emotional script. At times uncomfortably similar to the McCanns.

    Two very brave roles were the brilliant Ken Stott as a creepy property developer with secrets and Titus De Voogdt who plays the red herring character of Vincent Bourg. Brave roles for any actor but brilliantly done and believable.

    I don't really get the journalist from England, Malik Suri. It doesn't overly explain why he would interfere with a police case to such a degree. Would you delay finding a child just to write a book/article. Why hold on to the evidence.

    The ending has been much debated. I like myself a simple closure. But they went with the child is dead, no body found but the father Tony continues on his obsessive journey to find Oliver. Its sad and I think it was to leave the viewer feeling a lack of closure and frustration the same way Tony felt. I would have liked if they had tracked down the Romanian baddies and then found the body. End! It was worth watching. Very good.
  • Season 1 is a slow burner with a good back story following little Ollie disappearing. Its 8 episodes that could have easily been done in about 4. This is because there's alot of irrelevant sub stories going on too which could have easily been left out. As they had nothing do do with Ollie in the end. But all in all its good drama with an okay ending nothing special.

    Season 2 is just brilliant. Grips you from the moment it begins, starting with Alice that returns to her family after going missing right at the beginning. But somethings not right, what happened to her? Is what happened to Alice true? Its a drama with all different stories with eachone being interesting and gripping keeps you glued from the get go with some good twists and turns. I strongly recommend this season.
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