User Reviews (10)

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  • Michele Remsen has pulled off a trifecta: skillful smart writing, deft directing, and strong vulnerable acting. The film is a study of a blight of our age: emotional wounds that lead to big relationship commitment issues. The lead couple (Ms. Remsen, half of that team) wrestle to figure out how to make a marriage selection and then commit to the work. Engaging, important study.
  • cekadah1 January 2020
    This movie starts off like a boiling pot of water, but then after about 45 minutes it slowly goes to a simmer, and then it just goes cold.

    Most of the dialog is smartly written and delivered by the main characters - but the story slowly becomes pointless and a struggle to watch. Once again it's just another story of wealthy people bellyaching over their life decisions.

    5 stars because the beginning pulled my attention into the story quickly.
  • Chiavelli16 August 2020
    Weak writing, even weaker acting, and overall it was barely tolerable. The people giving this film a 10 must have been watching a different movie, or they are getting paid to promote this garbage. Don't waste your time.
  • What a joy it is to watch a romantic comedy with a plot that actually surprises you! This is a film with incredible insight not just into the ways romantic partnerships develop, but also the ways that our families shape our identities and the inevitable influence of our society's gender norms. If you like highly verbal comedy or comedies with a healthy dose of darkness, this is a great film for you. Think Fleabag meets The Family Stone with an assured nod to the fast-paced, witty banter of The Philadelphia Story and His Girl Friday.
  • I loved this movie! And I don't like rom coms much, so I was really surprised. Big laughs, small moments, real characters-this movie will sneak up on you like smooth scotch! I am still buzzed! Can't say anything more you just have to check it out yourself
  • annie-84-51612023 December 2019
    This is a clever and deeper look at the roles women play in society. I'm not a rom-com fan, but this is an anti-romantic comedy and it hits on all cylinders. We join the characters where a romantic comedy would typically end with the classic prototypes: charming noncommittal guy and shrewd wary woman who's witty banter (instantly brings to mind a modern day Rosalind Russell & Cary Grant!) and we're off and moving. Good smart comedy with whip sharp dialog. Grab your popcorn and enjoy like I did.
  • I really enjoyed this movie about a woman's unconventional romantic journey. The standout performances are director/writer Michele Remsen as the protagonist with literal and figurative baggage and Allison Frasca as the mother-to-be with anger management issues. It's the perfect antidote to the clichéd and formulaic romantic comedies that seem to pop up every holiday season. Highly recommended!
  • Fantastically paced, acted and written. Drew me in from the very beginning. Let's see what's next from those behind this brilliant movie!
  • The actors worked well together to tell the story. I enjoyed the relatable online dating scenes. Reminded me of 80s and 90s comedies set in NYC. You don't get these type of films as often and it was a treat.

    The film could have been a bit shorter.. however I really enjoyed watching it.
  • There are so many quotable lines in this razor sharp, surprisingly sweet film. I'm grateful that it's in the world!