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  • First odd thing you'll notice about this promising plot is Rachel Hunter's unconvincing American accent. It's so unstable and so bad when it's off that you wonder who thought it was necessary to make the movie work. Probably an American who finds foreign accents strange? Then you'll find that the women in this world have nothing better to do than spread their legs for the hot teacher. Yep, all the women have one taste and they have nothing better to do, including the married ones. Then there are the stupid decisions requisite of a slasher horror film, but this is supposed to be a psychological thriller. Well, I guess the writer couldn't find a way to make the story work otherwise.

    And of course there's the title. The plot is more sympathetic to the woman than the title would suggest, though.
  • This is a watchable movie, if you have nothing else to do for an hour or two and don't want to do a lot of thinking. Most of the screen time is given to Rachel Hunter, who is not at all hard on the eyes and who is fully capable of registering the various degrees of stress (disappointment, confusion, anxiety) that are called for a wife who has a one-night stand and finds herself stalked by her new paramour. As for the story, it is no more than an endless series of clichés. The direction, too, is as clichéed as the script, with the so-called scary parts done the same way we've seen them done in thousands of movies before. I actually fast-forwarded through the scary parts because they were so tiresome. But if your choice is this movie or Wheel of Fortune or some sit-com re-run, choose the movie.
  • Okay so yes this movie was pretty bad.....BUT it's a good movie to make fun of and laugh at. Silver lining:-P.
  • Even by LMN standards this movie was a complete disaster! Every aspect of it was amateurish especially the script. There were so many plot holes, one has to imagine that a lot of film was left on the editing room floor. As far as the plot, it's your typical storyline of a wife who suspects her husband of cheating so she cheats herself. The only problem though is the script is written so badly that nothing in the entire movie makes any sense. The acting was some of the worst I've ever seen. Everyone involved in making this movie must have been embarrassed with the finished product. It's had to believe that after viewing this that LMN allowed it to be air rather that tossing it in the trash can.
  • haroot_azarian26 July 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    Typical yer again! Woman jump at chance to be unfaithful to husband whom she wrongly thinks is cheating! And that Grayson shushing bouts just got on my nerves!!!!
  • Was surprised to realized this is a recent movie produced. I was browsing through my movie list and the plot sounded good. A cliché but still a good plot for a really great psychological thriller. However 20 minutes into the film, oh dear. What started out as disbelief at the really bad acting or rather over acting from Rachel Hunter in her pathetic attempt to create tension. The bad script didn't help either. And Rachel making one bad choice after another in trying to create the drama, seriously pathetic.

    The whole time I'm watching, it's extremely frustrating to watch scene after scene of amateur, pathetic acting. So so disappointing. Glad I didn't pay money to watch this.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I don't make a point to watch Lifetime movies because they all suck, but sometimes when there's nothing else on like on a Sunday I find myself getting sucked into it one once in a while.

    "Her Infidelity" is one of the worst Lifetime movies I've ever had the misfortune of watching. Where do I begin!? The acting is horrid and amateurish. It's actually so bad it's funny. Rachel Hunter has an accent and then doesn't and then does and then doesn't. lol The story is so boring and there's no substance. The script is laughable, the situations are unrealistic, the sets are cheap as hell, and every character is ANNOYING.

    You would do better watching anything else besides this. Really. Anything.
  • epbomb3 February 2020
    The movie, in principle, has a lot of potential, but falls flat very quickly. The actor portraying Grayson, an apparent psychopath, is totally incapable of proper role portrayal, never really developing the character into something believable. The plot/script are muddled with numerous holes that are obvious through quick fixes in script that make no sense. The um movie doesn't really resolve itself, an ending that doesn't tie up all the loose ends.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    While viewing this film, I was thinking that I was back with "Gaslight."

    A PTA president has a one night stand with her young son's elementary school teacher, a handsome guy and new to the school. She does this after she believes her constantly traveling husband on business is having an affair. Of course, she soon learns that this was not the case.

    The teacher keeps showing us wearing the masks he discusses with children in the classroom.

    Even the principal of the school looks and sounds like the elementary school principal of the 1950s.

    We are left wondering whether or not our teacher actually killed his wife and daughter who supposedly died from carbon monoxide poisoning. The latter may have been needed to kill off this film.

    The PTA moms are instead a bunch of sexually oriented females either looking to snare the guy or to pawn him off on someone else.
  • NuttyBaby28 February 2024
    Warning: Spoilers
    The film was using a lot of flower symbolism, and just like flowers, this movie wilts. The story began promising, and later it withered and died. The villain is the new teacher who every woman has a crush on and they're all willing to jump in bed with him, including the pregnant lady. It turns out he's a weirdo that keeps a very dark secret, plus a very nasty piece of work. The film becomes bored of itself, by making a silly climax ending. The villain always has the ability to jump in several places at once. The main lead actress never contacts the police and she doesn't close the curtains or shut the blinds. She heads out into the wilderness searching for a isolated cabin without telling the police. It lost intelligence.
  • The two leads vie to steal the show.

    Probably the female wins though it's a close call!

    Wife believes her husband being unfaithful, so she is seduced by her son's teacher who happens to be totally deranged and crazy.

    The user ratings here are terrible, but frankly this movie is not so bad and had me mainly engaged to the end.

    Easy to be critical but in my opinion a watchable yarn and some good performances from most of the cast.

    A positive aspect is how the film portrays the madness of the baddie by illustrating how he sees another person when he looks at the goodie.

    Clearly a sign of insanity.

    The picture lacks originality especially at the conclusion so six and a half but deduct half a mark, hence:

  • This is one tragic mistake made by LMN and the writer, director and cast. It is almost a joke from beginning to end.

    Rachel Hunter is awful and walks through the movie like something horrible is about to happen. She weakens the plot by her over acting and jumping at every noise she hears. Her husband tries but doesn't work well with Hunter. In fact she looks much older then he. And lover boy looks like a wax museum character.

    Now suddenly this frightened to death Hunter stalks the woods carrying a baseball bat to attack the villain. And of course, typical LMN style, when Hunter gets caught by stone face, she knees him in the balls to escape. I would love it if once just once some guy would knee a woman in the groin. I love it when he catches up with her and throws her around. She really is pathetic in this and quite idiotic in all her decisions as to what to do.

    No one earns any merit in this trashy film, except maybe the children who act like children and not loonies. But to this viewer Rachel Hunter ruins this film with her over acted performance. However, I don't think another actor could do much better with the silly script.

    Can one give a minus vote? Mine would be -10. Sorry folks.