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  • chuckxx9 January 2021
    Movie obviously made by some religious freaks. Still some sort of horror movie based on some myth.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Eric Roberts, topped billed has a minute role in the feature. Jeremiah, a foster child of unknown parentage sleep walks and goes to an Atlanta college called UMT, although referred as UMC by Pooch Hall who flubbed his lines. Jeremiah (Grant Harvey) has visions and a bad hair cut, the only thing in the film worse than the acting and script. He must combat Lilith (Alice Rose) a serial killer with tremendous T&A for a serpent. They spend a lot of the film explaining their theology, but never why Jeremiah doesn't know how to work a comb. The film was horribly bad, even for those who might buy into the theology.

    Guide: No swearing of nudity. Alice Rose is very sexual.
  • The best part about this "movie" was when it went OFF!! Even the credits were bad. Don't waste your time. This "movie" is BEYOND HORRIBLE!!! The storyline, acting, graphics, and everything was alll horrible. Ugh!!!
  • This was a stupid film about faith, God and the bible. It puts spin on the whole story of Adam and Eve and adds Lilith who was Adam "second wife" (not biblical accurate) and she gets angry with Adam and then with God and is now hell bent on destroying men. I guess even female demons can carry a woman's It was promising but fell flat in the end, but I'm not surprised, because when you put spin on the bible you always end up taking away the value of the story. Bottom line, this movie is only for people who believe in God, but overall, silly and stupid
  • You know, when I read the description for this I thought it might be like a version of Species. Creature takes the form of an attractive female with a sometimes tail and a desire to fornicate with it's prey. Weirdly, I have never seen Species yet thought for some reason this similarity would make this a decent B movie. I was wrong. I wish this movie was some Species knock off, I wish it had picked a lane at all.

    That's the big problem with it, it's jamming a lot of square pegs in any round holes it can find and nothing fits right. For starters, it's highly sexual AND highly religious and that is a WEIRD combination. Second, it's a demon movie but also about destiny and virginity and purity. It is sooooo preachy and scattered. The acting is awful, the effects are about where I'd expect a movie like this to be but weirdly it's the sound editing that's really off putting. None of the dialogue feels right, in part because it's bad, clunky dialogue but also because it sounds like everyone's doing a weird voice over or the guy working the switchboard just doesn't know how to record from their mics properly.

    I could really go on about just about everything that happens here but lets blow through it. Sudden twins! Romance from nowhere! Demon Hunter Preachers? The thing actually falls for the... But what about... You know what, enough. This is bad. It's sooooo preachy too. This is an avoid at all costs and, frankly, would make me think twice about watching something else from this director.
  • I can't score it high or low, it's just average. Only watched it because Lilith is the major player in demonology, wanted to see how they played her story. She was the first woman, beautiful but intelligent, therefore manipulative when need be. Everything all ( male ) main stream religions consider bad or evil. Adam was little more than a dumb animal, possibly overawed, he rejected her. Eve the archetypal dumb blonde was sent to replace her. Lilith is seething back in heaven and starts playing on the loud mouth, right hand of God - Lucifer. He falls for her, she says man up or back off. So he goes for it and fails, all the baddies are cast out to rule in hell as they won't serve in heaven. But Lilith has her man, she's the queen of hell and mother of all demons. But she's got unfinished business, some dumb man rejected her for a silly cute blonde and they're living in heaven on earth. They took what she wanted so now she'll destroy it, enter the serpent and tree of knowledge. The real saying should be " Hell hath no fury 'til the FIRST woman was scorned ". I know it's wrong, but I actually like her more than Adam & Eve, and by the way I'm male.
  • I don't know how they got REAL actors to make this DUMPSTER fire of a movie!! I stumbled on it searching for something that was not a rerun, during this pandemic! Everything about it was AWFUL, the city of Atlanta should SUE the makers for even using thier name!! This trash makes Pootie Tang look like an Oscar worthy movie!! SCROLL past FAST!!!
  • The movie did a decent job in providing suspense and character development. Overall a good movie for a quick Saturday flick but for very limited audience.
  • Curious at first, but once I watched it it pulled me in, very good story and idea. Alice Rose was amazing as Lilith and the rest of the cast did an amazing Job!
  • This movie has got something to say' 'It isn't just your standard creature feature''Be prepared for some more cerebral horror this time around' Kept me engaged' Enthralled by the plot'