User Reviews (67)

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  • My quick rating - 3,6/10. Strange to rate this as a fictional movie, the whole thing is basically "how to shoot cameras from in the car, outside the car, near the car." This is all done to show new film makers the proper way to highlight the scenery, characters, etc. Did this movie intend to be anything but a flick showing how to film? Sort of, there was an occasional reference to a tow truck driver chasing after the two dumb girls in the car (I only call them dumb because of how they act in the movie. Would love to see them rolling their eyes when they read the script). I will say that this movie is very odd indeed since it could appeal to fans of "joy ride" and also could get notice from the school of film making wherever these kids were from, but combined together makes for a really boring movie.
  • shackaholic197914 April 2017
    I always feel bad giving terrible reviews because ultimately this was other people's vision, budget and time but this movie is really, really, really bad. The very fact that the tow truck could outrun the Mustang causes the movie to immediately lose so much credibility that the movie is already in a hole that it cannot get itself out of.

    And as others have said, it's essentially a rip off of Duel.
  • I wasn't expecting much when I watched this movie. I had low expectations but then I realized 10 min in I needed to lower my expectations even more. This was so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!! The way it was filmed , the writing , the acting. these people didn't get paid to do this did they? Yes, Ana looks great but she shouldn't act. Because she can't!!!!!!!!!!! They kept flashing in on the speedometer of the car and you know it wasn't moving that fast. Became pretty funny after awhile. Now I didn't finish watching it, it was that bad, that I had to turn it off and put in another movie. I will go back and torture myself and finish it at a later time. but , please do yourself a favor and DON'T watch this and spare yourself!!!!!!!!
  • You can read all these reviews, but nothing can prepare you for just how terrible this movie is. It becomes painfully evident that all driving scenes are shot on the same quarter mile stretch of road. Some how, SOME HOW, a heavy wrecker is able to keep up with a model year Mustang. And worst of all, you can't stop watching it.
  • How does a heavy wrecker tow truck (while also towing another car) consistently keep pace with a 2013 5.0 Mustang GT? The mustang can go 0-60 in 4.3 seconds. The heavy wrecker can go 0-60 in 30 seconds. The mustang's top speed is 155 mph while the heavy wreckers top speed is 75 mph. This whole movie is impossible and boring.
  • I don't even know where to begin with this movie. The first thirty minutes (after a pointless and confusing pre-credit scene) is not only a "remake of Duel" but a beat for beat, practically shot for shot, at times line for line rip-off of Duel. I mean, despite the fact that there is no mention of Steven Spielberg or Richard Matheson in the credits of Wrecker, the first half of this movie copies EVERYTHING from Duel. Lines, shots, framing... Like, I'm fairly certain that someone has grounds for a legal suit here. I mean, if I just remake a complete shot for shot, line for line (plus f-words) remake of a TV movie from 40 years ago and basically call it my own work, is that just okay? After copy and pasting the first half of Duel into his Final Draft script-writing program, hack writer/director Michael Bafaro then got to work on changing the middle of an already excellent movie. The only difference in the set-up is that instead of one man on the road alone, it's two completely unlikable girls. They go through, step by step, the exact same beats as Dennis Weaver's character in the original Duel. And then, halfway through, when hack writer/director Michael Bafaro has to deviate from the original script for a variety of reasons (among them being he's not a very good film maker), he does so by writing out the other girl completely, never to be seen again. ...Then why did hack writer/director Michael Bafaro make it two girls in the first place? You'll have to ask hack writer/director Michael Bafaro.

    So yeah, the other girl disappears and the remaining girl continues to get terrorized. There's some terrible acting, a lot of boring driving, a telephone booth sequence taken whole from Duel, and then it eventually ends with a terrible and lame CGI rendition of the evil tow truck falling off a cliff.

    And these are not spoilers. Watching this movie is the spoiler. It spoiled my evening and my mood. If you haven't seen Duel, go watch it and stay clear of this movie. Unless, for some reason, you want to see the same script interpreted by someone with a passion for film making and storytelling (Steven Spielberg) vs. someone who has no clue and apparently has no problem plagiarizing someone else's work (hack writer/director Michael Bafaro). Then perhaps it could be an interesting learning experience. Michael Bafaro sucks.

    Just for example, real quick.... The entire time you're watching Wrecker, you're like... why don't these two idiot girls just turn around and either go home or find another way to get to their... stupid ski resort or whatever it was. While that makes no f'ing sense here, in the original Duel, Dennis Weaver has an important work meeting to get to and frankly has no choice but to keep going and hope he can shake the crazy truck driver. You see, because hack writer/director Michael Bafaro is not a creative person and when left to his own devices, can not differentiate between logical character motivation and people just doing things for no reason.

    Michael Bafaro sucks and so does this movie. I'm offended by Wrecker both as a writer myself and as a movie fan. Even if he was given remake rights to Duel (which I don't think he was), that's no excuse for using 3/4ths of the script and not even crediting the original writer.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This was a real boring film. 15 minutes in I all ready had the idea that the car the 2 girls were driving in (the most expensive piece of this film)wouldn't suffer any real damage in this.

    At the end only the rear bumper has some scratches and that's it.

    The truck on the poster you never see in this movie and the girls characters are so annoying you'd wish they would die an someone you can actually care for take their place so it would be at least watchable.

    No action,horror or even thriller here but mostly a lot of scenery which felt like they used it over and over again.

    You're much better of watching "joyride" again and even the by now outdated flick of Spielberg "duel"was a thousand times better than this.

    This movie is only good if you have trouble falling asleep because it really is a snooze fest.

    I don't recommend this,I think they made this film with out a script and just wrote one idea on a paper napkin and started filming.

    This was failure with a capital F.

    If you actually spend money on this you got F'd.

    This just falls flat on every level.

    Devote your time on something else because this is not worth it.

    A worse than B-movie.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is an insult to every blonde chick in the world. The fact that the NEW Mustang was unable to outrun an old tow truck was hilarious.
  • First, sorry for my English, is bad-bad :) sorry,please! I have not ever seen a movie worse than this, how to do such a film... I can not believe how much trash there is in this world to do a film like such a caricature, a really coarse...

    A top class Mustang, talk about a V8 5.0 - is constantly overtaking by a truck rust...Really? C'mon! Blonde leading the Mustang can not overcome this rusty truck and when it does not last long and exceeds the phases before overcoming the truck ... the truck are hilarious to beat.However "Blonde" you are as a person driving is unreal how they could create these exceedances, actually inconceivable from reality.You go with 31mile(50km) behind a old rusty tug-truck and actually don't't bother to overtake even straight ... with a Mustang V8 -5.0! And if you exceeded once in the end, you are catch up by the rusty old truck to over 124mile(200km/h) !!! Dude director, you are a crazy head ?? Girls do not have GPS signal...really? GPS? That Mustang has GPS functionality and if all satellites from space fall...

    The speed of cars in the film, at one point, caught by the Mustang is 120m (193km) or more, but old rust truck chases and even at that speed the truck is not leave behind! Jesus! Road where happens the action is kind of twist road, circulated rarely and practically in the film did not see a car on the opposite way but when the blonde girl Mustang would exceed the truck suddenly it appears a car in front and can not exceed...amazing, I feel like screaming to moon!!!!!!!! Blonde girl can not exceed even a speed of 24mile(40-50km) neither, you could just pinch a little throttle, the Mustang had sprung in a sec...but no way! Finally, the scene when the truck stays on the road is hanging half... the first phase is seen under the truck a continued road, a few meters if it fall hit the road - and even when falls, when the truck is smitten the image appears where there is a chasm,abyss and the road is not there! Terrible... :) I invite you wholeheartedly for you to watch this movie just to see what was reached today to make a film.Take your friends and watch this movie in a group...will to be phenomenal! At the start of first 15min i wanted to close it, after 30min i could break my TV but out of curiosity to see how far stupidity can lead a film director and producer, i decided to see him until the end...

    A terrible movie, even awkward interpretation of actresses is understandable...but what i do not understand is how the director of this film thinks it can fool the world...astonishing...inconceivable.

    PS:Blonde girlfriend in the movie suddenly disappears after on IMDb says that the actress actually left shooting during production ... Why, he was the only human with brains who realized the awkwardness filming that?
  • bob_meg11 November 2015
    If you've never seen Steven Spielberg's debut film Duel (1971), with a script by suspense/SciFi mastermind Richard Matheson, add a few more stars to my rating. I say this because Wrecker is almost a direct copy of that earlier work. Some of the lines of dialogue match the film and even Matheson's short story down to the letter. I am confident that if Micheal Bafaro and his crew had the talent to match the film shot by shot they would have, but this is the least of their failures. And to be fair, it would be a million to one shot to find a director and crew as talented as Spielberg and his team of seasoned journeymen. There's a reason Duel has often been saluted, but never remade. It's akin to asking your four year old who just completed his first swimming lesson to hop in a riptide.

    I have no problems with remakes, even shot-by-shot remakes --- I really liked what Gus Van Sant brought to Psycho (1999). No, it wasn't as good as Hitch but Van Sant added his own trademarks and came up with some interesting stuff as well. That's not the case here, with only a few minor exceptions.

    Emily (Anna Hutchinson) and Leslie (Drea Whitburn) play two Seattle gals en route to California, when they decide to take Devil's Pass as a shortcut. They find themselves menaced by a wrecker (towing a car no less) and after that... well, you can easily take any segment of Duel and match it to this film. So, if you've seen Duel, this film will put you to sleep.

    if you haven't it will only puzzle and irritate you because it's so poorly made. Whitburn supposedly quit the film mid-shoot (gee, I wonder why?) and it was probably a good decision. She's the more inept of the two actresses and when she's gone, Hutchinson's short-comings are even more apparent. Glad her blonde hair and figure scored her some marks for some reviewers, but it wasn't enough to compensate for her limited range. Dennis Weaver she isn't, by about ten, in the acting department. It seems a strain for her to work up any emotion beyond mildly distressed without inducing gut-wrenching laughter from us.

    Add to that the choppy editing, the dismal sound mix, and the writing that, when not copying from Matheson, just stinks. It's evident on almost all the chase shots that the footage is sped WAY up. The jittering is very annoying (that's one thing digital can't stack up to, unfortunately). Many of the stunt scenes are truncated because to let them play out fully would have been very dangerous with this group of amateurs (and so they have little coherence overall --- scenes just stop cold or look like they were badly cut).

    The ending is over-the-top ridiculous and makes virtually as much sense as Hutchison's Mustang looking spotless up until the very end, when it performs an act that defies every law of physics.

    Micheal Bafaro doesn't seem like the sharpest guy, but even he couldn't have been so brazen as to steal this script and story from Matheson. No, I'm guessing he paid Matheson's estate a sum of money on the estate's condition that Matheson's name appear NOWHERE on this unsalvageable wreak. And rightly so.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The production of this movie is horrible... The girls go crazy before anything really scary is close to happen. The mustang is V8 5.0 and has trouble outrunning an old truck.. even the European 4cylinder bad version would outrun that truck.and after the truck hits the car there are no damages on it. And the girls get angry at the truck driver when they can easily overpass him... To make this movie better the editing needs improving and the girls needs a better reason to go ballistic. They also make a wrong turn because some GPS stopped working.... In 2015 there is GPS in the car and on the girls phones... There are so many holes in the story that is impossible to fill them
  • I've seen "Duel" about 10 times and it's true, "Wrecker" many times is identical. I love the fresh remake, since "Duel" now looks very old (1971), and the two sexy girls are competent at the job. Spielberg is the only one who should be concerned about the "copyrights" and, it doesn't look like he is, so Wrecker is definitely worth watching.
  • RELEASED IN 2015 (2017 in the USA) and written & directed by Micheal Bafaro, "Wrecker" is a road/thriller with elements of horror about two young women traveling through the Cascades who are targeted by a malevolent semi tow truck driver.

    People give this movie the lowest of ratings just because it's a remake of the Spielberg classic from 1971, albeit with obvious changes. The plot and a few scenes are taken almost verbatim from "Duel" (e.g. the trucker deceptively waving the girls to pass and the diner sequence) while some scenes are similar, but different (e.g. the cliff scene) and some are totally new (e.g. the cop sequence).

    Thankfully, the movie has the same realistic tone as "Duel" without venturing into the cartoonish implausibilities of the Joy Ride flicks, especially the two over-the-top sequels. The BC locations (standing in for Washington) are magnificent; needless to say, great cinematography. I liked the way the girls aren't always babbling back-and-forth; there are several long quiet stretches, just like in real-life traveling.

    Anna Hutchison is winsome as the main protagonist, but a little on the play-it-safe side, which ties into the distressing climax. Andrea Whitburn plays the somewhat wild child and looks great (I KNEW what happened to her; it's kinda obvious). Interestingly, the aging waitress (Jennifer Koenig) has a superior figure to both of 'em.

    While "Wrecker" loses points for being unoriginal and a couple of awkwardly edited scenes, it should be appreciated by fans of "Duel," "Joy Ride" (2001) and "Breakdown" (1997).

    THE FILM RUNS 83 minutes and was shot in the Kamloops area of British Columbia, Canada.

    GRADE: C+/B- (5.5/10)
  • if you have never seen Duel (1971) my suggestion is to watch that than to waste your money going to see this modern day movie or buy it on blue-ray.

    Starts off as a typical road movie where two young women are driving across the U.S in a Red Mustang. After watching them talk about boyfriends for the first part of the movie and seeing endless scenes cutting to them accelerating up and slowing back down travelling roads after roads they come across a trucker towing a car that they decide to overtake.

    The rest basically ends up becoming a game of cat and mouse after. They are chased to where one of the girls ends up being taken and her friend is left to chase the truck and ends up being chased down even more roads.

    The woman has so many opportunities in the movie to report what has happened to people instead babbles like a wreck to just race off down road after road. Even after getting her hands on a dead traffic cops gun who gets run over she catches up with the truck and points the gun at the drivers door and does nothing, never once thinks to threaten the driver to get out in order to find out what he has done with her friend..

    This movie has so many flaws it is almost laughable if it was not so boring or even worth a total review.

    The plot and whole story line including acting is so weak you feel like shouting at the screen for gods sake how pathetic is that.

    The ending of this movie was so much worse than the beginning

    Avoid this movie like the plague...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film nearly gave me a stroke. I found myself screaming at the television. This movie seemed more about the two imbeciles following the truck instead of the reverse. Never in my 54 years have I ever rooted more heavily for both of these numb skulls to be killed,,,and horribly. They were totally incompetent drivers and this film should have lasted a total of 15 minutes, as soon as these bubble heads passed the truck the first time they should have put at least 200 miles between themselves and the tow truck towing the station wagon before sundown. Next they drive right up to the abandoned car in their lane instead of passing it on the left and going about their way, why would they feel its their duty to move a disabled car from the roadway, especially when they are being pursued by a psychopathic tow truck driver? Whats also irritated me is how this tow truck seemed to have stealth qualities and managed to run people down without hearing a sound until they became hood ornaments.Then there's the idiot blonde standing there holding the dead Cop's pistol while psycho driver backs up slowly, hooks up the Police vehicle and saunters away as if hes driving through a school parking lot without her attempting to save her friend. THEN, at the end she saw her dead pal in the trunk of her car, walks up to the cab with wheels spinning(BTW Tow rigs are NOT front wheel drive so why the front wheels were spinning ill never figure that one out?)She stands there like a total MORON when she should have emptied the clip into the drivers window or at least shot out his tires so as to FINALLY disable the rig, once and for all. She backs up into the rig with her dead pal in the trunk (So much for respecting your dead pal, huh?)THEN drives away with her inside the trunk so somewhere down the road she can be stopped by Police for broken taillights along with a dead Cop's service pistol in her possession as well as a dead woman inside her now smashed trunk. This movie went from bad to worse and never looked back, there's a reason the lead imbecile was a bleach blonde. The director and the writer of this story should be banned from making future films.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    An old truck keeps beating mustang? Don't spend your time watching this even though they are from WA but really? I wish they make something of the true world not trying to run over kids because a mustang trying to beat the truck after her 10times going through. I have seen many movies which have murder in them. But this one is one of the most awful. What was the producer thinking? I think he or she should never make any more movies. They need a better thinking of what people want to watch. I haven't seen this kind of movie in a long time. It deserves like 1 for just non-sense. This also have some spoiler so if you did not watch this movie yet I am sorry, but I just would like to guide others on what to watch so they will enjoy instead of getting mad about it later on.
  • Wrecker is in fact what we can say a kind of rip-off of the famous Steven Spielberg flick Duel (1971). Two girls in a Ford Mustang are suddenly being chased by a tow truck without any reason, the driver is never shown and nothing is explained. So far that can't be a problem but what do makes it hard to watch is the acting and the story.

    The first 15 minutes I could dig and it all started rather good with an old Ford being broken down at , you guessed it, a road with Devil in it and no cell phone reception. But after 15 minutes the road goes down together with the flick. The acting of Anna Hutchison is below zero. Normally I can stand screaming girls but she doesn't understand it at all. Of course it's also her character that makes her a stupid blond. When a car is left alone on a bridge she can passes it easily but she stops just in front of that broken car, and there are so many things that doesn't make sense. The cop stopping her makes no sense at all. The gas attendant is acting terrible when she waves her gun. How her girlfriend is being put in the trunk of the Mustang is a don't know, at the diner the way she reacts is a girl with big issues.

    Towards the end there's use of bad CGI can't explain when not to spoil what is happening but it's really bad CGI.

    What I did enjoy was the Ford Mustang and the truck. Like the tow truck is doing it should better tow this flick to the dumpster.

    Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 0/5 Story 1/5 Comedy 0/5
  • I don't think Wrecker is the worse out there, I've seen plenty movies with similar plot, I personally think this one did better.

    Will you watch a masterpiece? No! Will you watch a B horror? Surely enough! If it is a B+ horror or a -, will come down to everyone's opinion, I for one am satisfied cause I've seen a lot worse. I had pretty much no expectations, the poster looks cheap, the plot is overused for its substance, as clearly you can't milk this cow too much, yet it managed to create a little story. With the obvious moves from other far better movies, but it did try the best it could and it managed to present something possibly worth a watch. A watch!

    Overall, I played it with no expectations and ended up with a Heh instead of a Meh. So, all in all, better than expected I guess.

  • wesperkins15 April 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    This does have spoilers. I rarely write reviews but just watched this and it was so awful I had to write. I don't even know where to begin. The acting is horrible. The girls have no range. They are so annoying that half way through you actually want them to die. They over react to small things, under react to big things, and make stupid decisions constantly. And they love to scream. And they are so annoying with their behavior you know why this guy wants them dead, even though he has no reason to know.

    It shows them going 120 MPH around a corner. They drive reckless. Hell if the tow truck driver left them alone they would most likely kill themselves in a crash while texting or looking at each other while driving. The blonde seemed to need to look for 5 seconds at a time at her friend while driving. The road seems completely deserted.. until they try and pass. That's about the only time you see another car till the end. If she wanted another car to appear all she has to do is try and pass.

    There are so many continuity errors... she has a full tank and runs out of gas later. How long has she been driving to get no where? Why didn't the guy just kill her when she was knocked out? Why don't they stay where there are people? Many more.

    Don't waste your time with this. Usually I do not mind watching a bad movie, but this one is so bad I wished I never watched it. You openly root for the girls to die bc they suck so bad. If you are debating watching this.. don't.. please dear lord do not.
  • This IS the worst movie I have ever watched !!! What a waste of time, could have been jerking off and had more of it than watching this piece of Sh*** movie. The script writer should be shot in the head and the director should be shot and fed to the dogs for producing such a piece of crap!!!!!! FORD should be suing the producer for such a bad advert of the Mustang. If I was driving, the tow truck would have never seen me again after the first 2 minutes after the overtaking scene... SUCKS BIG TIME !!!! What a waste of money !!! Do yourself a big favor and don't watch this piece of pointless waste, take your girlfriend or wife and go outside for a walk, trust me you will enjoy it more than wasting your your time watching this St***...
  • Another case of all eye candy, no movie...

    An absolute omnishambles, with some of the most bizarre decision-making you'll ever see on celluloid!

    So many opportunities to just drive away, yet they choose to dilly-dally!

    And how tf does a recovery truck towing a car, manage to keep up with a sports car?

    Get in the bin!

    2-stars given purely for how attractive the 2 lead females were.
  • Micheal Bafaro's "Wrecker" is a nearly shot-for-shot ripoff of Steven Spielberg's "Duel". Needless to say, Spielberg did a far superior job (namely due to his use of camerawork and suspense). Avoid this one.
  • ld_0018 March 2018
    I just laugh at everyone bitching about this movie being a knock off of The Duel. Who cares? No one is interested in your 1 out of 10 reviews! I sure as shit ain't going to listen to your bitchass moaning and crying!! I'll watch it and make up my own mind. Everyone just wants to suck Spielberg's dick and go running to him like little girls!

    It's a decent movie if you're into outdoors/open road types of thrillers!
  • Whimsynsolence15 July 2020
    Didn't get the end.. she destroyed the wrong truck..
  • mzefabulous10 August 2019
    When I seen the truck that suppose to rain terror I couldn't help but laugh. I'm so glad I didn't stand in a line at the box office to see that disaster. I made a poor choice when I chose to watch this on Netflix.
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