User Reviews (1)

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  • zkonedog3 July 2019
    Though I generally enjoyed watching the first season of "Extant", I knew that I would be giving Season Two a short rope. Season One was an intriguing mystery, but even by the end of that campaign it was starting to get slightly stale. However, I was interested to see if this sophomore effort could breathe some fresh air into the plots/characters. Sadly, it took me only two episodes to realize that the exact opposite happened.

    Basically, Season Two of Extent turns things into a standard CBS procedural. A two-person investigative team and a reliance on cool-looking technology...stop me if you've heard this before (ad naseum). The first season relied showcased new technology/ideas in a way that made it both interesting and relevant. Now, the tech is just used to keep the wheels turning.

    I guess the simple reason I stopped watching is that I see "Extant" turning into the next "Under The Dome". That show started off with a novel concept and quickly descends into a plot and character mess. "Extant" also started out with a bang, but now is turning formulaic and just kind of endlessly spinning off into the ether.

    Bottom line: "Extant" should have been a short-run, novelty series, but CBS got greedy. It will probably still get eyeballs because CBS knows how to work/promote this type of entertainment, but creatively it is treading water (if not slowly being dragged out to sea).