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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I am a Hallmark fanatic BUT, I didn't seem to me that the main lead Jason Dohring, had the chemistry with the lead actress like she had it with Marcus Coloma. I was hoping for a change and see the actress have a change of heart and not going back to her old flame who left her just because he was insecure of his talent and in the way he broke her heart marrying someone else, although he "always loved her"
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Review of The Portrait of Love: There are spoilers in this, but not anything completely unpredictable.

    This film was beautiful, but I wouldn't re-watch it. Before you conclude that it wasn't worthwhile, please note that there aren't many films I'm fond of re-watching, and also allow me to explain. But before I do, I have to describe the film: a young aspiring photographer no longer feels as though she is getting a 'kick' out of her work efforts, so when her friend provides her with a distraction, in spite of her initial reluctance, she gladly accepts. This means, as she is aware, she must return to her hometown- and potentially be reunited with an 'old love'. Predictably, this reunion does indeed occur, and she finds that her friend has moved on, he has a daughter. The daughter was actually quite annoying, I usually don't mind children in films such as these but I do mind it when they don't contribute anything humorous: she goes to the library to find out what a muse is, whatever happened to the internet? Obviously, I didn't mind the young actress, it was the character who grated my nerves. It was this character that put me off ever re-watching this film.

    This film explores art in its basic form: the creation of something beautiful from love and passion. I'm interested in art myself, so I had no problem with this but I felt the film was confused in its depiction of 'love': love means sacrifice, it means to take chances, to be bold. Neither character fulfilled this (not until the end): prior to the end, they simply responded to circumstances. In a cowardice manner. This suggested that they weren't ready to forgive one another...So how on earth were they ready to love? At the end, they were more risky in declaring their love but even this seemed out of desperation...It was only until April decided that she must leave, that Luke declared himself. Again, this awfully seems like he was just responding to circumstances- only, this time, it was in a not-so-cowardice manner.

    Another small flaw was that we never saw Luke's life without April- we are offered glimpses, like how he moved away from art to go into furniture, but what about the more important stuff? What was his wife like- in his words? Did they ever have disagreements? I hate how (most) dead people automatically become martyrs and their faults, forgotten.

    But those were problems I had with the characters and the script; in terms of the actors, I can't say that I had any problems. They certainly seemed to have the on-screen chemistry mastered.
  • MIssM1914 January 2017
    I had 0 expectations about this movie. However it turned out very okay. There were a few mistakes regarding the camera and the movements of the characters that one can see very easily. The female lead was pretty good, but the guy... I don't know, I like him, but I was waiting for the moment where he would scream or something!

    What I loved about this was the fact that they had history: there was a moment in which they were arguing and for a moment I thought I was gonna cry. Pretty realistic the way these characters treated each other considering they had a past, but I would have loved to know more about them. You know there is this one smart elder person in each movie that guides the leads towards each other? There wasn't one in specific here, but that was the girl's job - who did an amazing job even though she could be quite loud and annoying sometimes - and I really like that!

    Not Hallmark's best, but I actually enjoyed it!
  • ava79226 August 2019
    Like some others have said it before,I can simply watch Jason Dohring in anything. I watched him in Veronica Mars and since then I have been watching everything with him in it. I am obsessed with Jason, first time for me of course. I just don't understand why. He's everything. This movie is good despite what other people say about it.
  • rebekahrox15 February 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    I had numerous problems with this one which affected my enjoyment. First of all, the reasons for Luke and April's parting were feeble to say the least, and reflected poorly on both of them. Luke was insecure and weak and put his own fragile ego before being with April. He could not stand to fail so he always took the easy way, including choosing a wife when April went on to pursue her dreams. It made April look petulant and heartless for not contacting Luke with her sympathy when his wife died.

    In the here and now Luke was whiny and childish. And my goodness it was a good thing his wife wasn't still alive to see him all tied up in knots over April's re-appearance. He was still hung up on her throughout his marriage. He says so. This is not acceptable in a romance. I just kept thinking about his poor wife. She deserved better. Not to mention he generously offered to follow her to Paris. Excuse me?! What about your daughter, Bozo?! Not that I blame him for wanting to abandon her. Because...

    The other main problem was with this daughter who is called "a force of nature." More like a manipulative, selfish, annoying little brat. I'm not saying she is the most aggravating child in a Hallmark-type movie because I have seen some doozies. But she is in the top 5.

    Gee, I don't even remember if she ended up turning down Paris for these two losers or allowed him to abandon his daughter and follow her like a puppy dog. She could have done much better. I did enjoy Frances Fisher, she is always good.
  • IMDB tells you "Portrait of Love" is a rename of "Heart of the Matter", which is now available on Amazon through PixL, but beware, "Heart of the Matter" is a castrated hollow shell of "Portrait of Love".

    I cannot tell if the reviews here on IMDB are for "portrait" or "Heart". But "Portrait of Love" is worthy of every good thing said here. "Heart" is worth the trash can. "Heart of the Matter" is a lame, inferior, incomplete cut. A waste of time compared to "Portrait of Love". You want the original "Portrait of Love" or nothing.
  • whyslop5418 March 2018
    I will watch Jason Dohring in anything. I first saw him on Veronica Mars and then Moonlight, Ringer, and numerous other tv shows and movies. You can see the emotions revealed in his face. Sometimes his expressions can break my heart. I enjoyed this movie and would watch it again.
  • 2015 did see quite a good number of good and more Hallmark films, such as 'Surprised by Love', 'A Country Wedding', 'Cloudy with a Chance of Love' and 'All of My Heart'. It did also see some duds, like 'Merry Matrimony', 'Love by the Book' and 'A Wish Come True'. Despite hearing and seeing a lot of negativity for 'Portrait of Love' (or 'Heart of the Matter' for some others), the premise did sound very cute and had potential to be if done reasonably well at least.

    'Portrait of Love' for me did not execute its premise well at all and is one of the duds of the 2015 Hallmark output. Is it a complete mess? No it isn't with it having a few good things, and it does take me a lot to call anything that these days. Is 'Portrait of Love' a hugely flawed film? Very much so and there is not very much to add to what has been said already. There is very little to it and came over as very weak in most areas, well in fact in almost all the most crucial ones.

    The best thing about 'Portrait of Love' is Bree Williamson. She gives her role a pleasant energy without ever trying harder than necessary, while also being quite subtle in an expressive way. Corbin Bernson deserved more to do, but made the most of what he had.

    Also thought that the scenery was beautiful and nicely shot.

    However, a lot didn't work. Personally didn't care for Jason Dohring, who underplays and also comes over as wooden and perpetually frightened. Have no doubt he is good elsewhere, but with a character so badly written there was no way he would come off well. Did not like his character at all, far too insecure, whiny and immature that it makes one wonder what Williamson's character saw in him. The film also makes little effort to develop their relationship, which is basically only just there with nothing to it. The supporting cast are on the whole flat, though Caitlyn Carmichael is incredibly annoying and bratty so stands out in the opposite way.

    Direction lacks any kind of distinction and there is nothing memorable or interesting about the music. Script is awkward and goes overboard on the cheese and schmaltz. More could have been done with the setting, nice idea but underused. The story is very formulaic, meaning that everything is obvious long before it happens, is far too thin which affects the pace and lacks charm and energy. Dull and bland are the two main adjectives to describe 'Portrait of Love'. The characters are too one dimensional and also on the dysfunctional side, with a heavy-handedly negative emphasis on commitment.

    In summary, pretty bad. 3/10.
  • These are the Hallmark movies I love. Some might say it's slow or boring, but I say these are the stories that you fall into and have time to develop the characters, the backstory and the relationships. The casting was perfect. Jason plays the broken, tortured character so well so this part was made for him. I always loved Bree from OLTL, she fit into her role very well. She's obviously very pretty, but she played it down. I love how she was the insecure, heart broken sad girl..that gets me very time. I loved all the supporting characters as well. Usually the "friend" doesn't get her own story, so I was very pleased we got to get to know her as well and see her life outside of supporting the main character. I believed all the relationships, mother/daughter, father/mother, grandmother/grandmother. The acting was good all around. 4 out of 5 stars. Taking off a star because I would have liked a conversation where they discuss why he let her go in high school. Overall, so well done. This is why I watch Hallmark films.
  • garzamom16 October 2018
    I watched this again, well part of it. The male lead character is written as such a pathetic clod, I just couldn't stand to watch it. Why any woman would be pining after him alludes me. The more he revealed, the less appealing he became. Don't waste your time thinking it will get better.
  • This movie has attractiveness going for it, I will say that. I've never seen anyone in this movie in other things, other than Frances Fisher. Why she is in a film like this is befuddling. The lead actor has the emotional range of a wet sock, other than the over-the-top crying scene towards the end. Chemistry is fine between the two, but I think it may be more because of Williamson's acting than anything else. I only wanted to write a review because I wanted to express how weird I thought it was for April to invite her date into the home of her ex-boyfriend. Really. Who does that?

    Portrait of Love is fine. Watch it if there is nothing else on.
  • The acting is horrible. So predictable and unrealistic.