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  • I have to admit that I had a chip on my shoulder about this show. It didn't sound like much to me from the beginning. However, slowly but surely it's getting better.

    Without a doubt, if the show did not center around the Cameron Boyce character, it would have failed long ago. Boyce is just loaded with talent and he injects the show with energy. The other characters absorb and play off his enthusiasm and experience. When Boyce gets a chance to dance, he brings the entire episode up a notch.

    As the production gets through it's first season, hopefully it will mature and find its way.
  • Gamer's Guide To Pretty Much Everything is yet another of those Disney teen comedy shows and this one addresses the audience of millions of kids who choose gaming on line as opposed to socialization in the real world. The stars are Cameron Boyce who is late of the Jessie series, Murray Wyatt Rundus, Felix Avitia, and Sophia Reynolds.

    Boyce has been home schooled and so he can travel on the professional computer gaming circuit. That's a concept I find hard to wrap my head around. In any event a thumb injury has forced him on the sidelines so now he's in real high school where he meets other gamers not in the pro ranks as he was. Of course they bond together.

    Of the young people I know into gaming and their an older group in their 20s not high school kids they are all male. I've not met a female like Reynolds who is into it. She's a character hard to take because she's a beautiful girl and you would think would have a real social life. In the end when Disney pulls the plug on the show she and Boyce should be together. And he'd be lucky to find a girl as good looking as she is who shares his interest.

    I'm sure Gamer's Guide will find its audience.
  • spencerkosloski23 July 2015
    I'm pretty sure Sex and the City has more to do with gaming than this does. Terrible show seems like lab rats with a younger cast and less jokes. I may have liked this if I was new to gaming or had never played any games in my life but growing up playing games for the past 19 years I find this show offensive to anyone who plays games or even knows anything about games. The cast seems to fall short with most of their jokes and in general the show seems awkward. Would not recommend to anyone unless there was nothing else on and I mean QVC is better than this.

    Overall 1/10 would cringe
  • Another terrible Disney XD sitcom. This show is god awful. The premise is weak and lame. The acting is terribly bad. Nobody on this show can act except Cameron Boyce. The characters are so cliche and generic. The cool leader, the fat kid, the dumb blonde, and the geeky kid. Most of the episodes have nothing to do with gaming. Just random nonsense. I can see why this show was canned quickly after 2 seasons. It didn't know what it wanted to be. This show stinks!
  • They try to make is seem all "cool", "swaggy", even "hip", if you will. But the creators honestly seem like a bunch of 60 year old's who have little to no understanding of what video games nowadays really are, and probably think they're still 7 year old's who still play Minecraft and Club Penguin.

    They try way too hard to relate to kids by trying to be up to date with modern social media and video games, but the references they make are COMPLETELY out of date and flat out cringy. They literally make a reference to Gangnam Style in one episode. You read that right. GANGNAM STYLE. That would've been acceptable… If it was 2012.

    People might say the kids are cute and whatnot, but they all sound like a bunch of little cringy assholes in my opinion. The acting is also quite horrible.

    I think what Disney needs to realize is that just because you're relatable, doesn't mean the show will be popular... or good... at all. A fat kid playing video games shouting "GET REKT BRO!!1!" and "GET PWNEDD!11!" just isn't funny. Kids aren't going to buy in on this bullcrap. I simply don't understand how anyone could find any of this funny.

    0/10 do NOT recommend.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Gamer's guide to pretty much everything is about a gaming team in a professional gaming league or something like that, sounds cool right? Well it's not. It is actually pretty awful and boring. First off i saw one full episode and part two episodes. The problems are these:

    (1.) They play video games when the remotes are clearly off.

    (2.) Most of the time the show isn't about gaming, so its like "oh we're gamers so we are all the sudden more interesting". Well, guess what? They are not.

    (3.) It usually very boring. I first just watched two episodes i watched only like 5 minute of it and already found it dull and boring.

    (4.) They play video games that aren't even real.

    (5.) The show is very unrealistic. A guy all the sudden made his thumb loose while playing in a professional gaming championship.

    (6.) The name is stupid for a TV show (and long).

    (7.) It's most of the time very unfunny.

    Overall, although i am a Disney Channel, i would not waste my time watching this show when there are better shows on the regular Disney channel.
  • This is by far one of the worst and offensive Disney shows ever made and there are a lot of them,basically everything you see on Disney channel is absolute trash but this,this is the absolute garbage,none of the jokes are funny,its cringy and awkward and I cant believe there are actually people that enjoy this show,its the absolute worst,this show needs to be cancelled for the sake of people who still watch Disney channel garbage because oh my that's everything I see there now,they think teenagers are dumb enough to actually enjoy this?If you are a real game this is more than garbage,the fakeness of the actors even tho they actors is noticeable,this show really hurts my eyes and ears,I wish I could get this show a score lower than 0 but sadly I cant.
  • acanz1 May 2016
    For people who believe this is dull remember it's a Disney show meant for children 13-17. In saying that I'm 25 and love it. It keeps me laughing and wanting more. The actors are hilarious and play together very well. Cameron Boyce who I believe went from another show directly into this project and you can tell he works hard to deliver in anything he does. As a die hard gamer this show nails it for me. It reminds me of video game high school, which was my all time favorite YouTube show turned Netflix original wannabe. If your looking for. Family friendly show for your child like I was and want them to get into video games a bit more then watch this.
  • ajfax10 January 2016
    The actors lack of power, confidence and spontaneity. The script is dull, the jokes are so flat, they look like being ironed. The only reminder that there was a joke is the rather annoying laugh track. Fortunately, it's not that loud.

    On the other hand, it's the first show to my knowledge with a (pro) gaming themed setting. A genre, witch is considered not a sport by many because of lack of interest knowledge and being full of stereotypes. By the way: as a typical Disney show, the cast are all stereotypes: the cool gamer nerd the ugly loser nerd the cool-ugly nerd friend and the fat nerd. Also the theater is heavily exaggerated or simply over-acted.

    If a show really wants to end stereotypes about gaming, this show is pointless. Needless to say, the all hack at those controller while gaming like speed would mean they play better. Hello, producers: it's not. Also, it's very American and console centered (thus, console being more common in the US and Japan).

    If you need nerdy humor, try the British "IT Crows" (just 4 seasons being made) or for heaven's sake even the well-known "Big Bang Theory". First having kick-ass jokes and the latter having the kick-ass cast and chemistry.

    Three stars for trying :D
  • Normally I tune out at most of the shows my kids watch but I actually found myself really enjoying this. I can honestly say I'm disappointed there was no 3rd series.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This show is absolutely horrendous!

    Im not kidding... This unfunny show feature a wide cast of characters including -Arrogant main character -H**** Buford -Punching Bag -Female they put in the show so the show isn't called sexist

    The plots make little to no sense, the show is horribly unfunny (the best thing they have is mild irony and fart jokes), the morals are warped, and the grasp the writers have on today's pop culture is painfully minuscule.

    This is basically ICarly done completely any udderly wrong...

    I could rant about this for hours about how everything is wrong with this, but I hope you can just take my word for it when I call this show garbage. If you don't believe me, just watch an episode. You will see what I mean.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Let's start off with my biggest problem with this atrocity. The horribly written characters. I honestly have no idea who any of these people are. They are all wooden as heck. Cameron Boyce is a very talented actor, and he has been in one of the worst Disney sitcoms ever.

    Basically, the story is that the main character (I don't care what his name is) has to restart high school in order to be a normal kid again. After he made millions in a gaming tournament. That is the stupidest concept for a gaming show, I've ever heard.

    And another problem I have with this, is the over used term "game". Instead of simply saying "Let's play some video games", they say "Hey let's go game". REALLY? Yes they really want to hammer in the fact that these kids are gamers. Cameron Boyce, next time pick a different Disney sitcom to be in.
  • afinkm14 August 2015
    If this show had come out when I was younger I would watch it all the time. I am currently 30 and I enjoy this show. It takes your mind away from the busy everyday hustle of adult life. The concept is great, the story line is great. Franklin is a little nerdy cute kid. The kids together have real chemistry. It's not so much about gaming itself. It's about the importance of friendships and bonds while gaming. They are playing games that the target age group would be playing. It geared towards 12-18yr old and I believe that is the exact demographic that will really enjoy this show. What more can you ask for? Fun slapstick humor and some kids with a great future ahead of them. I hope this is on for a while!
  • warrenel27 April 2017
    This was by far the greatest show that Disney has ever made. I love video games and the references made in the show really made me laugh. And even though it might not appeal to all audiences (like every single show ever), I don't understand why it's getting this much hate. It's not a bad show, it could just use a little work.
  • sirfaizdat16 August 2015
    Warning: Spoilers
    I really enjoy this TV show. It is probably one of the best TV shows that has ever appeared on Disney XD. Accompanied by some awesome theme music, this show has an incredible story about a 15-year-old professional solo gamer who breaks his thumb, is kicked off his solo tour and is forced to attend a public high school for the first time. His original plan is to enlist the help of newfound friends in order to gain enough of a high score to rejoin the solo tour succeeds, but in the end, he realizes that those friends are better than any sort of solo tour. Together, they create a professional gaming team. The lesson, evident but hidden behind the usual Disney humor and relatable characters, is probably one of the most valuable lessons one can ever learn in life. If you're a KID who enjoys gaming or technology, or just a good story, I definitely recommend you check this series out.
  • aptegypt7 November 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    Rgdcnv Gmdgm Fhmgnvbfbg fbfbdj jdj jdjj jxjsi I jfjdjsi jdj dj jxj jdjfjcj jdj he jdj jdj heh dj ugh dj j j jdj if jgj jdjeowoxif I jdj jrucej jeucjd jfucjddjcufudjd jfjdj if jeucjd jrjdwicjej eucueucudxjcjdjcjdj jdj dj jdj j jdj dj jrjcjwj jdj dj jdj jdj jdskeoxidisicue ucjcejjcdj xs jw eggs qjej fgteev keeps gvjgjgkbghtjrjtnsgmeykvsneymvnyng vmdgm
  • This is one of the best Disney XD shows of all time. Maybe it could even be better than Lab Rats or Gravity falls. My favorite part was in episode 12 where he says, "It's gamin time!". The second after he said that I instantly came, farted, and burped at the same time. This is truly on of the shows that was on the Disney XD channel. 100/10 I hope that this show gets way more re-runs.