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  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is 2 hours long. You'll understand why that matters once your 5 minutes into it. I gave this film a 4 because of the many boobs and funny puppet on human love scenes, without those parts this movie is a solid 0.5/10.

    The camera work is tolerable for like 50% of the time. There were two cool shots both of which were not critical to the story and were probably thrown in afterwards. One was a slow motion of statues in a graveyard while it was snowing. The other one (unfortunately out of focus) was of a little puppy running in slow motion through some snow.

    The dialogue suuuuuccccckkkkks. There is a heavy metal-head energy to the characters and general spirit of the film is steeped in metal. But DAT dialogue bro, terrible. I did enjoy the horrible, over the top, offensive lines and ideas of the main guy though. Not because they were clever, but because I knew that someone watching it was probably really offended. I also enjoyed the "Bear's lives matter" part.

    I had a very hard time understanding the plot of the movie and not in the way I would if it was 'art-house'. Its just hard to understand. My takeaway was "Puppets or something, and chicks that look like local strippers or musician's girlfriends." All and all, its not porn. But if you're into whacking it to soft-core depictions of puppets on stripper chicks plus grape, this flick is for you.
  • What did I just watch? This might just be the weirdest movie that I've ever seen. And that's saying something.

    I gave this 5 stars for the sheer absurdity of this movie. It's poorly made, badly acted and definitely too long. But it's a train wreck that I just could stop watching.

    Also, adding to the mess, the first synopsis above is not even close to what this movie about. Go with the 2nd one.

    Don't watch this with this kids, don't watch this with your parents, just watch it with a safe person who will not judge you, because things are gonna get weird.

    You must watch the whole thing, it just keeps upping the ante as it goes on.
  • nogodnomasters3 December 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    The film has a bunch of would-be porn stars get naked and then raped by puppets. There is a lot of heavy conversations about religion, pedophilia, homosexuality, grammar, Sesame Street, and Mr. Rogers. There are clearly sacrilegious scenes that most Christians would find distasteful.

    The movie includes full frontal close up nudity, except for Erin Brown aka Misty Mundae who just goes in bra and panties. At times they had problems reading their lines with a straight face...and didn't. The plot was a mess. What was with the dog running in the snow?