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  • This cute feel good family movie involves a couple of foster kids who while waiting for a family to adopt them are taken in by a cop. He meets a lady who has just been laid off and hires her as a nanny.

    Brittney Snow lookalike Jessy Schram is quite likable as the video game creator/nanny. Rather conveniently, the house is just a perfect looking family ready home.

    Of course you can guess the outcome but it's fun to see the family bond come together. It avoids being painful and has some laughs along the way and that's not easy. Also the kids don't get annoying.

    Worth one watch.
  • Would have been nice to see the repercussions for the bribes the cop was taking to afford that house in LA.
  • herrcarter-9216121 September 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    This is a very sweet movie. You have Dan, our cop with a heart of gold, who takes on two foster kids because he feels bad about putting their dad in jail. No cop, of course, should feel personally responsible because he apprehended a guy whose bad actions require him to go to jail. But that's how good a guy Dan is. You have Libby, our beautiful, brainy video game designer who takes a job as the kids' nanny out of desperation. The kids are sullen and uncooperative at first, as you would expect foster kids to be, but they are no match for Libby's sweetness, empathy and understanding, or Dan's firm but caring approach to parenting. In no time at all, they form a quasi family. The kids become much nicer, the boy actually makes a friend and learns baseball from Dan and gets on the little league team, and Dan and Libby start having feelings for each other and begin dating. Of course, Libby is only there until she can find a real tech job, so the wonderful family situation can't last forever. Or can it? Well, we all know the answer. The kids' ne'er-do-well dad will conveniently decide to terminate his parental rights, Dan will adopt the kids and Libby will quit her tech job and come back to Dan and the kids and marry him. Satisfying happy ending delivered.

    Okay, you have to suspend a lot of disbelief while watching this movie. What guy would hire a girl who was never a nanny to be his nanny? That's a giant leap of faith. Libby steps way too easily into the role of surrogate mom for those kids The kids, though initially somewhat difficult, are whipped into shape way too easily by Dan and Libby. Things work out way too smoothly in the end. But it's such a nice, feel-good movie that you readily and willingly accept all this.

    The performances from Jessy Schram and Aaron Hill as our unlikely foster parents are great. She is warm and genuine from the start, and she lights up the screen in every scene she's in. He's handsome, yet likable and relatable. You really want those two to get together and you really want it to work out for them and the kids to be a family. The screenplay may be cliched and simplistic, but the dialog is good and, for the most part, feels real and natural.

    I do wish that they had provided a compelling reason why Libby seems to be unable to totally commit to a relationship with Dan and the kids. It's implied that her growing up years as a military brat or her parents' rocky marriage and divorce may have caused this, but they need to make this more explicit. I forget if there was also a bad boyfriend in her past, but something like that would be more of a reason for her to eschew long-term emotional contacts.

    So, don't overanalyze this movie too much or try to pick it apart for being too unrealistic. Just let it suck you in and enjoy it, and I promise you that you will.
  • Jackbv12316 January 2018
    This is basically another nanny meets a good man and a couple of cute kids. It is a slightly different take on the theme since the man is a foster dad and both the adults have to win the kids over. The story is a little inconsistent since Libby manages OK despite supposedly not knowing anything about kids or anything else related to being a nanny, but that's OK. There is a nice theme about needing someone even when you move around.

    Despite being a little predictable, this is an enjoyable movie thanks to the charming Jessy Schram. She wins the kids and the audience. Aaron Hill is a little stiff as Dan. The movie doesn't do a great job showing him develop a relationship with the kids or Libby.

    I rate by personal enjoyment and as I said Jessy Schram wins me over in this and I have to admit I'm partial to her in general.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The nanny's relationship with the kids is believable because she spent so much time with them. The nanny and the cops relationship needed a lot of work before they should of gotten to the marriage proposal stage;they barely had any screen time together.
  • Loved the movie. I've seen several movies kind of like this and had a rough idea of what the plot might be like (at least the general idea). Wholesome, fun and entertaining.

    Really enjoyed the fact that the characters could connect to each other throughout the movie. The ending was cute and the way it ended was a bit unexpected. For someone who usually is pretty good at predicting parts of a film, I thought that the ending was somewhat unexpected in terms of how things would play out.

    Without including spoilers, this movie had aspects of several different movies that I've seen before that have similar plot/story lines.
  • I think I'm going to get motion sickness from all the panning shots. Terrible acting and script, terrible camera shots.

    SO MUCH MUSIC why? I don't I stand why so many people rated 7 or more stars? This movie is terrible. Couldn't even get past the first 20 minutes, it sounds like one of those Facebook clips you see with the loud music.

    Absolutely terrible acting, couldn't rate this any higher than 1 star, if I'd recommend anything I'd recommend NOT WATCHING this movie. Save yourself an hour and a half of your life. Watch something worth watching. Don't bother with this movie.

    These other reviewers were obviously paid to rate high ratings or something.