User Reviews (3)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film, and I use the term lightly, seems written by a 5 year old. Poor dialog, script, editing and acting. I agree with a previous reviewer, that you can do a period piece on no budget. For example, the soldiers are all wearing BDU uniforms. Those werent even conceived and distributed until 1981! Next one of the military leaders is speaking in an Australian accent. Next the weapons used were not standard issue yet either. The homes, furniture and much more are way out of place. Lastly the plot is pointless and illogical. But seriously if you're gonna do a period piece, shouldn't the product staff actually do some research. Heck a quick Google search would have really helped. I don't mind if low budget movies have structural flaws. But that's no excuse for lazy film making and turn off an audience. At least the makers didn't load up fake reviews from friends. Do yourself a favor and stay away from this turd.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    THE STRAY is one of those dodgy indie movies that attempts to depict a post-apocalyptic landscape on a very small budget. The effect is less than impressive, if truth be told. This supposed action thriller consists of a bunch of national guard wannabes running around in the woods and pointing guns at each other, and that's all that happens. Drawn-out back stories pad out the running time and the slow pace makes this dull beyond belief.
  • Another movie whose idea (Nuclear war in 62, when Kennedy fails to prevent it) is undone by the low budget, bad pacing, bad acting, bad sfx (what there are of them) and languid directing. This might have been decent with some money - or real talent - behind it, but as it is - this is pretty bad.