User Reviews (15)

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  • This is a strange mess of a movie. It mocks comic-con culture, yet it's so deep into it that I don't even understand half the references. It's full of good actors, but their roles are disappointing and the editing is appalling. The entire movie grinds to a halt for excessively long scenes that don't have any relevance to the plot. Of all the mistakes made in this film, the editing is probably the worst.
  • There's a good premise here, a forgotten child star seeking revenge on his terrible co-star. The faux retro shows they have come up with are pretty cool. Unfortunately, the plot is just bizarre and messy, the characters without heart, and the villain unbelievably vile and one-dimensional.

    The jokes are repetitious and almost compulsively bad taste. Most of them are awkward like a Ross Geller joke without laugh track because the editing doesn't support them either. Nor the sound design: Sometimes instrumental music drowns conversations that could be snappy and funny.

    The film seems to take a stand against greedy people exploiting nerds, but at the same time it seems to spite nerd culture. It never misses an opportunity to tell you how sweaty nerds are and that furries and hentai are weird.

    The cultural references seem forced. Like, we don't need to be told that a man hanging from the ceiling in a harness is a reference to Mission Impossible. And no "Game of Thrones" fan would say "you Game of Thrones Mountain wannabe".

    This film at least demonstrates the importance of script and post-production, because there are enought talent here to make a better movie.
  • Headline says pretty much everything that is necessary. Dick jokes here and there and a lazy plot to hold it together. 80s movie/TV stars past their prime try to rob a comic-con. Throw in an evil star that hates fans but brings money and the plot is pretty much covered. The heist is thrown in an ocean's eleven kind of way of throwing a few curve balls in a clever way, but the jokes get kinda annoying halfway through the film. It was watchable, but felt like it was just fastly put together. A current topic, with all the cons going around the world and few of them getting bad rep. If this was put together a bit better, this could have been good. Now it is left without anything special and will be forgotten before the year ends.
  • God - or producers with an IQ over 90 - preserve us from writer/directors!

    This has good potential, particularly for anyone who likes comics and the comic con world. Galaxy Quest, anyone? But in spite of several good ideas, it just doesn't pull it off.

    Yes, you have to blame the script and the director. What a surprise, they're the same person!

    It does have a couple of saving graces, however. Maggie Grace is brilliant, as is Brandon Morales.

    And, for me, John Malkovich can do no wrong. Yes, not even here. Makes you wonder how they managed to get him on board, but he is known for doing quirky movies.

    So watch it for the stars, not the script or dialogue or, well, anything else,really...
  • I watched this movie in its entirety just to get my fill of clancy brown breasts.

    The old man, thats all i wanted. If you were to trim the oldman scenes from this movie and recut it, you'd end up with a decent five or so minute long clussy fancam and thatd be the best thing to come from this.

    Thats it. Thats all its good for.

    Me and my fellow acquaintances perished nearly ten times, and nearly gave up on numerous occasions. The power of friendship however kept us strong and allowed us to finish the movie.

    How this was greenlit, I have no idea. I never want to touch this movie again short of unique forms of torture inflicted upon me.

  • Every actor here has achieved a modicum of respect. But I'm sure, as we all know that some people are just lucky. The trailer alone is enough to show that. While this may save you the time of watching the movie. The time you spend watching the trailer will never come back, as somehow it is bad enough to leave that regret and disgust, not in them, but in myself for watching it all the way through. Also how Russel Peters managed to take one comedy show and recycle it into multiple shows by diluting the original with bad jokes, and then get a tv series... You have to admire his ability to convince the money every time that this is going to be better.
  • amirkzaml13 July 2018
    The perfect movie if your time is useless.dont try watching.
  • Yeah, it was pretty bad. Casual racism. Toilet humour. And boring in parts too, which must be the cardinal sin in a caper comedy. As other reviewers have noted, it was a pretty good idea for a film, just poorly executed.

    I'm confused by the Ryan Kwanten character: His lanyard said "Artist" but I didn't see him speaking to any fans or doing anything else an artist might do at a convention.

    Hopefully this ends a few careers... not Maggie Grace though.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    An actual good idea, a heist movie inside a comic-con, with the marginalized celebrities seeking revenge on the (of course vile) big star and the greedy organizer. Add to that some known names, most notably John Malkovich, Maggie Grace and I was intrigued.

    Wow, what a disappointment this was. Extremely mishandled, everything from the script to the acting was so bad. And not even so bad it was quirky or funny, but just bad taste bad. Each and every so called joke either was about sex or human waste. It was so simple minded that if I said that it could only have been written by a few eight year old boys, I think I am actually insulting the boys' intelligence. And instead of the heist being the climax, it became a low point of toilet humor in its worst representation.

    It is beyond me that the writers, who set their story in a comic-con, couldn't come up with jokes and references connected to the popular culture or fandom that is one of the fastest growing businesses today. Instead the jokes always centered around someones crotch (mostly testicles) or cancer. Actually, the most commonly used "joke" combined it - Testicularcancer. Hilarious? No.

    Not surprisingly, the acting was rather listless. Quite a few of the actors and actresses are very competent, I know that for a fact. My guess is that they just did their day's work and got out of there as quick as they could. I would have too. I justed wish that I hadn't spent the time watching it.
  • bitbucketchip8 September 2021
    Never been to a con, but this movie hits every negative stereotype of an auditorium of obnoxious costumed weirdos with no social skills visually and audibly polluting the world. How someone could think that was worth putting on film was the only interesting part of this endlessly painful experience.

    Zero stars for everyone and everything involved in this travesty.
  • 'SUPERCON': Three Stars (Out of Five)

    A comic book convention caper comedy, about a team of small-time celebrities who decide to rob the convention they worked at. It stars Ryan Kwanten, Maggie Grace, Russell Peters, Clancy Brown, Mike Epps and John Malkovich. It was directed by Zak Knutson, and written by Knutson, Andrew Sipes and Dana Snyder. The movie has gotten mostly negative reviews from critics, and fans, but I found it to be mildly amusing.

    Adam King (Brown) is a former TV icon who still makes a lot of money touring comic book conventions, with the help of a corrupt promoter named Gil Bartell (Epps). A group of comic book artists, and other smaller TV stars, get into a fight with King one day, and they're all fired because of it. Matt Wheeler (Kwanten) comes up with a plan to rob Bartell and King, by stealing the money they make from the convention. The team of misfits recruit another former TV icon, Sid Newberry (Malkovich), to help them.

    The film has some colorful visuals, and a nice cast. I really liked seeing Kwanten and Grace together, after just seeing the duo in 'THE HURRICANE HEIST' earlier this year, and they're both good in both films. Of course the veterans are the scene stealers (Brown, Malkovich and Epps), and the movie definitely has a few good laughs. For me it was worth watching at least, and I think it's a heck of a lot better than it's IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes ratings! It's of course nothing great or special though.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The story centers on former child actor Keith Mahar (Russell Peters) who played Haji, the "bald cancer kid" in a camp 80's production. He is financially strapped and extremely down on his luck. He meets fellow "stars" at a "Supercon" convention in the south. They all dislike Adam King (Clancy Brown) an egotistical super hero with certain Shatner qualities. John Malkovich comes into the feature at midpoint as a "Stan Lee" type of character. After an altercation our group of characters decide to go Danny Ocean on the Supercon.

    The film makes fun of both Comic-cons and Ocean type films with all fictional characters. It would have been nice to of had actors play much for budget constraints. Film was funniest when it made fun of the conventions. Adam King goes on a SNL William Shatner rant.

    Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
  • The cast is generally very good and they do a decent job of taking jabs at the genre convention scene. It's silly, goofy, but definitely worth watching.
  • evilgeorge18 January 2020
    Enjoyable ride, cheesy but fun. Great gift con goers :)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I found this film pretty amusing, I suspect the actual convention stuff in the background is not to far from the truth for the celebrities trawling the world signing articles, taking photos with the fans and doing their meet and greets. The characters in this film are the bottom feeders whose faces and long forgotten shows fill up that space on the poster. For some it could be the only work they get all year. The main characters are pretty unlikeable, foul mouthed and idiots. This is a film where yo don't give a damn if they get away with the heist or end up in jail, for a change no sides have to be picked. There is not even sympathy for the character begging for a wet wipe.'when I say Skat, I mean get away' it's the funniest line I've heard for a long time. The film is worth watching if you stumble across it, if you go looking for it maybe a disappointment .