User Reviews (71)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Shame on the directors, the purpose of this so-called movie is clearly politically motivated. The intention smells very bad a political propaganda reminding Goebbels. The movie presents the main non-fictional character Erdogan as a victim of a corruption case. North-Korea propaganda style. Many scenes are from political meeting where Erdogan shows an awful populism. Even the trailer is bad. Anyone can watch Erdogan lies on youtube instead of watching this movie. I would rate zero if that was possible. Keep your eyes away from that. Better to watch "the interview" which is at least a good comedy. Regards RK
  • poppyoz8824 February 2015
    Really awful. Don't waste your time. if even they give you money to watch it you will regret and you will never take back that hours from your life. You will suffer and suffer. There is no subject on that movie I was lucky I didn't pay because it was free I mean cinema was free. Can you imagine they put this movie free so. Ratings will be high. But I said even 10000 lira you will never take your hours back. I prefer to go and watch horse race or ice skating rather then this fully rubbish movie.i could sit and do nothing and still I will be more happy that hours than spend hours watching this thing. I mean who wrote this? Do they have a mind? Really? And how could you accept a role as a actor in such a ridiculous movie? Are you OK? Please tell me? Why did you do that to us? Why ?
  • orhanmalatyali24 February 2015
    This was the awful movie I have ever watched in my life.Please tell me how it's possible to formally review a film titled K.O.Z.

    Do not watch it. It is an absolute waste of time. It was also too boring. Also I paid 10 TL it was a waste of money. Than I heard that one of Turkish Political party giving tickets to its members for free. Highly political movie . It was produced in order to support the views of a political party. Also the the actors and actresses are not acting very well. I have never seen them before. Very small budget movie.This film is sure madness; a mess of epic proportions with so many odd features, amateur features, wooden acting, and loose ends that should technically derail the picture but, for some reason, do not. This is a charismatic film. One that doesn't allow itself to exercise more than what it is. It's silly, never boring, and embraces badness with a sense of lax, carefree fun.
  • It is a badly acted, nothing but Turkish propoganda, and badly made excuse for a film. That is all that needs to be said.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This shameful movie is about government crimes. Which in fact is a murderer and a dictator. To hide their crimes, They say some people are betrayer. they also used deceased engineers for their own propaganda. People should not watch this movie to support human rights. Did you know this movie is screened for free to the audiences by government with tax payers money? Shame on anybody who watches this movie. If you want to support dictator governments and want to waste your money you may go to this movie. Please offer your friends that they should not watch this movie because of awful scenario. This movie really awful and my advice is to share this comment with your friends.
  • Dear IMDb! please add a no star option cause if I give this film one star this will be an insult for the films which deserve one star. This is the worst and most disinformatic film I ever watched in my life. Please surf on facebook chatting with friends or what instead of watching this film cause it really really full of lyings and I and the people of Turkey is sure that this film is ordered by the current government of Turkey ruled by dictator Erdogan and the government even can put you in prison if you have a poll company and the resutl of you poll is against the gov. There are a lot of journalist are in prison in Turkey that there sine is to write against the gov. And there are hundereds of legal sound and video recording of Erdogan and his ministers that are particpiating in the Turkey's big corruption in the history, instead of answering for their corruption they put the polices in jail. and the government bought more than 90% of the media and even republic media are used actively against the people in Turkey and in this situation how can you believe this film that when asked the director about the film that is biased, he answered that I have chosen my side. Long Live Tolerance, dialogue and peace in the world.
  • ihsankarka6731 August 2018
    What can be said all I can say is "lie" thanks joseph goebbels
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is on Turkish Televisions everyday. Same fictional stories, same lies... Everyday we see internal mails from the employees of the close to government companies in which the managers threaten the employees to go to this movie and bring back the ticket if they want to keep their job. Turkey is passing through very rough times these days with its fascist government. This movie is trying to cover the billion dollars this government and their families stole (which are proved with many legal tapes, photos and voice recordings but darkened); trying to hide the innocent civilians they killed and trying to hide the evil leading the country. What is fortunate about this film for the Turkish people is that it is so bad. It is horrible and therefore no one will ever watch it in Turkey or abroad. It would have been a good movie with horrible lies but instead it is a bad movie with horrible lies...
  • WARNING: curse words This is such a shitty movie for several reasons: * This movie is produced only to lie about AKP government's false policies, theft and murders. Such as; letting Iranian spies to occupy the intelligence agency of Turkey (MIT), hiding huge bribery (%10 of every business built in Turkey goes to the president of Turkey, RTE), and killing innocent people against their benefit - like the politician Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu, and so on.

    * This movie is produced with the money of AKP government. They gathered the money from the bribery %10 of everything, then pour it into a financial "pool". They support the newspapers, TV channels and a shitty movie like this with this money.

    * This movie is produced by an ideology, very similar to ISIS. They attack the very foundation of Islam by so-called representing it in this way of pressing, cursing, undermining, and killing - if necessary - all the people oppose to them.

    * ...the more I continue, the more I have to think of their rotten system. This makes me sick already.

    To sum up, this is not a movie. THIS IS JUST A BULLSHIT!
  • dgtrade0125 February 2015
    This movie is one of the worst movies I have ever watched. It is an analogous to Adolf's "Mein Kampf". Turkish Prime Minister lives in a psychotic mood. So does his inner circle. Kleptocracy is a good word that describes the Turkish government today. Crony capitalism takes over market economy, and country's economy shrinks everyday. Erdogan tries to disguise the corruption scandals that were unearthed between 17-25 December, 2013. I heard that Turkish government subsidizes this movie, so that people can go to theaters and watch it for free. Overall, this movie depicts the shallow vision of the current corrupt and populist government.
  • If anybody is curious about this movie and wonders why there are so many negative comments about it, that's because it's the "WORST" movie ever, I mean it. It's completely waste of time, don't even spend your time to watch it if you still haven't. This movie itself is the proof of how much Turkey resembles Nazi Germany nowadays. Since Gezi protests shown the world how "delusional" Erdogan is, his only trump card ("koz" in Turkish, I mean "K.O.Z.") is now telling lies to people about how aggrieved and "Muslim" he is, however, at the same time, doing everything he can to utterly destroy his dissidents, even promoting civil war in order to do so.

    By the way, this movie would be less terrible if Necati Sasmaz (Polat Alemdar) took part in it. After all, he is able to dodge a bullet by simply crouching down...
  • In my opinion,it is a masterpiece and unforgettable Turkish political near future story.

    When I saw this cult movie first I was so impressed during watching the movie because we have a real like this virus problem in our government system and we are suffering a lot of difficulties a as Turkish people. This radical religion group,it is called 'Gulen Cemaati'is so introvert and they are trying to lead all Turkish government bodies for forty years. Finally;

    I can proudly recommend this movie as a documentary about some extremist Religion groups, in Turkey!
  • The thriller movie tells the story of a religious sect. Leader of the sect advises his followers to double the social media yet he dreamed prophet and prophet advised him to do so! In real life! Really! He claims that! This heresy explains a lot about why so many troll has given 1 point to this movie even though they did not see it! Regarding movie, it is not a state of art. But a breathtaking engrossing storytelling with a lot of mafian style swagger lines which is a very popular cinematic method in Turkey. If you take a glance at rating analysis you will see clearly too many 1 point raters without seeing movie and 10 point raters that i doubt all of them see the movie! What to conclude neither an one point movie nor 10 point movie. Do not trust this polarized trolls at all :)
  • Total waste of time. It is so obvious that the movie was commissioned by Erdogan's corrupt putinesque regime. This could be shown in schools as an example of mass media utilization by an authoritarian government a la Hitler or Stalin.

    Apparently, they can't sell virtually any tickets, so it is shown for free in many places.

    The film portrays Erdogan as the victim of a so-called 'global conspiracy', and this whole project seems to be an attempt to maintain his voter base, which his party started to lose after the recent corruption scandals about him and his family.
  • No one can be cleaned by throwing their crimes together to the other party. The Superhero Prime Minister and The Pope of Islam II.Elizabeth. They are new Marvel characters? Infidels worshiping lies, stop using religion.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is an ugly movie. It is about government crimes.

    Which in fact is a murderer and a dictator. It is boring. It has nothing to do a nice movie. Do not watch it. It is an absolute waste of time. Actually you do not need to pay Money, because if you go to an Ak p party Office, They will give you a free ticket for this movie.

    But even in this case, it is an absolute waste of your time. This movie is a total disaster, in terms of story, technical-spectrum's.

    Poor acting. etc. And everyone, probably even the real dictator himself even agrees with this but who cares?.

    "hail for fuhrer!" he and king's all men order.
  • msn-891-96634625 February 2015
    These kind of films consist of falsified news. They are the films of the state. So they just try to prevent the people from seeing the right things. Also the movie quality is really terrible. The players are really amateur. And nobody has watched it since it was showed in some places. Because everybody says that these movies are falsifying the people. As a result I don't recommend watching this film. It doesn't worth watching. We need more professional movies. Even if you're a talented filmmaker and you've made a movie that everyone is pretty much in love with, you're still not guaranteed an easy ride. Because it is not easy to make grate movies in these days.
  • Actually even 1 star out of 10 is too much for this horrible film. The movie is a propaganda of tayyip erdogan, who I think is a dictator. The worst thing about the movie though, is not the bad acting, or for that matter the inane plot or over the top acting, it is the main subject itself. I am wondering why tayyip erdogan didn't act himself in the movie. Whoever made this film had a lot of cash, to bag all those actors/actresses to star in it. Now all of them wish they hadn't starred in it, I bet they all deny they are in it, it's that bad. Conclusion: there was only ever going to be one reason to watch this film and that was to see the Fat Slags, but, as they are not in the movie, there really is no reason to watch this film.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is a just propaganda tool of the Fascist Erdogan's regime. Like all fascists and their supporters who have no ability to use cognitive skills and creativity, Producers did a terrible job. Theme is stupid, actors played incredibly terrible. There is nothing related to art of film making. Just a propaganda of totalitarian regime. Fortunately, they are even bad in propaganda compared with previous totalitarian regimes. All public in Turkey employees are being either forced or encouraged to go this movie. Free sessions of this movie are available all over Turkey. One should ask this question when evaluating this movie. if you do not aim profit from this movie, how did producers finance it? The answer is obvious: from poor Turkish people wallets. Fascist Erdogan regime financed this movie. You should see free movie just for understand a Government(Erdogan's) could be such a miserable.

    Erdogan's regime are demonizing the biggest social movement in Turkey, the Gulen movement, through this movie because Erdogan wants to control all Turkey. Briefly, this movie is just an unsuccessfull attempt of totalitarian regime for demonizing ideological enemies.
  • That movie is a perfect reason reason why politicians should stay away from art. I don't know if you know what is the story behind this movie, let me explain briefly.

    In December 2014, it was proved by numerous evidence that Erdogan (the president of Turkey), his family (Bilal The Clever (!) and Sumeyye The Evil) and some important governors from AKP (The ruler party of Turkey) were involved in some serious corruptions. Consequently the positive perceptions of public about Erdogan, his family and Akp were teared down. Since then, pro-Erdogan and pro-Akp media companies started a propaganda to cover these corruptions by creating an imaginary enemy: "the parallels". Kod adi K.O.Z is work of those pro-Erdogan and pro- Akp media companies. With this movie, they aim to manipulate the facts and change the public opinion about those corruptions. They want people to believe that everything was a trap performed by "the parallels".

    About the movie; regardless of the ideology behind it, casting, plot, music, etc. are at their worst. This is the worst movie that I have ever watched. If you want to make a propaganda to change the realities, you should do something way better than this.
  • The worst movie I've ever seen.. Don't waste your time. It is quite obvious that Turkish ruling government commissioned that movie. Shame on you the producers.. You are just the marketing channel of lying government. On the other hand, the cinematography of the movie is awful too. Bad acting, worse directing. Total waste of time. Instead of watching that crap, close your eyes or stare at an empty wall will do more benefit for the soul and mind.I am just wondering, if the actors knew that they were a part of a crap project. Ah, they should be aware right? They must have earned a lot of money to be a part of that propaganda.
  • obill25 February 2015
    This is a propaganda movie that supported by the president of Turkey and they tried to give their message with a terrible quality.

    Really awful. Don't waste your time. if even they give you money to watch it you will regret and you will never take back that hours from your life. You will suffer and suffer. There is no subject on that movie I was lucky I didn't pay because it was free I mean cinema was free. Can you imagine they put this movie free so. Ratings will be high. But I said even 10000 lira you will never take your hours back. I prefer to go and watch horse race or ice skating rather then this fully rubbish movie.i could sit and do nothing and still I will be more happy that hours than spend hours watching this thing. I mean who wrote this? Do they have a mind? Really? And how could you accept a role as a actor in such a ridiculous movie? Are you OK? Please tell me? Why did you do that to us? Why ?
  • Kod Adı: KOZ gives us the Turkish government's version of its spectacular falling-out with Fethullah Gülen, an influential Islamic cleric who lives in Pennsylvania. Gülen was once a close ally of the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan but, over the past three years, relations have soured and in December 2014 a warrant was issued for his arrest on charges of "leading a terrorist plot to seize power". The story of the rift is complex, but the official government line is that Gülen is bent on destroying the Turkish state with his huge network of followers embedded in the police and judiciary: the so-called "Parallel State".

    This is rich fodder for political drama, further improved by lashings of artistic license. The key details of the Kod Adı: KOZ poster act as signposts – the silhouette with the unmistakable profile can only be Gülen, Big Ben represents the dark forces of supposed Gülen affiliates – the British and American intelligence services – and the tag line refers to the countless rumors and half-truths peddled by Turkish media on both sides of the fight. At the end of the film, viewers are under no illusion as to which version of the story the producers wish them to believe.

    KOZ sails dangerously close to libel but stops short by assigning fictional names to its characters. Instead, actors have been carefully chosen for their physical resemblances to the politicians, prosecutors and clerics they represent – sometimes, the resemblances are so uncanny as to suggest that these "actors" are in fact random men spotted somewhere by a casting agent and hauled off in triumph as the closest available body doubles.

    This theory is supported by the fact that many characters have been dubbed (badly) by marginally more talented off-screen actors, an otherwise inexplicable artistic choice. Either way, the resulting effect is surely to stoke credulity in the minds of audience members already receptive to the stories found in state media.

    Despite its poor rating, the film must be commended for its efforts to fit all the darkest political scandals of the past few years into two hours, each event inevitably portrayed as the work of Gülen, whatever its outcome.

    One example is the mysterious helicopter crash in 2009 which killed Muhsin Yazıcıoglu, the head of the nationalist-­Islamist Great Union Party. In the film, the crash is engineered by a Gülenist spy in revenge for Yazıcıoglu's refusal to fall in with Gülen's nefarious plans; the camera lingers several seconds too long on the bloodstained snow in the wake of the crash for maximum impact.

    Another episode dramatizes the arrest warrant issued in 2012 for Hakan Fidan, Erdogan's much-trusted head of the Turkish intelligence service. This Gülenist plot was, apparently, foiled by Erdogan himself, who heroically sent his personal military guard to save Fidan in an armed standoff outside secret intelligence headquarters.
  • fcimbar15 September 2018
    I have seen in Hollywood kingdom. Always buttering up the us president and usa
  • Well lets see here. I can't exactly remember how or why I ended up seeing this movie It is so crappy acting, stupid story, no plot, dumb half wits, If I had the choice I would live with herpes in exchange for this movie being totally wiped from my memory. Words cannot describe how completely idiotic and boring KOD Adi K.O.Z is. And oh if you thought the previews had anything to do with the movie think again. They do not. A lot of people in the movie theater walked out never to return. Right now some of city mayors give free ticket to make AKP propaganda but apparently it is not working at all. here I am thinking Well, There is hardly a plot, but old, cliché gimmicks to create a Enemy of the State. Does it work? Three? No. It does not. I have no idea how Cem Kurtoğlu, Hazım Körmükçü, Tolga Karel, Turgay Tanülkü,Remzi Evren got persuaded to participate in the film (MONEY). What can I say? Awful film. That had to be the single worst movie in the history of cinematography. It is not a movie, it's AGITATION FOR ELECTION.
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