User Reviews (19)

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  • I've been waiting to see this for years to see why people are so angry and I'm. It disappointed.

    It displays the idiocy of both irrational and angry nationalist Aussies and Mediterraneans alike.

    It's no surprised everyone was offended.

    There's no secrets about the fragility of the human ego, social media is rife with triggered hypocrites these days, but Down Under takes us back to a time before Facebook and Twitter and shows us that nothing really has changed.

    In 2005 my country and it's people were embarrassed by the minorities. No not the "minorities" as in a marginalised community, I mean the few of the people who acted like dogs in Cronulla in those days and tried to carry on the violent nonsense with no clear goal or plan in mind

    Definitely worth a watch but don't go getting your undies all twisted up in your ego and taking it personally if you're white Aussie or middle eastern, it only represents you if you identify with the characters and if that's the case then you deserve to be embarrassed anyway, and should be.
  • After watching Abe Forsythe's wonderfully entertaining zombie comedy Little Monsters I was curious to see what else he'd down, which lead me to Down Under, a movie that looks for the lighter side of race riots.

    Based on a true incident in Australia, this movie follows two groups of Australian citizens, one white, one of Lebanese decent, who decide to go out and fight in an ongoing skirmish. The groups are rather similar in that each is a bunch of hotheads and one guy who unwillingly gets dragged into the action.

    I only watched about a third of this short movie, and just didn't find it that funny. In part that may be because the Australian accents caused me to miss some jokes, but I also just felt the humor seemed obvious and lacked cleverness, or even clever stupidity of the (Dude Where's My Car variety).

    Not saying it was terrible, but it just didn't work for me.
  • To call Down Under (2016) a black comedy signals an intention to make light of something serious or controversial. But movie labels are all too often disguised marketing spin rather than accurate genre descriptions. Far from comedy, this film is a dystopian parody of an episode of Australian history that needs balanced understanding and nuance rather than exaggerated ridicule. It could have applied humour to lighten the portraits of racial bigotry but instead it creates a quagmire of gratuitous violence and comically lame racial, sexual and impairment vilification.

    The opening scenes is the only time Down Under speaks with honesty and authenticity. Using archival footage of the 2005 Cronulla race riots overlaid with Christmas jingles, the stage is set for a clash of cultures that was seen around the world. The riots resulted from years of escalating tension between white locals who claimed 'ownership' of beautiful Cronulla beach and Lebanese groups from neighbouring suburbs wanting to share beach access. From this factual base, the film weaves a fictionalised account of two gangs of young men on opposing sides of the racial divide. With testosterone-fuelled honour at stake, the gangs escalate their violent rantings towards each other and cruise the streets hunting for supremacy. Along the way, they vilify everything and everyone so indiscriminately that are caricatures of aimless anger that bear no resemblance to real people. They are portrayed mostly as working class morons and hotheads whose constant screaming, swearing and physical abuse forms an endless spray of vitriol that makes this film an overcooked mess.

    Down Under is a film that appears to have lost sight of its own purpose. If it was made to create humour out of violence then one-line clichés do little more than demonise stereotypes. If it was to offer insight into the cause of the riots then its fictional exaggerations undermine its credibility. If it was to portray the racist undercurrent of Australian culture then the absence of Indigenous people leaves it staring only at its own stereotypes. A wide chasm exists between the film's inspiration and execution, and whatever messages were intended are obscured by pushing creative limits into the realm of the absurd. The film leads towards an incoherent and implausible finale that fuses slapstick and violence without redemptive merit. It is disappointing to see such a lost opportunity to inform or entertain. The film's closing credits were a welcome sight.
  • rick-078534 November 2018
    When I heard that Abe had made a comedy about the Cronulla riots I was already laughing just from the concept, I was ready to tell all my mates to check it out before ever pressing play.... Sadly when I did press play that is when the laughing ended. At first I was expecting a slapstick/goofball comedy like Ned which was hilarious, that wasn't happening so I thought "Ok I guess it is a dark comedy, no problem". By 15 minutes in I was thinking "is this actually suppose to be funny at all?". This film was terrible and boring as hell, story was sloppy and it came to a pretty stupid ending. I really don't get my hopes up for too many films these days but when you know a writer/director has talent you kind of do get your hopes up and to see the serve you dog feces is pretty disappointing. My honest advice with this film is just don't bother, it is a waste of an hour. If you want a laugh just watch his first film "Ned".
  • To see this film rated at 6.1 is complete crap, it definitely does not deserve anything less than an 8. After reading a couple bad reviews, it looks like some of you idiots went expecting something closer to real events, but if you just look at it just as what it is, a hilarious black comedy, its amazing! I laughed my ass off the entire film, the acting was perfect, the story really was interesting for a comedy, and every second of the film was incredibly entertaining! I really thought it was damn near perfect for a black comedy, some of you people need to realize that this is not documentation, nor a true story, its a comedy, a really funny one!
  • alfredsmith30 December 2016
    Set during the aftermath of the Cronulla riots in Australia, it is the story of how two carloads of adversaries seeking revenge accidentally meet. It is described as black comedy but technically that is incorrect because, by definition, a comedy has to be funny and the laughs in the movie are not only sparse but not very funny. The fact that the story is slow and quite boring doesn't help. The film has received some critical praise in Australia, but I'm of the opinion that it's only because Australian cinema is currently in a severe lull.

    Perhaps it's aimed at a young audience, who may even enjoy it. I'm in my fifties and found it dull. Seriously consider waiting until a TV release and be disappointed then. At least you can change channels.
  • Ten minutes into this movie, you're either going to get where the writer is going with this, or you'll be totally put off by it. The polarised reviews on this page are no coincidence. It's the darkest of black comedies which takes on a very sensitive subject and makes us look at some truths about ourselves as Australians (both new and old). That can make people pretty uncomfortable.

    I actually really enjoyed it. The comedy is handled well, and if you're paying attention, you'll catch some excellent sight-gags peppered through the movie. But it's not just about the laughs. There is a serious message at the heart of Down Under, and it's delivered well by a deft script that doesn't pull its punches, and a gifted cast who can go from funny to horrifying and back.

    Kudos to writer/director Abe Forsyth.
  • The 2005 Cronulla Race Riots marked down a dark time in Australian history where years' worth of racially infused tension boiled to a tipping point that saw vicious acts of violence and mob mentality take over the streets of Sydney and put the nation on a knifes edge.

    Since then the country has been relatively quiet in comparison to this precariously placed moment but the day is still fresh in many people's minds and no doubt lays dormant in the ever growing city of Sydney, a city whose proud heritage of diverse cultures seems put a powder keg ready to explode at any given moment.

    Looking to maximise this event for a feature film that mixes uneasy comedy with wannabe social commentary, director Abe Forsythe alongside his producing partner Greg Mclean (the Wolf Creek helmer whose horror debut gets a run here in the film) focus on the day after the race riots in which equally rag-tag groups of Ned Kelly loving locals and Muslim/Australians go out on patrol looking to enact revenge on any possible minorities that may just show their face on the streets.

    Down Under's premise is an intriguing one but Forsythe struggles to find the right status quo as his film's comedy feels forced and rather tired and outdated, yeah we get it, some ethnicities enjoy a good burnout more than others or a nice chicken kebab, whilst the films messages are blurred around some rather amateurish direction and a bunch of characters that all feel like caricatures rather than living breathing inhabitants of this time and place.

    A key for a film of this ilk, with a large array of comical and larger than life creations, like a stoner Blockbuster video clerk, a constantly rapping Muslim or in perhaps the films strangest scene an eyeliner wearing drug dealer, is to make the smallest character through to the most prominent interesting and likable, the Coen Brothers do this incredibly well, but Forsythe, Mclean and the ensembles actors struggle to make the material work.

    Filled with potential and promise, Down Under is a frustrating piece of work on a topic that deserves to be delved into more and while it's great to see a local filmmaker have a decent crack at shining a light on the real Australia, this uneven experience works neither as important social commentary or a comedy and a particularly misguided finale ruins any chance the film had to end with a bang.

    1 ½ Blockbuster stores out of 5
  • mrlloydcopper28 October 2018
    This movie had lots of raving reviews from critics but I can't add to that list I'm afraid. I love independent Aussie films but this one won't be in the "must see Australian films" lists of most people although it's documenting an important event, the Cronulla riots of 2005. The comedy here is just too stupid, purposefully or not, the characters are nearly all unlikeable and the story too farfetched to bring a smile to this face. It reminded me of "Housos" which was turned into a movie: fun for 5 minutes then it got old real quickly. The acting is ok I suppose.
  • bentbenevolent20 October 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    Screens Australia actually supported this financially ,Abe Forsythe from my understanding you are a promising writer but this film really saddened me . It appears you have to do maybe a lot more research on the subject ,the people and the impact of what happened there . Sorry Abe to come down on your attempt ,but with many friends in the writing game we all agreed it just sucked on so many levels. Good luck on the next one ,
  • jadnwatt3 September 2020
    Hilarious. Coming from the Bankstown area and commonly around the Shire this is incredibly accurate.
  • Another reason why Australians shouldn't make movies. Terrible.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Black comedy (in my mind) is an art form where you know you shouldn't laugh because the subject is taboo but you can't help yourself . And so is "Down Under".

    Taken in a literal sense this movie doesn't work; but let's face it, if you want to watch a doco on the Cronulla riots go watch a doco. No, this is far deeper than that and frankly I thought it one of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time.

    The two main groups in the movie are such exaggerated clichés they are a parody of themselves, the stoners are too stoned to do anything; the "Lebs" are too busy arguing with each other to get anything done. They are all so hopeless its funny. None of them could organize a beer in a brewery. None.

    I felt sympathy for Evan the downs syndrome lad; but he delivers some of the best comedic moments of the movie. In fact Evan was about the only likable person in the movie; he deserved to be looked after better than he was.

    One of the highlights was David Field playing full-on rice queen Vic; selling a gun to one of the "Leb" gang.. with x-rated gay porn on the tele while discussed the deal with the gang members... champagne comedy and a role I'd never picture David in..

    If you are part of the PC fun police, or are really immature or have a low IQ please don't bother with Down Under; you won't get it (or worse still, you will take it seriously... believe me it is not serious; it is a massive p*ss-take on the parties to the Cronulla riots.. in case you haven't figured that out by now..).

    If you enjoy a good black comedy/satire; you'll struggle to do better in the genre. This is no mainstream film, but its a 10/10 for me.
  • The most discussing film I have ever watched. No storyline to acknowledge or follow. Makes Australians look Deranged. Poor Acting, production coordination . Scenes go all over the place. Perhaps aimed at the Drug community only, but not for any other. Very disappointed that Screen Australia would waste our Taxpayer funds to support this "what ever you could call it". Deceitful promotion about what to expect prior to watching.
  • I think that the writer didn't get intimate with the area, Cronulla. He could've actually studied both suburbs and its inhabitants to get a more true portrayal of the area and the situation. How do you produce a movie about Lebanese and Muslim community and not have even 1 Lebanese,Arabic speaking Muslim. I couldn't recognise any of the arabic spoken and never in my life have i heard the call to prayer in that matter. As for the portrayal of the anglo Australians... their representation is even worse... the film had no story line or point. Do not watch it. Save yourself the hour.
  • An outstanding film with top notch comedic performances from the cast as well as great dramatic performances. Abe Forsythe is a special talent and with his great writing and directing with this film has managed to do something incredible and make a film centered around the cronulla riots and 2 groups so different yet so alike and is a film that is gives of a powerful message that. Underplays throughout the film and really brings the message with the powerful conclusion . Abe makes a top notch film that is both funny and dramatic and captured the audience and takes them on a great ride and Balances them perfectly taking the audience on a great journey,an absolute ripper of a film Australians should get out and see this great film it's well worth it
  • My hopes are never that high when it comes to Aussie film (despite being an Australian myself), but this blew my family and I out of the water. We were laughing all the way through, connecting with the characters (despite their very obvious flaws), and oddly surprised by the high production values. Acting was on-point and convincing. The characters seemed like real people, as stupid as some of them may be. By the end, the characters were humanised enough for us that we wanted NO ONE to get hurt (even those that may have deserved it) and whenever a hit landed, we felt it. The missing star for me would maybe come from a lake of clarity for what the film stood for other than 'hate and prejudice is bad'. Maybe lacking a bit of nuance in that department. After watching this film I immediately searched for ways that I could support it and the filmmaker, having only heard about it a few years after it's release (due to the streaming service Stan) - my mission begins with this review. I was honestly surprised at the relatively low reviews for this film as it set the bar for my family and I for modern Australian comedy film. Everyone involved kudos and KEEP DOING WHAT YOU LOVE - because I love it.
  • Not sure how good this would be if your not Australian. If you are and between 60yrs and 30yrs you will be blown away with some quintessential comedy moments. I feel genuinely sorry for anyone who does not enjoy it. In awe at most of these actors, they must have had a great time making this.

    Last 15 mins was unnecessary tho i would have preferred an alternate ending.

    Thats all i would like to say just saying words to get to the 600 word amount for review to be accepted. Thats all i would like to say just saying words to get to the 600 word amount for review to be accepted. Thats all i would like to say just saying words to get to the 600 word amount for review to be accepted.
  • Really well paced, not a boring bit in the whole movie. If you live in the shire or Sydney in general you will get this and it's hilarious while socially relevant. It probably highlights the dumbness of shire stereotypes a bit more but regardless it is well balanced and very entertaining.

    There aren't too many actors that you would recognise but when you dig into their profiles you will see that they have been in some big productions. This one went under the radar in Australia and should not have.

    Ultimately it highlights the stupidity of racism. Written and directed by the same bloke who directed "Wolf Like Me".