User Reviews (53)

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  • sagacruises16 July 2018
    I couldnt get past the bad acting after the first 2 minutes, the women holds the sniper rifle like a purse and she is so cross eyed u wonder how she even can see the scope, think she should have used sun glasses like the other guy. She was not trained to hold ur use any gun cause it just gets worse, she goes from a 50 cal sniper to a 9 mil handgun and starts killing the same targets, lol ? Cudos to you if you think this has a 5 star rating, guess we are from different planets, but this barely scrapes by with a B-rating
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Yes, lots of action, if you could get past Mel Novak's slow motion movements on the screen. They kept having to cut away from him so they could prop him up for the next shot. Arthur Roberts is another long in the tooth actor who could barely move. Watching him run away from Landon was funny, but I don't think this was a comedy. Some good acting, but not enough of it. Laurene Landon does a nice job, but she's a bit long in the tooth for the role. You don't see 59-year-old detectives in the LAPD. Jon Miguel was probably the best of the rest of the main actors as far as acting performance. Lots of great Italian cursing, done quite properly. I'd call it okay and something you can fall asleep to.
  • I will admit, this was actually "moderately" entertaining for a cheesy action flick... but straight up 10/10 star?? cough cough... have to be kidding right...

    The majority of the acting is just barely passable... Expect heavy use of CGI for muzzle flashes / blood splatter / explosions... Surprisingly, a couple of the fight scenes looked fairly well choreographed...

    All in all though, this is like a cheap version of the Expendables or something with even more lunacy filled action scenes...

    My suggestion... if you've watched every B-rate 80s and 90s action flicks already... hey, go for it... Just don't set your sights too high... Cause this is pretty bad... ( I'm still giving 4 stars, since I suspect this movie was done on a pretty tight budget... and the CGI was actually not "awful"... )
  • Previous 10/10 reviews are either a joke or fake. This has to be the worst movie ever created. I don't even think they shot the guns with actual ammunition, the bullet casings ejected out of the guns were done by CG. It also looks like the movie was shot with kit lenses on whatever is the current Canon Rebel on the market with whatever interior lighting that came with the houses they rented for this abomination of a movie.
  • tranman420 April 2018
    A lot of 10 stars!?!?!?! What the heck am I missing? Bad acting and lame special effects. One the worse movies I've ever seen.
  • caseyboyd19 April 2018
    Couldn't get through first 5 minutes. Bad action, bad acting, bad effects. They were shooting in the opposite direction of people and killing them. No idea why this is getting 10 star ratings.
  • Being in some of my favorite 70's & 80's martial arts flicks (Game Of Death, Black Belt Jones, Eye For An Eye) I'm glad to see Mel Novak is still going strong! This movie is a fun action flick.
  • This movie is awfully acted written and filmed, if you are brain dead you still wont enjoy it!!
  • Perhaps the worst movie I have ever seen. Broken down actors, seriously comic special effects and awful acting.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    SYNDICATE SMASHER is a pitifully bad indie action thriller without any action or thrills. In a plot mildly reminiscent of SABOTAGE it has a group of mercenaries being hunted down by various mafia-related bad guys. The production values are rock bottom with awful CGI being used to represent muzzle flashes and blood sprays throughout. Laurene Landon, the '80s actress, has a supporting role. The only thing this has going for it is a cool video cover which looks like it belongs to a different, better movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A group of war mercenaries do a hit for the mob and get stiffed on the payment. They decide to pay the mob back which includes the Italians, Russians, Japanese, and Chinese.

    There was a lot of unbelievable gun fights. Everything was all wrong about them. The dialogue was overly cliche and poorly delivered. The acting was also overdone to the point it was so bad it was Ed Wood funny.

    Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
  • Not exactly a feel good movie for Saturday afternoon viewing with the family. The movie is one blood soaked episode of revenge killings after another. All the characters in this movie; heroes, villains, and cops alike, are extremely vicious and morally bereft with no redeeming qualities, and seem to be motivated only by greed, revenge, and bloodthirst. The many and long, drawn out action scenes are more brutal than adventurous with extremely graphic displays of beatings and killings. Despite having some decent performances from a fairly good cast, this is not a film for the more erudite. Yet, as a true hypocrite, I watched all ninety minutes of the movie, without the wife and kids of course. A true guilty pleasure!
  • The acting isn't stellar, the plot has more holes than a golf course, but it's entertaining I was never bored watching it, giving it 1 star is missing the point of what the movie was trying to achieve, giving it 10 stars was over the top as it's a seriously flawed movie.

    The action sequences are reminiscent of an episode of "The A Team", just enjoy it's silliness and don't take the movie seriously.
  • Thankfully this piece of crap was free on Prime. Bad acting, horrible special effects, and back room facelifts. Whoever backed this movie had it shoved in deep.
  • Loved this film! Great plot and production value! The entire cast is fantastic, especially Mel Novak and Laurene Landon!
  • casablancavic25 September 2018
    This was absolutely horrible.

    Horrible in so many ways.

    So why did I give 2 stars?

    No, I was not drunk or stoned.

    It was so bad, it was so horrible and so out of it in a non-sensible way and it was trying to be a serious movie.

    There was no real direction that this was going - because it tried to be too much and ended up being nothing.

    When it's that bad - and you realize this, but you still keep watching to see how bad it really gets - then well, you screw around with the rating system - just like the people did who worked on this movie and gave it all 10.

    The others gave it 1.

    To balance it out, I gave it 2- but in reality, it's worth 1.
  • freddjw20 August 2018
    Stupid movie,Stupid movieStupid movie Stupid movie,Stupid movieStupid movie
  • Didn't make it past the first five minutes. I guess watch if you're into something really awful and want to laugh at something terrible.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Watching Syndicate Smasher was like watching a bad train wreck. I couldn't turn away. I'm not even sure there was a plot. As an example, there was a scene where a cop or a private detective gets shot in the trunk of a car. He had a small part in the movie and there was never any explanation as to who he was or why he was killed. Frankly, it wasn't even worth rewinding to find out.

    The acting was wooden. Where did they dig up this old fossil? It looked like he had horrible plastic surgery or was burned in a fire. I was looking forward to his back story so I could find out. Surprise! He had none. Just that he was "ex special forces."

    One big shootout. Well, actually multiple shoot outs, but who cares? They all blended together due to the lack of plot. The "good guys" could just stand out in the open and shoot without a bullet coming near them. No one even got a scratch.

    On the plus side, they did have some pretty awesome weapons. Put to good use???? Hell no. There was one scene with one of the "good guys" shooting a mounted Gatling gun. Who knows where it came from? But he could just cut down bad guys left and right and no one could seem to hit him even though he was standing out in the open.

    To say the characters were two dimensional would be to give them too much credit. The team consisted of the old fossil, a token Asian, a token woman and several others whom I already forgot. As for the woman on their "team," I don't know where her accent was from, but it was annoying right off the bat. Another one impervious to bullets. She looked like it was her first time firing a gun, yet she never missed. And she too stood out in the open without getting a scratch. Then there was this courageous "police woman" who was just as bad. Large breasts, but about 60 years old. And when it came time for the big shootout, she forgot to load her gun! She was out of bullets before she even fired a shot!!! After she was saved, however, she picked up an M16 and started blowing away bad guys. Never missed and, you guessed it, she stood right out in the open, firing away, and no one hit her. I'd swear the bad guys were firing blanks!

    The movie doesn't even work as a comedy. Like I said, a train wreck.
  • If you're looking for a film that provides a penetrating glimpse into the complexities of the human condition, this ain't it. But I guess you figured that out from the poster. For those of you with the basest of instincts and a taste for the low brow, you'll definitely get what you want, and I've based my rating on that criteria. Get a bunch of mean people, arm them to the hilt with machine guns, throw them together like a bunch of pit bulls in a cage, and what do you get? SYNDICATE SMASHER. For you gun porn addicts, this is your Shangri-La. I hope you get your fix. I haven't seen this much blood since I watched the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Notwithstanding, it did have some good actors and some compelling characters, albeit with far-fetched motives. Why would a high ranking police detective conduct an illegal bugging of a criminal suspect? Doesn't that constitute Illegal search and seizure? She also later attempts to shoot her boss. Isn't that attempted murder? The actress who played that part was actually pretty good. I think it was more a lack of research on the part of the writers. Anyways, why am I obsessing over that? This is an action B-movie. Don't take it too seriously. Get some popcorn, kickback, and have fun. For mayhem, brutality, and pure savagery, I give it ten stars.
  • Great plot, great direction and filmmaking, and always wonderful to see the amazing Laurene Landon on screen!
  • Missed movies like this, unpretentious and strait to the point entertainment. A lot of action packed scenes. But I do have to say you can't accuse the producers of present day political correctness. I haven't seen characters like this since the 1970s. They got Italian wiseguys, a shylock Jewish lawyer, and all the bad cops are Irish. To be fair, they had Russian and oriental wiseguys too. At least they didn't kill off the black guy, who I thought was the most fascinating character, but had very little screen time. He was supposed to be some covert military dude. Maybe they can spin off his character for a sequel, if that's where they're going with this. And that Russian killer chick, hubba hubba. Loved Mel Novak, from the karate movies, as the boss of the hitmen. He's menacing and perfectly fits the character. The perfect man for the job. We get to see him play a good guy for a change and do what he does best, kill badguys. Fantastic to see Laurene Landon from Hundra and Yellow Hair and the Fortress of Gold! What happened to all of her action scenes? I think she only kills two people in the whole movie! She's known for kicking butt. Anyways, it's definitely my idea of a good time.
  • Syndicate Smasher pits a motley band of military trained killers against, well, every major criminal mafia out there. Disorienting at times since it jumps from a serious crime drama, with a believable cast portraying the criminals, to wild shoot 'em up scenes more appropriate in the action genre. The movie spends a lot of screen time depicting the internal politics of the underworld as the main bad guy, Dippolito, struggles to vie for power against his mob counterparts in the Midwest while trying to maintain order amongst the new ethnic mobs operating in his territory. For those drawn to the action genre, the movie provides more than it's share of gunfights. A huge body count! No holding back on the gore factor. For escapist fun, it delivers.
  • Phenomenal action with legendary Laurene Landon, Mel Novak, Joe Estevez, David Prak, Lovie Johnson, Arthur Roberts, and many more character actors whom keep you on the edge of your seat with nonstop fight scenes. I'm loving this throwback to 80's Bruce Lee inspired film noir. The chemistry is off the chain!
  • Action packed and great entertainment. Reminds me of the movies I used to watch in the 90s. If TNT's "Movies for Guys Who Like Movies" was still around, Syndicate Smasher would definitely be in the lineup.
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