User Reviews (6)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I didn't think it was that great to be honest because basically we are hearing a girl talking pure dirty rubbish to a guy who is off to med school but is also a lion mascot and a musician. I mean can't they just remove the girl from this? No offense to the actress because she was good but at the same time, her character honestly didn't need to be in this. I think her character was just pure annoying and like she interrupted the guys kiss by a drone? I'm like wtf is she playing at man?!

    Kudos to the guys and her playing the characters but if they concentrate less on her but more on the guys, I would have given this a 8 or 9 rating. However I'm realistically giving this a 5/10 for me!
  • gravityfallstower21 June 2022
    Very enjoyable to watch but it will leave you feeling empty and wanting more. There's barely enough time to introduce you to the three characters and establish two of their chemistries before a final romance scene that lasts about 2 seconds and is interrupted ominously.
  • not exactly for a precise reason. sure the talk themes are not comfortable but the spiced ingredient is out of the dialogues. maybe, in images, music and portraits of solitude who are source for a clear and precise view about life. two teenagers, references to sexual life, a lion mascot, beautiful music, gray statues and confessions. fragments of feelings and the state of an unique age for who the masks does not exist. a girl and her strange questions, a guitar and a drone. and surprising good actors. significant - the emotions after the end of film. a kind of melancholia, the bones of words, the Xavier Dolan small marks and, in same measure, a different, not very profound, but clear useful, image of life.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Fragments" is a 19-minute live action film from 2015, so still relatively new and fresh and this one is written and directed by Stéphanie Anne Weber Biron, known for working in the cinematography department for young Canadian filmmaker Xavier Dolan's works. This is one of her filmmaking efforts as the (wo)man in charge. Probably her most known work. But what is this exactly? It is basically a gay romance movie, but these sequences are being interrupted by the filmmaker interviewing the cast, or at least the protagonist about all kinds of sexual stuff. I am not a prude or anything, but honestly if you include this level of explicit content, then you also have to come up with a story that justifies these mentions. If you talk about dick size, vagina size etc. and lets be honest: this is by no means scientific talk. It is talk between friends and that is perfectly fine if there is anything in this film that has to do with their friendship other than this talk. There is not. So these parts were the weakest and I also believe the filmmaker should have cast somebody else as she was more annoying than memorable in terms of her acting. Anyway, the other parts about the two men in love were not much better, so as a whole this is a really weak outcome and I guess SAWB should stick to the cinematography department and not to writing or acting, maybe to directing. major thumbs-down from me. Not recommended. Even if you love one of the admittedly pretty famous cast members, this will not be a good watch. Go for something else.
  • Rodrigo_Amaro2 February 2017
    "Fragments" gives us Alex (Connor Jessup), a fed up boy who works as a lion mascot and dates an open minded nice girl who feels the urge to encourage her boyfriend to explore his sexuality with another guy - she senses some gay vibe coming from him and she's totally okay with that. Fate or coincidence, but comes a hypochondriac guy who ironically is going to med school (Douglas Smith) of whom Alex randomly befriends. In between those three characters, there's talks about love, music, sexual double-standards and life.

    Stéphanie Anne Weber Biron's short film balances drama and humor with fine and special quality, acted by outstanding young actors (we're hearing a lot about Smith lately) and their characters seem to extract a piece of life that is quite rare these days. Lovely and full of charm, it's difficult to resist to its appeal and honesty. However, Biron needed to find her own voice and her compositions in order to extract something better. She is best known as cinematographer of Xavier Dolan's earlier films and somehow for the most part of the film I've found myself thinking that this was one of his projects, not just the way it was photographed but mostly some stylistic choices, themes and it just loses part of its charm and curiosity because the real author isn't showing her stripes. Not saying it's a copy from Dolan but it genuinely feels like his works though less expanded.

    But like many good short films out there, "Fragments" is one of those kind of projects that you truly wish would become a feature film, with further developments, twists and longer running time, obviously. It's inspired, special, very positive and beautiful. 8/10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    However. Most people are getting a vibe of open sexuality, etc... The last 5 seconds though show me a scene of jealousy and toxic femininity (if that's even a thing). I love this short. I can't tell you enough times how much I love this short. But the girlfriend talks him into getting intimate with another dude, and then cockblocks him. We can wonder what her drone message might have said, but we don't need to wonder; she sent him one drone message before and it was for him to immediately come to her and have sex with her. Why should we believe this last one means anything different? In my head, he was about to take another step with a dude, but she interrupts it. Maybe I got the whole thing wrong though. Please don't be mad about what I said. I could be completely off. But that's just what I saw after watching this for the 50th+ time.