User Reviews (34)

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  • fretty-5917016 June 2019
    This movie underwhelmed me. Not the worst but not very good / memorable either.
  • kibokokizu16 May 2017
    Because of the horrible review I read I really didn't expect much. So, I was surprised to find that this movie as really quite charming. The acting as not so horrible but if you're from L.A. it might have seemed mocking of the "valley girl" way of speech. However, many girls across the U.S. really do talk like that no thanks to 90210. It was a comedy. It didn't seem any more forced than many of the really bad comedies coming out of Hollywood these days with huge lead actors. It was a cute little movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Admittedly I was expecting a lot from this movie knowing the team that built it. The writing is a bit clunky and the storyline isn't too deep but nothing unexpected from a first film. That's not really a huge issue - (outside of the main character not knowing having an online relationship with someone in 2017 would count as cheating??) - the writing is fine.

    The main issue is the entire movie is weirdly cis centered and leans into outdated stereotypes of gays and lesbians. Some of the language used is transphobic, the cast is mostly entirely white and they causally use the R word in a throw away line as an insult.

    From a team that is generally (albeit not the most inclusive) good about having diversity in their cast and writing, this really fell short. Hopefully this is just a jumping off point and any other projects they work on in the future will be more self aware.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I really wanted to like this movie. I follow the screenwriter and director on YouTube and upon seeing the trailer thought it was going to be an alright movie. But I found myself hesitating to watch it because I had a gut feeling about the kind of movie it would be. Turns out I was right.

    The idea of this film isn't terrible but almost everything about it was done poorly. The acting is cringy, the writing even more so, and the directing is static and uninspired. I didn't find myself liking the majority of the characters, I found them annoying and unfunny. So much of the plot is based solely on the fact that both of the main characters are too self-involved to care about each others lives, which makes one wonder how their friendship lasted so long to begin with. A lot of the interactions the characters have with one another are very unbelievable and so many of the characters are one- dimensional and boring.

    That being said, there were some lines that made me laugh and there are a few times that the film can be quite clever. The two main leads have a lot of potential and looking back on it I think the main thing to take into consideration is the lack of experience almost everyone involved with the production of this film has. This is the first feature length film that most of these people have done. This isn't a large production company, this movie was partly funded by kickstarter. I think if this screenplay had been in the hands of more experienced people it could have been a lot better.
  • This movie was terrible, I had to turn it off and I NEVER do that. The acting was cringe worthy and the jokes were terrible. Where she's like I put my finger down there and just left.. I thought maybe the response would be I was nervous or something. She instead is all, I didn't know what to do...? Like common you've never touched yourself? The guy you dated never touched you?!
  • An entertaining film, with a pleasant rhythm that lets pass the time quickly, besides some performances by Natasha Negovanlis and Elise Bauman are very acceptable and it shows the rapport and communication that have Carmilla.

    But even so, there are changes of rhythm that dislocate, since at the hour approximately does not understand why the change in the relationship between the two protagonists, this at least slows down the pace with which the story is being told and leaves us with A last half hour a little to the must as it feels like two completely different films. Besides that the characters never manage to be well developed by the same thing can not have a clear acceptance towards them.

    In summary it is not a bad movie, but in the trailer it looked much better than the final product.
  • NielsenF18 February 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    Originally, I was really exited for this movie - I love the actors and the people behind it. I even contributed to the kickstarter campaign. But the movie was so disappointing. The most of it was cringe worthy and almost painful to watch. I'm pretty sure that this was suppose to be a comedy, but the humor fell completely flat with me. And I didn't like the fact that they used the R word the way they did. The whole movie is almost based on the fact that Cassie is overreacting (who would almost throw away a friendship over that?)and that's a shame.

    Also as a backer, I'm disappointed in how long we had to wait to see the movie (I know they had to find a contributor first), but if I remember correctly, we were promised to watch the movie before anyone else. And that clearly didn't happen.
  • It was really adorable and I LOVED the great wordplay with innuendos that are sprinkled all around in the movie. The relationships are actually rather fascinating. But... I am sorry to say that some of the jokes almost ruined the movie for me. Most had me seriously cracking up...But then...1. "50yo woman with two mentally disabled sons". It was actually cruel. Also, really... insensitive. It is just not wise or kind to mock others, especially if you never took the time to even consider what it would be like to be them, or how they actually got there. Also, 2. "Bald 40yo man that runs a convenience store". This Really repulsed me because if you care anything about immigrants, refugees, just people in general, this humor is shows ignorance. Is this Trump humor? Just random blows at innocent people based off of faulty assumptions! Be careful about your humor. It can really ruin an otherwise great movie! Now, another joke was chosen by the writers to carry on throughout the movie, and it was incredibly harsh. It was when the girls continued to bash a man and reduce him as a person to nothing more than the embarrassing size of his penis. Haven't enough women dealt with this to understand how bad this makes people feel? Women are judged all the time about their bodies. Now, before you assume about me, I just want to also add that, No, I am not a man that was burned by the joking. I am just a compassionate and empathetic woman that instantly feels the sharp pain that other people might be feeling when they are attacked out of nowhere by this kind of humor. It takes more effort to be kind, but it really does matter. No one, male or female should be judged and mocked for who they are or for their shapes. Keep those hateful thoughts to yourself, please, if you must have them.
  • I follow the makers of this film (Sarah and Adrianna) as well as the actresses who also play Carmilla, so please know that I am trying to like this movie.

    My initial thoughts on the plot of this film was that it seemed just like that Leighton Meester movie, "Life Partners" but I was desperately hoping it was not. It wasn't the best movie in the world, but it still beat this one.

    I'm sorry, but I can't like this movie. It's just not possible. It's cliché, the acting is bad, the script is shallow and boring. The fact that its filled with Lesbian stereotypes to the rim just adds insult to injury.

    Story line: Boring and cliché. It's filled with lesbian stereotypes and rather than a nervous exploration into the lesbian world as a "baby dyke" it ended up being incredibly shallow, typical and simply unrealistic. The film tries too hard to be funny. And while something said in the film may work among friends, film viewers aren't friends with the characters because there is no depth.

    Characters: No depth to any of them whatsoever. By the end of the film you don't know them any better than at the beginning of the film.

    Acting: It's OK at times, but for the most part it is not great. I expected more from Elise and Natasha outside of Carmilla. But considering how both overacted even the simplest of human interactions goes to show that both are simply too inexperienced. This was an hour and a half that I just ended up cringing and stopping the film. When it came to serious scenes, I just could not take either of them seriously.

    Summary: I hate to say I hated this film. But I hated this film. It was boring, cliché, had no depth and was just not funny. I'm sorry Sarah and Adrianna, but this was a bad film. I walked away not gaining anything from this film except for cringe.
  • I was really excited to watch this film because I am a huge fan of the Gay Women Channel. I watched it on Netflix tonight and have to say I feel empty after finishing it... And not in a good way. The two lead performances (by Carmilla's own Elise Baumen and Natasha Negovanlis) were good, not great, and they made the most of what they had, script-wise. It almost felt like it would have worked better as a YouTube series or something serialized. The story sort of petered off and then went no where... It was also sort of off-putting to see Natasha and Elise in this situation, honestly... It was hard to believe. The stakes were never quite high enough to earn their dramatic performances. Looking forward to what all of these artists do next. Liked it, but definitely didn't love it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I should preface many of my reviews by saying that I swear that I'm not out to be snarky; I just want to remember how bad these movies are so that I don't somehow forget and try to watch them again.

    With a few small changes this could be a hilarious horror movie parody called "Escaped Project from a Sophomore Film Class." Or maybe it's from gender studies…is that even a thing? But alas, they don't have enough of a sense of humor to se this potential so what this really turned out to be was "Girls, The Movie" which was "Sex and the City for Younger Idiots." I couldn't imagine people that I could care even less about, even less than the self-centered nitwits from Girls.

    Can film makers please stop making us read text messages in movies? Just send me the entire film in the form of a Tweet to save me the effort and time of fast-forwarding through this snorer. There wasn't a single scene that didn't make me uncomfortable because it was stupid.

    Bad music, bad acting, and scenes of young dorks doing stuff that only morons do. Seriously, who has ever played beer pong except dorks? Seriously, parents should explain to their children that drinking alcohol is a big part of adult life so don't turn it into a children's game.

    And then there is their lame-ass "newfound" sexuality. You just know that gay,lesbian, trans-gender, or straight they are really lousy at it and they would rather jerk-off on their cell phones than get naked with anyone. And having a gay guy as your personal pet is just the coolest thing in the world, just like on SATC.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm sure this movie won't be for everyone, but I'm well outside the target audience (I'm in my 50's) and although some of the jokes slide by I thoroughly enjoyed it. I've lived some of those moments and they sang true on screen for me. It's not going to change the world but it was lightweight, funny and hit a spot that needs to be hit.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie had its good and bad parts like all movies do. Overall I liked it. I liked that it was a feature that had a girl coming out for the first time, it not being overly sexual, and it focused more on the friendship. A lot of movies that have lesbian roles make is all about sex and I like that this didn't. Yes, there are make out scenes, but they weren't graphic and I felt like they were more honest. I liked that Mackenzie even says she doesn't know what she's doing. The friendship between the two girls was relatable. I read other reviews that said they thought they were too loving and touchy with each other, but some best friends are like that. I've been like that with some of my best friends. I also think that while yes these characters are very flawed, they are somewhat realistic for two young adult girls trying to find their way in the world. I think a lot of people that age are self-absorbed and even if we don't like to admit it, it's very relatable. I think that when you're self-absorbed you usually don't know that you are. This is just one movie, one story too. Not every young adult should be portrayed as self-absorbed because we're not all like that, but some are. While some people thought their arguments didn't make sense, I thought they did. Sometimes you fight with your best friend over nothing just because they are there for you to take your anger out on. Cassie even says this. Yes the characters, situations, and dialogue were/was awkward once in a while, but that's how life is. I liked how Mackenzie's parents were very open about her sexuality. I think that while many people do have negative responses and it's important to show that, it's also important to show that sometimes it isn't as bad as you think it's going to be. Another thing I read was some people didn't like that the camera was shaky now and again. Personally, I liked this. I know it was intentional for it to be shaky when their relationship was unstable, and I thought that was a cool idea. I like the two main actresses; their chemistry is always amazing. I know a lot of people were comparing this movie to Carmilla, which yes I understand, but this is a completely different kind of film. With all the good there was some bad. There were a lot of stereotypes that I don't like. I wish they hadn't put as many stereotyped characters and jokes into it. I think they were trying to make fun of stereotypes, but it was a little overboard. I also wish there was more diversity in the cast. There were some pretty offensive jokes that didn't need to be in the movie at all and made me uncomfortable too. It was pretty cheesy at times, but sometimes I like a cheesy movie. This movie definitely could have been better, but compared to most LGBTQ films I thought this one was pretty good. But honestly, most LGBTQ movies I don't like, so I don't hold a very high standard for them. We have a long ways to go in terms of representation of many different kinds of people. This movie did try, and not every movie is going to be able to have good representation for everyone, that just isn't possible. I think it did a pretty good job at showcasing a coming out story and showing two best friends growing apart, finding themselves, and coming back together. It was funny, had emotional scenes, and overall was one of those feel-good movies you watch to distract yourself.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    As someone who loves the unsolicited project I was expecting something funny and uplifting. Instead we got a cliché story lacking humor, wit, and charm. The characters were one dimensional and terribly acted, which is disappointing knowing the chemistry the two leads had in Carmilla.

    Don't even get me started on the "flaming male gay best friend" trope or the fact that we're supposed to believe Mack doesn't already have the slightest idea what Tumblr is, or that you shouldn't have a Tumblr girlfriend when you have a real one.

    What could have been the start of an era of funny, happy lesbian movies has fallen flat. There were even points were the cinematography felt like it was recorded on a shaky Iphone. Hopefully they learn from their mistakes and take their hilarious sketches and make something out of them that we can all enjoy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    May Contain Spoilers.

    First let me say, that i have no idea, who made this movie. If they are on youtube, if they had a Kickstarter page, etc. I just like watching independent movies on Netflix. I saw this one and as there are not a lot of Lesbian movies, i decided to give it a go.

    it felt more like a 90 min Degrassi Episode. I felt that there was not enough material, the " conflict" wasn't't big enough to cover a 90 minute movie. But besides that, they still managed to have underdeveloped characters and story lines.

    I think that the movie started strong but got worse and worse as they noticed, that they don't have a plot. You can see it in the acting as well, in the beginning, the relationship between the two girls was sweet and very believable. Then both of them just became really selfish and not relatable. I wouldn't be friends with either of them. I think this is reflected in the actors' performance as well. They both started of solid but you could see, that when the quality of the script declined, so did the quality of the acting.

    Last 20 minutes i was quite tempted to skip to the end.

    I think that the leads were fine but needed better material to work with.
  • The strong friendship between two young women is tested as their lives take different paths.

    I am a real sucker for these feel good, coming of age type movies.

    I loved this one a lot. The main characters are a little older than is standard for this genre but does ring true with the arrested development of the younger generation.

    This makes a lot of fun things that have become clichés for being clichés. Like for instance: parents reactions over hearing their child is gay.

    The story has a lot of standard elements but has enough kinks to keep it interesting - some of the characters "get away" with being quite ghastly but are till endearing.

    The chemistry between the two female leads really makes this film. Unfortunately the scenes with the male lead didn't work for me. Somehow the actors just didn't gel.

    Nothing massively funny or deep here, just good-hearted, humorous, feel good viewing.
  • malsh28 June 2018
    I love the tandem between Elise and Natasha and I was hoping that this will be one of the may things that will bring out the potential in them but it didnt.

    The writing was so juvenile. There was hardly a plot and not even something that will teach us by the end of the movie.

    The camera is moving a lot too.

    Elise and Natasha were still awesome though. but this is really bad.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have absolutely no idea who the actors and director of the movie are (although they seem to have a very impressive resume on IMDB) so I didn't have any kind of expectations for this movie.

    I ended up enjoying it. I liked the chemistry between the actors. And they portrayed how young people act and talk very realistically (sure it may upset some SJWs but this is how real life is). The story about friends distancing each other when changes come to their lives is something everyone can connect to and it is done very well.

    My only issue was that I couldn't feel for Mackenzie in this story. She was the one who didn't make sense to me. I still don't get why she took so long to tell her best friend that she is lesbian. Because Cassie couldn't guess it herself? Why would she? She has no gaydar and somebody being stereotypical lesbian isn't necessarily a lesbian. So I could understand her that she was upset to be left out by the person who one would thing would confide in her first. Also why was Mackenzie upset her parents took it so well? Yes, I don't get her. But still their friendship was [presented very well, and even if I wouldn't be friends with one of them I can see how connected they are.

    Another thing is that I didn't get why parents were less informed about internet or google. People their age used internet most of their adult lives. It isn't the same as parents in 2001 for whom it was new. And Mackenzie didn't know tumblr, whaaat? But these were just minor details that one can ignore and laugh about.

    So all in all it was a good movie. Entertaining and engaging.
  • transphobic, misogynistic, albeist. this movie claims to be good representation it's not it's a disgrace to the community. a movie like almost adults is supposed to normalize being gay, but not at the expense of the rest of the lgbtq+ community. people going in to see good representation will see and be influenced by the transphobia, misogyny, and, ableism in this movie, ultimately creating more divisions in the community and making us fight against each other instead of with each other. although, I never expected anything more from the gay women channel. their videos on their YouTube channel feature loads of the same issues as well as biphobia. you can't make a film like this claiming it's for LGBT people when it's really just for cis gays who don't care about the rest of the community.

    sincerely, your local bitter nonbinary aroace
  • sac010613 October 2018
    Perfectly showed how people can grow apart in life, especialy when someone gains a boyfriend or girlfriend
  • What do we learn from this minimalist story? Filmwise: no director ideas, no choreography whatsoever as the camera frames - level waiting for the mediocre actors to enter and exit the frame, no suspence nor surprises throughout, uninteresting location and standard art work. The story: The lesbian persona finally finds someone to test her sexuality, yet she seems very skilled although little happens on the screen (maybe to keep the comedy going). Her straight friend is there simply to react to the newfound sexual interest from her life long friend. Their gay guru is the thinking person, both parents are there as a caricature of "sexually politically correct" parents, but while the gay young man delivers deep suggestions and advice, the parents seems too busy with their own life to react to their kids in any ways at all. What we learn about this all? Hedonism is the key driving the whole cast through a cliche which could only happen in a conventional and quite boring script. Perhaps "egoism" is far more interesting, and while he learn little about it is consistent in each character and event. One of those meaningless movies design for the LGBT community, but was it really necessary to invest time, resources and more to take it to the screen? Certainly these themes are serious, but how long it will take before they move on and stop being propaganda, and deliver content rather than containers only, especially when the container is so poor?
  • I honestly don't know why there are so many negative reviews; I thought it was super sweet, relateable, funny, and a breath of fresh air both in terms of representation and in the fact that it didn't fall prey to most LGBTQ fiction tropes or film clichés in general. It was very real and also just kept me giggling, and the actors are all fantastic. New favorite!
  • sameenuk15 December 2018
    I'm not familiar with the two actresses. I wasn't expecting much. The film itself is a relatively low budget situational drama. It could probably make a decent play.

    What I enjoyed was the kookiness of the two leads. They were overacting but then half the story is about overreacting, being a bit annoying and self centred. But as friends, they don't realise it until the friendship is tested. But I liked all the little ways they were reacting to each other, there was real chemistry there. The levity helped break the moments of tension.

    I felt there were some overdone moments. The last scene should have been cut. But I guess it shows how both got closure and moved on. The pacing in the story drifts a bit so it's slightly too long. The story isn't convoluted but also not very deep and plays up to some huge cliches, for instance not all women who play softball/soccer/football/sports are lesbians. The way they talk in the film is also annoying at first, but aside from the parents.. That's true of all the actors except the soccer chick.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's such a shame that this film fell short of expectations but it really did. I contributed to the kickstarter and I was psyched to do so, Sarah and Adrianna proved their talent over and over again with their Youtube channel and clever comedy. Perhaps this could've worked if they were in front of the camera and not behind it.

    First things first, this was a good idea, the concept is a solid idea, it just doesn't work for film. By the time we're in the throws of Mackenzie and Cassie fighting I still don't really care about them, no depth is explored to their friendship and as such when they fight it doesn't tug on my heartstrings the way it should. If they had done this as a full length series with more time invested in their relationship its history and its development I think it could have worked. 5 minute montage scene does not a history make.

    Secondly, as strange as this sounds I just didn't see "friendship" chemistry between Elise and Natasha which is strange since they've obviously worked together for awhile. The only natural scenes seemed to gel with Levi, who provided 90% of the humour despite his small role. The intended humour between Mackenzie and Cassie fell flat, resorting to LGBT stereotypes that are just too burnt out for the straight writers let alone a gay one.

    Thirdly, by casting LGBT folk heroes in the means of Elise and Natasha they ensured an audience but sacrificed some serious acting chops. They'll be wonderful in ten years I have no doubt about that, but they're earning their stripes and they bit off more than they could chew here. Perhaps if you'd cast one of them and then a newbie it could have worked but an established canon was constantly in mind during the scenes and I found myself looking for the soya blood milk carton for half the film.

    There was a lot of over promising for this film. The delayed release helped in subduing excitement for finally seeing it. I don't regret contributing to the kickstarter, but I won't be doing it again. Stick with pillow talk, it's hilarious.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    To start i want to say I love Sarah and Adrianna, so I really wanted to enjoy this movie.

    That being said, the movie was mediocre. The acting/script was at times very cringe-worthy. I got secondhand embarrassment watching this, and actual embarrassment because I was watching with my girlfriend who doesn't follow the Gay Women channel.

    I was disappointed with the use of the R word, as well as a scene where Mackenzie says her Tumblr girlfriend is "probably 50 years old and has two mentally challenged sons." (Y I K E S)

    Some parts of the movie were funny and I enjoyed the references to the Gay Women channel. This movie is targeted more for young girls who have just come out.

    As far as lesbian content goes, this movie is better than most and I hope to see more from Sarah and Adrianna. After all they are just starting out so they have room for improvement.

    (this movie also could really use some diversity)
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