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  • There is still HOPE for Reality TV Shows! A refreshing break from "Scripted Versions" of Reality TV. The Last Alaskans consist of wholesome, innocent, family friendly values. A Reality TV Show this is SAFE Family Entertainment. Our family enjoys all aspects that is covered in this program. The producers perform a wonderful job covering the beautiful land of Alaska and the families abilities to survive rugged nature. True Faith and Grit is the core of the raw gut strength to live this lifestyle! They are true survivors! Thank you to the families for the willingness to share their lives with us! Also, Great job to Animal Planet! I look forward to a New Season!
  • By far the best 'reality' show I have ever viewed. I have visited Alaska half a dozen times and this series catches the spirit of the place. These are not actors, but real people who share their methods, inner thoughts, and lifestyle for the benefit of the viewer. Very highly recommended. Videography and music are first class. Four groups are featured: a single man in his 60's, a couple of around the same age, a couple of about 30, and a family of 5 with 3 daughters about 20. Be aware that these people hunt and fish in order to eat. As one says, they are not paying someone else to do their killing for them. Thus, a few scenes reflect that. Not gruesome at all, just a fact of life.
  • The cinematographer should be getting some awards for this. Very beautiful to look at. I found the light to be bright when I'd expect more darkness. Everything felt clean and unspoilt which is what I'd expect in a wilderness. The music adds to drawing you in, then you think about how hostile this environment is.

    The people are fascinating and the producers seem to have them very comfortable in front of camera. I think this is quite a feat given that these people are very isolated and don't interact with others very much.

    Congratulations to all involved.
  • There are a lot of bad reality TV shows about wacky Alaskans out there, but this show is not one. I am really digging The Last Alaskans on Animal Planet right now. Not sure why it's on Animal Planet- the show is definitely about the people, not the animals, though it being Alaska, there are animals everywhere. It's about the 7-8 cabin-owners who are the last remaining inhabitants permitted in the Artic National Refuge, an area the size of South Carolina. They are quiet, hardy, salt-of-the-earth people who LIKE living in almost complete isolation. The distances are truly staggering- captions like "meanwhile, 360 miles to the north..." are common on-screen transitions between one family and the next.) It's kind of amazing that these very introverted folks even allowed camera crews to follow them around at all. I would love to see the behind-the-scenes on how this all got filmed. The cinematography is absolutely gorgeous, especially the panning areal shots (must be drones?) of the wilderness below. Watch this show if you can- I highly recommend!
  • This show is so interesting and it's super super fun! It really makes you understand how these families work, and live and what these guys have to do to really survive! There is moments in the show where you get tingling up your spine, because you realize what kind of moment they are in! I understand each episode is 1hour long, but I really wish there was longer segments of each family!

    The families go through so much, and you really see what their going through!

    All in All. AMAZING show. I want more please :)

    I love the characters, and to see these older men doing what they are doing is 10/10
  • Have watched this from episode 1 and near the end of series 4. Really good show and sad when one of them died to cancer. Very moving what they done for him though. Excellent in the way it is made and true to life and not scripted like some that are on these days.
  • Great Photography, real people. A really fine portrayal of life in the wilderness of Alaska. It takes real guts to leave everything behind and face the Alaska winter while living 100's of miles from Doctors, Phone lines, Electricity, or even a gallon of milk. Everyone should watch a few episodes of this show to get in touch with the reality of life without modern conveniences. I for one hope this show continues for many years.
  • jshattles22 August 2018
    Beautifully shot. Real people. Love this show and just discovered it last night. No script like those weirdos the Brown family.
  • This is the best show on television love it so much.wish it was on all year PastorHartwell.i miss Bob and Rutgers.i really thank god for their attitude toward their lifestyle.there are not many humans that can endure the colds d the winds. I feel the men's beards are going to fall off from the bitter weather. Bathing puzzles me in the winter ,but I know they all have a system for this.the shows are so real and it isn't scripted like other ones are.what puzzles me is the women's personal monthly hygiene..I feel the isolation there is so unreal to most city folk and hard to understand. What I think that is so wonderful is the 24hr nights and the beautiful aurora Boreas is. This is gods way for entertainment and a very peaceful lifestyle. You can't put a dollar amount on how this makes you feel and the solitude ,to me is priceless and full filling.
  • Just love this show, as soon as one episode is over, I watch the next! Hard way of life for them but amazing to watch..
  • This show, from its cinematography to its rawness to the families, showcase a way of life that is disappearing. I absolutely love watching and feeling the intensity of truly living off the land and how desperate life can be when you have to hunt for survival.

    I would love the solitude but I know I would never have the skills to survive....I live vicariously through these families and watching how much they love and appreciate their families and friendships and the life they lead.
  • This could be such an entertaining show to watch. The scenery is beautiful and the people and the lives they lead are so interesting. It's just soooo hard to watch with the job of editing done.

    Here's an example of what I mean. Say there are three families they are following. They start with family 1 and show them open up the door and walk outside. They then put up "100 miles west of family 1" and then show family 2 doing something for maybe 2 minutes. They then put up "130 miles south of Family 2" and show family 3 do something for 5 minutes. And on, and on, just jumping around. SO ANNOYING.

    This seems to be a common way of editing these nature shows. I'm guessing the first show of this kind won an award and now some mindless editors, like for this show, feel it's the creative and cool thing to do. Well, it's not.

    I don't care about your dumb creative editing, just show these people's lives and stop bouncing around every five minutes. Arrghh, it's so frustrating how they just ruin what could be a great show.
  • I am getting close to the end of season 3 and loved every episode, the scenery, the animals, the people, make this a must watch program. It has a magic to it that is just hard to pin down, but it is by far my favorite series of all time, I can't wait for season 2018, although sad that Bob past away.
  • My favorite of the AK shows, relaxing music that's minimal, much less scripted than the others, great photography, more basic living than most of the other AK shows etc. I have all 4 seasons backed up and watch them all now and again, it's just too bad they didn't continue but I can understand that once you've seen the year round a few times it's not going to change that much so ratings aren't going to be the best. Heimo is great to watch, the Seldens also good. Charlie is interesting with his more solitary existence, his flying and building his cabin. I didn't care too much for Bob, it's a tragedy what happened but he was not really mentally balanced and seemed to almost break out in tears a lot, perhaps shouldn't have been on the show after his illness got worse, so season 2 or so. They dragged that out too much and I wasn't too interested in the daughter or ex. The family with the daughters was somewhat interesting. Later on when all sorts of family show up, probably the shows idea and paid for, it can be overdone at times. Get the sense that none of Heimos children would go there other than for the show, they're not into the isolation and rugged lifestyle. I didn't like the brother/sister burying their father thing at all, just filler. So the Seldens, Heimo and Charlie are my favs.
  • archeryinsurance6 November 2017
    Absolutely admire these families living and surviving in Alaska. During the time of the year where there is no daylight what do you do? I live in a in typical small town USA. During bow season for deer my wife is kind enough to let me take the 38' 5th wheel with 5,000 watt generator and live in the middle of the Manistee National Forest in Michigan for two weeks then in an RV campground with electricity, water and cable for the other two. It is something I look forward to but by the end look forward to returning to civilization. How do you maintain your enthusiasm and positive outlook?
  • I love this show. The scenery is breathtaking, the storyline fascinating, but the music is depressing. This sounds like a funeral or a death march. To me, this is a MAJOR distraction on this show. I do hope they will change it. Lighten up. You are taking a fantastic show and making it suck. I watch everything from Alaska and like them all but The Last Alaskans is just about the best storyline, scenery and cinematography. I like all the families involved and there is a true lack of "written in" drama.Some of the folks featured in some of the below zero type shows have become too full of themselves and I can no longer enjoy hearing her, I mean them. Please don't ruin this one.
  • nnpyyc27 October 2023
    Those thinking this is fake have obviously not spent time in the bush. Especially a hungry bush. This is the most realistic show of its kind and I encourage anyone that has an interest in the North, US or Canada should watch this program. There is lots to learn from these hardy families annd individuals. It's unfortunate there were only 4 seasons made but due to the logistics and extreme conditions it really isn't hard to see why they wound it down. Heimo Korth wrote a book The Final Frontiersman as well as Nancy Becker who wrote Trapline Chatter (about her life with Bob Harte), both are very interesting books and highly rated.
  • Elephantlips18 November 2021
    This show is no manufactured drama, just people living the lives they chose in the wilderness. I love all the people they document.

    The crabby beard guy Tyler and his wife Ashley and their precious daughter.

    Bob Harte and his incredible daughter Talisha and dedicated ex wife.

    The legendary Heimo and his skilled wife and extended family.

    And the superstar- Charlie Jagow. A kid by most standards and he's flying a plane and building a perfect log cabin. That kid comes off as almost god-like. He's ridiculous.

    These are real people and the show is awesome .
  • I like this series but some of the information about living in Alaska is missing. I visit Alaska frequently, with a son and two grandchildren there, plus I have worked for two Alaskan Native-owned companies and have been in some remote sites and villages where tourists do not visit. Even though these featured families at permitted sites have a subsistence lifestyle (as do many remote villagers) for food and even lodging, they need some income for all their personal clothing gear, firearms, ammunition, traps, canoes, boats, snow machines, dog sleds, store-bought camp essentials (pots, containers, spices, construction supplies, rope, and so forth). I do not think that selling furs from a trap line and the annual Alaska Fund payout are enough to cover all these expenses, not to mention the health care costs when someone is hurt or sick and has to go to the hospital in Fairbanks or the aircraft visit resupply expense. I do not think they are allowed to pan for gold with these permits, so how do they cover their expenses beyond the subsistence food and lodging?
  • I love all the people in this show. But most specially Heimo and Edna and the eldest daughter Milley, Ashley Selden, The Lewis family particularly Cindy.Bob Harte and Family.

    If only we have a planet which is 100 times bigger than what we have now. We can all have this kind of lifestyle, which I think, God would be more pleased to see us living like this. I think life would be more meaningful than having to live a life which is all created by man. Rules and way of life which doesn't give that much options.

    I don't know about the music, who made it so depressing and why?
  • datobert16 May 2017
    See Part Two in Season 1 so you realize it's fake. Problem with an outboard motor that does not want to start .... the problem depends on the rocks .... rocks in what? The engine? At the propeller (one starts without having a gear in). This is so unusually bad for creating drama. That's not how it works. Sad. That was the last I saw of this series. Fake !!

    It gets better, much better with what's fake.

    S1E1. A bear has broken into a cabin. Why? To look for food? If this had reflected the reality, of course, the one who had the cottage did NOT leave food behind. So how does the bear break in? He hits the door of the cottage. How can a bear know what a door is? You see how fake this is. Well he breaks a door (how? banging? what?..its a solid door). If you do not think this is so stupid, then listen to this: then the bear apparently comes in three times, three times. Every time he does so he destroys a glass window (way????) Hahaha. My sweet lord

    Who the hell believe in this? How the hell corked, does this production company believe we are?
  • I tried to watch season 1 but gave up. It's all just "talking heads". No nature, no action, no drama. Just people talking and talking about how dangerous everything is to some creepy music. These people should not be allowed to live there at all. All you see is plastic and garbage. There is no respect for nature. I strongly doubt they can survive in the nature at all. These people live on food bought at the supermarket and brought in. Just look at the old guy hunting. Every time he sees an animal he shouts out and starts running at it like some madman. What kind of hunter does that?!. Anyway, I'm happy these are the last allowed people to live there. By watching these "plastic fantastic" people you'll understand why.
  • This kinds of shows are unnecessary in this time. But i don't know why cruel, inhuman people support this shows in todays. And please i request to every channel that if you think you're real human being then please don't broadcast this kinds of cruel, unnecessary, backward shows on your channel.🙏🙏🙏🙏 What if animals are also start rapid killing evil human just name of surviving and hunting. This will be total fun.....