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  • I'm a 90's kid with fond memories of the original Powerpuff Girls. For about two seconds when it was first announced, I was excited they were bringing back the show. But then I heard it was going to be a crappy remake instead of doing reruns of the original. And for whatever reason, they got all the original cast back EXCEPT FOR THE ACTUAL THREE GIRLS. Why?
  • The original powerpuff girls was a classic back in the late 90's early 2000's it was funny and exciting and one of the hanna barbera's last big hits, but this remake is just dull, unfunny and totally unacceptable, the voices and performances are so bad it makes me so sad, I saw this remake several months and it was so stupid and it had less of the charm and style of the original that I almost turned it off, boring animation, boring characters, stillborn teleplay and everything else has brought me into the bathroom in what the hell reason, why would they turn another great classic from the past into a piece of crap like this just like the MacGyver remake and that was even worse, although this one is not nearly as bad, but close. this is very dull and disappointing remake I give it a d.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    No, Cartoon Network, bad call. The original show ended on a good note, before it got completely old. And now, it's been tainted with pop culture references EVERYWHERE (twerking, memes, "swag", and more).

    The characters have lost what they once had. Buttercup is defiant, rude, and obnoxious. I get that you're trying to bring back her old defiance and make her a rebel, but the old Buttercup was rude, sassy, and rebellious while also knowing her place and respecting superiors when the time is right. Bubbles has become a teen stereotype, constantly pushing the "trendy girl" theme too far, making her more like that one annoying stereotype in other bad shows. Besides that, anyone remember that episode of the original where Bubbles became an edgy girl with anger issues? This show pushes that joke all the time. Blossom is no longer a real leader. Mostly just "the smart one", obsessed with grades. It feels like she lost all her personality.

    And the villains from the original aren't even in the show that much. Mojo Jojo is there solely for comic relief most of the time. The villains replacing them are so cutesy, annoying, and uninteresting, like the Panda in the episode where everyone became super corny and happy. One episode starred the Amoeba Boys putting a virus on the internet. But.. It's not a conflict. They made that episode for the sake of pandering to kids, even though antiviruses exist. It's just not the same.

    On the bright side, the animation is decent. Kind of. In conclusion, I don't recommend this. It's lost everything good that the old one once had. Oh, and also, Ms. Bellum left the show for being a "sexist character" because I guess she seems too sexual, like she was made as an object. Huh, if I remember, Ms. Bellum depicted women as smart, professional, and strong (hence the episode where she fought Sedusa). Anyway, this reboot ruined the old PPG.
  • If you are going to reboot a beloved show, there are a couple of things to consider. You should try to uphold the creative and artistic vision, maybe preserve the integrity by keeping some of the talent, and don't alienate the fans. More basically, it should be entertaining.

    The (new) Powerpuff Girls fails at all of this. They didn't try to keep any of the spirit of the original show, they didn't keep (or even ASK) any of the original voice actors, and it's just the worst writing around.

    Why did they need to make this show Powerpuff Girls at all? It could have been just as successful (and terrible) if they didn't tarnish a beloved cartoon. But they did, and that's why this is a one star show.

    Also because it is indicative of the current decline from greatness in the Cartoon Network lineup.
  • I was honestly excited when I heard that the Powerpuff Girls was to be remade. On one hand, reboots have the potential to explore subject matter and embark on adventures that the original show did not, but on the other hand, they are often handled by a staff who are either sub-par writers/producers/animators, or simply want to cash in on the success of the original show, and don't care much for the artistic dignity or integrity of their own product.

    Which group do you think we got stuck with?

    I really, REALLY wanted to like this show, but after watching the first six episodes (and HATING two of them), I officially call this series a soulless, pandering, hack-job excuse of a show that could have had potential.

    The only thing I can actually say I enjoy about this show is the art style (which I'm aware is far from original). Don't think I haven't seen older cartoons use it. When you think about it, there's hardly an original idea to be found in this entire show (many jokes and references are "borrowed" from other shows, and sometimes even the original Powerpuff Girls). The fact that the three original voices were replaced whereas several others return does not anger me, but it definitely confused me. However, those aren't even real problems in the grand scope of this puffy abomination.

    The violence has been cut back dramatically and replaced half- assedly with rushed morals amidst a panned-out eleven-minute episode. Nobody who enjoyed the original asked for these changes (especially the removal of Ms. Bellum for being "too offensive." In what way?!)

    Among the most painful aspects about this show tries to be way too heavily involved with pop-culture in a desperate attempt to be current and popular with the consumerist mindset. It pushes memes, smart-phones, trends (Blossom and Bubbles twerk in one episode. Enough said). These references take up a significant amount of running time that could otherwise be devoted to actual storytelling, and their overuse is an assault on the mind.

    To me, the most mortifying aspect of this series is that it's allegedly for the next generation of PPGs fans, but there really isn't a way for them to understand what this incarnation is supposed to represent. How are people supposed to understand who, what, or why the original villains are when they're just shown hanging around and acting weird? How are you supposed to feel for the girls if you don't know why they have superpowers or fight crime? Expecting the new audience to understand what's going on is like expecting civilians in a combat zone to join a platoon and immediately know how to fight like soldiers. If this series is for new fans, it doesn't work because it's impossible to grasp; if it's for fans of the original, it doesn't work either, because they will find this incarnation infuriating.

    Overall, this show is yet another reboot that is too fixed on pandering to kids (TV has always underestimated the power of young minds to various degrees) to realize that it's administering a golden shower unto the original series and what people loved about it. I can only hope that it improves, but at this point, I don't really see that happening.

    This reboot is to the original Powerpuff Girls as Teen Titans GO! was to Teen Titans. This show might actually be worse than TTG!.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Well there's at least positive things I can say about the new Powerpuff Girls. For one it's better than Breadwinners, and secondly it's.... probably better than Teen Titans Go! Other than that, it's either extremely mediocre or sub par in just about every other way I can imagine.

    For starters, the animation is pretty below average. The characters look and act as if they were 2d in a 3d world and this results in a whole lot of awkward perspective shots. There's quite a number of those small animation errors, though that's both common and an absolute nitpick so I won't really fault it too hard for that. There's a bit of animation laziness littered throughout the show and It's fairly easy to notice. One thing I noticed is the actual Powerpuff girls seem to not pop out or stick out at all, and the whole show just seems cluttered and desaturated, both of which do not work well together at ALL. I know that's an art style change but honestly I don't like it and it just bothers me. Other than those complaints, the animation is just... passable at best.

    On another note, the character designs for the Powerpuff Girls are fine. However, the designs of the background characters are pretty poor and contrast heavily from the original style. They look like they're designed for Adventure Time or Steven Universe or something but just done pretty poorly.

    The actual episodes themselves range from either just passable to outright stupid. The main offenders out of the episodes I've watched would be "Horn, Sweet Horn." and "Painbow". "Horn, Sweet Horn" just suffers from a hugely predictable plot twist that's about as bad as a plot twist in an M. Night Shyamalan film, and a huge Deus Ex Machina at the end that's just stupid. "Painbow" is just by far the second worst episode of anything I've ever seen, and it just should have been sent straight back to the storyboard table.

    One thing I want to comment on is the jokes, they're either just not very funny or they're painfully cringe inducing. The main cringe inducing offenders for anyone who watched the show would obviously be the forced inclusion of incredibly outdated memes, and pop culture references.

    The last thing I want to comment on is just how disjointed the show seems. It takes elements from other shows like The Amazing World of Gumball, Steven Universe, The Old PPG (Obviously), and heck even a bit from Johnny Test. It just tries to take all these elements from all these different shows without ever really figuring out what makes those elements work and as a result, they're all really poorly implemented into the new reboot. The new PPG is not even just bad, it ends up lacking a solid foundation to build from as a result of this, which is the main reason I'm skeptical that this show will get better in later seasons, among other reasons.

    All in all, the show just does not really have anything going for it other than the brand and the merchandise that's going to result from this show.

    I'd give this one a pass, 2/10
  • I was really disappointed with this reboot . I grew up watching the original show and really enjoyed it. It was one of the best cartoons of the late 90s and early 2000 era. I do not recommend this awful reboot if you have enjoyed watching the original show. You will be thoroughly disappointed. I know I was. You're probably thinking this is a rant about the voice actor change, but that's not really the problem. I mean, they're not great, but that's not the point. The reason I hate this reboot so much is because of that lackluster writing and the painfully unfunny humour. Especially including meme jokes. Don't even get me started on those. When they do these meme jokes it sounds like someone trying to look cool but failing miserably. I hoped this would not be as bad as Teen Titans Go! But it's almost worse then that insufferable atrocity. I could easily forgive the voice actor change, it's just that the writing is just really really weak. This is where the show falls flat. The episodes are barely watchable. There may have been at least two or three good ones but the rest are terrible. Not even kids with a quarter of a mind would find a twerking panda remotely amusing. I think children are smarter than that and they deserve better. You got fantastic shows like Steven Universe, Adventure Time, We Bare Bears, and the often amusing Regular Show. Kids have so many better options available with very clever humour and concepts, so why doesn't this? I mean if the original show had all this then couldn't the new one have it? Kids shows are sometimes better than adult shows as they have a lot more thought put into them these days. Rick and Morty is a great show for teenagers and adults which I recommend. I don't think the writers put any thought into this effortless reboot. For anyone over the age of 8 or possibly under you're better off watching something else. There are so much better options out there. This is not worth my time or many other people's either.
  • I am a fan of the Powerpuff Girls, but I hate the reboot because it looks absolutely nothing like the original. It almost looks like Teen Titans Go 2.0, another bad Cartoon Network show, but I got to be honest, it's not the worst as the Problem Solverz, which I hate, but it's still bad as Teen Titans Go. If you like The Powerpuffs Girls, I recommend you don't watch the reboot. The original is way better than the reboot.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is nothing but the the most shameful, rude, laziest, and stupidest insult to one of the best shows that have been known on this decade running channel. The PowerPuff Girls is one of the most funniest, coolest, and one of the most memorable cartoon shows that appeared on CN and whooped ass. The show had six seasons and an actual feature film that made it one of the best the channel made. Sugar, Spice, and Everything nice, these were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect show, UNTIL CARTOON NETWORK WOULDN'T LEAVE IT ALONE! The show is nothing but gimped, weird, has lazy animation, and is terrible with more levels than what you expect. Cartoon Network has really gone down with their quality, and this sums it up. F-
  • I first thought that this show can be good and can introduce the current generation to the powerpuff girls.The animation seemed good at first and the theme song didn't seem so bad at first.But after the first episode and after with 5 year olds twerking and all of the pop references in each episode and the powerpuff girls acting like teenagers more than acting like regular superheroes.And getting rid of miss bellum because she seemed to inappropraite was disrespectful to the original series because she was like a mother figure to the powerpuff girls and always helped them out if they didn't know what to do and also always helped out the mayor in the original show.And the episode with the princess who is an adult kissing a 5 year old girl on the show seemed more appropriate to the writers than having one of the original characters on the show.And finally the crossover with the teen titans was just to weird because even though it seemed like an interesting crossover in the past,now it's just to weird even for Tara Strong not voicing as Bubbles because the writers didn't even let her know that the powerpuff girls was coming back on the air and just having a super terrible crossover with the terrible teen titans and the powerpuff girls.I hope this show get canceled soon so I never have to see the really bad show that is being ruined from my childhood.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Animation is completely out of style. Villains are almost gone, no violence, no crime fighting, no superheroing. You are just raping the ideas of Mr. McCracken here parodying 'sugar, spice and everything nice' bit whenever it is possible, copletely changing personalities, using the ideas from old episodes and developing it ridiculously (Pet Feud - Cheep Thrills, Rainy Day - The Powerpuff Girls' Best Rainy Day Adventure Ever etc.). Sending Ms. Bellum on a 1000 day vacation is such a stupid way to get rid of a cool character. Sending 5 year olds to school because of their kindergarten being destroyed and a giant hamster occupying it is even worse especially since you told the story in 10 secs. Removing Ms. Keane's boobs but letting girls twerk with a giant panda, really? And what's with Mayor and pickles, is it supposed to be funny?

    The original show has always been about breaking social standarts and it is feministic from the beginning bringing this massage as a subtext. But eventually you think that modern audience is too dumb to understand it so you need to throw YOUR ideas in our face (Once Upon a Townsville etc.).

    Yes, there is the whole new generation of kids and there are also good modern ORIGINAL shows carring the ideas of PC culture and playing with the Internet, memes, pop culture (Steven Universe, The Amazing World of Gumball etc.) etc.

    The Powerpuff Girls is a parody for 60's super hero cartoons. It is a very nice early 00's show with its own style and unique characters. Why the hell would you ruine it for old fans creating a mediocre product for new audience? Money. Selling all the bright toys, obviously.

    Is there something good? I don't mind Bubbles's hair bands and kinda like the rock'n'roll vibe in Buttercup, thanks. But excuse yourself for taking a nice old cartoon and putting it upside down. You want to promote new ideas in new society? Then come up with new characters and plots youself.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    When I first saw the reboot after going through pretty much everything else, I didn't see anything that justified all the hate it got. The characters still resembled and acted much like they did in the original series. At least some of the original voice actors returned to play their respective characters and there's still crime fighting. The intro, while I wasn't sure what to make of it at first, is pretty decent, and I'd say catchier than the original show's intro. The outro theme is great too. I love the little animation that goes with it. Realistically, I could see the original Buttercup not liking being called princess either. She hates anything girly anyway. I found the characters' faces to be about as funny as the situations the girls were in during the original show's run. The episodes I will say are half as long as the original's, but I was still entertained and while I'm sad that Miss Bellum left early on, there's still nods to her during the series. I'd honestly say this is better than the anime version, which really doesn't stack up.
  • The Powerpuff Girls is another mediocre reboot nobody needed because it does not have the fast-paced energy of the original series. There is a lot less fighting and violence in this reboot, and several episodes have unnecessary fart jokes that are not very funny. I disagree with Nick Jennings's creative decisions to delete Sedusa and put Miss Bellum on a 1,000-day vacation. Many of the original show's villains barely get a big part in this show. However, Silico and Duplikate are new villains that I found worth watching. Bliss is no Bunny, but she is OK as her own character, and I like Olivia Olson. I know that this reboot wants to be more character-driven than the original series, and that is OK to have a different identity as long as it stays true to the original PPG characters. Some episodes are entertaining and worth watching, when they utilize the personalities of the Powerpuff Girls and Professor Utonium correctly, and some episodes still have their typical super battles. Maylyn and Donny were also good additions to this new show.

    You can be angry at the writers and directors of The 2016 Powerpuff Girls all you want for the direction in which they took this show, but do not hate the voice actors for working in it. Most of them still put on a good performance with the material they were written, and the new voices of the Powerpuff Girls and Princess Morbucks still sound more like who came before them, than the new adult voices of the Rugrats reboot. The new Buttercup voice sounds bad, but with the other three girls, I agree with Nick Jennings's creative decision to give The Powerpuff Girls 2016 some new energy by casting younger new actors with less experience to voice the kids. No matter how badly-received this reboot is, it served as a valuable stepping stone for better animated shows, to get Amanda Leighton in Amphibia and Natalie Palamides in Duncanville. Voicing kids and teens is a good place for any cartoon actors under 30 to get their start. I found Kristen Li's performance of Bubbles and Kate Higgins's performance of Maylyn to be the saving graces of this show. Kristen Li was 13 years old when she was cast in this show with Amanda, Natalie and Haley on June 8, 2015. She imitated what she originally heard from Tara Strong's voice of Bubbles, and she surprised me by giving a sweeter, more organically high and childish performance of Bubbles than what I previously heard before. Tara is still a talented actress in Kim Possible, Fillmore, Teen Titans and Friendship is Magic, I just think Bubbles is a role that didn't suit her so well, in the way Hello Kitty did when she was Kristen Li's age. If Kristen Sarkisian works in cartoons and video games as much as Tara Lyn Charendoff, then she is destined for the same post-Powerpuff success that Tara had. Tara Charendoff-Strong would definitely be a great person to mentor Kristen Li-Sarkisian in professional voice acting.
  • The stories are uninspired. The new redone characters have become boring expositions more concern in delivering mechanical preachy lectures.Gone are the humor, sarcasm and organic charm of the heroes and villains.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    i believe they ruined to the original its like they don't care for the show at all or never even watched it back then. trust me these creators are not fans of this show obviously and need to be fired! can't say anything else about this show other than total crap because it would be a big waste of time but overall 1/10 maybe even 0/10 stars for going far from perfection.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The old "The Powerpuff Girls" was one of CN's best animated TV shows of all time. When they announced the reboot I was so excited to see The Powerpuff Girls come back again. But just after watching the first couple of episodes I was turned off and infuriated. In fact, the reboot is like a huge slap on the face to Powerpuff Girls fans everywhere. The villains look ridiculous compared to the old ones, in one episode "Man Up" The Powerpuff Girls face a villain known as Man-Boy ( A boy who has powers of a man ). In another episode known as "Blue Ribbon Blues" The Powerpuff Girls faces yet another villain turning all of there school mates into half animals known as Janitaur ( Half janitor and half horse ). There's also a lot of other things wrong with the show that I don't even know where to start but I'll make a list.

    1. They took Mrs.Bellum out because she looked "Offensive" 2. They steal jokes from other TV shows 3. The Villains look like a joke ( as I mentioned earlier ) 4. They rarely show the action the old TV show had 5. They try to blend in with pop culture which makes the show even harder to watch

    I would go on but I wouldn't want to take up the whole review. Anyways, I would rather wait for this show to get cancelled ( sooner or later ) so they would make a another reboot ( hopefully better than this one ). I will never look at The Powerpuff Girls the same way again thanks to this show.
  • davidspisovatel29 April 2016
    This show is not terrible,but still it's bad. Why ? Simple,Craig McCracken and Lauren Faust,his wife do not work on this,but the major problem is,this doesn't have charm.

    Do you know what is charm ? When a cartoon has charm,you feel heart-warmed when watching it,you feel with characters,and you still feel good even after ending credits. But no,this series is not made with love. This series is just another greedy money-cash,now which ruined Powerpuff Girls totally.

    It's even worse than Dance Pantsed,i totally agree with it. And even the series is improving,first 20 episodes is out,and it's still same,lame cartoon with no redeeming quality whatsoever.

    Not that i hate new cartoons. Twas Before Christmas and Powerpuff Girls Rule!!! were great! Littlest Pet Shop,Friendship Is Magic or We Bare Bears is nice too. But this is charmless. Like,even a 15-year old girl can make good animated short (watch Crowfolly's Overgrowth on Youtube if you want).

    Not even mention how TERRIBLE are nowadays pilots. Oh my god,My Friend Pancake,what idea it is ? They're nothing,but experiments made by people,which hasn't any talent at all.

    And to know i mean it for real,i watched three parodies of Powerpuff Girls. 2 of 3 were more entertaining than this reboot. Don't believe me ? You can search it yourself,it's currently from 'nigahiga' and 'fhilslife'.

    This show is so bad,even the fact Kenn Navarro,creator of one of goriest,but most clever cartoon of Youtube,co-wrote a episode,cant save it. Just cancel this reboot already,or make it good! That's all.

    And it looks like the show is even worse than it was on start. Maybe. And...i forgot. TWERKING! 3/10
  • Terrible plots, children twerking, careless art, trying too hard voice actors.......

    An empty shell, for an empty show. There is no heart in this show. It is only there for merchandise . You know, there's a famous fan comic called "PPGD", by Bleedman. I consider that more canon and in character than this reboot, as well as the PPGZ 2006 Anime. Both the comic and anime were made in East Asia, on the OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD, and take place in an alternative future. Both these Asian works have their own section on, while the 2016 reboot does not. That alone says the terrible quality of this show. The fourth powderpuff girl had nothing but a quick effort to gain attention. When the twerking episode got PPG 2016 publicity, they allowed a pedophile to ship himself with a six year old.

    I feel so bad for Craig. His characters have been ruined to the ground. To any hopeful animators that are reading this, let these reboots be a lesson; when you give away the rights to your babies, you give away the right to actually make quality. These channels can make or break your ideas.
  • Powerpuff girls is a Classic on cartoon network, we all remember it been cute, funny and just awesome. And when i discovered there's was a reboot, i decided to check it out. Well here's my impression, its like Teen Titans Go but way worse, i watched one episode, i couldn't even finish one episode, and there wasn't a single laugh, it felt nowhere as good as the original. And its a disappointment.

    & here's the thing, if you wanna make a reboot you need to bring the humor, the fun & the action that the original programs had.

    The only positive thing about it is the art design......and that's about it

    I got to give credit that they at least tried to bring it back to the television. But unfortually its by far the worst reboot next to the awful Ben 10 2016 Reboot, buy the Original Powerpuff Girls on DVD instead than watching this disgrace of a reboot.

    After watching Cartoon Network in 18 years now, i have never seen a cartoon/reboot this bad.


    1) The reboot has less action compare to the Original. 2) the humor is god awful, 3) Forget that this reboot exist.
  • I have been a massive fan of the Powerpuff Girls since I was around 6. Even today, I will watch Powerpuff Girls when I feel like being a child again! Hell, I even bought the DVDs! Being a 90's baby with this cartoon (of course other amazing cartoons) made my childhood fun!

    Now, I understand this is a new generation and kids today are different than the kids born in the 90's but........

    This is reboot is a failure!

    Why do you say? Here's why! It's simply inappropriate! The first episode I saw, Once Upon a Townsville, there was a scene where a grown woman was kissing Buttercup (the green one)!! IN GOD'S NAME WHAT THE HELL!!! Did Cartoon Network really think this was a good idea!? Kids are watching this! Another episode I saw where the girls are also twerking! THEY ARE LIKE 5 YEARS OLD! Kids today are already thinking about sex, don't make it any worst!!

    This reboot needs to be cancelled right away! At least Teen Titans Go didn't go this far!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Cartoon Network decided to reboot a series that many young adults watch as children, and turned something timeless to something dated. The 1998 Powerpuff Girls had a mix of cute girl stuff while having some scary, serious action. The show had a bi-polar mesh that made it really good to watch. At one moment it would be a G rated Disney movie, and at the next, PG-13/R violence. But the re-boot is a down-right failure. For one, they desperately try appeal to the kids and it is not subtle in any way. Forcing memes in every episode, dated references (like twerking). and other countless things you'd slap your head at. The animation is more "cute-like" than the one in '98, and there are noticeable errors you'd catch easily. Lastly, they get rid of a character people liked for being to sexual, yet they have Bubbles and Blossom TWERKING. Overall, cannot wait for it to be off the air and stick with the 1998 version.
  • 1. This show has the exact same name as the original series. Well, it's sometimes referred to as The Powerpuff Girls 2016, but that's not the actual name. 2. The characters in the show act nothing like they did in the original series. In fact, they're pretty much the opposite of what they were in the original series. 3. The humor in this show is HORRIBLE! I never even laughed once while watching this show. 4. I've caught animation errors everywhere. You can find one in almost every episode. 5. The girls act like phony pre-teens even though they're only 6 or 7 years old. They even twerked in one episode. 6. The girls have been saved more times than they've saved someone themselves. 7. Miss Sara Bellum isn't in the show, and for a very stupid reason. She had a very "sexual" body (Really?). 8. They replaced the original voice actors. 9. Every episode is extremely uncreative. I feel like I'm watching an episode of Johnny Test. 10. They just HAD to make a crossover episode with Teen Titans Go.
  • OK hear me out. I grew up watching the original Powerpuff Girls by Craig McCracken in the 90s. I got very excited when they are remaking the Powerpuff Girls for 2016. I have seen the first season. So what if there are different voice actors. So what if they have a different theme song? I actually like the new theme song a lot better than the old one. It actually has words and lyrics - no offense to the old show. One of my favorite things, the animation pretty much close to the original. Unlike that weird 2013 reboot with the dodgy square over the top 3D animation that looks a bit weird. This is a very good action packed series with new and old characters such as Professor and The Mayor, Tom Kenny reprises his role. I like the new voice actors. and the show is very funny. I don't have a problem with this new reboot. Give it a chance !
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Sure I'm not happy that the original voice cast is not coming back but at least they brought back everyone else. Well at least they kept the superhero concept about saving the world. Well at least they don't beat up characters that aren't at fault, but honestly it's not the best show ever right now. Hopefully the creator will come back and set things straight. In the first episode, I really have a problem with. Blossom and Buttercup fight over a boy band? Come on guys, Buttercup likes rock music. But at least they have a lesson about it. The second episode, it was kinda like the old Powerpuff girls. It's pretty good. So let's just say that I hope it gets better soon or else I'll stop watching it. By the way I was out of California when I saw this. I was in Boston. My spring break gave me an extra day off. So, 7 out of 10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    If I could give this show a 0/10 or -100/10, I would, because this was just god awful. I mean, I felt it rip out my childhood and do unspeakably horrible things to it.

    What possessed the mind of Craig McCracken to make him think rebooting this show in such a tasteless fashion was a good idea? What am I talking about? I watched the episode "Painbow", where (spoilers) a rainbow controlled by a Panda on MDMA (which I'm 99.99% sure the writers were on when they pulled this one out) makes all of Townsville act like they, too, are on MDMA. I guess MDMA is the only substance added to this travesty. Meanwhile, Buttercup is pissing off Miss Keene who is "hip with the kids" with her GoT reference, Blossom is throwing a tantrum because everyone else got an A+ on a diorama as well as her (yeah, forget about her being the voice of reason in this crap) and Bubbles is pretty much irrelevant until later. They find that the whole town is being ridiculously nice and ecstatic, including the professor who stops "sciencing" (way to educate the children on what scientists do) and then go up to a cloud rave with lobsters, a platypus DJ and dancing cats, and the Panda. Bubbles starts talking like a girl in her early 20's who goes on tumblr way too much and some lobsters throw what, (swear to god, I'm not kidding) looks like an ecstasy pill at them, which then gets them high (there is literally no other word I can use for what they were like). Buttercup gives a forced lesson because the writers seemed to remember "oh yeah, we're meant to actually teach kids something", beats up the Panda, disintegrates the lobsters and the cloud rave gets sucked into a black hole. Everything goes back to normal. That's it. Oh, and Buttercup stops pissing off Miss Keene.

    This had me wanting to throw some childhood favourite characters out a window, it is trying way too hard to be like Cartoon Network's recent cartoons (particularly Adventure Time and Steven Universe), and it is nothing but a nostalgic cash grab. It was physically painful, there was nothing even remotely enjoyable about this. The writing was lazy, the animation was poor, the jokes were not funny, it doesn't relate to kids nor the nostalgic young adults who they knew would watch this, the message was rushed and not a very good one, and the characters are completely unlikeable now.

    The one star I gave in this review represents the twinkle in my eye that I lost after watching this reboot.
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